Exhibit -- Allied Forces in the Baltic Area in the Aftermath of WW I

military cover

This page provides links to the content of the following exhibit:

Military Mail:Allied Forces in the Baltic Area in the Aftermath of World War I [Author: Alfred F. Kugel]. This exhibit was created to illustrate mail generated by the Allied military forces sent to the Baltic area following the official end of WWI. The number of men was small, and examples of their correspondence has been difficult to locate. The order of the exhibit is geographical, starting at the west and south of the Baltic, and moving to the north and east (i.e., from Danzig to Finland).

Electronic Content

There are three sets of files, each file representing the single frame of this exhibit. The first set is a PDF file, which can be read by the Adobe Acrobat Reader (tm). You should be able to read the file on any computer that can handle larger files and images. For more information about PDF files, please review the MPHS description page for PDF files.

The second set contains the same single frame, made available for direct viewing on the Military Postal History Society website. Each web page has a table of contents to point to the various frame images. To view the exhibit, simply click on the HTML link below.

The third set contains the same exhibit content, but stored as web page files that you can download to your computer/phone/pad. This type of content is called "website-in-a-box". Once you have downloaded the ZIP file, you can view the exhibit offline on your computer, pad, or phone. Please review the MPHS web page describing the use of ZIP archives.

PDF File

Single Frame Set  [5.2 Megabytes]

HTML for Online Viewing

Single Frame Set

Downloadable Webpage Files (for offline reading)

Single Frame Set  [5.2 Megabytes]

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Updated December 21, 2015