The Expansion of Italy Following World War I 1918-1926 (Frame 2 of 10)

This web page, published by the Military Postal History Society, contains images of frame 2 of 10 for the The Expansion of Italy Following World War I 1918-1926 This exhibit was created by, and is the property of the late Al Kugel, and is being supplied by his heirs as a courtesy to the Military Postal History Society.


This exhibit examines the postal history of the Italian occupation and/or annexation of former Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman territories in the period following World War I. These two former members of the enemy Central Powers surrendered on 3 November and 30 October 1918, respectively, opening up their lands to the entry of Italian and other Allied troops.

To view the text within all 10 frame images, see: web page containing the text content of all 10 exhibit frames.

Updated 7/20/2023

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