Descriptions & Bidding Instructions
1. Germany. Picture card showing colored sailing boats entering harbor Berlin 35c 5/25/02 to soldier with GROSS-LICTERFELDE KADETTEN ANSTALT 5/26/02 cancel. F-VF. (836)
2. Austria. Feldpost card from INNSBRUCK to Germany from Austrian Epidemic hospital. 1 line in German disinfected. Other handstamps. Mailed 15 October 1917 F-VF. (836)
3. France. Special printed POW card/cover to Germany with contents. Camp 133. 1918 Bureau of Renseignments cancels. F-VF. (836)
4. Germany. Colored stampless postcard with NEUES LAGER b. JUTERBOG 10.12.15 cancel. Plus Dutch card to Rotterdam with 1916 German Bridge cancels. 1 for Station 176 other IV Reserve Korps. F.(836)
5. Germany. Colored Birth day card to Switzerland. German Station 158 2/29/26 cancel on 10 pfg. stamp. Switzerland had higher rate. Not clear why stamp x'd. Sender with 119 Inf. Div. VF. (836)
6. Germany. 17 cards for Stereoscopic Projectors. Each image on card twice to give 3-D effect. German and American military topics. F. (008)
7. RUSSIA, 5 covers sent FREE to Russian POW's. Appears to be same correspondence. Some of markings etc. with Cyrillic Alphabet. Various hand stamps and cancels. in Russia. F. (836)
8. Germany Occupation. Colored card Trier with APO 761 1919 cancel. Damaged corners; APO 927 of 5th Inf. with history. "Silesian Brigade?", APO 710 Chaplain 5th Marines with torn on opening Indian seal of 2 Mar. Div. and censored cover with unclear cancel. AVE.-F. (836)
9. Spanish Civil War. 4 covers to Switzerland 1939 Madrid, Valencia with unclear year, 3 of 4 with Republican stamps and censor. (836)
10. United States. Special multicolored MOFFETT FIELD cached cover for US ARMY AIR CORPS 20th anniversary with MOFFETT FIELD MAY 19 1938 cancel. VF. (755)
11. Algeria. 5 covers to Geneva. Most with PC 90 tapes, US Base and Ax censor. Also 1 has Paris X tape and hand stamp. (836)
12. Australia. Small airmail envelope with 3 2 1/2d George the VI stamps tied by Sydney 3 MAY 1944 cancel. Sent air mail to APO 503 Base B U.S.Army. Endorsed Small Ships Branch. 503 crossed out and replaced by 929. Also hospital at 923 crossed out. Backstamped APO MAY 4 1944 without APO. Slight wear. F. (755)
13. Australia. Australian YMCA envelope with US AMERICAN BASE FORCES APO 925 JUN 19 1942 cancel. Base Censor. Sender 126 ID. Newspaper clipping about death of sender of envelope. Opening tears. AVE-F. (755)
14. Austria. 6¢ stamped air mail envelope with OS APO 436 from Lt, General HQ XV Corp. Cancel looks like MAY 10 1945. Letter enclosed written on VE Day. May be Germany? F. (836)
15. British West Indies. 2¢ Mount Vernon stamped envelope to soldier APO 803 In Transit for APO 807. with 7 stamps. Army Unit censor #425 and QMC handstamp. Sent from North Carolina JAN `3 1942. Philatelic. F. (755)
16. Canada. 4¢ George VI tied by F.P.O. 1212 NO 14 44 cancel. Proud indicates Eskimo Force Prince Albert. 300 points. Slight piece missing. F. (295)
17. Canada. 20 mostly K of C envelopes with FPO 237 (3), 240 (14), 247 and 433. Latter 2 with contents. 2 with unit hand stamps. 10 roughly opened (295)
18. Canada. Airmail cover to Toronto with DEBERT N.S. 603 SEP 14 M.P.O. 603 cancel on 7¢ air mail. Proud type D. Slight toning around edges. AVE. (295)
19. Canada. 1942 cover to Capt. R.C.A.M.C. R.H.L. Infantry 2nd Canadian Division C.A.(O.S.) Handstamped MISSING. Plus 8 line Returned to sender hand stamp. Back has BAPO 1942 Directory , oval infantry, Dead Letter hand stamps and FPO T.C.2-1 and FPO 483 1942 cancels. (295)
20. China. 6¢ stamped air mail envelope with OS APO 627 JUN 21 1944 cancel and endorsed Y Force. Enclosures include 2 Y Force APO 627 1944 Registry receipts. Also hand written accounting for $5870 General Shekeyuin and letter. F-VF. (836)
21. Egypt. 3 FREE covers from Italian POWs Mid East. From Camps 62, 98, and 305 P.W. WORKING COY. AVE. (836)
22. Egypt. 5 FREE covers from German POWs Mid East. 3 endorsed Camp 380. Also very thin dated hand stamp of German P.W. WORKING COY. AVE. (836)
23. Egypt. Processed V-Mail to Lt. at US Temporary APO 16456 without envelope. Also same family FREE APO 824 DEC !5 1944 Iran. and 2 letters without envelopes. 1 with description of Benghazi after occupation. (755)
24. France. 6¢ stamped air mail envelope sent with 10¢ Special Delivery with APO 28 SEP 8 1944 cancel. Receipt backstamps (836)
25. France. Larger wrapper from Depot 152 to POW Depot 151 St. Marthe. Between camp mail. Handstamps of #151 and 152. Plus 2 French POW letter sheets with hand stamps of DEPOT P.G. 401 and 403. F-VF. Also Postcard from Camp 34 and cover with P.G. Vise hand stamp. (836)
26. Germany. Letter from Berlin to Denmark 25.3.40 . Slogan EIN VOLK/HILFTSICH/SELBST German censor tape and hand stamp. F. (836)
27. Germany. 1944 42+108 BRAUN BAND ISSUE tied by WIESBADEN 11.9.44 special cancel for Armistice Commission. To Hennig Hamburg. (836)
28. Germany. Cover with letter enclosed from Guest worker. TRIER 20.12.43 cancels Ae censor stamp. Hitler stamp on head? (836)
29. Germany. Card from French POW STALAG XIII B to STALAG 317 (XVIII ). Dumb 14.4.44 cancel. Also reply card to POW STALAG V A with French machine cancel, AVE-F, (836)
30. Germany. Special POW card Form 6-1 Sender PWE 29-1 Vesehrten Rgt. Station IV 13 B Dachau. PW MAil APO 757. No postal markings as was common. (836)
31. Great Britain. British letter sheet from POW sender "P" Camp c/o Chief Postal Censor Liverpool. Sealed by PC 90 tape that is damaged in opening. Written in English in German writing. To London with Official Paid 1944 blurred cancel. (836)
32. Great Britain. 5 stampless POW letter sheets or postcards. Handstamps of POW camps, 18, 28, 41, 81, and 258. No cancels as typical. Plus normal envelope endorsed POW Post with partial Bruckenau 1946 cancel to POW Camp 703 with letter. F.(836)
33. Greece 1940 Athens cancel tying Scott 393 and RA 63. Greek censor tape. Plus 2 post war with Currency Control tapes. F.(836)
34. Greenland. R.C.D. Patriotic with 1 and 1 1/2¢ postage tied by AMERICAN BASE FORCES APO 809 SEP 29,1941 cancel. Army Unit Censor #900. Probably Czubay. F. (295)
35. Guatemala. 5 Official U.S. Penalty covers sent FREE with APO 839 March to May 1944 cancels. All with Official mail hand stamp and signature. Some had been folded in the past. High Forte value. F. (755)
36. Guatemala. Official U.S. Penalty used by sir man 15th Air Base Sq from APO 839 via New Orleans. Race track censor and censoring officer's hand stamp. Sent air mail with 2 3¢ PREXIES, 3 ¢ Defense and 10¢ map airmail. Some part of cancel hard to read. Looks like SEP 1944 Opening tears and some fraying. AVE. (755)
37. Guatemala. South Carolina Newspaper wrapper to U.S. airman Guatemala Air base . U.S. Returned to Sender by censor green and white label and censor hand stamp with 2 stars and censor # in ink. No cancel. Sender's dated hand stamp of 5/13/42, AVE. (755)
38. Iceland. Free cover from Office of the Special Service Officer (OSS?). HQ APO 860. Blurred but legible APO OCT 1 1943 cancel (008)
39. Iceland. Plus APO 860 NOV 10 1943 machine cancel from 29 Inf. F. In Iceland short period. (008)
40. Iran. Letter sent FREE with US APO 535 JUL 25 1944 cancel and Unit censor. Some wrinkles and opening tears. AVE. (755)
41. Iran. Interesting unit censored Service File card South End House Boston sent FREE with APO 797 1943 cancel. Also air mail stamped envelope cut short with APO 799 cancel. Enclosure packet of flower petals for wife. F. (755)
42. Italy. Free cover from soldier Temporary US APO 15359 with AUG 9 1944 APO 398 cancel and unit censor F. (755)
43. Italy. Letter from HQ 15th Air Force APO 520 and 1945 APO 785 machine cancel to man at American Consulate Mazatlan Mexico. 6¢ air mail stamped envelope with 6¢ Transport added. Mexican receipt backstamp. Uncommon usage. F. (755)
44. Jamaica. 2 covers: 1 APO 861 War Department Penalty envelope used from APO 861 with WD ESSENTIAL OFFICIAL AIR MAIL hand stamp. and 10¢ Transport and 2¢ Defense issues to pay rate tied by May 30 1945 cancel. Plus JULY 1942 cover with unit censor hand stamp and 3 digit censor. 1 with opening tears on back. F. (755)
45. Libya. 2 6¢ stamped air mail envelopes with APO 498 1943 cancels. Sender at APO 3307 listed as Egypt. To Navy shore address and 2 line "Not at Sea Unit SEP 1943", F. (008)
46. New Caledonia. Grace Line On Board envelope from Soldier APO 916 San Francisco with typed message "Soldiers Mail/Collect postage Due /from Addressee, To Boston with New York APR 18 1942 cancel on 3¢ PREXIE. Endorsed AIR MAIL SPECIAL DELIVERY. Navy and New York civilian censor tape. .F. (755)
47. New Caledonia. 6 covers APO 502. Each has US Army Force Censor hand stamp. 1 with Army paper Censor tape. 3 endorsed Task Force 6814. 2 with APO in cancel. F. (755)
48. New Guinea. Special cachet of National Cachet Society with APO 713 U1 typed. Army red and white censor tape based on Australian?. Base censor hand stamp. F. (836)
49. New Guinea. Official War Department Penalty cover with NOV 1944 APO cancel and SWPA GHQ military censor hand stamp. Plus 6¢ stamped air mail envelope from Capt. GHQ with cellophane censor tape and Base censor. F-VF. (755)
50. New Guinea. 7 stamped airmail covers with APO 503 in address and/or cancel. 1 has 9 PRS in cancel. Also note HQ BAE B TO APO 324, Civil affairs, WAC, and postage due. Plus 6 without envelopes same correspondence. AVE-F. (755)
51. New Guinea. Multicolored Christmas card. Sender APO 503 Unit 1. DEC 14 1943 machine cancel without APO. card asks for asn and organization but source of card not clear. Unit censor. VF. (755)
52. New Guinea. Unprocessed V-Mail with civilian addresses and 3 Defense issue tied by Navy 717 JAN 8 1944 cancel. VF. (755)
53. New Hebrides. 5 censored airmail stamped envelopes. Sender APO 7369. 5 have cancels APO 502. Opening tears. AVE-F. (755)
54. Panama. Free cover from Weather Station APO 838 LA-2. New Orleans. Base Censor 0021. Double strike of APO 838 JAN 17 1944. F. (008)
55. Peru. Air mail cover with 2 3¢ Nov. 1943 APO 817 covers. Sender 6th Weather DET. New Orleans. Base and Unit censor and cellophane censor tape. F (755)
56. Peru. Air mail stamped envelope with AMERICAN BASE FORCES APO 817 May 3 1943 cancel. Sender Chaplain with Base 0001 ARMY EXAMINER hand stamp. Opening tears. F. (755)
57. Philippines. Cover American Red Cross HQ 6th Army Civil Affairs APO 442. July 30 1945 7 BPO cancel Shield type civilian censor hand stamp with sealing tape. F-VF. (836)
58. Poland air mail envelope with 6¢ stamp tied by POCZTA cancel and censored hand stamp with #107. To Chicago. Endorsed in Polish. 107 possibly Palestine. No dated cancel. AVE. (836)
59. Ryukus. Special Seasons Greetings card from Okinawa. Handwritten endorsement OKINOCKNOCK The Army's Inferno NOV 20 1945 APO 903 cancel. Message says not only the best card but the only cards available. VF. (755)
60. Solomons. 6¢ stamped airmail envelope with 10¢ Special Delivery Stamp. April 9 1944 APO 709 cancels. Backstamped in Cincinnati. Unit censor stamp. Year indistinct. F. Sender APO 93 at Russell Islands. F. (755)
61. South Africa. Registered cover from Johannesburg with U.S. Paper and South African paper censor tapes with UB 8 censor mark .and 5 different backstamps to Los Angeles. Plus regular cover with Durban 8.X.42 cancel and B censor tape. F-VF. .(755)
62. Sudetenland. 4 Printed Matter cards from Dealer Kohler. 3 Gruss Aus from Bodenbach, Winkelsdorf, Wildschutz, and Wiesenberg. 3 with dates. F-VF. (836)
63. Venezuela. Registered cover to Ecuador. 8 stamps. Sealed with ALBERTA POR CENSURA / DEFENSA CONTINENTAL censor tapes with censor # 13083 of Canal Zone. U.S. Censorship. (755)
64. Yugoslavia. Special trilingual card for POWs to Germany. Sender at Camp 233 from Ursac. Dated 15.IV.47. Faint red cross hand stamp. Message but no cancel. F. (836)
65. 19 mostly FREE covers from Bases in Louisiana including large V for Victory, Newspaper publicity, colored postcard APO 92. 4 with letters. Most. F. (755)
66. Cover sent FREE with corner card pf POW Camp Florence Arizona and Coolidge Branch INTERNMENT FEB 25 1845 hand cancel from U.S. Captain. F. (755)
67#10 cover sent from Indianapolis to soldier APO 251 16th Armored Engr. WAR DEPARTMENT AGO dated hand stamp for POW NOV 2 1943. Also 4 line hand stamp indicating not delivered due to capture by enemy. 3 1 ¢ Defense issues. Shows handling and small piece away from markings missing. AVE, (755)
68. FREE cover from Washington to APO 9 MAY 13 1943 in Algeria. 4 line Killed in Action hand stamp. F. (755)
69. 3¢ stamped envelope with Iowa JUL 3 1943 cancel to Lt. 316 Troop Carrier Group 36th Sq. 4 line MIA hand stamp and written verification. Backstamped WAR DEPT AGO KIA NOV 21 1943. Address APO 3367 said to be Egypt in Carter. (755)
70. 3¢ stamped envelope with Iowa JAN 12 1944 cancel to 133 rd Inf. APO 34 in Italy. Verified finger hand stamp and manuscript Deceased. F-VF. (755)
71. Slightly larger than number 10 with undated meter to Lt. 78th Fighter Sq. APO 959. Manuscript markings "Killed in plane crash and "Accidentally killed". Backstamped WAR DEPT AGO Verified APR 24 1943 Washington, D.C. APR 24 1943 cancel on back. . Hawaii. (755)
72. Larger than number 10 with 3 6¢ Transport series tied by Washington D.C. May 1 1943 cancels. same addressee as above now APO 966 War Dept. AGO deceased and verified hand stamps. Some wear. AVE. (755)
73. #10 envelope from Ohio 1944 to Lt. 318 Fighter Sq. APO 525 France. VERIFIED finger and Casualty Mail missing hand stamps. Some tears and wrinkles. AVE. (755)
74. 6¢ Transport series tied by PA APR 4 1944 cancel. To Lt. APO 12854 with missing manuscript and verified hand stamp. Probably Australia. (755)
75. #10 envelope to Lt. 551 Bomb Sq. with Sq. MIA hand stamp and VERIFIED 1 BPO hand stamp. Wrinkling at edges. AVE. (755)
76. 6¢ Transport series tied by WIS OCT 12 1944 cancel to 717 Bomb Sqd. APO 520. Manuscript missing and Verified returned hand stamp. F. (755)
77. #10 envelope with Corner card of SPECIAL OVERSEAS EDITION Of The Evening Bulletin. 3$ Victory stamp tied by Philadelphia NOV 12 1944 cancel. To soldier 435 AAA APO 464. Endorsed MIA with VERIFIED hand stamp. Enclosure 8 page November 13 1944 issue of Bulletin. Envelope has ink blot. Newspaper mint condition. F_VF. (755)
78. Letter from England to California. Held by US censor with 2 line RELEASED BY AUTHORITY OF /THE DISTRICT POSTAL CENSOR with 1.22.42 Golders Green machine cancel on George VI 2 1/2d. Opening tears mostly away from markings. AVE.(999)
79. V-Mail. Unprocessed Change of Address form. Also gives Cable address Sender APO 513, Cancel appears to be APO 887. F-VF. (836)
80. V-MAIL. 4 processed "greeting card like". I Including showing sailor, Easter CB'. Christmas, and Propaganda. Developing process somewhat blurred writing. Plus 4 from various locations including New Zealand, Italy, England, Also unprocessed V-Mail from sender VC-58 1944. AVE-F. (876)
81. Alaska. 3¢ stamped envelope with 1942 UNALASKA ALASKA cancel and sender. Early Military censor with military CENSOR wit 4 in circle. Slight tears. F. (836)
82. Hawaii. 70 stamped air mail covers from Lt. from various units V Marine Amphibious Corps, 10 th 155 gun Bn., Corps Artillery, Transient Center, and 2 nd Howitzer Bn. All Navy censored and canceled. No enclosures. Mostly F. (755)
83. 2 covers 503 Parachute Inf. Rgt 1945. 1 has colorful crest of FENTON GUARDS 174 Inf. . Both censored. 1 uncancelled. Philippines. F. (836)
84. 4 humorous APO propaganda cards/covers, 2 censored. Plus Czubay N.C.S.1. with no cancel but backstamped. Also APO 586 with Jewish Welfare board corner card. F. (836)
85. Fight for Freedom colored envelope with San Juan P.R. JUNE 27 1942 cancel with New York Censor tape. Censoring of P.R. mail was considered controversial. F-VF. (836)
86. Special cacheted cover RCD 206 to Canada. Circular NAVY CENSOR. AND LARGE BOXED AND DATED U.S./DEC 12 ? NAVY cancel. Year not clear. Probably 1941. F. (295)
87. CB's. 2 9th Naval CB Section 2 censored covers. 1942 Canal Zone. 1943 Nicaragua. AVE-F. (755)
88. 24 covers from USS PRAIRIE. All with letters enclosed. Several on ship stationery. 11 with 1 ¢ Defense and 5¢ Overrun NAtion Flag issues. Duplication. F-VF. (755)
89. 6¢ U.S. stamped envelope used by Dutch Sailor on m.v. Weltevreden FPO San Francisco. US Naval censor nd partial Navy cancel. to U.S. . F. (755)
90. Colorful SEABEE postcard honoring Naval Construction Battalions. 1943 Navy machine cancel from sender Camp Peary. Slight corner fraying. F. (755)
91. Cover from sailor NAS Alathe Kansas to NAAS Jacksonville. Mun#1 c/o P.W. Said to be POW Receiving ship. Hand stamp "UNDER ORDERS". Navy NOV 9 1944 machine cancel and backstamped with Jacksonville and Navy Nov. 13 1944 backstamps. VF. 755)
92. Philippines. 3 ¢ Defense issue tied by Honolulu Hawaii JAN 13 1941 PI BR, NAVY YARD JAN 13 1941 machine Cancel. Sender at Submarine base Cavite F. (755)
93. United Nations. UNAMSIL. #10 cover to Cpl. GAFF, MICHEL CAMP, TEMA and boxed UNAMSIL MAIL SIERRA LEONE 17/4 hand stamp. F. (295)
94. United Nations. UNDOF #10 glossy Christmas card with special Golan Heights cachet with Austrian stamps and cancel. Also backstamped UNDOF AUSBAT a 22.12.99 1500 cancel. Sender with Disengagement Observer Force. F-VF. (295)
95. United Nations. UNDOF. Austrian and Canadian Forces. Special #10 envelope for 25 years of Austrian and Canadian Postal Service in Golan Heights. UN 1999-05-27 cancel VF. (295)
96. United Nations. UNDOF. Canadian Forces. FREE envelope with Disengagement Observer Force 14.1.1993 cancel. Sender Asst. Postmaster CCUNME/GOLAN CFPO 5002 VF. (295)
97. United Nations. UNDOF. Polish Forces. Registered cover on UNDOF ENVELOPE with Warsaw cancels and label. Camp FAOVAR 1989 Syria hand stamp. Plus plain cover with similar hand stamp. Plus 2 covers for POWs 1974089. VF.(295)
98. United Nations. UNFICYP. Austrian Forces Cyprus. Envelope with 2 large stamps tied by UNFICYP AUSCON 6.4.69 cancels. Also hand stamp of FELDPOSTAMT Slight wrinkles. F. (295)
99. United Nations. UNIFIL. Irish Forces Lebanon. UNIFIED 30 DEC 2000 cancel and Irish Battalion hand stamp. Christmas card enclosed from Commanding Officer and Irish Bn, UNIFIED souvenir. VF. Plus FREE cover for Polish Forces UNIFIED. VF. (295)
100. United Nations. UNIFIL. Irish Forces Lebanon. 1 Irish Air letter to Ireland with UNIFIED 1996 cancel and friendly letter. Plus Christmas card signed by Commanding Officer 1999 . F. (295)
101. United Nations. UNIFIL. French Forces Lebanon. . #10 like envelope with corner card of UNIFIED 4 French stamps with BPM 125 15.2.1999 cancels. Letter enclosed from Ghanian Priest. Letter does not seem to go with envelope?. VF. (295)
102. United Nations. UNMIH. Canadian Forces Haiti . Free air letter with UN 1997-02-07 cancel. Sender Canadian Box 5057. Message. VF. (295)
103. United Nations. UNOSOM. Canadian Forces Somalia. UN air letter with UNOSOM 6-5-93 cancel. Kenya stamp with Nairobi 5 MY cancel and message. . Sender CFPO 5005. Also cover with 1993 ONUSOM cancel and boxed French unit hand stamp. Plus colored picture of UNOSOM delivering. Belgian Forces. VF. (295)
104. United Nations. UNTSO. Cover to Canada with Palestinian Authority stamp tied by Palestinian Authority RAMALLAH 2003 cancel. Returned Unknown. Cut short on opening. F. (295)
I have found quite confusing the descriptions of KFOR, IFOR,SFOR etc. The seller has some knowledge but makes mistakes. I will try to describe as country of troops followed by information about location, and special cancels. It is not a specialty area of your Auction Manager.
105. Austrian Forces. AUCON KFOR 1503 a 13.3.00 cancel on Austrian stamp. Handstamp A-1503 AUCON/KFOR. VF. (295)
106. Canadian Forces. Special colored cachet for SFOR BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA showing various planes, tanks, etc. with map indicating BANJA LUKA, TUZLA, SARAJEVO, MOSTAR, SPLIT. Sender OP PALLADIUM PO BOX 5003. United Nations 29 DEC 1999 cancel. VF. (295)
107. Canadian Forces. Sender TFBH/V,K, PO BOX 5003 SFOR. UNITED NATIONS 31 DEC 1999 cancel. Enclosure Christmas card with SFOR hand stamp. VF. (295)
108. Canadian Forces. Sender 3 RCR BATTLE GROUP OP PALLADIUM PO BOX 5003 SFOR. Canadian stamp tied by CFPO 5112 2001 05 18 cancel. Enclosure from Public Relations Officer of 3rd Battalion , Royal Canadian Regiment Battle Group, "Part of NATO not UN since 20 March 2001" SFOR Stabilization Force. VF. (295)
109. Canadian Forces. Sender Commanding Officer/ROYAL CANADIAN REGT. UNITED NATIONS 30 10 1995 cancel. Enclosure letter from Rasevic with piece missing. and small news paper clipping about VISOKO VF. (295)
110. Canadian Forces. Sender CANCON TASK FORCE AVIANO. SFOR. CFPO 5047 2000-12-22 cancel. Christmas card from Postmaster CFPO 5047 Aviano Italy. VF. (295)
111. Canadian Forces. Sender CANCON TASK FORCE A OPERATION ECHO SFOR. CFPO 5047 2000-3-23 cancel. Location? . VF. (295)
112. Canadian Forces. Sender SFOR/V.K./TPT. Box 5003. UNITED NATIONS. 22 DEC 1999 cancel. Christmas card. VF. (295)
113. Canadian Forces. Sender SFOR/Camp Halopina BiH Box 5003. UNITED NATIONS. 24 DEC 1999 cancel. Christmas card from Chaplain Velika, Kladusa, Coraliq and Bihac. VF. (295)
114. Canadian Forces. Sender SFOR/Camp Halopina Box 5003. UNITED NATIONS. ? 1997 cancel. Letter from Sgt. Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Plus 3 annotated photographs of Forces in Bosnia. VF. (295)
115. Canadian Forces. 2 covers. Sender ZGON CFPO 5112 SFOR with cachets of BATTLE GROUP BOSNIA 2000-2001 and Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry . Both have UNITED NATIONS 2001-02-22 cancels. Letters enclosed about mailings and Christmas card. VF. (295)
116. Finland Forces. Sender FINCON/SFOR. FINCON-SFOR 14.5.97 FINLAND cancel on Finnish stamps. Letter enclosed Camp Zussi with IFOR hand stamp and some translations. Envelope wrinkled. F. (295)
117. Finland Forces. Sender FINCON/SFOR. FINCON-SFOR 8.7.97 FINLAND cancel on Finnish stamps. Letter enclosed Camp Zussi with IFOR hand stamp Also includes "Business card" from Chaplain FINNISH BATTALION NORDIC POLISH BRIGADE IFOR. Large envelope. F. (295)
118. FRENCH FORCES. 6 letters. 1 free FM with BPM 648 4.12.91 cancel. Turkey?. Plus 3 covers with French stamps tied by BPM 651, 653, AND 655 1992-96 cancels. 2 identified as Zagreb and Sarajevo. VF. (295)
119. FRENCH FORCES. Sender Commander 6 REG BPM 659 4-11 195 cancel on stamp with out stated value. To Germany. Said to be UNPROFOR. Bosnia. VF. (295)
120. German Forces. Sender with corner card cachet Medical unit SFOR II. Also blurred Rajlovac hand stamp. German stamp tied by FELDPOST 730 10.2.99 cancel Plus cover with no sender and same cancel 17.5.00 VF. (295)
121. German Forces. 2 1999 covers. 1 with 731 Feldpost cancel and 1 StKp DDO DtA HQ MND Mostar with SFOR and SALAMANDRE DIVISION hand stamps. Also NATO GENCONSFOR (L) SFOR hand stamp and unclear Feldpost cancel F. (295)
122. Irish Forces. Sender IRCON MP Coy SFOR Sarajevo BFPO 543 with harp and SFOR hand stamp. Bosnia 1996 Olympic stamps tied by partial cancel with 26.02.98 date and 71210 ZIP?. Enclosed letter from HQ SFOR MP COMPANY SFOR. Interesting comments on Sarajevo, the war, and history. F. (295)
123. Italian Forces. 3 covers with Italian stamps tied by BOSNIA ITALFOR cancels 2002. 2 with hand stamps ITALIAN BATTLE GROUP Sarajevo. Also SFOR, and other unit hand stamps. F. (295)
124. Italian Forces. Card sent FREE. with BOSNIA ITALFOR cancel . 2 different Multinational Brigade North hand stamps from Sarajevo. F. (295)
125. Italian Forces. 2 cards with Italian stamps tied by ALBANIA ITALFOR cancels 2001. 1 Priority card with ITALFOR ALBANIA Transmission Company Command hand stamp to Germany. F. (295)
126. Italian Forces. ERITEREA. 3 cards with Italian stamps tied by Rome cancels and hand stamps of Commander Italian Forces in Eriterea ASMARA.. (295)
127. Italian Forces. AFSOUTH. HQ Naples. with AFSOUTH canceL. to Canada from Canadian office. NATO. F. (295)
128. Italian Forces. Cover with Italian stamp tied bY JOINT FORGE BOSNIA 7.11.02 cancel. Hand stamp of GRUPPO SUPPORTO ADERENZA ADERLOG FORWARD (295)
129. Italian Forces. Cover with Italian stamp tied by weak Kosovo cancel 2002, . 2 different hand stamps of Task Force Fox Said to be Macedonia. AVE. (295)
130. Netherlands Forces. Special colored card IFOR , OPERATION JOINT ENDEAVOR, Bosnia 96 and flags of all participants. To Holland with message in Dutch with red NAPO 92 31.VII.96 cancel. VF. (295)
131. Norway. Forces. 2 Norwegian stamps tied by FELTPOST 200 20.12.99 cancels. Handstamp of FIELDPOSTOFFICE NO NSE SFOR. Christmas card with message from Commanding Officer MODRICA. VF. (295)
132. Turkey. Forces. 2 colorful military theme cards. 1 Turk Bat with UN - 12 1995 cancel and TS Turkish hand stamp. Other from Italy to Turkey with Operation Deny Flight and Ghedi Air Base hand stamp. and 6.5.94 cancel. AVE-F. (295)
133. United States. Cover to Military Police Kildare Ireland with British stamp tied by unusual SARAJEVO BFPO 54 16 DE 02 (?). Plus hand stamp for UNITED STATES BASE SUPPORT BATTALION SARAJEVO. F. (295)
134. United States. 2 covers sent FREE with MILITARY POSTAL SERVICE APO AE 09789 June 1996 cancels . 1 with cachet of 51st Inf. Airborne Tuzla East/STEEL CASTLE . Plus similar same sender without cachet and with interesting letter about Serbians and mass graves. F-VF. (295)
135. United States. 19 covers with Peace Keeper labels for Army and Air Force tied by 1997-1998 cancels of APO 9371 ((3), 09779 (2), 09780 (2), 09781 (2), 09788 (2), 09789 (3), 09790 (2), 09793, 99794 (2). 14 are window envelopes. Most have addressee enclosure. SFOR. VF.(834)
Post War Military not Yugoslavia.
136. Belize. British stamp tied by new type BELIZE BFPO 12 cancel with dated hand stamp of 25 FLT AAC BELIZE APR 11 2000 BFPO 12. VF. (295)
137. Ecuador. 2 U.S. WAR DEPT. #10 envelopes used privately by American Sgt. APO 662. Each with APO 662 AUG 1947 cancels. 1 with hard to read year. 3¢ PREXIE. Apparent rate to Seattle to 2 known collectors. . Some wrinkling. AVE-F. (755)
138. France. 8 1993-94 stampless covers mostly on Gendarme envelopes. To Commander of Gendarme Brigades PLACE DE L'ESPLANADE 08600 GIVET. Each has octagonal hand stamp of sending unit including GENDARMERIE DE L'AIR BRIGADE DE NICE, NOUZONVILLE, MONTCEAU LES MINES, QOUZY, POITOUCHARENICS, ?, VIREUX MOLHAIN and VIERZON. F-VF. (295)
139. German. .1947 cover with 75 Pf. British censor tape and British and U.S. censor hand stamps. Slight tears. F. (836)
140. German. Special Russian POW card to Prisoner Camp 7062/2 Altersmacher (KR SAARBRUCKEN) 9.10.47 cancel (836)
141. Germany. Special colored cachet Navy Squadron 5 Kiel on German stamps Boxed hand stamp says ENDURING FREEDOM. Letter says envelope flown by German navy at Dijbouti , Somalia. VF. (295)
142. Indonesia. Stampless military air letter for Batavia used in Soerabaja with Dutch VELDPOST SOERABAJA 1948 cancel. To Holland with full message. VF. (755)
143. Japan. Small RADIOGRAM (CONFIRMATION COPY) envelope of TOKYO CENTRAL TELEGRAPH OFFICE to US APO 500 with US APO 500 RECEIVED and DISPATCHED back stamps, Actual copy on thin paper enclosed. Plus telegram same correspondence with Tokyo March 15 1949 with Japanese Telegraph label with slight fraying of stamp. F. (755)
144. Japan. 3 colorful radio QSL cards including APOs 925 1952, 704 1955, and 919 1951 F. (755)
145. Netherlands. Photo card of military Legerplaats Oldebroek sent FREE to Utrecht with 1947 HARDE (Gld 1947 cancel. (755)
146. Taiwan. 4 different military Field Post envelopes with $1. overprints on $2.00, (2), $2.50, and $4.00 stamped letter sheets with Taipei 1978 to 1982 cancels. Unaddressed. VF.(834)
147. Thailand. #10 air mail cover with 4 Siam stamps from U S Embassy APO 928 in Manila. To "Committee for a Free Asia" U.S. Slight smudges and cellophane tape. . F. AVE. (755)
148. Thailand. 2 Military Finance Registered Bank tags . 1 with 2 $1.00 and 6 low value with APO 96346 1975 cancel. Plus similar APO 96288 with 3 $1.00 issues and weak 96288 cancel. AVE-F. (755)
149. United States. 3 1976-80 Official covers from Military attaches of Israel, Jordan, Nigeria to TRADOC. Israel has meter for 30 th Anniversary. F. (755)
150. Envelope with hand stamp for meeting of Bush and Gorbachev at sea (Malta). Special FPO USS BELKNAP DEC 3 1989 cancel on domestic "E" stamp. Unaddresed. VF. (834)
151. Australia. Self sticking labels wallet size and larger for HMAS ANZAC, BRISBANE, COLLINS, KANIMBLA and MANOORA, PROTECTOR, STERLING and SYDNEY . Also HC 723 SQUADRON and HS 817 , Hydrographic Service. 5 different general Australian Navy and 1 general and 1 Royal NEW ZEALAND Navy. VF. (295)
152. Belgium. 4 covers, 2 from England around 1999. 1 has Belgian Navy hand stamp for ship M 922 MYOSOTIS and 3 other different ship hand stamps. Other ship VALCKE A950 with similar hand stamp. Also 2 with Belgian stamps and cancels and Polish hand stamps. Said to be submarines? AVE-F. (295)
153. Canada 2 covers with cancels of HMCS CHARLOTTETOWN 2001-04-12 and HMCS WINNIPEG with unclear year. Ships seals glued on." IN ARABIAN GULF". AVE-F. (295)
154. Canada 6 covers. 4 with cancels of HMCS ST. JOHN's 340 no year, CALGARY 335 1999-06 25, ATHABASKAN 1999-282, MONTREAL 336 13-11-1998. Most have ships seals pasted on. Most Standing Naval Forces AVE-F. (295)
155. Canada. Cover with cancel of HMCS PROTECTEUR 509 1999-11-20 cancel not touching stamp. Ship seal. DEPLOYED TO EAST TIMOR. F. (295)
156. Canada, Persian Gulf. 4 covers HMCS OTTAWA 341 1998-10-3, TORONTO 333 1998, REGINA 334 1999 10-and CALGARY 2000. Pasted ship seals and signed dated hand stamps of Officers. F-VF. (295)
157. Canada, Cover HMCS VILLE DE QUEBEC 332 1995-10 17. Letter on official sick bay paper. VF. (295)
158. France. 10 covers with British stamps and mostly 1999-2000 cancels AND Cachets of French ships RC Achame, CAPICORNE, GOELETTE DE ECOLE, FLAMANT, LATOUCH , TREVILLE, PANTHERE A 749, S.M.T. PEGASE, PLUVIER, RHM TENACE. TIGRE ECOLE. F. (295)
159. France. 5 covers with French stamps and mostly 1999-2000 cancels and 3 cachets of French ships ARAGO, CALLIOPE, HENRI POINCARE . Plus 1999 Centenary of Submarine, and hurricane Australia 1992 with Kangaroo on map of Australia and special dates?(295)
160. France. 2 covers with British stamps and 1999-2000 cancels and cachets and enclosures of French ships GUEPARD A752 with special folding card with drawings of fleet. and CROIX DU SUD with colored photocard of ship. VF. (295)
161. Germany. 3 covers with British stamps 2001 with cachet of DEFRAM German French Navy unit Frigates BREMEN and also LUBECK and Tanker Rhon. Plus German stamp canceled by Marineschiffpost 10 1995 German French Task Group and Frigate EMDEN cachet. F-VF. (295)
162. Germany. Cover with British stamp 2000 with cachet of U Boat 29 and I-2 or UBOOT 12? with enclosure with Uboot U12 hand stamp. F-VF. (295)
163. Germany. 7 covers with British stamps 1981-2001 with cachets of Frigates Augsburg, BRADENBURG, EMDEN. KOLN, LUBECK, (2-1 German, Schleswig-Holstein F-VF. (295)
164. Germany. 8 covers with British stamps 1981-2001 with cachets of Mine ships including M 1058, 1060, 1064,1065, 1068 . Plus SM BOOT HERTEN, Minenjagdboot "Weiden" and Tender A 514. F-VF. (295)
165. Germany. 4 covers with British stamps and cancels and cachets of German ships including Tender "Rhein", Trosschiff "Spessart",(2), and A1439 . 1999-2001. F-VF. (295)
166. Ireland. Irish stamp tied by 2 different COBH 1999 cancels and dated hand stamp of LE ROISIN NAVAL BASE HAULBOWLINE. VF. (295)
167. Netherlands. 12 covers mailed with British cancels and stamps 1999-2000 and Dutch cachets DE ZRUYTER, DORDRECHT, Hellevoetsluis, Makkum, MERCUUR, ROTTERDAM NAPO 350 (2), SCHIEDAM, ZIERIKZEE, ZUIDEKRUS NAPO 374, T JRK HIDDES, and ?(295)
168. Portugal. 4 covers with British stamps and hand stamps of N.R.P.Submarine DELFIM (2-with 2 enclosures), CORTE REAL, and BARRACUDA . F-VF. (295)
169. Sweden. 3 covers with British stamps an cancels. Handstamps pf MS SODERMALLAND, KALMAR, and HMS ULVON. F-VF. (295)
170. Miscellaneous. 4 covers with British stamps and cancels including HDMS Saelwn Denmark, INS MYSORE Indian, KD LEKIU Malaysia, HNO MS SKJOLD Norway. VF. (295)
171. United States. 2 covers British stamps and cancels. 1 with large USCGC WMEC 909 2000 cancel. Plus undated USS GONZALEZ cached cover. VF. (295)
172. United States. Special package for USS FORRESTAL including copies of vital statistics, decommissioning, copy of Auto placard, acceptance card , 3 buttons,maneuvering board original, full size patch 2 postcards with fancy cachets, 3 envelopes and 1 pad with Forestall letterhead. Originally sold at $25,VF. (935)
173. United States. Special FREE MAIL US Navy and USMC Peace Keeper labels tied by 1997-98 cancels of USS ASHLAND,GARY, NORMANDY, O'BANNON, PELELIU, , RAY, RENTZ, and STETHEM, All with window envelopes with addressee on special insert. Most have ship cachet hand stamp on back. See Winter 1999 Bulletin for discussion of these labels. F. (834)
174. IRAQ. 10 patriotic colored postcards showing American flag and Statue,of Liberty. with Peace Keeper labels with similar design tied by 2002-4 cancels of APOs 09303, 09309. 09327, 09328, 09331, 09332, 09347, 09366. 09368, and 09375. VF.(834)
175. Kuwait. 6 patriotic colored postcards showing American flag and Statue,of Liberty. with Peace Keeper labels with similar design tied by 2002-4 cancels of APOs 09305. 09330, 09336, 09337 (2) and 09365 F.(834)
176. Afghanistan. German stamp with Feldpost 1391 cancel on cover with Sapper platoon Polish cachets for 2002 . F. (295)
Suggested (SB) or Reserve Bids (RES) are in general provided by the Seller
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Auction Manager.
Envelopes are as expected for area: e.g., European size, etc., and will not be described unless unusual (#10, etc.) Books are hardcover unless stated softcover. APO number is in cancel unless stated. * means in Sender's Address Only. Navy numbers in address unless stated to be in cancel. On individual lots U.S. WW II APO covers are on stationery with imprinted stamps unless stated FREE or stamped. Larger lots are mostly mixed. V-Mail has been processed and is with envelope unless stated otherwise. |
Updated: 5 December 2006