I'd like to thank Karl Winkelmann for his great help with compiling this Sale and Norm Gruenzner for volunteering to process the buyer payments.
I also thank Dave Kent for his patience as I tried to get back on schedule.
This larger than average Sale shows we are starting to recover from our backlog.
We still have about a years worth of backlog.
Who can help with the mailings to buyers?
1 India. OHMS envelope with imprinted ONE Anna stamp tied by Pashawar 1895 cancel to Jubulpore with L6 1895 receipt cancel. Appears to be military mail with sender Lt. Older style writing hard to read. Slight marks front and back. F. (836)
2. BOSNIA. 1895 .2k Stationary card to Vienna canc. K und K Milit Post/XXX11 Sarajevo. VF. RES. $22.00. (804)
3. BOER WAR-BERMUDA. POW. 1901 Grubby Censored env from Transvaal to Boer POW, Bermuda w/arrival d/s on rev. Also NATAL and Johannesburg cancels. AVE. RES $27.00 (804)
4. BELGIAN CONGO-ANGOLA. PORTUGUESE FORCES. 1910(Dec) picture post card of . Company of Military Band Leopoldville fnkd 10c canc. Boma on picture side to Portuguese Sgt in No 1 Company at Cabinmda [date stamp] & forwarded to Loandua.. Slight stain. F. RES. $36.00 (804)
5. AUSTRIA. 1916 env fnkd 10h w/boxed Kuk Militar-Zensor/Klagenfurt 11 h/s in violet. F-VF. RES. $15(804)
6. AUSTRIA. ITALIAN POW. 1918 Double censored [Austrians & Italians] env to Turin from Italian POW w/ hexagonal Kuk Lager/1.V.1918/Poststelle Mauthausen Camp h/s [Roughly opened RH side]. F. RES. $27.00 (804)
7. Belgium.4 covers with Post Militaire cancels. 1 with stamp and 1 line censor to Switzerland. 2 FREE to London with PM #1 or 6. 1 from England SM forwarded with Belgian PM cancel and roughly opened. AVE-F. (941)
8. Belgium. Small Service Militaire cover Belgian POW Camp Harderrijk. Leatherhead cancel with unclear year. British censor tape. (941)
9. CROATIA. 1915 Feldpost picture post card of Krakow to Agram canc. Goding (now Hodonin in Czech Republic) w/unframed Militarpflege h/s & cachet of Military Reserve Hospital. AVE. RES. $27.00
10. Czechoslovakia. Small stampless cover from Troppau 8.11.18 with Militarpflege and blurred hospital handstamp from Rudolfs Kaserne kuk. Opening tears. AVE. (941)
11. EGYPT. 1916 OHMS env front to Infantry Records, Lichfield canc. APO SZ12 & w/oval 7th (S) Bn. South Stafford Regt/Orderly Room h/s [Note Front only]. F. RES. $9.00 (804)
12. France. Small cover from Michigan to France. U.S. 1¢ green and 7¢ black. Washington series tied by Ann Arbor 1916 cancels and French oval censor #363 handstamps and tape. Vertical crease, Opening tears. AVE. (755)
13. France. 21 military covers including 3 with #s, 2 military cards, 2 French views, 13 with Official handstamps, 1 civilian censor. 2 fronts. AVE. (941)
14. FRANCE-EGYPT. 1916(Apr) Censored French Military flag card uprated /addl 10c canc TRES 128 to Cairo w/Shepherds Hotel d/s for forwarding to Helwan w/partial arrival d/s. F. RES. $21.00. (804)
15. Germany. 11 Feldpost covers with 5 , 6, 10, 41, 84, 111 (2), 203, Inf. Divs. and 12, 21, Reserve Div cancels. Also 9 Armee .8 with unit handstamps. Mostly F. (941)
16. Germany. 20 Feldpost covers with dumb (8), town (6), or no cancels (5). 15 unit handstamps. Mostly AVE-F. (941)
17. Germany. French Forces. 1919 ppc of Coblenz to Paris endorsed Secteur 129 canc.Tresor et Postes Some talk on French areas. Some slight wear. F. $18 (804)
18. Germany. French Forces. 1920 ppc of Mainz bridge over river canc. Poste Aux Armee 77. Slight wear. F. RES. $15.00 (804)
19. Great Britain. I am well card to Canada with British FPO A.I. 10 MR 15 cancel. VF. (942)
20. Great Britain. Canadian YMCA envelope front with printed Mother's Day France May 12 1918 statement. British APO S.66 15 MY 18 cancel. CM 6 Censor #1016. F.(941)
21. Great Britain. Cover to England from Capt. HQ 5 District BEF with unusual triangular NAVY and Army CANTEEN BOARD CALAIS BASE handstamp. Cancel unclear. F. (941)
22. Great Britain. Front with 2 1/2 p stamps tied by 12 JAN 17 civilian cancel. To member 13th King's Liverpool Rgt. Boxed 3 line PRESENT LOCATION/UNCERTAIN / PL8 LP8 APO handstamp. F. (941)
23. Great Britain. Stampless cover to England with British FPO 3 K 12 MAR 17 cancels used by U.S. Troops. F. (941)
24. Great Britain. Stampless OAS cover to England. Special Scottish Churches Huts cachet with oval CM5 censor #2635 and APO S.11 8 JY 17 cancel. F. (941)
25, Great Britain. Stampless OHMS envelope to Colonel War Office London. Rectangular Embarkation 277 JU 1915 Southampton hand stamp and red Paid cancel. F. (941)
26. Great Britain. covers 5 censor type CM1 and 10 CM2. All believed to be France. AVE-F. (941)
27. Great Britain. 3 covers with CM 4 censor handstamps tying Army Base censor tapes. All believed to be France. 1 is Honor envelope! Includes 183 and T.X. FPO cancels and 1 not clear. F. (941)
28. Great Britain. 21 covers censor hexagonal type CM5. All believed to be France. 2 with Army Base censor tape. 6 no backs. AVE-F. (941)
29. GB-EGYPT. NAVAL TRANSPORT 1919(May)colored ppc [RMS CARONIA] fnkd 1_1/2 d canc. Nottingham to 43237 Pte Smith then further canc. Paquebot/Liverpool & redirected w/plain damaged label to 2/8 Worcester Special Surgical. Said to be in Egypt AVE RES. $19. .(804)
30. Italy. 12 military covers. 2 with special colored envelopes with stamps and 1 card, 6 special cards for soldiers in France, 2 to England from soldiers and 1 W.W.II to US. Most F. (941)
31. Italy. OAS cover with blurred 1918 cancel with CM8 shield censor and tears. Plus front with similar censor and FPO F.D.9 6 AU 18 cancel. AVE. (941)
32. ITALY .OCCUP. of TRENTINO. 1918 post Armistice censored ppc of Col Di Lana fnkd 10c canc. Posta Militare 154 from soldier 13 Comp. 48th Infantry Div F. RES. $18.00 .(804)
33. MONTENEGRO. 1917 ppc of Sarajevo to Bohemia endorsed from soldier at FPO Plevlje, Montenegro fnkd 10h canc. Poor d/s. RES. $12.00 .(804)
34. Netherlands. Colored view card of Breda. Sent Free Militar with Rotterdam 29.5.14 train cancel. Slight stain on message size. F-VF. (755)
35. Netherlands. Colored photo card of couple. Sent Free with Grafenpolder and RILLAND cancels. Said to be small town. Date not clear. 1 corner cracked. AVE (755)
36. Norway. 3 covers from Norway to U.S. Various posthorn frankings. British censor tapes. 1 with small piece missing. (755)
37. South Africa. Stampless cover with dumb double circle 6 APR 15 #4 cancel. Small bilingual rectangular censor hanndstamp to Transvaal. Sender Kaftranian rifles. Writing faint but legible. Opening tear. F. (941)
38. Switzerland. 4 covers. 3 to Switzerland 1 from. 3 with French censor tapes and handstamps. From Switzerland to England with red on white British censor tape tied by British cancel. Mixed. Most F.( 941)
39. Lot including French card , APO 714 barrel type, , identified photo of 2 soldiers from scrap book, photo card Camp Pile mint, Red Cross HOspital Camp Dix, Arrival card , Army of Occupation with faint APO 927 cancel, with letter. AVE. Mixed. Plus 4 roughly opened. (755)
40. 9 3¢ stamped envelopes from same sender 146 US Infantry APO 763. Cancels, include APO 841 with letter, 705, Bordeaux, 731. Most roughly opened Mixed. (755)
41. 7 covers including 2¢ stamped envelope with OCT 11 1917 No.1 cancel censored #41. F. Also 6 covers APOs 702, 718, 781, Army Bordeaux, cancel no # , and MPES cancel and censor tape. Mixed. (941)
42. 2¢ stamped envelope with cancel of WACO TEX OCT 4 1917 from Chaplain 127th Inf. Camp MacArthur. Repaired on back with translucent paper tape. F. (836)
43. 3 colored cards for Anniversary, New Year, and love? Includes APO 705, , 709. and British D15 1916 cancels. Pictures F. (507)
44. Special YMCA card with printed message to look like writing "somewhere in England. Piece missing. AVE. (507)
45. Air. Change of address card from sender 826 Aero Sq. Cancel hard to read. In France. Feb 22 1919. Also French card from sender 3rd. Casual Co. Air Service APO 911. F. (507)
46. 6¢ Eagle air mail tied by USS PHILADELPHIA MAR 28 1939 cancel. Slight fraying at ends. Plus 2 3¢ Washington Bicentennials tied by USS ARIZONA APR 22 1936 cancel from sailor, . Also Penalty cover with corner card of USS ASTORIA with ship MAR 3 1938 cancel. (755)
47. CHINA. BRITISH FORCES. Env endorsed "Sakaki Maru" via Siberia fnkd GB 1_d with. British Army Post Office 1 4 MR 30 cancels . VF. RES. $18.00 (804)
48. CZECHOSLOVAKIA. BORDER WAR. 1920(Mar) Stampless picture post card canc. Ceskoslovenska Polni Posta/46 w/alongside unframed smudged Unit h/s .Slight stain. F. RES. $60.00 (804)
49. Egypt. Stamp tied by Brasia (?) Barracks and same cancel on King Fuad 15 mils stamp 8 OC 1932. Back stamped Cairo bilingual Cairo 3 OCT 32 machine cancel. Tears. AVE. (941)
50. SPAIN.CIVIL WAR. Great Britain. 1938 Republic of El Salvador Consulate env fnkd 50c rate plus Malaga 5c Tax & Censored to Sub. Lt. Hutchinson in Worcester & forwarded to HM Navigation School, Portsmouth. F. RES. $27.00 (804)
51. Algeria. 16 US APO covers1*, 9. 34, 252, 302* (3), 529, 534 Official #10, 528*, 529, 530, 531*, 698, 3929*.3 photo cards. F-VF. (755)
52. Algeria. . US Navy. 3 covers Navy 231 G (2), and V-Mail Navy 231. F-VF. (755)
53. Algeria. . U.S. 6¢ air mail stamped envelope to England with British FPO 579 1 NO 43 cancel. Sender US Army 1033 . Unit censored. Signal C0. VF. (755)
54. ALGERIA-FRANCE 1945(Jun) env to BBC Londres, Paris endorsed from soldier S.P. 50482 BPM 601 fnkd 3f 0n 2f canc. Postes Aux Armees d/s.F-VF. RES. $18.00 (804)
55. Ascension Islands. 2 6¢ air mail envelopes with APO 877 cancels. Different units censorship. 1 VF. Other with some soiling. F-VF. (755)
56. Australia. 6 covers. Official cover with corner card of Commander Allied Naval Forces Australia. Navy JU 4 1942 cancel Plus 3 covers APO 922, 923, and 927 with American Base Forces cancels. 2 have Australian like U.S. red and white censorship sealing tape. 1 has U.S. rectangular Base Censor. Also 2 with cancels of 7 BPO in Australia at this time. F-VF. (755)
57. Australia. 2 civilian covers from U.S.A. to Australia with Australian civilian censor tapes #2 and S handstamps. February-March 1941 cancels Opening tears. F. (755)
58. Australia. Airmail cover to Sydney. Endorsed no stamps available 12 10 42 #0138 and rectangular Forces center. F-VF. Plus cover to member of House of Commons England. Endorsed By Concessionary Air Service. oval handstamp "U.K./INDIA ELEMENT J?OSA. ON ACTIVE SERVICE/AIR MAIL CONCESSION RATE". 2 Australian 1d stamps tied by partial AIR MAIL cancel. AVE. (941)
59. Australia. Cover to New Zealand with Australian Imperial Force censor #547 hard to see Transport cancel on 3d stamp. Australian Royal Air Force envelope. F. ( 941)
60. Australia. OHMS cover from Department of Air to 93 Sqdn. R.A.A.F. NARROMINE with slightly damaged 2 1/2 d stamp tied by CONCORD MIL HOSPITAL NSW Australia. Unclear date. F-VF.( 941)
61. Austria. 3 1945 covers after hostilities from APOs 200, 436 (#10), and 411. F-VF. (755)
62. Azores. FREE cover from APO 100 AUG 22 1942. Unit censored, F-VF. (755)
63. Azores. Henry family correspondence. 37 military cover mostly from APOs 100 or 406. Almost all with letters enclosed. Unit censor. VF. (755)
64. Belgium. 40 U.S. APO covers from APOs 1(2), 4 (2), 9 (3), 30 letter enclosed says Germany, 66. 109, 112. 113, 131, 143, 145, 148(2-1 Honor). 153, 155, 157, 158, 164 (2), 170, 179, 252 (3) , 253. 261*, 263, 303, 305, 307 (2), 319, 325 Official and 1 regular, 329 Official. VF. (755)
65. Bermuda. 6¢ stamped air mail envelope from 391st Base HQ and Air Base Sq APO 86. 1943 US Army cancel and censorship. To U.S. detachment and forwarded. F. Plus philatelic cover with American Base Forces APO 802 MAY 21 1941 cancel. Stamps have plate numbers. VF. (755)
66. Bermuda. Special Lent Lease Czubay cachet for U.S. and Great Britain deal. Cachet for APO 802 shows various bases and some APOs Stamp tied by AMERICAN BASE FORCES APO 802 OCT 20 1941 cancel. Forwarded. VF. (836)
67. Brazil Larger than #10 envelope with corner card of FPO 119. Sent registered with 20 ¢ PREXIE with weak dumb cancel and back with NAVY 10942 June 1944 back cancels. F. (755)
68. Brazil. Commercial cover with 2400 Ries franking to U.S.A. with SAO PAULO Postal cancel handstamp. Postmark and date blurred. AVE. ( 941)
69. British Guiana. Airmail cover sent by US Contractor APO 857 with Unit censor. Franked with U.S. 30¢ Trans Atlantic issue and May 21 1942 APO 857 cancel. VF. (755)
70. British GUIANA. Air Mail cover with PAN AMERICAN air mail label with 3 different British GUIANA stamps tied by AIR MAIL BRITISH GUIANA 6 OCT 44, U.S. cellophane censor tape. (942)
71. Burma. 3 US APO covers from APOs 218, and 493 B-2 (2). AVE-F. (755)
72. Camerouns. 1943 cover from U.. to Cameroun. French military censor tape with handstamp. Plus special Cameroun double circle censor handstamp for Camerouns Commission A. F-VF. (755)
73. Canada. U.S. APO covers from 693 (6) . and 737 (2). with letters. 4 APO 693's Sealed by US Army black and white censor tape and tied by #926 Unit censor. . Roughly opened. AVE-F. (755)
74. Canada. #10 Penalty cover privately used FREE. Sender Director of Intelligence US Forces. US APO AUG 16 1943 APO 997 cancel. (755)
75. Canada. 3 US APO covers used in Canada. APOs 692 1943 cancel and BASE Army Examined 694 #10 Official, and 737 with censor #995. (755)
76. Canada. Colored cacheted cover for Alaska with Totem Pole. APO 997 6/17/44 cancel with Unit censor. Used in Canada. F. (755)
77. Canada. 2 different comical Patriotic covers by Lee Cornell. Each with U.S. APO 728 FEB 22 1944 cancel. Unit censor # hard to read. F. (755)
78. Canada. 3 covers from APO 462 1944. 1 Unit censored with special APO Seattle cancel with blurred APO.1 with toning. F. (755)
79. Canada. Greeting Card size cover with APO DEC 2 1943 cancel from APO 462. Self censored. F-VF. (755)
80. Canada. V-Mail with APO JUN 15 1945 cancel. Sender Arctic Training School APO 462 F-V. (7555)
81. Canada. 12 MPO 103, 2 MPO 625, 11 Montreal plus 2 others. All to U.S. civilian 1943-45 with letters enclosed. Many with YMCA or Legion stationery. 1 has mint block of 4 . 1 with mint 2¢ stamped post card I am well card RCAF G 122, F-V.(755)
82. Canada. Salvation Army envelope used by sender RCAMC CAPO #1 to Canada. Partial CAPO MY 12 42 cancel. Canadian circular Passed by Military Censor No. 6. Daynes # 200 Cut short on opening. F. (755)
83. Canada. Small envelope sent air mail to Canada with OHMS form CMHQ 40:1 with 2/6 King George stamp tied by London 30 SEP 1943 cancel. Sender Capt. 42 Coy CAAC PC 90 with crown censor tape. F. (755)
84. Canada. Greeting card sized cover 98th Bomber Group APO 693 to U.S. with 6¢ stamp tied by APO FEB 5 1943 cancel. Race track and provisional rectangular unit censor. F-VF. (755)
85. Canada. 2 covers with 6¢ air mail stamps and JUN 29 and JUL 23 APO 997 covers. Censored. 1 has partial civilian censor tape. Slight wear at edges. AVE-F. (755)
86. Canada. Cover with 2 US 3¢ Defense issue with Portland Oregon SEP 14 1942 cancel. To White Horse Yukon Territory. Forwarded with White Horse SP 29 1942 cancel. U. S. civilian paper censor tape #13883 Unit Part of back missing. AVE. (755)
87. Canada. 7 covers with British cancels used by Canadian Forces including FPO 311, 435 (2), 436, 452, , 487, 509. and 522 with stamps. Most 1940-42 to Montreal. All have Orderly Room handstamps. AVE-F. (941)
88. China. #10 War Dept Official Business envelope with APO 211 SEP 4 1945 cancel. Sender 1339 AAF BU. Wear at edges. Plus FREE cover APO 355 3 DEC 1945 cancel from 529 Ftr. Sqd. APO 285. Roughly opened. AVE. (755)
89. China. 3 APO 627 covers. 1 #10 6¢ stamped air mail envelope with envelope with frayed edges, 1 Red Cross with Base and civilian censor, 3 from 475 Inf. Opening tear. AVE. (755)
90. China. Facsimile "I am well" card for American POW Taiwan to Boys Town. Believed to be fund raiser. Passes in many locations as real thing. Some wrinkling. F. (998)
91. Christmas Islands. 2 covers from APO 915 with different senders. Unit censored. 1 early Army double circle Censor other has RACE TRACK CENSOR. 1942 Cancels blurred. AVE. (755)
92. Curacao. Air mail cover with AMERICAN BASE FORCES APO 812 JUL 19 cancel with no year. Sender Btry "F" Miami. Race track censor #745. F. (755)
93. Czechoslovakia. European type envelope with corner card of Private with U.S. 317th Infantry. 6¢ air mail stamp tied by APO 80 DEC 1 1946 cancel. Year blurred. F. (755)
94. East Africa. 2 covers with EA APO 1943 cancels. APO numbers not clear. 2 each military censor handstamps. 1 to Nairobi from Nairobi Municipal Council with Nairobi meter and window and also very soiled Tanganyika stamp tied with 1941 Nairobi KENYA 1941 cancel with E.A. NO 2 handstamp to E.A.M. 2 S Army Postal Service. Mixed. ( 941)
95. Ecuador. Air mail stamped envelope with Navy JAN 22 1944 cancel. Navy censor. Sender Chaplain Navy 413. (755)
96. Egypt. 4 Free 787 (2) and 788. 2 #1 covers with 1943 US APO 616 cancels. Sender at APO 682 Palestine. Unit censor. 3 roughly opened. F. (755)
97. Egypt. 3 covers APOs 787(2) 788. 1 WAC Det. 2 Base censored. 2 #101 wrinkled. AVE.- F. (755)
98. Egypt. 2 APO covers: 3277 from 85 Fighter Sqd. with handstamp on back of FLYING SKULL SQUADRON and 3307 with letter Canceled 1943 F. (755)
99. Egypt. 6 APO covers: 5 FREE APO 3181* 1942, and APO 678 air mail. F. (755)
100. Egypt. 3 covers 1944 Egypt 90 Prepaid with shield censor, 2 1940-41 to England with 10 Egyptian Army stamp with partial cancels and Base Unit censor. Also 1959 Hilton Hotel opening Cairo FDC. AVE-VF. (941)
101. Egypt. 4 covers to U.S. 3 have bilingual Egyptian tapes and handstamps. and U.S. censor tapes. Other markings and cancels. F. (942)
102. Eritrea. Air mail cover from US APO 617 DEC 16 1942 Douglas contractor. Cut short on opening. Creases. AVE. (755)
103. FALKLAND Islands. 1943 Honour env to Leeds from Pte Robinson 11 West Yorks Regt to wife. Large red canc. Post Office/Maritime Mail h/s & w/manuscript "Received in Hospital 11 Feb 1944" [Roughly opened RH side]. AVE. RES. $70.00 (804)
104. Fiji. 20 censored APO overs #37 (2) and 913 (18). Some roughly opened. AVE-F. (755)
105. Fiji. Air mail stamped envelope with APO 913 MAR 9 1944 cancel and unit censor 19412. Some fraying around edges. F. RES.$3.00 (942)
106. FIJI-US FORCES. 1942(Dec) Stampless env to San Pedro CA endorsed from soldier at APO 913 canc. American Base Forces d/s & w/circ Passed By/63/Army Censor h/s. Slight stain. F. RES. $27.00 (804)
107. France. 6¢ U.S. stamped air mail envelope with dumb cancel without date from French Liaison Officer a 2nd Lt. Lefeute Base censor 0720 handstamp and Army cellophane censor tape. To Rhode Island. Said to be North Africa. Sender particulars blacked out. F. (755)
108. France. 77 APO covers pre V-E day APOs 1, 3, 5, 12*, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30, 35, 44, 45 (2). 51, 52, 56, 59,60 (2), 65, 67, 79 (2), 80, 95 (2), 111 (2), 116, 117, 119 (2), 122, 125, 136, 140, 141*, 142144, 146, 149, 156 (2), 161,166, 167,169,173,176, 253, 260, 263, 299, 303, 307, 308, 311, 313, 317,410*, 436 (7). 443, 513, 562 (4), 583, 655B , 658F. (755). Some with letters. Some with commemorative stamps. Mostly F. (755)
109. France. 21. APO covers 1945 post V-E day APOs 8, 21, 64, 65, 113, 114, 118, 125, 152, 165, 166 (4), 167, 176, 197, 266, 513 (2), 561. Plus processed V-Mail written from Marseilles in transit with Sender's normal address APO in Germany. Unhappy about delay to go home. Mostly F. (755)
110. France. Sender with U.S., M.R. and R Sqdn APO 149 Attractively franked with 3 different 2¢ stamps tied by APO 10 JUL 15 1944 cancel. . Unit censor . MPHS lists as OMAHA beach. Message about living in field in combat area. . F. (755)
111. France. Colorful hand sewn Souvenir of France with American Flag. Believed to have been enclosed in cover from APO 149 with APO 127 JAN 220 1945 cancel. Opening tears. F. (755)
112. Germany. Large Parcel piece from soldier U.S. APO 230 603 rd QM Co. to USa. 2 20¢ and 1 6¢ PREXIE tied by APO cancels with no date. Cleveland Customs handstamp. 1 side has special Certificate APR 21 1945 for sending souvenirs home. Includes flags, bayonets, medals, etc. F. (755)
113. Germany. 33 1945 pre V-E Day US APO covers : 8, 23, 26, 30, 60, 76*, 102, 104 (2), 146, 153, 170, 172, 175, 177, 197, 230*, 252 (3), 326, 330, 258, 260, 261, 263, 308, 339, 436 (2), 575. (3). Most unit censored. 3 with letters. 2 with commemorative stamps. , German postcard. 2 Official. Most F-VF. . (755)
114. Germany. 40 1945 post V-E Day US APO covers without censorship. APOS , 3, 9, 44, 45 (2), 60, 62, 69, 78, 80 (2), 83, 124 (2), 158, 172 (3), 175, 179, 232, 252 (3), 255 (3), 263, 339, 403, 436 (2), 443, 461, 575, 655, 696, 757, and 24 BPO. Also 1957 cover APO 757. Most F-VF. (755)
115. Germany. Special card of Berlin with US APO 177 JUL 25 1945 cancel. F-VF. SB $5.00(942)
116. Germany. Free cover with Paris 1940 cancel to French POW with STALAG III D censor. Vertical fold. F. (941)
117. Gold Coast. 6 US APO covers identified as U.S. A.A.B. Miami Station No. 3 CAFW ATC 1943-44. 5 Self censored by Lt. , Station No. 3 CAFW ATC, . 1 unit censored with letter. some opening tears. AVE-F. (755)
118. GOLD COAST. US FORCES. 1943(Feb) Censored printed stampless WORCO Weekly Diary letter sheet from Sgt 13th Airways Comm. Sqdn canc. US APO 606 located Accra. F. RES.$27. (804)
119. Great Britain. # 10 U.S. air mail stamped envelope with Navy MAY 17 1944 cancel and from sender with Constr. Btn. #29 FPO New York. Slight wrinkles from storage. F. (755)
120. Great Britain. Small envelope from American soldier Brighton Tech College APO 413. British cancel BRIGHTON AND HOVE 3 NO 45 cancel. Typed "No US Army/ APO available" To soldier American University APO 756. F-VF. (755)
121. Great Britain. 58 U.S. APOS from 1 (4*), 9, 28-8¢ Transport air mail, , 29*(2), 30, 34, 61 (2). 63 (2 including 1 to APO forwarded ), , 64 ( 3 -1 commemoratives) , 68, 110 (2), 115 (2), 121B, 205*, 229 (2)_, 2309, 253 (3), 305 picture card, 316, 409 (2), 413 (2), 452, 508, 518, ,551 (4), 564 (3), , 578, 633, 635 (2), 637. 649 (2), 871 (4). Mixed. Some roughly opened. (755)
122. Great Britain. 11 4/5 digit APOs identified by MPHS book as Great Britain. Includes APOs 1042, 1209, 1255, 1277, 3052-with APO cancel, 3309, 4716 Base and Unit censor with no date in cancel , 16110-A with APO 582 cancel to APO 4054-A. Back has Control Section BPO 1 July 1944 cancel, 16260 A to APO 4205 A. Also 1942 to APO 1071 New York with Civilian censor tape. F-VF. (755)
123. Great Britain. Cover from US APO 15379 NY. Manuscript censor. Sent FREE with unusual use of US POSTAL SERVICE NO.1 JUL 14 1944 cancel. Usually seen on V-Mail. VF. (755)
124. GREAT BRITAIN. WW2 env using OHMS imprinted War Economy label w/"By Hand" h/s & V.C.I.G.S./War Office hand stamps to Lieut Col BF Montgomery MI.2, Room 117 . RES. $34.00 (804)
125. GREAT BRITAIN. HOLLAND. November 3 1939 Montgomery & Workman Ltd/London printed Emergency address env to Amsterdam fnkd 1d & 1/d canc. London. VF. RES. $9.00 (804)
126. Great Britain. POW. 1946(Jul) Army form W 3494(Revised) from German POW w/circ Camp h/s & 4 line No 167 POW Camp/Shady Lane Camp/Stoughton, Nr Leicester/Great Britain to Erzgeb in Russian Zone Occup. RES. . Slight wear. F. RES. $55 (804)
127. Guatamala. Cover sent FREE with APO 839 JUN 27 1944 cancel. Sender with 153 AACS c/o New Orleans. Unit censored. Letter. F-VF. (755)
128. Iceland. 2 1942 FREE covers US APOs 5. 1 with APO 5 cancel from 3 rd Inf. and Unit censor. Other no APO # in cancel cancel sender APO 5. F-VF. (755)
129. Iceland. 3 covers with cancels of US APO 610. Unit censored. 1 repaired with cellophane tape. 1 with letter. 2 with stamps. AVE-F. (755)
130. Iceland. Minkus Patriotic with Army black and white censor tape tied by Base censor handstamps. Sender with 118 Inf. APO 612. Faint APO 612 cancel on 5¢ China and 1¢ PREXIE. Letter dated 5/12/43. F. (755)
131. Iceland. Black and white paper censor tape tied by EXAMINER censor handstamp. / 7/28/43 slightly blurred APO 610 hand cancel. Sender 824 Engr. Bat. F. (755)
132. Iceland. AMERICAN BASE FORCES APO 810 JAN 10 1942 cancel on 3¢ Defense issue. Racetrack censor 3617. VF. (755)
133. Iceland. 2 FREE covers with machine cancels of U.S. APO 810. Base or racetrack censor. AVE. (755)
134. Iceland. 2 FREE covers from APO 860 with no APO in cancel. . 1 Official War Dept. Penalty envelope 244 C.A. with machine cancel Nov. 12 1942. Also cover with black and white paper censor tape tied by EXAMINER censor handstamp and AUG 12 1942 cancel(755)
135. Iceland. FREE cover from Camp Grant. Illinois 4/21/43 to Sgt. 61st C.A. APO 860. Civilian censorship tape of NY. F. (755)
136. Iceland. #10 envelope from NAVY 8150. Navy FEB 21 1943 cancel and double circle Naval censor. F. (755)
137. India. 8. US APO covers APO 192*, 214, 466, 493, 629, 689 (3). MIXED. AVE-F. (755)
138. India. Cover with 6¢ air mail with machine cancel APO 494 JUL 7 1945. Sender APO 14256 8 th Emergency Rescue Sq, Interesting letter. Roughly opened. Also FREE cover with APO 433 1945 machine cancel. AVE. (755)
139. India. 10. US APO covers APO 214, 465. 493, 496, 629 (5), 690 forwarded and 885. Mixed. AVE-F. (755)
140. India. Small cover to U.S. with corner card of India Tibet Mission. 4 Indian stamps tied by indistinct Kalimpong FE 1944 cancels. India censor tape and DHA handstamps. Also U.S. New York cellophane censor tape. F. (755)
141. India and Burma. British Forces. 6 OAS covers to England with 595 MAR 1946, Advanced Base 13, New Dehli HQ. (2), Small FREE OAS cover with BRITISH FLEET MAIL 32 5 FE 46 cancel. Less common? and Brigade? Most cancels on back. (424)
142. Iran, 8 US APO covers APOs 523, 680 (2), 784, 785, 795, 797, 824. Also 1 APO 523 repaired. AVE- F. (755)
143. Iraq. Air mail letter to U.S. Bilingual handstamp and Iraq and U.S. censor tapes. Jan 3 1945 New York receipt cancel. Iraq cancel hard to read. Previously folded. AVE. (942)
144. Italy. FREE cover APO 251 DEC 9 1944 cancel from sender 11 Armd. Inf. Bn. Race track censor. Contents special Colored Christmas card for 1 st Armored Division in Italy. F-VF. (755)
145. Italy. 23 US APO covers APOs 36 (4), 251, 302, 345 (2), 373 (3), 392, 485. 520, 528, 531-Official #10, 534, 538, 547, 549, 570, 785 (2), 2 BPO. Most censored. MIXED. . (755)
146. Italy. Special Change of Address card form W.D.A.G.O. Form No. 204 July 2 1942. APO 464 JAN 19 1945 cancel. Sender with HQ 5th Army. 1 staple hole. F-VF. (755)
147. Italy. Registered cover to New York with 15¢ PREXIE and 3¢ Win the War stamps. Sender from APO 531. Various Registry Backstamps February 1944. VF. (755)
148. Italy. 8 picture postcards used by US APOs 304 (5), 375, 525, 532. Most photos of buildings. 4 colored from Ceccardi series. (755)
149. ITALY-POW/ REDIRECTED 1944(Apr) Airmail env from Angri to Italian POW Camp 3/2 Bombay w/Passed DHP/5 & on rev multiple POW Censorship Middle East label & forwarded to Catfoss nr Hull F. RES. $45.00. (804)
150. ITALY. PROPAGANDA CARD Unused Pictorial propaganda card showing wounded Italian soldier & entitled Eroismo Legionario Scarce card . Slight staining. F-VF. RES. $36.00 (804)
151. Jamaica. 4 covers . 3 with Jamaica stamps to USA including Bogs Walk (torn with stamp missing?), airmail with PC 90 ID tape, #10 with different ID tape;and #10 Jamaica with 4 5¢ PREXIES MAY 1 1942 with orange on white censor tape. (942)
152. Luxembourg. 7 US APO covers APOs 8, 80. 149, 197, 267, and 312. (2). All 1945. 5 with Unit censor. Slight tears etc. F-VF. (755)
153. Malaya. Cover to England with payment by MALAYA Meter. Black and white censor tape tied by weak CENSORED BY/15/CENSOR. Tape over dated cancel could be steamed off. Sender possibly military says 3rd Eng. F.(941)
154. Marianas. 2 covers with US APO 244 DEC 1945 cancels. 1 attractive Christmas letter sheet. F. (755)
155. Morocco. 4 US APO covers APOs 3*, 524, 668*-heavily repaired, and 775. Plus air mail stamped letter to APO 668. Returned for more postage with various markings and cancels. F. (755)
156. Netherlands. FREE DUTCH FORCES. AUSTRALIA. Pair undated WW2 circa 1942-44 stampless privately carried to Lt. Cmdr Beugeling Neth. Air Force, Supply Officer at Brisbane other to Army Box 1306R GPO Brisbane, the former endorsed "Through Kind intermediary of Capt D. Storm" . No postal markings. VF. $55. (804)
157. Netherlands. FREE DUTCH FORCES 1945(Jul) env from L/Cmdr Bierenbroodspot c/o Directorate Netherlands . Air Force London to Lt. Cmdr Beugeling Brisbane Australia. Franked 1/3 for air mail. Slight staining. F. RES. $36. (804)
158. New Caledonia. Air mail stamped envelope canceled APO 25 JUL 18 1944. Member of 35 Inf. Unit and Base censor handstamps and Army cellophane tape. Parcel Post cancel for package privilege. Slight running of address. Plus 2 1944-45 covers APOs 25 and 502. , and 775. Plus air mail stamped letter to APO 668. Returned for more postage with various markings and cancels. F. (755)
159. New Foundland. 16 US APO covers APO 862. 6 with APO # in cancel. Same sender 421 CA. All with Unit Censor 502, 510, 516, 520, 552, or 571. F-VF.(755)
160. New Foundland. 1941 Patriotic Fleetwood colored cachet by Stahle. US and Canadian Flag. Franked with 3 1¢ Defense Issues tied by slightly blurred MAR DETT ARGENT New Foundland cancel. . Enclosure about ordering more. Slight stain. F. (755)
161. New Foundland. US stamped air mail cover with Navy OCT 31 1942 machine cancel. Sender with 17 Batt. US NOB ARGENTIA. To soldier APO 858 Greenland. Large oval Navy censor. Slight opening tears. F. (755)
162. New Foundland. 2 US air mail stamped envelopes with US NAVY 1942-43 machine cancels. Sender with Navy 8095. MPHS says 17 NCB Argentia, Large oval Navy censor. F. (755)
163. New Foundland. 10 mostly #10 War Department envelopes from NAS Navy 103 Argentia. 4 censored. Also 1 1957. (755)
164. New Foundland. Free Navy censored cover with Navy SEP 25 1942 cancel. Sender with ship USS VULCAN. F. (755)
165. New Foundland. Free cover with CAPO No. 1 OC 11 1944 with rectangular RCAF CENSOR #2. Also cover with New Foundland stamps tied by CAPO NO. 3 Cancel with square RCAF CENSOR #7. Slight wrinkle. F. (755)
166. New Foundland. 2 covers to Canada. Each franked with 2 3¢ New Foundland stamps. 1 with weak CAPO 4 1945 cancel. Other with no cancel. Both have 2 line RCAF Censor handstamp and sender CAPO #4. In RCAF envelopes. F. Also air mail Registered nonmilitary cover 1947 to US 30¢ College issue. VF. (755)
167. New Guinea. 6 ¢ stamped air mail envelope from 1 st Evacuation Hospital APO 503 sent Registered with 15¢ PREXIE and various backstamps including APO 503 and New York. Letter enclosed. VF. (755)
168. New Guinea. 20 air mail stamped envelopes from APOs 41*, 198, 322 (5), 703 (2 in cancel), 703*, 713 (3), 716, 7 BPO (5). AVE. (755)
169A. New Guinea. 9 covers US APOs 24 (2-with letters), 32 (2), 322 (4), AND BPO 7. 2 processed V-Mails. AVE. (755)
169B. New Guinea. 3 FREE covers with AMERICAN BASE FORCES or APO 1942/43 cancels. Senders with APO 929 . Australian like US Army censor tapes. 2 also Base and 1 U.S.A.F.I.A. censor handstamp. Other Theater Censor. 1 to APO 924 Australia. with opening tears. F-VF. (755)
170. New Hebrides. 4 1944-45 covers US APOs 27 (3), and APO 708. Also Navy 140 . (755)
171. New Zealand. 3 1944 covers to U.S. All have PC 90 DDA tapes. 2 1/. air mail covers. Normal cover with Royal Princesses stamps. Slight tears and handling. AVE. (942)
172. NORWAY. GERMAN OCCUP. 1942 env to Vienna canc. Feldpost from FP L 08272 LGPA Hamburg. w/Feldpost h/s. AVE. RES. $15.00 (804)
173. NORWAY. GERMAN OCCUP. 1942 env to Germany canc. Feldpost from FP 40540 & w/Feldpost h/s with blurred FPN. Coastal Art. Rgt 977 Norway. AVE. RES. $15.00 (804)
174. Philippines. APO 201 JUN 2 45 cancel on 4 3¢ PREXIES?. Army censor tape and Base censor 2906 marking. SB SB $3.00 (942)
175. Philippines. #10 envelope with bilingual corner card of Manila firm to U.S. with MIL CEN CIVIL MAILS cellophane tape tied by CCD shield handstamp #354. Philippines Victory stamps with Manila JUN 15 1945 cancel. Has been folded. F. (574)
176. POLISH FORCES. ITALY. 1946 OAS env to Polish Force ME 242 canc. Poczta Polowa/125 d/s located Porto Civitanova, Italy. F. RES $15.00 (804)
177. Russia. 2 1942-43 stampless covers with letters in Russian. Plus 1961 with cachet and letter. and 2 1978. Post war have triangular handstamps. Censor? AVE-F. (424)
178. Solomon Islands. 5 US APO covers APOs 25, 37, 40, 43 (2 1 with ambiguous date. Also Navy 145. AVE-F. (755)
179. Solomon Islands. Front of Newspaper wrapper with light green sender label 19th Air Service Group APO 709. Orange label says mailed according to POD Order 19687. And returned handstamp due to incorrect address. Date 1943? AVE. F. (755)
180. South Africa. OAS cover with George 14.I.41 cancel and handstamp of No. 1 G.R.S. 14.I.41. Sender 61 Air School. Plus OAS cover from No. 1 A.R.D. to Johannesburg and Cape 1944 meter with censor tape. F. (941)
181. South Africa. Orange bilingual OHMS envelope to 2nd Echelon (S.A.F) Nairobi with APO U-M.P.K. 14 JU 41 cancel. F. (941)
182. South Africa. 6 covers. with South African censor tape. 1 PAQUETBOT 1944 with no city, 2 are "C" and 1 "B". 1 Angola via South Africa. Mixed. (942)
183. South Rhodesia. OAS cover with faint but legible 28.3.45 DULAWAY cancel. Different DEPUTY PROVOST MARSHALL DULAWAYO handstamps on front and back. F. (941)
184 South Rhodesia. Free OAS cover with blurred 7 Oct 1940 GWELO cancel. Also rectangular ROYAL AIR FORCE No. 26 E. F.T.S.Guinea FOWL GWELO dated handstamp. Sender with similar notation on back. Tears. AVE. (007)
185. Trinidad. 3 U.S. . censored philatelic covers US APO 803 (2-1 Minkus cachet and 1 with generic cachet), and , 803 A. F-VF. (755)
186. Trinidad. 6¢ air mail stamped envelope from NOB Navy 117. US Navy JAN 7 1944 machine cancel. Weak but legible Navy Censor. F-VF. (755)
187. Trinidad. 3 US covers: 9th Bomb Group APO 869 with 8/14/42 cancel and Unit censor; #10 with 5 6¢ Transports tied by APO 869 JUL 18 1942 cancel and Unit censor. and repaired; Plus # 10 Navy 117 with 1943 Navy cancel and some staining from glue? AVE-F. (755)
188. Trinidad. Cover to U.S. with AMERICAN BASE FORCES APO 803 A JAN 10 1942 cancel on U.S. stamps and Unit censor. No sender. F-VF. (836)
189. Trinidad. Small stampless post card sent FREE from soldier 33 rd INF. APO 868. No date in cancel. Unit Censor #792-A. F. (755)
190. Trinidad. 1943(Dec) green Honour env by airmail to Field Censor (Home) London WC 1 fnkd 60c & 8c Trinidad Tobago stamps and canc Port of Spain & w/on rev circ Crown/Passed By Censor/No 4484 h/s . F. SB $36.00 (804)
191. Tunisia. 6 US APO covers from APOs 302 (2-1 photo card with some mounting remnants on text side), 521- roughly opened, 530, 533 to 528 and 533 Blue Envelope. Most. F. (755)
192. Comic postcard sent FREE with APO 166 AUG 11 1945 machine cancel. Sender 82 nd General Hospital . From France message written 9 August Message "What do you think of new Bombing on Japan. Looks like quick ending to everything.". Day of bombing of Nagasaki. Slight toning. F. (755)
193. Letter from Seattle to Engineer on SS Mideast Farmer Atlantic Pacific SS Co. c/o Postmaster San Francisco. Franked with Canadian 7¢ air mail and dumb FEB 18 1945 cancel. Back has 4 line handstamp referring to District Postal Censor by U.S. Naval Authorities. Also similar cover with no censor or ship. F-VF. (755)
194. Cover with NACO Arizona AUG 19 1943 cancel to U.S. RECEIVED FROM CUSTOMS HANDSTAMP and circular U.S. Censor handstamp with 11240 of El Paso. Opening tears. Plus Cover mexico to U.S. with circular censor #2265. AVE-F. (755)
195. FREE cover to U.S. endorsed and handstamp SOLDIERS MAIL/ P.L AND R 515 Handstamps of U.S. ARMY. Helblock lists as CBI. No cancel. Roughly opened away from censor. AVE. (755)
196. V-MAIL. Special form W.W., A.G.O. FORM NO. 907 1 JANUARY 1944. CHANGE OF ADDRESS FORM from APO 269. APO 887 AUG 4 1945 cancel. Serrated edges. F-VF. (755)
197. V-MAIL. 5 processed letters with envelopes used Great Britain (2), New Guinea, Italy, and Tunisia. Also Wales without envelope F-VF. (755)
198. V-MAIL. 4 different processed letters and 1 envelope with Christmas themes F-VF. (755)
199. V-MAIL. Special envelope for selling blank forms by Wessel Co. Chicago. 2 of original Permit 1's enclosed. Plus 5 blanks of various Permits and types. VF. (755)
200. V-MAIL. 4 blank special forms including Address 16-28143-2, 1943 16-35948-1, 1944 15-40856-1, and , Savings Bond 1944 16-42389-1 1 with opening tears. Otherwise VF. (755)
201. V-Mail Unprocessed with large boxed handstamp with reasons for returning letter with incomplete address checked off. Base censor. No dates. F. (836)
202. War Ballots 1944 . 6 State Ballot related items :Connecticut, Delaware. Michigan, Massachusetts, Ohio, and Washington . All postally used by soldiers at military locations. Various size and shapes of envelopes. 1 card. VF. (755)
203. War Ballots 1944 . 2 Federal cards sent to California. APO 4 and 305. France. Plus mint card. VF. (755)
204. Mint military related stationery including :Blue Envelope, 2 Form 111 April 1944 POW, Form 112 1 December 1944, Form No. 6-1 November 1, 1942. Also 5 nonfederal cards of Red Cross, USO, etc. VF. (755)
205. 3 envelopes, 2 "Green " 2 from same soldier APO 871. 3 Base censor handstamps. 1 regular envelope. Mixed. (755)
206. 8 covers with Overrun Nations stamps with flags of Belgium, Denmark, France, Korea, Norway (2), Poland (2). Postally used 1943-45. 5 sent by APO., 4 Unit Censored. 1 Minkus Patriotic. F-VF.(755)
207. Air mail cover from well known collector to APO in 1945. Letter says he collects censored covers and includes never used 8¢ stamped envelope . Returned to U.S. with less common double oval SFPE 15 APR 1945 cancel. Some wear. AVE.(755)
208. FREE cover from Roswell New Mexico from a member of RAF FEB 18 1945. (Royal Air Force). VF. Plus 2 covers 1947 from member of 830 Bomb Sqdn R.A.A.F. 1 California and 1 England. (008)
209. Domestic bases, Air Force. 16 with Air Base etc. in cancel. Little duplication. Mixed. F. (755)
210. Domestic bases, Air Force. 18 with Air Base etc. corner cards. Little duplication. Mixed. F. (755)
211. Domestic bases, Air Force. 63 with Air Base etc. in return address. Little duplication. Mixed. F. (755)
212. Domestic bases, Army. 23 with Army Base etc. corner cards. Little duplication. Mixed. F. (755)
213. Domestic bases, Army. 36 with Army in cancels. . Little duplication. Mixed. F. (755)
214A. Domestic bases, Army. 62 with Army in return address. Little duplication. Mixed. F. (755)
214B. Domestic bases, Army.
36 #10 Official War Department covers used in U.S. AVE. (755)
215. Alaska. Cover from APO 979 with SEP 7 1942 cancel. Provisional MILITARY CENSOR #7. Slight opening tears. AVE. (755)
216. Alaska. 6¢ stamped air mail envelope with APO MAR 1943 cancel. Base censor tying Army Censor tape 16-25791. Unit censor. VF. (755)
217. Alaska. Patriotic. Crosby like embossed cachet for Alaska with military action scenes and photo of 2 Eskimo Malamutes. 8¢ air mail to Congressman with APO 942 FEB 19 1945 machine cancel . VF. (755)
218. Alaska. 2 Federal War Ballot cards # 16-39138-1 with APO 726 and 948 1944 cancels. VF. (755)
219. Alaska. Air mail cover with blank paper sealing strip tied by provisional PASSED/ ASST. ADC. CENSOR handstamp. Sender APO 980 NOV 4 1942. Forwarded. F. SB$10.00 (755)
220. Alaska. 6 ¢ stamped air mail cover with APO 948 JUL 18 1943 cancel. Sender RCAF Seattle to Canada. Partial US civilian cellophane censor tape. Manuscript censored. F. SB$20.00 (755)
221. Alaska. 6 ¢ stamped air mail cover with APO 944 AUG 30 1944 cancel. Sender civilian . To Wacker City Alaska. . Backstopped APO 942 AUG 31 1942. F. (755)
222. Alaska. V-Mail form used on ordinary envelope to sailor NCB Bn 8 NAS Dutch Harbor from West VA. 2 3¢ Defense issue and paper civilian censor tape #3623. Tiny holes from typewriter? AVE-F. (755)
223. Alaska. Special multicolored cacheted cover showing Eskimo, Huskies, and Mt. McKinley. Sender 85 th Batt. Co. C. Navy cancel JAN 12 1944 and censor. F-VF. (755)
224. Alaska. Small envelope with 3¢ Defense issue tied by Dutch Harbor Alaska JAN 25 1942 cancel. Special ADC paper censor tape. Upper part of cancel partially off envelope. Some bleed through of gum. F. (755)
225. Alaska. 6 ¢ stamped air mail cover with Seattle WAS SEP 25 1943 machine cancel to U.S. Sender Naval Air Station Adak. Naval censored. Back has small tear. (755)
226. Alaska. FREE cover with SEATTLE(N. AIR STA. )Kodiak... Jul 3 1942 cancel. Sender Lt. Squadron VSID 13. Also plain censor tape tied on back with civilian V-V #13963 Cancel. F. Also cover with blurred cancel PATSU 4-1. (755)
227. Alaska. USO card and envelope with letter sent FREE from same sender NCB Bn. 8 NAS Dutch Harbor. Navy censor. Navy type JUL 28 and AUG 23 1942 dumb cancels . VF. (755)
228. Alaska. 1 card sent FREE from 8th Bat APO FEB 10 1943 without APO with Unit censor and sender NAS Dutch Harbor. Endorsed "Philatelic Mail-Please Censor". Also Bremerton Navy Yard JUN 25 1942 cancel from 8th NCB 13 Naval District. F-VF.
229. Alaska. Stamped Naval censored air mail envelope with JUL 23 1943 Navy cancel.Some letters faint. Sender from U.S.S. YP-155 F-VF.(755)
230. Alaska. FREE cover from APO 986 SEP 16 1943. Sender 54 th Fighter Sqdn. Unit censor. AVE-F.(755)
231. Alaska. Navy censored Air mail stamped envelope with 3¢ Kentucky issue and tied by NAVY MAY 17 1944 cancel. Sender Coast Guard Cape Sarichef Alaska. Cut slightly on opening. F. SB $20.00 .(755)
232. Canal Zone. 4 covers with Canal Zone stamps and cancels with letters. All have early rectangular Censor. 1 repaired. Plus 2 APO 827 ripped on opening. MIXED. (755)
233. Canal Zone. APO 828 machine cancel AU 10 1943 . Base censor 0020. RES. $5.00 . VF. (942)
234. Canal Zone. APO 833 MOB cancel APR 16 1943. Base censor 0009. Bad repaired tears. SB $5.00 F-VF. (942)
235. Guam. 3 APOs 246 air mail stamped envelopes. Base or Unit censor. F-VF. (755)
236. Hawaii. 2 air mail covers. 1 with Hikam Field T.H. Mar 3 1942 machine cancel on 2 3¢ Defense issue. Endorsed "Service Mail-Clipper". Sender with 11 th Bomb Group. Early Army double circle censor. Also generic patriotic with Hickham AUG 11 1941 hand cancel on Defense issue with file holes. F-VF. (755)
237. Hawaii. 7 covers APOs 27, 40, 953 (2), 958, and 14574 (2 with letters enclosed). (755)
238. Hawaii. 3 air mail covers with 1944 Navy cancels and censor from sender M.B. Naval Air Station Navy #27. Tears 1 roughly opened. (424)
239. Panama. Multicolored "Jiffy" card with APO 838 New Orleans NOV 6 cancel with unclear year. F. .SB $20.00 (755)
240. Presque Island Maine. 2 covers with different senders PIAFF . 1 with OCT 5 1943 APO cancel. 1 with PRESQUE MAR 7 1945 cancel . VF.
241. Presque Island Maine. 3 covers. 2 registered air mail #10 Official War Department Penalty envelopes to Commanding General SF Port of Embarkation. Sender HQ North Atlantic Wing Air Transport Command Presque Island. 1 with 3 6¢ Transport and 15¢ PREXIE stamps. 1 with 2 5¢, 1 15¢ and 2 1¢'s. Plus small cover to HQ North Atlantic Wing. Various Registry handstamps. F.
242. 2 embossed Crosby like special 2nd Marine cachets with battle scenes and with photos of planes and mascot. Each with Camp Elliott November 1941 cancels. F-VF. (755)
243. 3 used patriotics. 1 VJ Day with bombers. and 2 Minkus 1942-43. Also unused card with Shaw 4 Freedoms with slight stain. F-VF. (755)
244. Letter to soldier APO 34 with Iowa MAY 6 1943 cancel on 6¢ transport series and 4 different patriotic labels. Opening tears. AVE. (755)
245. Special colored post card for War Bond . Show sairman at plane hatch ? Sent APO 35 SEP 26 1944 from France. Also special war bond label. F. (755)
246. 2 covers with Overrun Nations issues. 1 FAW 16 sent Special Delivery DEC 1943 with French Flag, 10¢ Special delivery 6¢ Transport. Other Netherlands Flag issue and Steam ship issue to home base. F. (755)
247. 2 covers from Venezuela to U.S. 1 air mail with weak 1944 cancel with V..._. Morse code for Victory. Other weak cancel with printed Venezuela for Victory on flap. Both with New York censor tapes. AVE. (942)
248. VE Day. SMARTCRAFT colored cachet for "Victory and Liberation Day" with VICTORY VT. MAY 8 1945 cancel. Unaddressed. Plus The Evening and Sunday Star Victory Day cachet with Washington MAY 8 1945 cancel addressed. VF. (942)
249. Patriotic cachted cover with Crosby like photo. 20¢ Trans Pacific Air mail tied by U.S.S. ENTERPRISE SEP 16 1940 cancel. Gum bleed through on back. F. (755)
250. Same as last patriotic cachted cover with Crosby like photo. 20¢ Trans Pacific Air mail tied by U.S.S. ENTERPRISE OCT ? 1940 cancel. Less gum bleed through. Assessed 20 ¢ Postage Due with 4 5¢ stamps affixed over stamp. Need bright light to see cancel. F. . (755)
251. Stamped air mail envelope with Navy MAY 24 1944 cancel. Sender with Motor Torpedo Boat base 9. Navy censor. F-VF. (755)
252. FREE cover from U.S.S.P.C. 552 with Navy OCT 11 1942 cancel. To U.S.S. WANDANK. Unusual straight line censor. F-VF. (755)
253. 1¢ post card with US Navy MAY 8 1944 cancel. Sender with U.S.A.T. Wm Evarts. Navy censor. To Camp Butner APO 35. F. (755)
254. 4 covers : American-Hawaiian S.S. COMPANY Navy DEC 20 1944 cancel, SS Steamer Wellington with APO 817 MAR 5 1945 cancel, V-Mail form with rolled dumb cancel from SS Townsend Harris and #10 Jeremiah S. Black with Navy 23 MAY 1945 cancel. F. (755)
255. U.S. Coast Guard. Air mail cover with Navy NOV 18 1944 cancel. Sender Coast Guard T.S. Navy 48. F-VF. (755)
256. U.S. Coast Guard. Air mail cover with Navy OCT 18 1944 cancel. Sender Army TS 175 Navy 920. Navy censor. Folded. AVE. F-VF. (755)
257. U.S. Coast Guard. USCGC CAMPBELL, OAK, and 7 bases 1 1946. AVE. (755)
258. 25 covers from domestic. Navy Bases. Duplication. AVE. (755)
260. Cover with machine cancel of YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK JUL 26 1945 tying 3 "Win the War" stamps. Sender U.S. Naval Special hospital. A long way from the ocean! (755)
261. Cover from Navy Coffee plant Navy 128 in Hawaii. . Navy DEC 5 1944 cancel and censor. F. (755)
262. 5 covers Algeria ; APO 3792, 3976, 3836 V-Mail; MOROCCO-4014, 4016 H. 3 with APO cancel with no number. 2 #10. AVE-F. (755)
263. India. 7 covers APO 7413-stamps missing, 11331 -5 with 4 with APO 494 in cancel, and 5290. Mixed. (755)
264. Australia. 2 air mail covers from sender APO 4666 JAN 20 1944 cancel with illegible APO #. Letter enclosed. and cover with US ARMY partial double circle cancel with unclear month. Unit censored. AVE. (755)
265. Misc. 4 or 5 digits: 3181-Egypt, 15422- APO 143-France, Great Britain APO 4579, 5180, Hawaii-566, 14574 (2 - with letters), 11350-Italy processed V-Mail. Plus 16008 B Change of Address Pacific?. Mixed. (755)
266. Censored cover from APO 562 with 1944 APO 116 cancel with no month. To Camp Livingston and forwarded handstamp "Apo 450 Cp Cooke Cal." Domestic usage rare. F. (755)
267. 54 Domestic APOS from 3, 7,2, 8 , 31 (2), 32, 35, 38 (2), 41-(2 1 to), 44 (2), 45, 76 (2), 77 (3), 78, 79, 80, 81, 88, 94, 102 (2), 104, 189, 200, 253 (2), 255 (2), 259, 260(2), 262 (2-1 War Ballot), 263 (4), 304(2 -1 to), 307(2), , 308 309 (2), 410, 412, and 468. Most F-VF. (755)
268. Desert Maneuvers. 5 covers APO 8, 79, 104, 189 and 254. 2 humorous cards but not canceled. F. (755)
269. U. S. 12 post war 1945 covers with various Return markings to APOS 443 (2), 562 (7), 668 (3) , covers No backstamps or APO cancels. 6 roughly opened. MIXED. (755)
270. U.S. Official Mail. 1980's 90's. 12 #10 envelopes. 8 stamped 22¢ with Official stamps added 17¢ (5), 22¢ (2), 4 (3), . Plus 4 with Official mail meters. (755)
271. U.S. Official Mail. 1980's 90's. 49 #10 stamped envelopes with corner cards of military senders. Most 1980's and 22¢. Many AFROTC. F-VF. (755)
272. U.S. Official Mail. 15 #10 with Official stamps added . Most 1980's and 90's. The following added stamps : 1¢ (5), 17¢ (3), 20¢ (2), 22¢ (12), F-VF. (755)
273. U.S. Alaska. 11 covers endorsed Task Force Williwaw. Cold weather testing. APO 980 1947 cancels. Most with letters. 1 Eskimo cachet. F-VF. (755)
274. U.S. Alaska. 19 covers . APO 728-1957, 729-1945, 942 (14-1945-53), 980 (canceled UNLASKA 1949), 986 from USAT NORTH PACIFIC 1946 .1 Eskimo cachet. Plus 1 #10 APO 98736. F-VF. (755)
275. U.S. Alaska. Colored QSRL card Kodiak. Dog Team Igloo theme Navy 13609 1959 cancel. F-VF. (755)
276. U.S. Canal Zone. 6 1954-64 covers 1 is QRSL card showing aerial view. 5 # 10. 4 with Canal Zone stamps and 2 with meters. . F-VF. (755)
277. United Nations. UNEF Canadian Forces. 2 # 10 envelopes with corner cards and handstamps of UNEF Pisa Italy. Italian stamps tied by PISA 1960 to, 1961 cancels. To England with Canadian CFPO 102 receipt cancels. 1 stamp missing?. F. (377)
278. United Nations. UNEF Canadian Forces. Canadian Defense envelope from 246 (T) Detachment Pisa Italy. Lebanese stamps affixed over UN machine cancel and tied by unclear cancels. To England with Canadian CFPO 102 18 May 1961 receipt cancel. F. (377)
279. United Nations. UNEF Canadian Forces. Forces Air Letter from Italy to Yemen. UNEF, Pisa Italy and Yemen CAPO 5049 and SANA handstamps. Back has 3 President Kennedy 1963 stamps with indistinct cancels. No message. F. (377)
280. United Nations. UNMOG Canadian Forces. Forces Air Letter from Pakistan to Canada. UNMOG RAWAPINDI handstamp. 7 Pakistan stamps with civilian 1974 cancels . No message. F. (377)
281. Antarctic. 4 cacheted covers Operation Highjump 1946-47 with USS MOUNT OLYMPUS 1947 cancel, Operation Deep Freeze with BYRD STATION ANTARCTICA 1968 cancel, Deep Freeze 73 with POLE STATION ANTARCTICA 1973 cancel endorsed COAST GUARD CUTTER GLACIER, and DEEP FREEZE 75 with unclear year in cancel but 1975 in cachet. Some hand cachets not crisp. F. (755)
282. Arctic. 4 cacheted covers: NSTS ARCTIC OPERATION 1957 with USS ELDORADO 1957 cachet and letter on ship paper, ARCTIC OPERATIONS 1962 APO 677 and 1965 APO 09677, and FLETCHER ICE ISLAND 1979. F. (755)
283. Austria. U.S. Occupation. 7 covers including APOs 411-1945, 541-1949, and 777 (6-1946-54 including U.S.C.O.A. ). 3 #10. 2 with corner cards. 1 with piece missing. Others AVE-F. (755)
284. Canada. View card of HMCS BONAVENTURE with stamp tied by CFPOI 26 JUN 30 1970 cancel. Plus HMCS BONAVENTURE cacheted cover to War Museum with Halifax 1970 cancel. Special boxed dated handstamp for 1970 Postal Strike and various museum cancels. Also 2 unaddressed green Forces air letters with special museum cancels. VF. (377)
285. China. Taiwan. Official #10 cover with corner card of MUTUAL SECURITY MISSION to China with APO 63 1954 cancel. Letter enclosed on official stationery on potentials employment. Cut short on opening. Plus air mail cover from Chinese Major MAAG Formosa APO 63 1952. F-VF. (755)
286. . Egypt. British Forces. FREE OAS covers 1946 with FPO 38 and 590 North Africa. Also 6 with unclear cancels. AVE.
287. France, 6 covers with French Military stamps from 1959-70. F-VF. (84)
288. Germany. 40 USAPO covers 1945-1950. 20 philatelic with commemorative stamps. 6 # 10 Officials. AVE-F. (755)
289. Germany. 37 USAPO covers 1951-1961. Mixed. Most F. (755)
290. Germany. 22 USAPO covers from same member of Constabulary APO 46. Canceled APO 403 or 46. Not all cancels have year. Appears to be 1947-48. Most 6¢ revalued 5¢ stamped envelopes. F. (755)
291. Germany. . Cover with US APO 178 1946. Also # 10 cover V Corps. APO 757 1957 Both made out of German military maps. F(755)
292. Germany. 2 covers. 1 with 6 stamps a mix of numeral and AMG to Italy. Dusseldorf machine cancel 11.7.46 British censor tape and handstamp. Flap missing. F. Also weak Hockenheim cancel on 75 pfg. numeral with U.S. censor tape and handstamp.(755)
293. Germany. Air Mail cover with APO 742 JUL 19 1945 cancel. Sender U.S. Gp. CC(GER) PW DP DIV APO 742. Berlin OMG control of POW's and DPs Plus 24 BPO G-1 1946 and APO 757 G-4 SHAEF 1945. Plus window envelope APO 09227 cancel. . (836)
294. Germany. Stamped cover with British FPO 222 1950 cancel. Plus 2 #10 covers with BFPO 15 and 20 meter like 1987 OR 92 cancels. Each with BRITISH FIELD POST/ ERMÄSSIGTER GEBÜHR handstamps and BRITISH FORCES IN GERMANY BACKSTAMPS. (836)
295. Germany. 3 censored covers to U.S. 1 1947 with RELEASED BY GROUP "E". Roughly opened. Plus 50 pfg. with British censor handstamp and tape with unclear cancel. Also 75 pfg. with different British tape and handstamp. AVE-F. (942)
296. Germany. 3 50 pfg. snf 60 pfg. Posthorn series from US APO 108 in Munich Special Delivery Air Mail. Munich cancels with hard to read dates. Backstopped San Francisco JUN 29 1953. F. (755)
297. Germany. Airmail cover from US APO 112 Augsburg to US. 80 pfg. Heuss tied by Landstuhl 29.3.60 cancel. Slight fold away from stamp etc. F. (755)
298. Germany. Special Christmas card in German showing family picture. Mailed from APO 175 DEC 12 1956 on 2¢ stamp. Sender with Stars and Stripes. VF. (755)
299. Greenland. 4 covers with U.S. stamps from APO 23 Thule 1955-58. 1#10. 1 with Ice Island handstamp. F (755)
300. Iran 8 R Iranian AEROGRAMME with Tehran 8.12.2 cancel used from US AID/Field APO 205. Camels inside and written from city of Imam Reza. Also 2 #10 covers APO 205 1952-56. Senders with MAAG Iran and Naval attaché. F-VF. .(008)
301. Italy. British Forces 5 FREE British FPO covers 17 (3), 751 and 1 from same correspondence with hard to read #. Cancels 1945-46. (424)
302. Libya. Colored QSL card with map of Africa. Sender US APO 2 1951. F-VF (755)
303. Libya, 3 early U.S. commemoratives with US APO 194 1947 cancel. To British military collector Jagger. Backstopped British FPO 801 in France. AVE-F. (755)
304. Midway. Colored MIDWAY ISLANDS QSL card. Navy 17005 1959 cancel. Cachet of Service Squadron Two DET Navy 3080. F-VF, (755)
305. Okinawa. Colored QSL card with Japanese structure. Sent U.S. APO 239 1960. VF. Sender US APO 2 1951. F-VF (755)
306. Philippines 1108 Eng. Combat Group V-Mail from APO 901 with Navy OCT 25 1945 cancel. Talks about on ship to Korea. Ammunition thrown overboard Plus 1948 cover to APO 815 Forwarded APO 81, 235. Korea. ACE-F. F-VF, (755)
307. Philippines. 2 covers APO 450 1946 from . Plus 4 covers to same sender with large boxed handstamp returning to U.S. and all backstamped APO 450 1946. F. (941)
308. Siam. 6¢ stamped envelope from sender American Legation, Bangkok, Siam. Later Thailand. US APO 465 from India. F. (755)
309. Thailand. 2 registered Bank of America package tags US APO 96346,June-July 1975 cancels. Thailand Military Finance Facility. Attractively franked with 22 stamps including many 20¢, 50¢, and 50¢. Small piece missing where pulled from bag. F. (755)
310. Thailand 2 covers APOs 146 1964 and APO 153-1963 Cambodia window envelope. F-VF (755)
311. Yugoslavia. Registered cover with Yugoslavia stamps to relative Dir. of Maint. HQ USAFE APO 633. Backstopped Munich 4.9.50 and APO 633 of Wiesbaden from civilian. Belgrade cancels and registry label. Some blotting of address. F. (755)
312. 18 1989-1993 #10 Official Business Covers with corner cards of Naval ships. Good variety. 16 with Official postage stamp including 15¢ (6), 19¢ (2), 22¢ (8), 25¢ (5-1 stamped envelope), E, F, . F-VF. (755)
313 8 #10 Navy Penalty covers: Alaska, Navy 510; Hawaii-15, 85, 128. 214 ; Italy 913; Morocco. 230. Most in 1950s with 5 digit Br. cancels. AVE-F. (008)
314. Envelope with handstamp for meeting of Bush and Gorbachev at sea (Malta). Special FPO USS BELKNAP DEC 3 1989 cancel on domestic "E" stamp. VF. (834)
315. U.S. Coast Guard 2 1971 covers with cancels of USCGC STATEN ISLAND with cachet for "Deep Freeze" 1970-71 signed by Captain . Also USCGC BURTON ISLAND 1971 with different cachet. VF. (755)
316. U.S. Coast Guard. USCG CUTTER NORTHWIND. 2 covers 1957 or 1978. Partial cancels but legible. 1 had 1978 ARCTIC WEST SUMMER cachet. AVE. (755)
317. AUSTRIA. KM-BOOT LINDAU M1072. STANDING NAVAL FORCE CHANNEL. NATO. Dutch stamp tied by 18.9.1974 cancel. F. (295)
318. Belgium. Cachet of Belgian ship MYOSOTIS. Cachet of Commander M922 MYOSOTIS. British stamp with only indication Maritime mail. AVE. (295)
319. France. 2 covers with cachets for visit of French Frigate F788 and Fregete DE GRASSE. Weak 2000 British postmarks on British stamps. AVE. (295)
320. Great Britain. 3 covers: HMS ILLUSTRSIOUS 2001; HMS VANGUARD-2001, and HMS TRIUMPH 2000. British stamps and civilian cancels. AVE-F. (295)
321. Netherlands. Cover from HR. MS DOLFIJN/NAPO 323 and Marine handstamp. British cancel on British stamp 2000. Dutch submarine with Navy Archive photo of ship enclosed. F-VF. (295)
322. Senegal. Cover with France Scott 2260 with Paris France Naval cancel 3-10 1991 with unusual large rect. pictorial cachet "AGENCE POSTAL DAKAR UNITE MARINE." Vertical fold. F-VF. (723)
323. 9 FREE air mail covers from same sender APO 301 1951 with letters enclosed. Some staining. AVE-F. (755)
324. 9 mostly FREE covers 1951-54 APOs 24, 248* (2), 301* (2),707. and Navy 12867 Marines . Also to APO 40 Korea 1945 and returned. Plus 660 Japan. F-VF. (755)
325. 3 air mail covers showing cachet of map of Vietnam with critical cities. Sender Canadian Captain International Commission for Control and Supervision (MCCD-ICCS0). To CFPO 5005. Franked with Scott 433, 446 and 433+Canadian stamp. All with Saigon 31 7 1973 cancels. VF. (377)
326. Similar lot as lot 325. 3 air mail covers showing cachet of map of Vietnam with critical cities. Sender Canadian Captain MCCD-ICCS0. To CFPO 5005. Franked with Scott 433, 446 and 433+Canadian stamp. All with Saigon 31 7 1973 cancels. VF. (377)
327. 2 air mail covers showing cachet of map of Vietnam with critical cities. To Canadian Captain (MCCD-ICCS0) with Vietnamese address. Franked with Scott 440 and Military stamp M2 All with Saigon 31 7 1973 cancels. VF. (377)
328. 6 air mail covers showing cachet of map of Vietnam with critical cities. To Canadian Captain (MCCD-ICCS0) with Vietnamese address. Franked with Scott Military stamp M2 All with military 1973 cancels and and handstamps of KBC 3090. 3222, 3799, 4600-black, 4691, and 6250,. VF. (377)
329. 3 air mail covers showing cachet of map of Vietnam with critical cities. To Canadian Captain (MCCD-ICCS0) with Vietnamese address. Franked with Scott Military stamp M2 All with military 1973 cancels and less common triangular KBC handstamps of 4345, 4600, and 4647. VF. (377)
330. 10 air mail covers showing cachet of map of Vietnam with critical cities. To Canadian Captain (MCCD-ICCS0) with Vietnamese address. Franked with pairs of Scott Military stamp M2 All with military 1973 cancels and circular KBC handstamps of 3799. VF. (377)
331. Operation Joint Endeavor. FREE cover from Camp Demi. Military Postal Service APO 09789 cancel without year. F. (755)
332. Bahrain. Patriotic colored postcard showing American flag and Statue of Liberty with colored Peace Keeper FREE MAIL label with yellow edging. Tied by June 19 2002-4 cancel and corner card of APO 09345. To Navy League. VF.(834)
333. Cuba. Camp Delta. Patriotic colored postcard showing American flag and Statue of Liberty with colored Peace Keeper FREE MAIL label. Tied by SEP 11 7002 Enduring FREEDOM JTF 160 cancel and corner card of APO 09360. To Navy League. VF.(834)
334. Dubai. Patriotic colored postcard showing American flag and Statue of Liberty with imprinted Peace Keeper FREE MAIL label. Tied by APR 28 2003 DUBAI MCA cancel and corner card of APO AE 09801. To Navy League. VF.(834)
335. IRAQ. Camp Victory. Patriotic colored postcard showing American flag and Statue of Liberty with imprinted Peace Keeper FREE MAIL label. Tied by APR 2003 cancel and corner card of APO AE 09327 To Navy League. VF.(834)
336. KYRIGIZSTAN. 2 patriotic colored postcard showing American flag and Statue of Liberty with imprinted Peace Keeper FREE MAIL label. Tied by 2 different 2004 cancels and corner cards of APO AE 09353 To Navy League. VF.(834)
337. Pakistan. Patriotic colored postcard showing American flag and Statue of Liberty with colored Peace Keeper FREE MAIL label. Tied by 1 July 1 2002 cancels and corner card of APO AE 09351 To Navy League. VF.(834)
338. PHILIPPINES. Patriotic colored postcard showing American flag and Statue of Liberty with imprinted Peace Keeper FREE MAIL label. Tied by USMC 10 FPO AP 966 cancels and corner card of FPO AP 0966. To Navy League. VF.(834)
339. SERBIA. MONTENEGRO. Patriotic colored postcard showing American flag and Statue of Liberty with imprinted Peace Keeper FREE MAIL label. Tied by APO 17 JUN 2004 cancel and corner card of APO AE 09340. To Navy League. VF. (834)
340. SOMALIA. DJIBOUTI. Patriotic colored postcard showing American flag and Statue of Liberty with imprinted Peace Keeper FREE MAIL label. Tied by APO 26 MAR 2004 cancel and Senders address label APO AE 09363. Some letters faint. To Navy League. F. (834)
341. TURKEY. Patriotic colored postcard showing American flag and Statue of Liberty with imprinted Peace Keeper FREE MAIL label. Tied by APO 14 MAR 2003 cancel and corner card of APO AE 09341. Also lilac type MOB cancel. . To Navy League. VF. (834)
342. UZBEKISTAN. Patriotic colored postcard showing American flag and Statue of Liberty with imprinted Peace Keeper FREE MAIL label. Tied by APO 22 MAR 2004 cancel and corner card of APO AE 09311 cancel. To Navy League. VF. (834)
The following do not have locations known but appear to be in war zone since they were sent FREE.
Units identified.
343. Patriotic colored postcard showing American flag and Statue of Liberty with colored Peace Keeper FREE MAIL label. Tied by 11 JUL 2002 cancel and corner card of APO 09882. To Navy League. VF.(834)
344. 5 patriotic colored postcards showing American flag and Statue of Liberty with imprinted Peace Keeper FREE MAIL label. Tied by 2003 to 2005 cancels and corner cards of APO AE 09316, 09322, 09324, 09357, and 09392. Identified as 9 th Air Exp Gp, 2nd Arm Cav. AG, 1st Arm. Cav. , Joint Mail Terminal, and Rodeo #4, . To Navy League. F- VF.(834)
345. Patriotic colored postcards showing American flag and Statue of Liberty with imprinted Peace Keeper FREE MAIL label. Tied by special 28 APR 2004 US EMB DPO AE 09736 cancel for Embassy. To Navy League. F- VF.(834)
346. 9 patriotic colored postcards showing American flag and Statue of Liberty with imprinted Peace Keeper FREE MAIL label. Tied by 2004 to 2005 cancels and corner cards of APO AE 08310, 09317, 09334, 09348, o9349, 09361, 09373. 09392, 09393, and 09889 . To Navy League. F- VF.(834)
347. 5 patriotic colored postcards showing American flag and Statue of Liberty with imprinted Peace Keeper FREE MAIL label. Tied by 2004 to 2005 Military Post Office cancels and corner cards of APO AE 09302, 09305, 09359 (2), and 09898, To Navy League. F- VF.(834)
348. 6 patriotic colored postcards showing American flag and Statue of Liberty with imprinted Peace Keeper FREE MAIL label. Tied by 2004 to 2005 AIR FORCE Post Office cancels and corner cards of APO AE 09321, 09398, 09717, 09719, 09855, 96546. To Navy League. F- VF.(834)
349. 5 patriotic colored postcards showing American flag and Statue of Liberty with imprinted Peace Keeper FREE MAIL label. Tied by 2004 MARINE Post Office cancels and corner cards of FPO AE 09386, 09387, 96426 (3Í), To Navy League. F- VF.(834)
350. Patriotic colored postcards showing American flag and Statue of Liberty with imprinted Peace Keeper FREE MAIL label. Tied by MAR 11 2004 NAVY Post Office cancels and corner card of FPO AE 09834-2800. To Navy League. F- VF.(834)
351. 4 patriotic colored postcard showing American flag and Statue of Liberty with imprinted Peace Keeper FREE MAIL label. Tied by 2002- 2004 cancels and corner cards of APO AE 09355 (2) and 09356 (2). 1 with message from postal clerk. To Navy League. VF.(834)
352. U.S. Cover with special U.S.C. & G.S EXPLORER MAR 19 1960 cancel with NATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHIC /EXPEDITION/ SWAN ISLAND. VF. (755)
353. U.S. Cover with 3 1 1/2¢ Harding percentiles for New York, Newark, and Battle Creek APO JUN 25 1943 CANCEL. to Palestine with weak Rehovot 28 JU 43 cancel. F. (755)
354. U.S. Cover to Movie star Doris Day MGM Studios from soldier APO 114 with weak APR 3 1960 (?) cancel on 6¢ ´PREXIE. 2 page letter enclosed from Germany. AVE F. (755)
355. United States. Air mail letter to England from Bismarck North Dakota. 2 6¢ Transport series tied by faint April 13 1942 Bismarck machine cancel and 3 additional stamps tied by faint Bismarck packet cancels. British PC 90 censor tape with tears. Plus letter to same address with 6¢ and 20¢ transport series and 1¢ Defense and 3¢ Victory with New York AUG 21 1943 cancels and U.S. cellophane censor tape. AVE-F (942)
356. U.S. #10 cover with corner card of TAIPEI AMERICAN SCHOOL APO 63. Stamp missing. APO machine cancel 1964. Handstamp "EVIDENCE POSTAGE/WAS AFFIXED/ONE RATE OK'D" . VF. (755)
357. U.S. Cover from APO 34 sent air mail special delivery with 10¢ and 6¢ transport series tied by APO 34 AUG 17 1944 cancels. Back stamped Manchester Iowa. Unit censor faint but legible. Letter enclosed. In Italy. VF. (755)
358. U.S. multicolored 1938 air mail stamp, Scott's C23, sent from Mass. to soldier 2`` Coast Artillery Camp Hulen Texas. VF. (755)
359. France. 2 special cards to apply for ration cards(?) to Mayor of-in Aude Departments. Special red and blue stamps for postage tied by 1947 cancels. I do not quite understand card . F-VF. (84)
360. Germany. 2 air mail covers to US franked with building series. 1 with 4 stamps with 2 too close to corner. Other with 80 pfg. stamp. with indistinct cancel. Also roughly opened 10 plus 20 pfg. AVE-F. (942)
361. Germany. Letter to U.S. with 2 12 PFG workers with rotary plate selvedge. Plus torn cover. AVE. (942)
362. Great Britain Registered letter to Stamp Writer David Lidman 10 p George the VI stamp and 6d cut from air letter . Sent registered air mail with COALVILLE 17 NO 51 cancels. OE 2 type Customs and Currency sealing tape tied by London Customs handstamp and backstamped at receipt in U.S. (942)
Suggested (SB) or Reserve Bids (RES) are in general provided by the Seller
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Auction Manager.
Envelopes are as expected for area: e.g., European size, etc., and will not be described unless unusual (#10, etc.) Books are hardcover unless stated softcover. APO number is in cancel unless stated. * means in Sender's Address Only. Navy numbers in address unless stated to be in cancel. On individual lots U.S. WW II APO covers are on stationery with imprinted stamps unless stated FREE or stamped. Larger lots are mostly mixed. V-Mail has been processed and is with envelope unless stated otherwise. |
Updated: 26 October 200&