German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory (Frame 4)

This web page, published by the Military Postal History Society, contains images of frame 4 of 10 for the German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory exhibit pages created by the late Al Kugel. This exhibit was created by, and is the property of the late Al Kugel, and is being supplied by his heirs as a courtesy to the Military Postal History Society.


The exhibit shows German military and occupation mail from the First World War. It is noted that Germany occupied all or parts of 16 different countries, as illustrated in the exhibit with representative covers, with the occupation mail being organized chronologically by area and alphabetically within areas.

To view the text within all 10 frame images, see: web page containing the text content of all 10 exhibit frames.

Updated 11/07/2023

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