American Philatelic Society Code of Ethics

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The Military Postal History Society is Affiliate #19 of the APS. Our members abide by the APS Philatelic Code of Ethics, which can be found on the: Application to Join American Philatelic Society (with ethics section)

Code of Ethics

As a member of the American Philatelic Society I agree to conduct myself in accordance with the APS Philatelic Code of Ethics. A breach of ethics by any member reflects, directly or indirectly, upon all other members. Such a breach shall be considered conduct prejudicial to the welfare of the Society and cause for disciplinary action by the Board of Directors.

As a member of the American Philatelic Society, I agree:

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American Philatelic Society

Application to Join American Philatelic Society (with ethics section)

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Webpage design by The Swanson Group

Updated 9 June 2021