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MPHS Convention at WESTPEX 2003

Kugel Takes MPHS Grand at WESTPEX

Al Kugel received a gold and the MPHS Grand Award at our convention in San Francisco with his "Austro-Hungarian Forces in World War I." Charles LaBlonde received a gold, the MPHS Reserve Grand, and the APS 1940-1980 medal of excellence for his "Swiss WW II Mail to Great Britain, Canada and the USA."

award ceremonty

Al Kugal receiving the MPHS Grand Award for his exhibit
Austro-Hungarian Forces in World War I
from Ed Jarvis, General Chairman of WESTPEX, and
Vesma Grinfelds, Awards Chair

Vermeil awards went to Robert F. Koschalk for "German Occupation of Czechoslovakia", Robert Kinsley for "Switzerland and the Two World Wars", Eric Knapp for "The Postal History of 'The Thousand Mile War'", and to Louis Fiset for "U.S. Internment Camp Mail in World War II". Steve Henderson won a silver for "U.S. Navy Censors Handstamp Markings of World War II in the Pacific" along with the APS research medal.

In the single frame category, Robert Rawlins won a gold, the USCS best one frame exhibit, and the International Philippines Philatelic Society Eugene A. Garrett award for Best Philippines exhibit with his "Mail from Manila Bay, 10 December 1941 to 3 May 1942". Louis Fiset also took a gold for "Civilian Mail Linked to the Two U.S.-Japan Diplomatic Exchanges during World War II". Roy Teixeira received a vermeil for "Internees in the Azores during the Great War 1916-1918".

Alan Warren

WESTPEX 2003 Palmares

manning a table at westpex

Manning the joint USCS - MPHS table at Westpex 2003: Myron Fox, MPHS President at front with fellow MPHS officers, Al Warren, Director, Norm Gruenzner, Treasurer and Bob Kinsley, Secretary.

manning a table at westpex

Dave Kent, MPHS Editor, and Steve Shay, USCS Secretary

manning a table at westpex

Back: Al Warren, Director,.Norm Gruenzner, Treasurer, Front: Steve Shay, USCS Secretary, Myron Fox, President, and Bob Kinsley, Secretary

manning a table at westpex

MPHS President, Myron Fox reading the APO Book. Booth visitor is holding a V-mail for identification?

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