Postal History of the American Forces in China 1900-1941

cover from china


This web page contains links to the content of the exhibit pages for the exhibit 'Postal History of the American Forces in China 1900-1941' by Al Kugel.

This exhibit documents through contemporary postal material the history of the American military forces in China from our participation in the multinational intervention to suppress the Boxer Uprising at the beginning of the 20th Century until the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor which brought us into World War II. The story gives emphasis to the large variety of postal markings used on mail from the U.S. Army, Navy and Marine personnel during the relevant period, although postal rates and routes are discussed where significant. Reflecting the rules developed during the Spanish-American War, cards and letters from the troops paid only the relevant domestic rates, at times even being handled without prepayment of postage, with the appropriate amount being collected from the addressee as postage due.

This exhibit was created by, and is the property of the late Al Kugel, and is being supplied by his heirs as a courtesy to the Military Postal History Society. (See the MPHS webpage) The Military Postal History Society (MPHS) is a non-profit organization for philatelists and stamp collectors interested in the collecting and studying of the postal aspects of all wars and military actions of all countries, including soldiers' campaign covers, naval mail, occupation and internment covers, patriotics, propaganda, V-mail, censorship and similar related material.

PDF Format

This exhibit, created by the late Al Kugel, is made up of 10 frames, each frame containing 16 pages. Due to their size, each frame is available as a separate PDF file. (See the PDF information page for additional help with this file format.)

Web Format

This exhibit, created by the late Al Kugel, is made up of 10 frames, each frame containing 16 pages. Due to their size, each frame is available as a separate web page.

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Updated 7 November 2024