1. AUSTRIA. 3 cards. FREE OFFICIAL post card with Vienna 1892 cancel and cavalry hand stamp
2 with K.U.K. military cancels for Visegrad and Banjaluka 1896-98. F. (941)
2. Austria. Picture card of parade at Edinburgh castle mailed from Edinburgh with receipt cancel KUK MILITARY Post SARAJEVO 10.29 02 . F. (941)
3. Boer War. Mourning cover from Ceylon with 2 3¢ stamps to Transvaal. Censor of Pretoria, DIYATALAWA POW, and Middleburgh and pink Martial Law tape. Pretoria, Colombo, and Middelburg 1901 cancels on back. Small piece missing lower corner. AVE. (941)
4. Boer War. Small cover from Chaplain VIII Division Senegal. Endorsed OAS Field Force South Africa to England. PARTIAL ARMY S. AFRICA MY 31 00 CANCEL. London red receipt on front Bournomouth receipt cancel. AVE. (941)
5. Boer War. Small red on white 1/2 penny Orange Free State overprinted V.R.I. card with Vroonstad O/R.C. NO 22 01 cancel and PASSED CENSOR /OWNOV AND PRESS CENSOR JOHANNESBURG Hand stamps. To Transvaal. BRAKPAN 25 Nov 01 cancel on back. F. ß (941)
6. Boer War. Small green on white 1/2 penny Orange Free State overprinted V.R.I. card with 1/2d stamp added. Cancels of Army Post Office 45 AU 9 00 . To Stanley Gibbons with London SP 3 00 receipt cancel. No message. F-VF. (941)
7. French Morocco. Special cover for Occupation Troops with corner card and hand stamp of Reunion de Officiers de Casablanca and TRESOR ET POSTES AUX ARMEES CASABLANCA 15.5.14. Back stamp Sarthe. F. (84)
8. Australia. Cover to Rifleman 6th City of London Batt No. 19 Camp London Division Base Depot BEF France Front has Post Office "FOUND OPEN (OR TORN) AND OFFICIALLY SECURED" tape. Tied by faint FPO cancel and covering most of 1 P Australian stamp. Various markings on front including UNABLE TO TRACE. Back has FPO 140 13 DE 15, ARMY POST OFFICE 5 DE 15 and Sydney DEAD LETTER cancels. AVE. Plus small cover with APO R.W.5 29 AU 16 cancel of 4th Australian Div. Railhead. and hexagonal censor. F. (941)
9. Austria. 1 cover/3 cards. Cover with FPA 306 3 III 17 cancel from Gebirgsbrigade 15; Card FPA 223 MGA III/49 from draft year 1908/909 card with no cancel with cachet for command in Samber and 5 Heller post card tied by 1915 Trieste cancel and censor hand stamp in Italian. F-VF. (941)
10. Belgium. 4 Free covers with 15-18 Belgian cancels. 2 not clear. 1 endorsed GHQ/BEP . AVE. (941)
11. Canada. 1915 cover from Toronto to Cork Ireland. OPENED BY/ CENSOR tape covering 2 stamps with C10 added in blue (Censor #?). Slight tears. F. (941)
12. Egypt. Registered cover with 3 British stamps tied by BASE ARMY POST OFFICE Z 19 JU 18 cancels and Registry label to American Colony Jerusalem Palestine. Octagonal PALESTINE/Censorship No. 2 and triangular censor stamps. Back stamped with so called skeleton cancels GM1 and SZ 44. F. (941)
13. Egypt. OAS cover with BASE ARMY POST OFFICE Z 8 JA 15 cancel and straight line EAST LANCS BTL (HQ). Some handling. AVE-F. (941)
14. Egypt. OAS cover with BASE ARMY POST OFFICE Z 15 OC 15 cancel and corner card of YMCA Army. CN 2 CENSOR #2295. Slight aging. AVE-F. (941)
15. Egypt. Special Registered letter envelope with APO SZ 23 3 MR 18 cancels to Cairo. CM 7 censor #766.. Back has APO SZ 10 and Cairo cancels. F. (941)
16. Egypt. Printed business envelope with Cairo address for sending and receiving. Used OAS with FPO 26 OC 18 5.P. cancel. Said to be Canadian Brigade Crabb. Possibly swapped cancels?. Confusing. Cairo back stamp. Censor CMS 6 censor #6165 (?). Some tears. and wrinkles. F. (941)
17. Egypt. F.M. cover with faint French Militar TRESOR ET POSTES ??3 cancel to Egypt. French double oval censor 951 on envelope and also tying censor tape. Cairo G 15.11.18 and faint BAPO/T 14 FE 18 cancels. Inside envelope with statement "SWASTIKA OPAQUE" Registered Trademark. Interesting early usage of swastika. F. (941)
18. Egypt. 6 covers. 3 "Honor" with FPO GM and BAPO Z (2-1 with piece missing Plus FPO 19 AP 16 D.11, D.52 and D 53 cancels 1916-18), 3 with triangular censors. F.(941)
19. Germany. Cover to Hungary with Hamburg early 26.8. 14 cancel. 10 pfg. stamp has PERFINS and 2 line hand stamp in German returned on order of Military officials. Slight fold. F-VF. (941)
20. Germany. 3 covers with 28 Inf. Div. 33 INF DIV, and Garde Ersatz-Div cancels. Plus 2 with Prussian Holland cancels. (941)
21. Germany. 8 FREE cards with views of mostly Belgium. including 2 no cancel with hand stamp Inf. Bn. Brandenburg, Belgian cancel and Unit hand stamp, XXIII RES KORPS, 80 RES DIv., dumb with war scene and IR 452 hand stamp, #4 cancel, and 1909 to soldier. All with cancels and unit hand stamps unless stated. Also WWI French Military card from CP 165. F-VF.(942)
22. Germany. 5 Feldpost covers including Nr. 91, 176,and 194 in cancels . 2 with excised cancels and card with unit hand stamp and civilian censorship of Alsace. F-VF. (941)
23. Germany. Registered cover with corner card of Kreisamt Sejny region of the Eastern Command and Heeres Sache. SEJNY 10.6.17 cancel and label. To 1 Kav. Div.-Some wrinkling F. (941)
24. Germany. Special privately generated printed envelope for sending to American POW in Giessen POW camp. Letter enclosed also has Giessen Camp censor on letter and envelope. Various markings for returning of letter after Armistice including Camp Devens. US Civilian censor tape and hand stamp crossed out. Weak APO 709 on back used by 26 Division of Mass. F. (941)
25. Germany. Cover with Boston Mass MAR 24 1919 cancel to Camp Merrit "Please forward Released POW notation Camp Dix hand stamp and Trenton DIX Branch cancel Large Returned to Writer finger". Same family as above POW. AVE-F. (941)
26. Germany. 4 special privately generated printed envelopes for sending to same American POW in Giessen POW camp. U.S. Civilian censor tapes and hand stamp. All with letters. None of these reached POW. Various Directory markings mostly Camp Devens. Also 1 unused envelope. AVE. (941)
27. Germany. Cover endorsed POW mail no postage to same POW but now American POW Rastaat Ukrainian camp. Various Directory markings mostly Camp Devens. Letter enclosed prior to Armistice. Never reached German camp. F. (941)
28. Germany. 3 stamped covers addressed to POW at former position in 102 Machine Gun Battalion. Oct.-DEC 1918 with forwarding marks and letters enclosed. (941)
29. Germany. 12 covers to above former POW to casual and hospital locations post war. APO 701, 745, 3 from APO 781 and 3 to .and 918. Plus 1 French telegram with forwarding. 2 misc. Some from other units. Most with letters. Shows effects of handling. AVE. (941)
30. Germany. 2 Red Cross postcards from former Giessen POW to sister. 1 colored showing 4th American Brigade Band on Independence Day 1918 with APO 727 FEB 8 1919 cancel and part of this band. Another shows Rest Station with 1919 MPES cancel. F. (941)
31. Germany. POWs. 2 covers to French Red Cross Paris. cancels and markings of Giessen and Hameln camps. F-VF. (84)
32. Germany. POWs. 2 covers to French Red Cross Paris. cancels and markings of Holzminden and Chemnitz camps. F-VF. (84)
33. Germany. POWs. 3 covers to French Red Cross Paris. cancels and markings of Alten-Grabow, Holzminden. and Zossen camps. F-VF. (84)
34. Germany. POWs. 2 covers to French Red Cross Paris. cancels and markings of Alten-Grabow and Meschede camps. F-VF. (84)
35. Germany. POWs. 2 covers to French Red Cross Paris. cancels and markings of Giessen and Chemnitz camps. F-VF. (84)
36. Germany. POWs. Cover to French Red Cross Paris. cancels and markings of Rastatt 1915 Civilian prisoner camp. F. (84)
37. Germany. 3 1915 Free covers concerning POWs: 2 to French Red Cross Bordeaux and 1 to Paris. 1 Berlin with censor hand stamp of Karlsruhe XIV Armee korps. Similar cover with Magdeburg 1915 cover and 2 line censor. Also 1 from civilian Hattingen. F-VF, (84)
38. Germany. 3 1915 Free covers concerning POWs: 2 to French Red Cross Bordeaux and 1 to Paris. From civilians 1 with censor hand stamp of Karlsruhe XIV Armee korps concerning POWs F-VF, (84)
39. Germany. 3 1915 Free covers concerning POWs to French Red Cross Bordeaux . From civilians concerning POWs. With censor hand stamp of Karlsruhe XIV Armee korps , 2 different line no town censor and F-VF, (84)
40. Great Britain. I am well card to Canada with British FPO A.I. 10 MR 15 cancel. VF. (942)
41. Great Britain. BEF. Cover to England from Capt. HQ 5 District BEF with unusual triangular NAVY and Army CANTEEN BOARD CALAIS BASE hand stamp. Cancel unclear. F. (941)
42. Great Britain. BEF. Front with 2 1/2 p stamps tied by 12 JAN 17 civilian cancel. To member 13th King's Liverpool Rgt. Boxed 3 line PRESENT LOCATION/UNCERTAIN / PL8 LP8 APO hand stamp. F. (941)
43. Great Britain. BEF. Colored French card shoeing soldier writing letter and scout(?) for delivery. APO S10 11 OC 15 APO with triangular censor. Slight repair. Sender No. 1 Aeroplane Wing Plus cover APO 23 OC 15 cancel with no number but APO 4 24 OC 15 back stamp. with part of flap missing. Both endorsed S.M. with French "VERIFE hand stamp. F. (941)
44. Great Britain. BEF. 3 picture postcards of Salonica memorial scenes. Each card with oval censor type CM5 with #2006. From France with no cancel. F. (941)
45. Great Britain. Canadian YMCA envelope front with printed Mother's Day France May 12 1918 statement. British APO S.66 15 MY 18 cancel. CM 6 Censor #1016. F.(941)
46. Great Britain. BEF. Stampless cover to England with British FPO 3 K 12 MAR 17 cancels used by U.S. Troops. F. (941)
47. Great Britain. BEF. Stampless OAS cover to England. Special Scottish Churches Huts cachet with oval CM5 censor #2635 and APO S.11 8 JY 17 cancel. F. (941)
48. Great Britain. BEF. Stampless OHMS envelope to Colonel War Office London. Rectangular Embarkation 277 JU 1915 Southampton hand stamp and red Paid cancel. F. (941)
49. Great Britain. BEF. Stampless cover to England. Special SALVATION ARMY /WITH/ BRITISH EXPEDITIONARY FORCE cachet with BAPO 3 16 June 1918 cancel plus red BRITISH RED CROSS BASE cancel same date and faint triangular censor. Slight wear. F. (941)
50. Great Britain. BEF. 4 "I am well cards" with APO 67, S 43, T.2. and T? cancels. AVE-F. (941)
51. Great Britain.BEF. 4 Voter Registration cards for 1918 election, ARMY FORM W. 3940 with APO S-14, 98, 111, and 164 cancels. F-VF. (941)
52. Great Britain.BEF. FREE cover with APO S.16 6 DE 16 cancel with CM 5 censor #3447 with large boxed hand stamp No. 12/ PRISONERS OF WAR/COMPANY. Part of back missing. F. (941)
53. Great Britain. BEF. 15 covers. 5 censor type CM1 and 10 CM2. All believed to be France. AVE-F. . (941)
54. Great Britain. BEF. 14 covers censor triangular type CM3. 1 with Base Red Cross cancel. . 1 "I am well", and 1 with Army Base censor tape. All believed to be France. AVE-F. (941)
55. Great Britain. BEF. 22 covers censor hexagonal type CM4. All believed to be France. 2 no backs. AVE-F. (941)
56. Great Britain. BEF. 3 covers with CM 4 censor hand stamps tying Army Base censor tapes. All believed to be France. 1 is Honor envelope! Includes 183 and T.X. FPO cancels and 1 not clear. F. (941)
57. Great Britain. BEF. 21 covers censor hexagonal type CM5. All believed to be France. 2 with Army Base censor tape. 6 no backs. AVE-F. (941)
58. Great Britain. BEF. 3 Honor Envelopes All believed to be France. FPOs A,3, 42, and 151. AVE-F. (941)
59. Greece. Special AMERICAN RED CROSS envelope with APO S? JA 10 19 cancel. Greek Red Cross hand stamp and British Censor CM7 #18 to Jaffa Gate Jerusalem Palestine. Back has AMERICAN RED CROSS GREECE and ?O.E.T.A-E. E. F JERUSALEM 18 JA 19 cancel. Some letters not distinct. Had been folded at one time. F. (941)
60. India. OAS cover to India with triangular censor #348 and hand stamp of INDIAN HOSPITAL SHIP GLENGORM CASTLE. Back has Arabic writing and Indian Type FPO No. 20 3 JA 16 cancel in France. F. (941)
61. Iraq. OAS cover to England. BUSRA 26 JUN 19 and London JUL 26 19 cancels on back. F. (941)
62. Italy. OAS cover with blurred 1918 cancel with CM8 shield censor and tears. Plus front with similar censor and FPO F.D.9 6 AU 18 cancel. AVE. (941)
63. Italy. 8 covers. 6 cards from front. 2 covers including OAS cover with Faint British APO cancel to England with Italian censorship and military letter sheet. F. (941)
64. Malta. Cover with Malta stamp to London with St, Lambeth 19 MY 1916 machine cancel. Censor CM1 #1084, used in Malta . Martial Law sealing tape. (941)
65. Malta. 3 cover with Malta stamps to London with CM3 Censor #4161 (stamp missing?), 4170, and 4180. 3 different Martial Law sealing tape with #4, #2, and #6. 2 Malta cancels tough to read.1 possible with strong light. AVE-F.(941)
66. Malta. Cover from London with Censor CM3 #3147 to Capt. in Egypt who is 11. D.A.C. . Various indications of tracing results . Back has British Officially sealed in Post Office seals. Evidently returned to Malta? F. (941)
67. Malta. OAS cover to England. Strange geometric hand stamp? Triangular CENSORED/G.A.W./WILKINSON/C.F. hand stamp. Not in Crab but previous owner has said Malta. F-VF. No sender or dated cancel. (941)
68. Malta. Church Army OPEN TO ALL in RED sent FREE with MALTA 17 NO 17 MALTA cancel. CM3 #4160 censor Martial Law sealing tape #6. F-VF. . (941)
69. Malta. Cover to All Saints Active Service Camp. Strange geometric hand stamp different than other. ? Malta 7 MY 17 cancel. Malta Advertised and Postage Due hand stamps. Malta Dead Letter office tape. Also faint APO JU 17 H.D.I. cancel of Malta. F-VF. (941)
70. New Zealand. Torn Honor envelope to England. Boxed N.Z. Military EXPEDITIONARY FORCE hand stamp. Not all letters clear. One corner needs repair. F. (941)
71. Norway. Cover to USA with 4 5 ORE Post horn stamps with Bergen 18.11.18 machine cancel. U.S. paper censor tape. Envelope reinforced with cellophane tape. 1 of stamps has period after POSTFRIM. F. (942)
72. Nyasaland. OHMS envelope with note On Active Service and F.P.O I 28 SEP 16 cancel Former German East Africa. Senders particulars in pencil. Possible to identify better if more Order of Battle data available. F. (941)
73. Romania. Romanian 5 BANI card with 5 Bani stamp added to Red Cross Geneva. Bucharest 1917 military censor cancel and faint censor hand stamp. F. (941)
74, Salonica. Picture card of Salonica On Active Service with CM3 #2260 censor and FPO cancel H.12 of XII Corps 3 JU 16. Some soiling. Plus Honor envelope with BAPO X 19 JA 19 cancel and flap missing. F. 941)
75. Salonica. Cover from sender Auto convoy Section TM 317 Army of Orient via Marseilles. Automobile cachet. To Greece can not read. Tresor et POSTES 502 26.?.16 cancel. French PTT tape and censor hand stamp. Greek back stamp cancels dated 16 MAR,16. Cover has been folded at one time. F-VF. (941)
76. Salonica. Registered letter envelope to London with FPO 77 11 OC 17 cancel on registry label and imprinted stamp. CM 7 censor #183 and BAPO x back stamp. F-VF. (941)
77. Salonica. OAS cover with FPO D22 8 OC with unclear year. CM7 #1 censor. To 28 General Hospital B.S.4. F.(941)
78. Switzerland. 4 covers. 3 to Switzerland 1 from. 3 with French censor tapes and hand stamps. . From Switzerland to England with red on white British censor tape tied by British cancel. Mixed. Most F.(941)
79. Special colored AEF card showing picture of envelope with AEF on flap. Made in England. From France to U.S. with British 27 AUG 18 machine cancel. British rectangular censor #5109. F. (507)
80. Colored American YMCA card made by Tuck. Sender Base Hospital 40. No cancel with AEF Censor # 1629. F. (507)
81. 8 picture cards. 7 of French places. 1 showing French troops and ladies. 5 unit censored. AVE. (507)
82. 6 picture cards of French places. APOs 933, 776, 708, 702, 741, and 705. Some numbers hard to read. Plus 4 field cards Also 1909 card. AVE. (507)
83. 3 colored cards for Anniversary, New Year, and love? Includes APO 705, , 709. and British D15 1916 cancels. Pictures F. (507)
84. AEF France YMCA card from soldier 310 MG Bn. APO 771 to HQ 79th Div. APO 771 HQ. Unit censor 2117. Also similar card 8th MG Bn. F-VF. (507)
85. Safe Arrival card with location excised. Hand stamp "Held until safe arrival/of steamer; Then mailed./Censor"., Soiling at top. Also Broadway card with Mills cancel." Do not expect to be here long". AVE. (507)
86. British I am well Fieldpost card to U.S. FPO 21 K 14 NO 18 cancel used bu U.S. Forces. VF.(507)
87. Air. Change of address card from sender 826 Aero Sq. Cancel hard to read. In France. Feb 22 1919. Also French card from sender 3rd. Casual Co. Air Service APO 911. F. (507)
88. Special YMCA card with printed message to look like writing "somewhere in England. Piece missing. AVE. (507)
89. Air. 2 view card of Pauillac from sender U.S.N. Air Station Pauillac. 1 APO 705 cancel with no date. Written June 18 1918. Other with no cancel. AVE. (507)
90. French Military card showing Allies in blue. Double circle Military Express 7 OCT 1918 cancel. APO 705 and eagle censor #1861. Also colored K of C 1918 Christmas card with no postal markings. Also 2 1952 APO 757 and 403 covers of HQ EDCOM in Germany. AVE. (424)
91. Italy. View card of Susak. Message says 332 Inf. APO 901 Fiume/Hungary . We gave Austrians H---. Piece missing. AVE. (507)
92. Germany Occupation. 3 German post cards APO 761 1920 with pieces missing from edges 353 Inf. APO 710 1919. and APO 710 (?) from Marines. AVE. (507)
93. Cover with corner card of NAVY DEPARTMENT/Headquarters First Brigade/U.S. Marine Corps/Port au Prince, Republic of Haiti/Official Business. Scott #683 tied by USMC PORT AU PRINCE HAITI 1930 cancel. Some letters faint. F. (942)
94. Generic U.S. NAVY cacheted cover . Mother's day stamp tied by U.S.S. WOODCOCK 13 AUG 1934 cancel with faint but legible PORT AU PRINCE/ HAITI in killer. Typed sender's address of ship and Bonjour Haiti F. (942)
95. Special Crosby like picture cachet for U.S.S. TULSA RIVER GUNBOAT PATROL ASIATIC FLEET. 3¢ Naval Academy issue tied by ship cancel with AMOY/CHINA in killer. Gum bleeding through flap. F. (942)
96. Persia. Cover to U.S. from Royal Berkshire Regt. with envelope and enclosed letter showing unit insignia. Sent FREE with DEC 18 1920 backstamp with Indian 16 OCT 20 military cancel with #76. Letter enclosed says Karind Persia. Negative words on Kurds and Persians. Same addressee as WW I AMerican POW in Germany later in Auction. Not clear how they met. F-VF. (941)
97. India. On Field Service cover with FIELD SERVICE/POSTAGE FREE hand stamp. Back has oval hand stamp No. 23 (INDIAN) MT March 23 and FPO N0. 165 12 MAR 23 cancel. F. (941)
98A. Egypt. Stamp tied by Brasia (?) Barracks and same cancel on King Fuad 15 mils stamp 8 OC 1932. Back stamped Cairo bilingual Cairo 3 OCT 32 machine cancel. Tears. AVE. (941)
98B. United States. Cover with hand cachet of Tactical Training Flight USS AKRON Carrying Mail 1932 mailed August 1 with 5¢ air mail and 3¢ Washington. Back has different cachet for return to Lakehurst with AUG 2 1932 cancel. Has been vertically folded probably when mailing for cachets. F. (007)
99. Spanish Civil War. Cover to U.S. with 8 5 cent Spanish Republic stamps. Tied by 3 difficult to read ...CASIM cancels. Brown tape tied by CENSURA VALENCIA hand stamp plus # 187. AVE. (942)
100. Australia. Cover to New Zealand with Australian Imperial Force censor #547 hard to see Transport cancel on 3d stamp. Australian Royal Air Force envelope. F. (941)
101. Australia. Stampless cover with AUST POSTAL UNIT 395. 26. NO. 45 Milne Bay New Guinea to Dogura and certified official markings. F. (941)
102. Australia. OHMS cover from Department of Air to 93 Sqdn. R.A.A.F. NARROMINE with slightly damaged 2 1/2 d stamp tied by CONCORD MIL HOSPITAL NSW Australia. Unclear date. F-VF.(941)
103. AUSTRALIA. 3 censored covers to U.S.A. with #1, 2, and 3 tapes tied by diamond CENSOR hand stamps. 1 with NOT OPENED hand stamp. AVE-F. 1 air mail canceled DINMOR. 1 #10 . (942)
104. Austria. Special colored Weichmann Bird card canceled by US APO 150 May 30 1945. Used at Ried. F. RES. $10.00 (942)
105. Bermuda. Cover to Switzerland. HAMILTON BERMUDA 16 DEC 41 cancel. Also various postal markings including BERMUDA POSTAGE PAID. Why no censorship markings? VF.(941)
106. Bermuda. Stamped air mail envelope with ARMY DEC 10 1943 machine cancel and no APO. Sender at APO 856 Fort Bell Base censor #0358. Letter enclosed talks a little about getting APO covers. VF. RES. $10.00 (942)
107. Brazil. Commercial cover with 2400 Ries franking to U.S.A. with SAO PAULO Postal cancel hand stamp. Postmark and date blurred. AVE. (941)
108. British Guina. Air Mail cover with PAN AMERICAN air mail label with 3 different British Guina stamps tied by AIR MAIL BRITISH GUIANA 6 OCT 44, U.S. cellophane censor tape. (942)
109. Canada. 9 military covers using British FPOs to Canada. 7 have Canadian Army hand stamps. 1 of these attractive red and green YMCA Christmas envelope. Also RAF Post 209 cancel on cover. F-VF. (424)
110. Canada. 11 FREE covers to Canada. have British FPO cancels used by Canadians including 247,248, 310, 312, 314 (2). 432, 435, 52?, and 684. 8 have unit hand stamps on back. F-VF. (941)
111. Canada. Special red and green Salvation Army Christmas envelopes for Canadian Army overseas. FPO DCA 5 2 JAN 43 cancel with unit hand stamp on back. Also Canadian Red Cross with 2 line RCAF censor with Newfoundland stamp with weak CAPO postmark from RCAF Station Gander CAPO 4. Also registered cover to U.S. with Foreign Exchange tape and 11 civilian cancels. F. (941)
112. Canada. Goose Bay. 8¢ air mail stamp tied by APO 677 JAN 30 1945 cancel. Sender with APO 18512 said to be India. Perhaps stopped on way to India and mailed letter? . Base Examiner 00 hand stamp. Ink smudge on address. AVE-F. RES. $4.00 (942)
113. Canada, Newfoundland. FREE cover with APO 864 cancel 1946 with unclear month. AVE-F. RES. $4.00 (942)
114. Canada. Alaskan Highway. Free cover with cachet of 341st Eng. Rgt. Sender with APO 996 JUN 14 1943 cancel. Yukon Territory. Unit censor with censor name but no #. F-VF. RES. $25.00 (942)
115. Canton Island. AMERICAN BASE FORCES DEC 6 194? APO 914 cancel on 6¢ air mail stamp. Year not clear but was on Island for duration. Censor 03028, Some wrinkling. F. RES. $10.00 (942)
116. Canton Island. US ARMY POSTAL SERVICE APO 914 APR 17 1945 cancel. Unit censor #3?032. F. RES. $10.00 (942)
117. Ceylon. 4 censored covers with Ceylon stamps and 1940-41 cancels. 3 European size and 1 #10. 3 have OPENED BY /CENSOR 35 censor tapes. 1940 has royal tape with printed I and changed by blue pencil to K. 3 of covers have stamps with PERFINS. F.(942)
118. China. 2 air mail covers with corner card of American trading Co. Shanghai to Japan. American cellophane and CCD hand stamps. Back has Chinese stamps with high values 1947 Shanghai. VF. (574)
119. Christmas Island. Stamped air mail envelope with AMERICAN BASE FORCES OCT 15 1943 APO 915 cancel. Unit censor 06180. VF. RES. $15.00 (942)
120. Christmas Islands. 2 covers from APO 915 with different senders. Unit censored. 1 early Army double circle Censor other has RACE TRACK CENSOR. 1942 Cancels blurred. AVE. (755)
121. Curacao. 5 mostly air mail to U.S. 4 have larger triangular censor hand stamp. 4 with U.S. paper censor tapes. Mixed. (942)
122. Egypt. 4 covers to US 3 have bilingual Egyptian tapes and hand stamps. and U.S. censor tapes. Other markings and cancels. F. (942)
123. East Africa. 2 covers. 2 OAS with EA.. APO 66 and 88 cancels. 1 bilingual South Africa censor. Also 1 window envelope with shield cover and Uganda stamp. F. (941)
124. East Africa. 2 covers with EA. APO 1943 cancels. APO numbers not clear. 2 each military censor hand stamps. 1 to Nairobi from Nairobi Municipal Council with Nairobi meter and window and also very soiled Tanganyika stamp tied with 1941 Nairobi KENYA 1941 cancel with EA.. NO 2 hand stamp to E.A.M. 2 S Army Postal Service. Mixed. (941)
125. Egypt. BASE APO 4 1943 cancel with Chief Field censor hand stamp. To Thomas Cook & Sons Ltd. P.O. Box 185 Alexandria Egypt. Censor with #1895. Cairo and Alexandria cancels on back. F. (941)
126. Fiji. Air mail stamped envelope with APO 913 MAR 9 1944 cancel and unit censor 19412. Some fraying around edges. F. RES. $3.00 (942)
127. France. Official S.M. cover with Cruiser Duquesne 29.5 45 hexagonal cancel and French Navy hand stamp to Paris Navy. Plus 2 FREE covers with POSTE AUX ARMEES 1940 or 45 cancels. 1 with similar Navy hand stamp. AVE-F. (941)
128. France. Letter to Cote d' 'OR from U.S. with 5¢ Dale Chester French Famous American stamp with Boston OCT 4 1940 cancel . 2 line American RETURN TO SENDER/SERVICE SUSPENDED hand stamp and 2 hand stamps in French RETOUR A L'ENVOYEUR/RELATIONS POSTALES /INTERROMPUES. Back stamped New York SEP 18 1941 and Nov. 40 Marseilles cancel. and British PC 90 tape. Some of French hand stamp weak. F. (942)
129. France. 1 ¢ stamped postcard with 2¢ Defense issue tied by Boston DEC 7 1940 cancel and untied 1940 Christmas seal to Strasbourg . 2 line American RETURN TO SENDER/SERVICE SUSPENDED hand stamp and 2 hand stamps in French RETOUR A L'ENVOYEUR/RELATIONS POSTALES /INTERROMPUES. No returned cancels. Message in French, Slight staple(?) holes. F. (942)
130. Germany. Greeting card with 5 PREXIE tied by DEC 15 1939 cancel. British PC 66 with #967 with early Berlin type sealing tape. Some tears at top. AVE. (942)
131. Germany. 3 1941 censored covers to U.S. 1 #10 with damaged stamp and PC 90 and German Berlin censor tape and machine censor; 2 from occupied Vienna with 55 pfg registered letter and U.S. customs hand stamp ;3 65pfg stamps air mail postage and Berlin cancel . These have Berlin or Frankfurt censorship. AVE. (942)
132. Germany. Cover from occupied Vienna with 105 pfg. air mail postage. So called Israel letter with Frankfurt tape and machine censor. F-VF. (942)
133. Germany. Special card of Polish (?) city of Rzeszow US APO 150 JUN 27 1945 cancel. Sender at "...working at Concentration Camp. It's horrible". F-VF, RES. $10.00 (942)
134. Germany. Special card of Berlin with US APO 177 JUL 25 1945 cancel. F-VF, RES. $10.00 (942)
135. Germany. Envelope with US APO 250 APR 15 1945 cancel. Only possible 2 weeks. Tears. AVE. RES. $10.00 (942)
136. Germany. Free cover with Paris 1940 cancel to French POW with STALAG III D censor. Vertical fold. F. (941)
137. Germany. 2 stampless POW letter sheets to France from STALAGs IVF and IA. 1 dumb cancel 1941. Other with straight line occupied territory hand stamp with oval hand stamp of POW Bau Bn. 1. F. (84)
138. Germany. Stampless POW letter sheet and card to France from STALAGs VIC and IB. 1 dumb cancel 1942. Other written 1943 with straight line occupied territory hand stamp with oval hand stamp of POW Bau Bn. 5. F. (84)
139. Germany. 2 stampless POW lettersheets. 1 to France Occupied territory from STALAG VIF with blurred dumb cancel 1942 hand stamp. Plus Reply portion to VIIA with censor and French cancel. (84)
140. Germany. 2 stampless POW Reply cards. to STALAGs VIIIA and C. VIF with French 1941 cancels. Camp censors. F. (84)
141. Germany. Stampless POW letter sheet and card to France from STALAGs XIII C and XVIIA. with dumb cancels 1941 and 42 Also French cancel. AVE-F. .(84)
142. Germany. Stampless POW letter sheet to France from STALAG IVF and card from France to STALAG VIIIA. 1941 and 43. AVE-F. (84)
143. Germany. Stampless POW letter sheet to France from STALAG VIIIC to Occupied territory and card from France to STALAG VIIIA. 1941 with Paris cancel. -F. (84)
144. Germany. Stampless POW letter sheet to France from STALAG XVIIA to Occupied territory with no cancel but oval POW Construction censor and card to France to STALAG VIIIA. 1941 with Paris 7 cancel. -F. (84)
145. Germany. Stampless POW letter sheet to OFLAG VID from Nancy France. Card to OFLAG IVD. 1941 with French cancel. 1941. Officer's mail. -F. (84)
146. Germany. 2 stampless POW cards to OFLAG VI D 1942 and to OFLAG XVIII 1943. F. Officer's mail. -F. (84)
147. Germany. 2 stampless POW cards from OFLAG X D and XVII A 1941 to 1943. Officer's mail. To Occupied territory. AVE -F. (84)
148. Great Britain. Cover with 1/2d. 1d, and George the VI and 1d 100 year issue tied by bilingual Czechoslovak FIELD POST 28 MAY 1941 cancel and also separate strike. To well known specialist Jagger. Said to be First Day of this type of cancel. Vertical fold for mailing. F. (941)
149. Great Britain. 6¢ U.S. Airmail cover with British 21 JU 44 FPO 439 cancel. Sender US APO 658 6904 EUR CIV AFFAIR DIV. British shield censor #15487. Endorsed NO APO AVAILABLe. Back stamped 11 BPO machine cancel. Shows slight tears and wear. AVE. (424)
150. Great Britain. 6 British censored covers. 1 with shield and #3338 hand stamp and 2 1.2 d stamp with package like #126 hand stamp; undated meter with PC 66 tape; 1945 with rolling type PC 90 tapes with crown, 1943 with 2 different U.S. cellophane tapes, plus large #10 with 6 1¢ Freedoms issue with rolling type PC 90 tapes with crown,and 1 large envelope. AVE-F.(942)
151. Great Britain. Large 3¢ stamped envelope from Lynchburg VA APR 12 1945 to Private APO 15477. According to MPHS book also under BPO 1. Weak VERIFIED BASE POST OFFICE 1 hand stamp. Handwritten notes 26 Inf. Div. and Deceased. AVE-F. (942)
152. Great Britain. Navy. 6 covers . 5 have 2 line RECEIVED FROM HM SHIPS marking. Includes DEC 16 1939 London cancel with ship flags on flap with straight line PASSED BY CENSOR; DEC 20 1939 with boxed PASSED BY/NAVAL/CENSOR ; Edinburgh 2 FEB 1940 with Tombstone censor; similar with no dated cancel and with PASSED BY CENSOR hand stamp and only Tombstone. Different Canadian YMCA envelope with red POST OFFICE MARITIME/MAIL hand stamp with H.M.SHIP tombstone. F. (941)
153. Great Britain. 5 RAF censors including Garrard R/2 with #20 and 196 and FPO 235 cancel and Egyptian cancel on back; R4/29 APO 5 machine cancel UK, R5/50 UK with empty diamond wavy line marking; R13/80 and FPO 110 North Africa and R5/924 UK with diamond also. F. (941)
154. Great Britain. 4 different green honor envelopes. 1 21/2 stamp with poor cancel and triangular censor #1521. similar stamp with empty diamond wavy line marking and shield with #10627. Similar stampless with shield with #10027 and FPO 792(?) cancel. 1 illegible cancel and mint honor and U.S. "Blue "F. (941)
155. Great Britain. 1d stamp tied by U.S. ARMY POSTAL SERVICE NOV 21 1942 stamp. Special red and blue 1st Polish Army Corps label tied with 1942 Polish Field Post Office #1 cancel. Some letters in cancel hard to read. F.
156. Greenland. AIr mail cover sent FREE from 21st Sta Hospital APO 615. APO machine cancel without number. Unit Censor. F. (007)
157. Greenland. FREE cover with U.S. APO 858 MAY 23 1942 cancel. Army Unit censor #901. Part of sender's address excised by censor. F-VF. RES. $10.00 (942)
158. Great Britain. Northern Ireland. 6¢ air mail stamp tied by AMERICAN BASE FORCES DEC 4 1942 cancel. Sender at APO 813. C.I. green customs label tied by U.S. unit censor. Slight tears and wrinkles on back. F. (007)
159. Guam. Censored cover with APO 234 MAR 5 1945 machine cancel. Unit censor 07167. XI Bomber Command. VF. RES. $4.00 (942)
160. Guam. 10 airmail covers with Naval cancels. 6 are from 7 th Marines 1944. Plus U.S.S. MIAMI, USS WHITNEY (2) and LSM 349 1946. AVE. (424)
161. Guatemala. US ARMY POSTAL SERVICE OCT 1 1942 cancel on 2 3¢ PREXIES from sender 74th Bomb Sq. APO 839. Hard to read Unit censor. F. RES. $10.00 (942)
162. India. 3 APO covers from US APOs 629, 689 (6¢ stamped air mail plus 2 transports), and FREE APO 886. AVE-VF (008)
163. Iraq. Air mail letter to U.S. Bilingual hand stamp and Iraq and U.S. censor tapes. Jan 3 1945 New York receipt cancel. Iraq cancel hard to read. Previously folded. AVE. (942)
164. Ireland. 3 covers to U.S. 2 with PC 90 tape and 3 with SP1 tapes. Some with tears. and wrinkles. AVE. (942)
165. Italy. Cover to Canada endorsed C.A.A.F, with Daynes type A500 #770 censor, Mid East type hand stamp and reverse has 127 in circle. Cancel BAPO No. 6 Proud lists as Italy. F. (007)
166. Italy. Air mail Registered letter 8.11.40 to USA with PC 90 tape. Repaired. Plus air mail cover 24.12.40 (942)
167. Italy. Official International Red Cross envelope with corner card of Delegation to the United States. Postage FREE POW 3 line hand stamp. To Italian POW Postal Unit Fort Meade. DEC 13 1945 WAR DEPARTMENT CENSORED, straight line REPATRIATED and RETURN TO SENDER hand stamps. Back has Italian Postal Unit DIrectory service hand stamp. Slight toning largely on back. F. (941)
168. Italy. Free cover from British POW Italian POSTA MILITAIRE N 3300 22.8.41 cancel with Italian 111/I in circle. straight line PRISONER OF WAR POST. PC 90 and Italian censor tape and hand stamp. VF.(941)
169. Jamaica. 4 covers . 3 with Jamaica stamps to USA including Bogs Walk (torn with stamp missing?), airmail with PC 90 ID tape, #10 with different ID tape;and #10 Jamaica with 4 5¢ PREXIES MAY 1 1942 with orange on white censor tape. (942)
170. Malaya. Cover to England with payment by MALAYA Meter. Black and white censor tape tied by weak CENSORED BY/15/CENSOR. Tape over dated cancel could be steamed off. Sender possibly military says 3rd Eng.
171. Malta. Honor envelope with MALTA black and white censor tape Examiner 3 tied by "2" hand stamp. Triangular censor No. 42 PASSED BY CENSOR and weak VALLETTA JY 29 41 cancel. F. (941)
172. Malta. Air mail cover with faint red PAID cancel and Garrard type R/2 RAF Censor 276 hand stamp. Back has oval dated hand stamp for HQ RAF MALTA 30 SEP 1940. Slight tears. F. (007)
173. Marshall Islands. FREE cover with APO 247 MAR 30 1945 cancel. Base 1344 censor and Army sealing tape. VF. RES. $3.00 (942)
174. Netherlands. 61941 covers with Dutch stamps to US. All with German censor hand stamps and some tapes. 3 are postcards. 1 has letter enclosed. 1#10 with window. Some tears. AVE- F.(942)
175. New Zealand. 3 1944 covers to U.S. All have PC 90 DDA tapes. 2 1/. air mail covers. Normal cover with Royal Princesses stamps. Slight tears and handling. AVE. (942)
176. Norway. 2 1945 9.7.45 and 1.8.45 covers to USA with Norwegian censor tapes with shields F-VF. (942)
177. Okinawa. Cover with APO 235 MAY 18 1945 machine cancel. Army censor tape and Base 2230 censor hand stamp. SB RES. $4.00 (942)
178. Palestine. OAS cover with British FPO 121 10 SP 40 cancel and rectangular PASSED BY CENSOR #1057 hand stamp. Has been folded horizontally. F. (941)
179. Panama. 3 1942-44 covers, 2 air mail, to U.S. All have U.S. censor sealing tapes. 1 opening tears. F-VF. (942)
180. Philippines. APO 201 JUN 2 45 cancel on 4 3¢ PREXIES?. Army censor tape and Base censor 2906 marking. SB RES. $3.00 (942)
181. Philippines. #10 envelope with bilingual corner card of Manila firm to U.S. with MIL CEN CIVIL MAILS cellophane tape tied by CCD shield hand stamp #354. Philippines Victory stamps with Manila JUN 15 1945 cancel. Has been folded. F. (574)
182. Portugal. 5 covers to US. 4 PC 90 tapes. 3 with I.C. I.C. Was used in Bermuda. F.(942)
183. Russia. Standard Russian POW card to German POW LAger 6393 to Germany. Diamond type blurred hand stamp. Short message written in 1947. Says that letters are forbidden. AVE. (84)
184. Ryukus. Stamped air mail envelope with APO 903 AUG 25 1945 cancel and light but legible unit censor # 03027 from 431 Bomb Sq. . Short period on Ryukus. F-VF. RES. $10.00 (942)
185. Sierra Leone. Post card with message with 1 penny stamp with weak Dec. 40 cancel. Sender Sgt. with 13th Field Ambulance Dec 23 1940. F. (941)
186. Solomon Islands. War Ballot envelope for 1944 election to Erie PA. AVE-F. Cancel and sender APO 292 (Russell Islands) and transit cancel APO 709 (Guadacanal). F. (007)
187. South Africa. OAS cover with George 14.I.41 cancel and hand stamp of No. 1 G.R.S. 14.I.41. Sender 61 Air School. Plus OAS cover from No. 1 A.R.D. to Johannesburg and Cape 1944 meter with censor tape. F. (941)
188. South Africa. Orange bilingual OHMS envelope to 2nd Echelon (S.A.F) Nairobi with APO U-M.P.K. 14 JU 41 cancel. F. (941)
189. South Africa. 6 covers. with South African censor tape. 1 PAQUETBOT 1944 with no city, 2 are "C" and 1 "B". 1 Angola via South Africa. Mixed. (942)
190. South Rhodesia. OAS cover with faint but legible 28.3.45 DULAWAY cancel. Different DEPUTY PROVOST MARSHALL DULAWAYO hand stamps on front and back. F.
191. Southern Rhodesia. Free OAS cover with blurred 7 Oct 1940 GWELO cancel. Also rectangular ROYAL AIR FORCE No. 26 E. F.T.S.Guinea FOWL GWELO dated hand stamp. Sender with similar notation on back. Tears. AVE. (007)
192. South Rhodesia. OAS cover with with GWELO 10 JUN41 cancel. Also dated hand stamp of No. 22, S.S.T.S. Thornhill. F.
193. Spain. 4 censored 1943-45 covers with Franco stamps to USA. 3 with U.S. cellophane censor 1 Barcelona hand stamp 2 tapes. 1 Madrid. Mixed. (942)
194. Sweden. 3 1940-43 covers to USA. 4 PC 90 tapes and 1 American tape. 2 registered #10 with customs sticker and mixed meters and stamps. Once folded. F.(942)
195. Switzerland. Cover with hand stamp of Military Internment Camp Hemmiken. To un occupied Zone of France from Polish(?) sender. #346 hand stamp . Back has 3 lingual censor tape and faint St. Fluer CANTAL cancel. AVE -F. (84)
196. Switzerland. 3 1941-42 censored air mail covers to USA. British PC 90 Form 167 sealing tapes. I.C. added in pen for BERMUDA. F-VF. (942)
197. Tinian Islands. Air mail stamp tied by APO 183 OCT 20 1943 cancel from 45th Bomb Sq, SB RES. $5.00 (942)
198. Tunisia. 6¢ stamped US Air Mail envelope with US Navy OCT 28 1944 cancel .and British HM SHIP tombstone censor. Sender Sub Lieut. Tunisia , Bizerte N. Africa. VF. (007)
199. Turkey. 6 covers to U.S. Egypt, FREE FRENCH, India hand stamps and tapes. F-VF. (942)
200. 63 censored covers from South America: Argentina (6- registered), Brazil (6-mostly Brazil censor), Chile (5), Columbia (7-1 PANAGRA), Costa Rica (2), Cuba (2), Guatemala (3), Haiti (2-Haiti censored), Honduras (3), Mexico (8), Peru (8-7 registered), San Salvador (4), Uruguay (3), and Venezuela (4). AVE. U.S. or British censored unless stated. AVE. (942)
201. 2 2¢ stamped envelopes overprinted for 6¢ air mail with APO 94 VE DAy MAY 8 1945 cancels. Plus 6¢ air mail stamped envelope with APO 94 SEP 2 1945 VJ day cancel. 1947 note from dealer telling of stocking problems. VF. (941)
202. FREE cover from Roswell New Mexico from a member of RAF FEB 18 1945. (Royal Air Force). VF. Plus 2 covers 1947 from member of 830 Bomb Sqdn R.A.A.F. 1 California and 1 England. (008)
203. FREE cover from Lt. 21st Ferrying Group Palm Springs to wife (?) at Palm Springs. APO OCT 14 1944 cancel. Base 90 EXAMINER hand stamp. Really mailed outside of U.S. ? Cellophane tape missing. AVE.(008)
204. 44 covers domestically used. Includes Section BASE EUREKA, CAMP LEJEUNE RIFLE RANGE, 4 mint, 2 used V-mails , 4 corner cards , 5 post cards, and 1944 ballot. Very little duplication. AVE.(008)
205. 12 page 10" by 12" Boston Herald newspaper of July 10 1944 mailed to member of Marines. Envelope has corner card of Liberty Overseas Edition THE BOSTON HERALD /Courtesy of/JORDAN MARSH COMPANY. Envelope AVE. Enclosure VF. (942)
206. Alaska. Special Patriotic cover for Admiral Spruance sent FREE with APO 986 JAN 30 1945 machine cancel. Sender with 11th Fighter Sq. Det. unit censor. F. (146)
207. Canal Zone. 3 air mail covers with 1943 cancels on Canal Zone stamps. Each has cellophane censor tape. F. (942)
208. Canal Zone. APO 832 machine cancel JU 17 1943 tying 5 Polish Freedom Flag and 1¢ Defense issues. VF. Unit censor 00424. RES. $5.00 F-VF. (942)
209. Canal Zone. APO 833 MOB cancel APR 16 1943. Base censor 0009. Bad repaired tears. RES. $5.00 F-VF. (942)
210. Canal Zone. APO 825 machine cancel JUN 7 1943 Base censor 0008. U.S. Army type black and white censor tape. Slight wrinkles. RES. $5.00 F-VF. (942)
211. Canal Zone. APO 828 machine cancel AU 10 1943 . Base censor 0020. RES. $5.00 . VF. (942)
212. Canal Zone. War Department Penalty cover from HQ Panama Canal with APO 834 APR 7 1944 cancel. Faint box for signatures for Official mail. To Adjutant General. F-VF. RES. $5.00 (942)
213. Hawaii. Colored postcard showing Honolulu YMCA. SEP 20 1942 cancel with circular censor hand stamp #2654 with OVO in lower part. F-VF. (941)
214. Hawaii. 3 air mail covers with 1944 Navy cancels and censor from sender M.B. Naval Air Station Navy #27. Tears 1 roughly opened. (424)
215. 2 covers from Venezuela to U.S. 1 air mail with weak 1944 cancel with V..._. Morse code for Victor. Other weak cancel with printed Venezuela for Victory on flap. Both with New York censor tapes. AVE. (942)
216. VE Day. SMARTCRAFT colored cachet for "Victory and Liberation Day" with VICTORY VT. MAY 8 1945 cancel. Unaddressed. Plus The Evening and Sunday Star Victory Day cachet with Washington MAY 8 1945 cancel addressed. VF. (942)
217. VJ DAY. 3 covers. with SEP 2 1945 cancels: JNL-24 cachet, Crosby like Purple heart, and Philippines. 1 addressed. Plus typed cachet cover for announcement of Japanese Surrender 12 August by Bob Trout United Press. VF. (942)
218. 3 censored Naval Covers 1944-45. Senders with LSM 209, LCT-5-32 FLOT 10, and LCI (L) 36, Latter 1945 cancel tying French stamp on 6¢ stamped envelope. F. (007)
219. 5 unfranked covers except as noted from USS MAYO, USS NASHVILLE with 10¢ PREXIE tied by DEC 1 1941 cancel, U.S.S. NIBLACK with JAN 10 1941 cancel on 1¢ and 3¢ PREXIE, USS SALAMONIE to RIta Hayworth, and ARMED GUARD M.S. SURPRISE. F. (007)
220. Marines. Letter from Pharmacist with 5th Division. Letter September 16 1945 says now that censorship is over he can say where he has been. Covers Rhode Island, Panama, Hawaii, etc. Talks about service in Operating room. He states that he has been serving in every branch including CB's except Coast Guard. F. Also unrelated Navy Department cover of U.S.S. McCook May 13 1944. F-VF(008)
221. 5 #10 War Ballot envelopes for 1944 election to Erie PA. APOs 131, 154, 508, 511, and 512*. From UK, France, Italy. AVE-F. (007)
222. 4 covers APOs 635 (England), 650 (Italy with Parcel Post cancel), 716 (Fiji), 959*(Hawaii-2¢ with air mail overprint). Mostly F-VF. . (008)
223. 18 covers sent FREE using APOs in States including APOs 3, 26, , 33, 35, , 41 with 162nd, Rgt. , cachet, 45, 77, 83, 91, 95, 185,, 200, 201, 256 (2),, 257, 258, and 261. F-VF. (008)
224. Special card for the Desert Training Center California and showing a tank. Sender at APO 254 with Los Angeles February 1945 cancel. F. (008)
225. UNIFIL. Lebanon. 34 magazine cut outs showing various military units. F-VF. (295)
226. United States. A-Bomb testing. Includes APO 187 JUL 2 1954 from 7126 AU JTF-7 SI CO. Plus 187-1 UCRL JTF 7 APO 437 Box 2 San Francisco listed as T.G 7.1.3 Project 8.2. VF. (008)
227. Ascension Island. Cover with 5¢ PREXIE tied by APO 877 NOV 30 1946 cancel. Short usage after war Some slight tears. AVE. RES$10.00 (942)
228. Austria. 4 USAPO covers from 168 (Corner card BLUE DANUBE NETWORK APO 541), 541 (2)and 777. AVE-F. (008)
229. Austria. 5 attractively franked censored covers 1947-53. 1 with S1 and 3 S3. 1 has IKA oval censorship of Innsbruck. F. (941).
230. Austria. 4 censored covers to U.S. 2 are air letter sheets with stamps added. Blank tapes and hand stamps. AVE. (942)
231. Brazil. 3 covers from USAPO 676: Cover from Maj Gen Verbeck Joint Brazil US Mil Com APO 676. #10 registered cover US Naval Mission and US Embassy USIS . Plus APO 406 1957 Azores. F-VF. (008)
232. Canada. Labrador. 4 covers from USAPO 677 1951-61. Plus APO 864 New Foundland. AVE-F. (008)
233. Eritrea. 5 1949-56 APO covers from US APO 843. 3 #10. 3 VF. . (008)
234. France. 25 US APOs 10 (2), 11, 21 (4), 55 (5), 58, 119, 230 (5), 256, 258 (2), 287, and 681. 3 #10. Mostly F-VF. (008)
235. France, 6 covers with French Military stamps from 1959-70. F-VF. (84)
236. France. 2 covers with cachets for visit of French Frigate F788 and Fregete DE GRASSE. Weak 2000 British postmarks on British stamps. AVE. (295)
237. Germany 24 US APO covers from APOs 12, 39, 46 (4), 61 (2), 108, 1764, 165 175*, 183 (2). 207 and 207*, 403 (2-1 from map),403A (3), 407a, 696, 542, 757. Plus early Occupied Germany with APO 443 JUN 29 1945 with letter. Most F-VF. (008)
238. Germany. 2 censored covers to U.S. Each has 3 25 pfg. AMG stamps. 1 has early MIL CEN-CIVIL MAILS tape tied by similar circle hand stamp #20512 and cellophane tape reply. 2nd with cellophane tape and eagle censor. Cancels not clear. AVE-F. (942)
239. Germany. 3 censored covers to U.S. 1 1947 with RELEASED BY GROUP "E". Roughly opened. Plus 50 pfg. with British censor hand stamp and tape with unclear cancel. Also 75 pfg. with different British tape and hand stamp. AVE-F. (942)
240. Germany. 50 pfg. Workers stamp overprinted Soviet Occupation Zone to USA. Back has Russian censor hand stamp with #5293. F-VF. (942)
241. Germany. 2 covers with cachets for 1990 2000 visits of Destroyer BAYERN and Frigate Lubeck. Large ship cachets BAYERN with Italian stamps mailed on board. Other torn British stamp. AVE. (295)
242A. Great Britain. 3 covers: HMS ILLUSTRSIOUS 2001; HMS VANGUARD-2001, and HMS TRIUMPH 2000. British stamps and civilian cancels. AVE-F. (295)
242B. GREAT Britain 4 1948 covers : FPOs 174, 230 1948, 792, 843. Many to collector Jagger. Plus undated. F. (941)
243. Greece. 4 covers from US APO 223 1957-63. 2 #10. 1 Foreign Service Corner card. F-VF. (008)
244. Hong Kong. Air mail printed matter cover to England. 2 10¢ stamps tied by HONG KONG 15 JY 47 #1 cancels Plus hand stamp of No. 367 UNIT/ROYAL AIR FORCE. AVE-F. (941)
245. Hong Kong. Pink air mail envelope with 2 1/2p King George with blurred cancel. Sender 1st BATT A&S.M, British Post Office No. 1 Hong Kong. Hong Kong 28 JA 1950 cancel. F. (007)
246. Iceland. 3 covers and a card from APO 81 1952-59. Also Greenland. 2 covers APO 121. 2 are #10. AVE-F.(008)
247. Iran 8 R Iranian AEROGRAMME with Tehran 8.12.2 cancel used from US AID/Field APO 205. Camels inside and written from city of Imam Reza. Also 2 #10 covers APO 205 1952-56. Senders with MAAG Iran and Naval attaché. F-VF. .(008)
248. Italy. 2 #10 envelopes sent by registered mail 1954. . DEPT. of Army corner card of NAVY MAAG APO 794 and Registered with 3 10¢ PREXIES. and back stamped APO 19 Unit 1. . Also Navy Liaison APO 794 with 30¢ PREXIE plus 6 air mail. and back stamped as last. Also card of Rome via APO 19 Jan 15 54. Also processed V-Mail from WWII without envelope. Year not clear possibly 1954. F-VF. (008)
249. Ital. 2 postcards . with Italian stamps tied by 2001 Rome and Latsana cancels. 2 different hand stamps of Commander of Italian Forces in Eritrea. F. (295)
250. Japan. 17 stamped covers with cancels of 1968-81 USAPO 96328, 13766 (8), 17002-Customs Declaration, 17008 (2 Penalty larger than #10), 96503 (3 - 2 6 by 9 and 1 #10), 1 8 1/2 by 11 FPO 13766. Also 1 not clear. AVE-F. (720)
251. Japan. 30 covers 13 BPO (3), 4, 6, 9 (2), 27 (2), 32 (2), 38. 50. 94, 99, 328 (3), 354 (3), 503 Registered with 30¢ PREXI and APO 503 Unit 2 cancels, 547 (2), 613 (3), 919, and 994 with 4¢ Postal Card. F-VF. (008)
252. Kenya Air mail cover sent Forces Mail with Kenya stamp tied by Mombassa 11 MAR 48 machine cancel. Sender soldier with 53 Gen. Hospital hand stamp. Said to be Mau Mau Uprising. Repaired Slight tears. AVE-F. (836)
253. Netherlands. Cover from HRMS DOLFIJN/NAPO 323 and Marine hand stamp. British cancel on British stamp 2000. Dutch submarine with Navy Archive photo of ship enclosed. F-VF. (295)
254. Palestine. OAS cover with 2 1 1/2d stamps tied by FPO 172 11 OC 47 cancel from RAF AHQ Levant, Jerusalem, Palestine. Slight wrinkles. F. (941)
255. Turkey. #10 envelope with US APO 206 A 17 APR 1952 cancel from TUSNG-JAMMAT. Copy of Israel Philatelist for 1972 and discusses 206-A for Turkish mail and use of 206-B for Israeli mail. .(008)
256. United States. 2 covers APO 450 1946 from Philippines. Plus 4 covers to same sender with large boxed hand stamp returning to U.S. and all back stamped APO 450 1946. F. (941)
257. 66 covers from same sender at Boot Camp 1945 (19), Primary Training Great Lakes 1945-46 (16), , Secondary training 1946-47 (18), and Sea Duty 1947. (13) We note 2 domestically used unprocessed V-Mail, 4 change of address. and USS PRAIRIE (2) and 10 USS ROWAN with Navy 15711 cancel with 1 Registered with 2 20¢ PREXIES. AVE. (311)
258. FREE APO cover with FEB 28 1951 APO 201 cancel. Also APO 18 DEC 11 1950 cancel from sender at APO 182 with stamp. . Plus 4 1956-58 stamped mail covers from APOs 7, 64, 970., and . 971 Unit 2 Registered. F. (008)
259. Navy, 6 cacheted covers 1969-72 all but 1 to E.L.Karcher. Generic cachets sent FREE from USS CHARA, LONG BEACH (with postage due hand stamp taped over), PARICUTIN, SATYR, VIRGO, and WICHITA. (008)
260. 6 FREE covers with map cachet of DESERT SHIELD/ DESERT STORM. Named ships USS FLETCHER, HART, LEYTE GULF. MOBILE BAY and PONCE.. Plus 1991 USS BEAFORT in corner card and weak FPO 09526(?)cancel. F-VF.(008)
261. Italian Forces. 3 covers with Italian stamps tied by ITALFOR KOSOVO 2002 cancels F-VF. (295)
262. United States. 5¢ 1932 Olympic stamp mailed DEC 7 1932 from Pennsylvania to Caulfield Australia. Various Caulfield not known, not claimed, etc. markings and hand stamps. Apparently delivered eventually? F. (941)
263. United States. Air mail letter to England from Bismarck North Dakota. 2 6¢ Transport series tied by faint April 13 1942 Bismarck machine cancel and 3 additional stamps tied by faint Bismarck packet cancels. British PC 90 censor tape with tears. Plus letter to same address with 6¢ and 20¢ transport series and 1¢ Defense and 3¢ Victory with New York AUG 21 1943 cancels and U.S. cellophane censor tape. AVE-F (942)
264. France. 2 special cards to apply for ration cards(?) to Mayor of-in Aude Departments. Special red and blue stamps for postage tied by 1947 cancels. I do not quite understand card . F-VF. (84)
265. Germany. 2 air mail covers to US franked with building series. 1 with 4 stamps with 2 too close to corner. Other with 80 pfg. stamp. with indistinct cancel. Also roughly opened 10 plus 20 pfg. AVE-F. (942)
266. Germany. Letter to US with 2 12 PFG workers with rotary plate selvedge. Plus torn cover. AVE. (942)
267. Germany. Postcard with corner card of IBA, International Correspondence Service U.S.Zone mailed from Leipzig using 18.3.50 cancel on 2 and 8 Soviet Zone definitives. Plus cover with 3 8 pfg. City of Berlin stamps with Soviet Zone overprint and Bad Salzungen cancels with slight tears. F. (942)
268. Great Britain Registered letter to Stamp Writer David Lidman 10 p George the VI stamp and 6d cut from air letter . Sent registered air mail with COALVILLE 17 NO 51 cancels. OE2 type Customs and Currency sealing tape tied by London Customs hand stamp and back stamped at receipt in U.S. (942)
269. SAMOA. Air mail cover of MATSON Lines with 5¢ stamp tied by PAGO PAGO SAMOA JUL 22 1947 cancel. Sender S.S. MARINE PHOENIX San Francisco. VF. (007)
Suggested (SB) or Reserve Bids (RES) are in general provided by the Seller
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Auction Manager.
Envelopes are as expected for area: e.g., European size, etc., and will not be described unless unusual (#10, etc.) Books are hardcover unless stated softcover. APO number is in cancel unless stated. * means in Sender's Address Only. Navy numbers in address unless stated to be in cancel. On individual lots U.S. WW II APO covers are on stationery with imprinted stamps unless stated FREE or stamped. Larger lots are mostly mixed. V-Mail has been processed and is with envelope unless stated otherwise. |
Updated: 27 January 2006