1. Austria. 9 Feldpost cards from FPAs 57 (4), 72, 96, 113 (2), 217 and Hungarian 108. Many with unit seal. AVE-F. (424)
2. France. Booklet of labels for fundraising for Marshall Joffre monument. 19 stamps. and 6 missing. Different colors. Panes of 4 stamps starting to separate. F. (008)
3. France. 10 stampless covers with military cancels and various codes. . 2 official. 2 fronts, 3 lettercards. Also 1928 cover Postal code 77. AVE. (008)
4. Great Britain. OHMS envelope sent FREE with US APO 706 1918 cancel and British rectangular censor(CM6) handstamp # 5577. TO Paymaster Machine Gun Corp War Office. Backstamped British S.5 cancel. F. (008)
5. Italy. 7 covers. 3 Italian civilian cards . Military cancels 5th Army Corps, 44 Div. 57 Div., PM#17, 86, 164, and 12 Div. Most F-VF. Last toned. (424)
6. Colored picture postcard of AEF sentry used as Safe Arrival card with usual cancel. VF. (008)
7. Cover to Chief of Gas and Flame Source France and forwarded to US. 1919 cover to same person APO 717 and AEF censor. Also cover to same person APO 918 now called Chemical Warfare. British 2 1/2p stamp tied by partial 1918 British civilian cancel. AVE. (008)
8. 1918 cover with MPES cancel APO 814. Opening tear through cancel. F. (008)
9. 21 AEF covers. Most with clear cancels and APOs. 2 with Base Censor tapes. AVE-F. (008)
10. 8 post cards. 6 with French views. 2 colored civilan cards. All with clear APOs, Also Liberty Bond cards. F-VF. (008)
11. 21 AEF covers. Mixed. (008)
12. 8 covers to Brewster family Syracuse NY. Mixed. (008)
13. Special cacheted colored cover showing 5 flags of Allies and Rooster. Difficult to read sender 60(?) Inf. AEF censor. No cancel. AVE. (008)
14. 64 covers from States to units in AEF. Various forwarding markings,. 1 "UNIT DISBANDE". 1 to USAS Italy. Plus 1919 change of Address card with water damage. Also MILITARY HOSPITAL #3 with censor and weak cancel. 1918 draft card. Mixed. (008)
15. 6 #10 Official War Dept domestically used Penalty covers. Tears. Mixed. (008)
16. 5 picture postcards with military scenes including Camp Lee, Dix, Sherman. and Fort Slocum with Base cancels. Plus 3 colored civilian cards. 2 with Base cancels. (008)
17. 17 covers. Most with cancels of assorted bases. Plus 2 1920 special delivery covers with interesting letters. Mixed. (008)
18. Air Service. 2 French viewcards from sender with APO 702 1918 cancels. Censored by Lt. Air Service but no unit. F-VF. (008)
19. Navy. Cover from US Naval Forces Europe with Navy NOV 25 1918 cancel and 2 line Naval censor. Cover endorsed Sailors mail with APO 774 1 NOV 1918 cancel and Navy Anchor censor with #139 and some tears and stains. Also cover from USSC 84. New London SC Base. Long letter Mixed. (008)
20. Germany Occupation. Colored postcard of Cologne. US APO 746 18 JAN 1919 cancel. Card appears to be dirty?. F. (008)
21. 8 AEF 1919 covers. 5 from same Lt. 2 Division with 1 black YMCA THIRD ARMY APO 710 and 1 APO 789 cancels. Also 3 59 Pioner Inf. France with letters. AVE-F. (007)
22. Penalty cover with cancel and corner card of USS 3 1929 Official Penalty #10 like covers. USS CHAUMONT "Honolulu to GUAM" in killer. Slight blurring of cancel. F. Plus 2 more 192 registered mail from shore stations with 15¢ PREXI1929E and tears. AVE. (755)
23. Aden. War Department Penalty cover with APO 663 FEB 10 1944 cancel. Sender HQ Station 4 AFW ATC Miami. Vertical creases from storage. F. SB$15.00 (755)
24. Admiralty Islands.. Sender U.S. Navy U.S. 3205, Navy censor and cancel. Staples. Letter enclosed. F. (836)
25. Algeria. 8 US APO Covers US APOs 371 (2), 512 (2), 761(2), 9 BPO and Navy 347. Official #10. . Mixed. 3 VF.(008)
26. Algeria. Cover US APO 775 OCT 17 1944. Sender APO 758. Letter enclosed. Weak censor mark. 4 page letter. Also APO 509 1943 with letter. Tunisia. Same senders. AVE. (836)
27. Algeria. Unprocessed V-Mail with APO 522 1943 cancel of Tunisia. Sender at APO 528 Tunisia with Chinese Sur-name Interesting comments abour Chinese Americans returning to China. F-VF. (755)
28. Algeria. 11 APOs.F-VF (755)
29. Algeria. 5 APO covers : 2 Algeria postcards, 1943 cover APO 3976, Unprocessed V-Mail APO 512 from Stars and Stripes with tape remnants, and War Dept. #10 Penalty, F-VF. (755)
30. Algeria. Cover APO 520 with MAR 19 1943 cancel. Letter and copy of newspaper ALLIED POST THIRTEENTH EDITION MAR 13 1943. F. (755)
31. Antigua. Cover APO 855 DEC 7 1944. From DET 36 Air Ways DET Miami. Some staining. AVE. (755)
32. Australia. 3 covers APO 822. All 3 with letters and sender APO 4666. Base censors and 2 with Australian like red and white censor tape. AVE-F.(755)
33. Australia.Europejan side cover to U.S. with Melbourne Air Mail Section 1941 cancel on 2 2d stamps.V rectangular censor handstamp on front. Back has double size censor label with 3 dots and same handstamp. Slight wrinkels around edges. F. (424)
34. Australia, 5 small censored US APO covers from 920* (2-1 7 BPO), 922, 925 2 to Inter Island Mail APO 709, AVE. (836)
35. Australia. 5 covers APOs 501 (3) . 927. and Marine Corps 755 with letter. Mixed. (008)
36. Belgium. 10 APO covers: 228* (3). 230, 254,255 (2), 443. 448*,451. Plus cover to APO 261. Missing notation and RETURNED TO SENDER VERIFIED handstamps.l AVE-F.(755)
37. Belgium. Special #10 cover to commemorate BASTOGNE and flying of Ardennes earth to Washingon. July 4 46. with special commemratoive stamp and Sabena air line cachet. Special cachet of Belgian Amnerican Association. etc. (755)
38. Belgium. 6¢ US Air mail stamped envelope tied by British 8 BASE POSTOFFICE 26 OCT 44 machine cancel and sender. US APO 339. Plus APO 82 DEC 13 1944 from 26 PRS. .F. (836)
39. Belgium . 2 1944-45 processed V-Mail covers with envelopes from APO 230 . VF. (008)
40. Bermuda. Cacheted cover for 4th Anniversary of N.C.S. 2¢ Defense issue tied by APO 802 JUN 16 1941 cancel. Also lettersheet from USS MARVEL (AM 2662) and Navy NOV 6 1944 cancel to APO 34. F-VF. (007)
41. Brazil. 2 #10 like envelopes from sailor APO 603 with Navy cancels, censorship, and 1943 cancels. 1 cut short on opening. Plus 2 1944 6¢ air mail envelopesfrom USS MARBLEHEAD and VPB 94. F. (007)
42. Brazil. 10 APO covers C/O Miami APOS 603, 604 (2), 619, 620, 643, (2) 675(2), 676. 1 #10. AVE-F.(755)
43. Brazil. 2¢ stamped envelope overprinted AIR 6¢ MAIL with APO 676 AUG 4 1945 cancel. Sender APO 676 Unit 1 Miami. F-. (008)
44. British Guina. 1 1/2¢ Harding with Base Forces APO 807 JAN 24 1942 cancel. Unit censor. F-VF. (008)
45. Burma. 2 air mail covers from APO 218. Machine and hand cancels. F-VF. (755)
46. Canada. Special airmail cover for Alaska highway. Sender APO 722 Group A. Weak cancel. F. (755)
47. Canada. Special photo post card Army Engineer and tent city of Corp of Engineers on Alaska Highway . Mint. VF. (755)
48. Canada. 5 #10 Penalty envelopes with APO 462 1945 cancels. Most dealing with Transportation to APO 938. F-VF. (755)
49. Canada. 7 FREE covers to Canada. with FPO 421. 432, SC 5-2, SC10-1, SC 755, DCA 5-1. All appear to be stationed in UK except as noted,Most have unit handstams on back. 1 with special blue and white cornercard of Church of Scotland. 2 said to be last Christmas Greetings envelope of YMCA 1945. Also BAPO 5 1943 cancel in Algeria with Daynes B100. Mostly F-VF. (424)
50. Canada. Salvation Army envelope with British May 1941 FPO #248 cancel and Blackwatch Sender, Censored cover from Vancouver , mint photocrd of White Horse Yukon. Plus 3 stamps on cover tied by partial Fort Churchill 1949? cancel. Sender US Army MPO #1015. F-VF. (755)
51. Canada. Cover US soldier at Fort Brady Michigan to U.S. with 3¢ Canadian stamp with Ontario AUG 19 1942 cancel. Plus 3 # 10 Official including Bureau of Mines, (2) and handcarried with no postal markings and RCAF#103 wax seal on back. Flap cut through seal on opening but still whole. F- VF. (755)
52. Canada. 12 # 10 Penalty covers APOs 722 (7), 724 (4), and 728. Most with corner cards. Mixed. (755)
53. Canada. 8 covers APOs 702, 722 (2), 724 (5). Sender Seattle or Minneapolis. 2 #10s. Mixed. (755)
54. Canada. FREE cover with APO 728 NOV 18 1944 cancel. Sender APO 11214 Seattle. Unit censored. Some toning. . (755)
55. Canada. 5 covers with Canadian stamps to US. Civilian cancels including 3 White horse. Corner card of Bechtel. Mixed. (755)
56. Canada. U.S. Forces in Western Canada. 15 covers: APO 462 (4), 702 (3), 722, 724(4), 728 (2), and 997. 8 Penalty #10. Duplication. Most F-VF. (755)
57. Canada. 6¢ U.S. stamoped envelope from member of RCAF at APO 937. To Canada with APR 28, 1943 cancel. Unit censored. VF. (755)
58. Canada. FREE envelope from member of RCAF at APO 935. To U.S. with SEP 28, 1943 cancel and letter. Unit censored. VF. SB$15.00 (755)
59. Ceylon. FREE cover from HQ SEAC APO 432 MAR 26 1945 cancel. F. (755)
60. China. 3 #10 Penalty envelopes APOs 627. 2 have PRESS Censors for China. Plus 1944 War Ballot APO 627 California. F. (755)
61. China. 6¢ stamped envelope with 2 6¢ Transports added on normal size letter. Sender APO 430 Aprol 27 1945. Unit and Base censorship. F. (755)
62. China. 4 from Y-Force APOs 488 (2) and 627 2 with Asian names. F. (755)
63. China. APOS 271, 272, 273, 276, 280, 287*, 289, 290, 627-4 . F. (755)
64. China.4 covers with letters APOs 216, 627, 275(2). AVE. (755)
65. China. Cover with weak Navy Nov. 1945 cancel on 5¢ PREXIE to US Army Finance Dept. Shanghai. Forwarded with APO 355 DEC 45 hand cancel and Army Machine cancel. AVE. (755)
66. China. Cover with 5 PREXIE coils for 9 value tied by US APO MAR 8 1943 cancels from sender 74 Fighter Sq. APO 627. Forwarded. Slight wear at edges. AVE. (836)
67. Cuba. Embossed CROSBY card for Naval Station Guantanamo Bay with pasted photo and Navy 1942 cancel and censor. Small piece of rear flap missing. F. (007)
68. Cuba. 3 covers: 1 1¢ stamp tied by FIRST MARINE BRIG FMF OCT 31 1940 cancel with Guantanamo Bay in killer. VF. Plus censored cover with corner card and cancel of NOB Guantanamo Bay and FREE NAvy 115 1943 censored cover. F. (007)
69. Cuba. #10 Penalty Envelope with APO 632 MAR 25 1944 cancel and sender. Printed instructions from Sec, 7.4 of Postal Laws relative to returnung of letters . F-VF. . . (008)
70. Czechoslovakia. 6¢ stamped envelope from APO 305 DEC 13 1945 in Pilsen. Sender APO 403 of Third Army. AVE. . (008)
71. Egypt. 2 1943/44 covers with British FPO 233 and 235 cancels. Each had Deputy Field Censr handstamps. 1 with British military crown censor and 1 with shield censor #1671. Both have BASE APO cancels on back. Plus US Navy cover from Port Said Egypt with Navy 1944 cancel. F-VF. (007)
72. Egypt. 6 covers US APOs 486, 616, 678 (2), 685, 787. Slight tears. F. (755)
73. Egypt. Colored cacheted cover for ABCD Powers (America, Britain, China, and Dutch) with flags. Sender APO 681 with JAN 23 1943 cancel. Unit Censor. Opening tears. F. (755)
74. Egypt.Photo card of USO Club Philadelphia used by Hq USAFIME APO 616 wuth JAN 24 1944 cancel. Unit censored. F-VF. (755)
75. Egypt. 3 covers from same U.S. sender to U.S . 1 with 1944 APO 616 cancel with British Crown censor #323 and US Base Censor; 2 with Unit censor aand 1943 cancel without APO and same British censor. 1 APO 787 1944 with British Shield,censor #5682. Also cover on RCAF stationery from APO 785 with Unit censor.F-VF. (755)
76. Egypt. 3 covers: Penalty Cover with US APO 678 OCT 18 1945 cancel from APO 787. Processed V-Mail from APO 787 FEB 2 1943 with envelope and NY GPO cancel. Also English 10 p stamp with weak Egypt PREPAID cancel to South Africa. F-VF. (836)
77. Fiji. 2 censored US APO 913 1943-44 covers , Opening tears. AVE-F. (836)
78. France. 16 US APO covers including 2 War Departmment Official, 1 US "Blue envelope", 3 processed V-MAIL. Minimal duplication. Plus unused envelope with cachet of Journey of Spitfire 1940 Camerouns. F-V. (836)
79. France. 6¢ US Air Mail envelope used by Franch soldier S.P. 66552 to French Sergeant HQ Sq. 332nd Service Group APO 650 with APO 667 DE 24 1944 cancel. Unit censor with hard to read #.F. (755)
80. France. 40 US APO covers. Good mix. F-VF. (008)
81. Germany. 7 covers from Capt. 347 Inf, Regt. APO 448 March 12 1945 till April 25. Opening tears. March 12 location not clear in MPHS.. Opening tears. AVE-F. (755)
82. Germany. 2¢ overprinted Air Mail envelope with money order like cancel Of APO 84 May 8 1945 84 Inf. Div. V-E Day. VF. Plus 1945 mostly post VE Day. APOs 83 and 97 with interesting letters. Also APOs 83 (2), 84 and 89. AVE-F. (755)
83. Germany.6 covers APOs 177, 262, 410, 448*. 469, 570. Mixed. (755)
84. Germany. 6 covers including US APOs 83, 696 and 62 -War Dept. post VE day 1945.APO 153-V-Mail endorsed Germany May 5 1945. Also 1947 thank you card with weak CCD censor, German Feldpost Salzburg without sender.. (836)
85. Germany. 19 US APO covers. Good mix. 5 #10 Officials. Most F-VF. . . (008)
86. Germany. 4 procesed V-Mail 1 with envelope. F-VF. (008)
87. Gibraltar. Transport issue tied by APO NOV 23 1942 cancel. Sender APO 512 with unit censor. F-VF. (755)
88. Gilbert Islands. 6¢ air mail stamped envelope with 15¢ PREXIE and 2 others sent registered from USS PC 588 and Naval censor. Navy 10695 cancels on back. Slight wrinkles. F. (007)
89. Gilbert Islands. 6¢ stamped envelope with APO 240 APR 4 1944 cancel. Sender 820 Bomb Sq. Base censor. AVE-F. (836)
90. Gold Coast. 4 1942-45 APO 606 covers Includes handstamp for HQ African Middle East Wing, Military Attache American Legation, and photo card of African Beach. AVE-F. (755)
91. Gold Coast. #10 envelope with US Army APO 606 DEC 18 1943 cancel. Sender with C.A.F.W. ATC Sta. #1. PO 625.Unit censor. wrinkled. AVE-F.Germany. 19 US APO covers. Good mix. 5 #10 Officials. Most F-VF. (008)
92. Great Britain. 4 covers. 1 US "Blue Envelope" with 9/29/42 cancel from APO 871. Also air mail censored cover with Navy 1/13/44 cancel from Navy 414. Plus #10 to Canada with crown PC 90 tape, and US APO 642 June 1 1944. F-VF. . (007)
93. Great Britain. 3 London APO 877 including 11 BPO 11 DEC 1944 from WAC Bn, US Forces HQ, and Processed V-Mail. F. (755)
94. Great Britain. Small 2 1/2p blue imprinted stamped envelope with Bells Victory cancel 29 May 1945. TO US APO 133 and backstamped 1 BPO. Slight tears. F. (755)
95. Great Britain Humorous processed V-Mail by Breger showing censor excised message."Somewhere in Britain December 25 1943". Sent by APO 519. F-VF. (755)
96. Great Britain OHMS envelope with overlayed War Economy label from APO 639 to US with APO 209 JUL 11 1944 cancel. F-VF. (755)
97. Great Britain. 21 US APO covers including1 "Blue Envelope", 2 Official Ninth AF, 1 War Corresponent, 6 processed V-Mail-1 without envelope, and anti-TOJO card with no cancel. Also Brasil cover with PC 90 censor tape, and procesed V-Mail withoutenvelope to England from member of RIF (RAF?) Delegation Dayton Ohio. Mostly F-VF. (836)
98. Great Britain. 33 US APO covers. Good variety including 15281, 15668, 1 WAC, and processed V-Mail with envelope APO 9445. Mostly F-VF. (008)
99. Greenland. 2 3¢ Defense issues tied by US APO 8/12/42 cancel with Navy 900 censor from APO 858. Flap has tears. F. (007)
100. Greenland. F. 3 covers with letters to U.S.C.G. Gutter STORIS. 2 have 1945 Fleetwood colored cachets. ALso 1 with 1¢ PREXIE booklet pane 1943. F-VF. (007)
101.Iceland. Cover to NY with 2 1941 25 AUR Iceland stamps tied by REKJAVIK 1942 machine cancel. Stamp etc. in lower part of envelope with corner card. British PC 90 censor tape. Endorsed via England. F. (007)
102. Iceland. 6¢ torn PREXIE with APO 5 AUG 19 1943 cancel. Unit censor. F. (755)
103. Iceland. 6 censored covers. 4 with APO 860 in cancel. 1 with letter. Various senders and Unit censored. AVE-F. (755)
104. Iceland.. FREE cover sent by soldier 118 Inf APO 1266. AUG 27 1942 cancel and Unit censor. F. (755)
105. Iceland.. FREE cover sent by soldier 118 Inf APO 3001. SEP 21 1942 cancel and Base censor. F. (755)
106. Iceland.. FREE cover sent by soldier APO 860 OCT 7 1943. SEP 21 194 cancel and Base censor. Opening tears. F. (755)
107. Iceland. 2 air mail covers: 1 with May 15 1944 APO 610 cancel and 1 Apr 27 1944 weak APO 860 cancel. AVE-F. (836)
108. Iceland. Cacheted cover with Map of American Base Forces APO 810 by Czubay. 1¢ and 5¢ Famous Americans tied by APR 29 1942 APO 810 cancel. Last Day. VF. (008)
109. India. Newspaper wrapper with Corner card of TENTH AIR FORCE APO 216 and May 9 1945 cancel with weak CBI Press censor. Plus printed envelope HQ TENTH AF APO 487 1944. with CBI Press F-VF. Also APO 493 #10 envelope with tears. AVE.(755)
110. India. . Air mail envelope from War Correspondent Bob Bryant APO 465. APO 885 DEC 21 1944 cancel. Base and cellophane censor. Slight repaired tear. F. (755)
111. India. Small envelope with 9¢ PREXIE tied by APO 465 DEC 23 1944 cancel. To US. Endorsed FIRST CLASS. Slight less than dime size stain. Opened roughly. Wrinkles. F. (755)
112. India. 27 APO covers: 213*, 214, 215, 220, 429, 431, 433 (2), 465 (3),466 (2), 467 (2), 487, 489, 490, 491, 492, 493 (3), 495, 690, 884, 6 BPO. 1 pilot letter. AVE-F. (755)
113. India. War Economy envelope with Indian meter stamps to USAF Address. APO 465 JUN 10 1945 receipt cancel. (755)
114. India. Cover from sender APO 629. Oct 42 cancel. Line Censored handstamp with C missing like Helblock type 882. AVE.(755)
115. India. Cover from sender APO 629. Jan 43 cancel. Shield Censored handstamp with like Helblock type . B. F. (755)
116. India. 3 APO covers with APOs 494 (2), 496 in cancel. Senders have 4 digit APOs 7473(2), 9435. F. (755)
117. India. Official #10 Front cover of Tenth Air Force with APO 465 10 SEP 1944 cancel. Similar full cover from APO 689 Both with Army India Press censor stamps. Plus APO 966 censored but not cancelled. Also mint I.A.F.F. Forces letter sheet. Asian? AVE-F. (836)
118. Iran. Special colored postcards for Christmas in Persia 1943-44. APO 680 NOV 6 1943 cancel. Unit censor. F-VF. (755)
119. Iran. 5 coves APOs 680 (2), 783, 795 (2). F-VF. (755)
120. Iran. 2 Unit censored covers . 1 FREE cover from APO 797 FE 12 1945. F. Also #10 like cover with 2 3¢ Defense issues tied by APO 824 APR 14 1943 cancels . Sender with APO 3307. Vertical crease AVE. (008)
121. Iran. 1¢ Jefferson postal card with 6¢ PREXIE overlayed with APO 795 JAN 20 1944 cancel applied. Base Censor. Cancel over area where a stamp(?) had been removed. Sender at 795-A. AVE. (008)
122. Iraq. 1944 cover to U.S. with what appears to be Iraqi censor handstamps?. F-VF. (311)
123. Italy. British air letter sheet Army Form W3077. Franked with British 3d stamp to U.S. APO 422 APR 2 1944 cancel. Unit censor. Letter. F. (755)
124. Italy. Stamped envelope with APO 372 MAY 31 1944 cancel. Unit censor. Sender APO 9372. F. (755)
125. Italy. Italian Air Letter with APO 379 FEB 22 1945 cancel. Base Censor. F. (755)
126. Italy. 6¢ stamped air mail envelope plus 5 and 10 Lire AMG stamps tied by APO 782 MAY 4 1944 cacl. Unit censor. VF.Plus processed V-Mail APR 16 1944 "I looked into Invasion stamp business but there are none for sale hear.... RES $5.00 (755)
127. Italy. Cover with colored cachet of 101st MP Bn. APO 464 with cancel and censor. Plus cover with corner card of 85th Mountain Infantry APO 345 with APO 700B JUL 16 1945 cancel. Slight tears. F. (755)
128. Italy. Special Red Cross Christmas post card for Italy from APO 363 with APO 485 DEC 3 1943 cancel. Base censor. F-VF. (755)
129. Italy 2 air mail covers from WACs 6718 WAC HQ (PROV) and WAC HQ (OHD ). 1944 APO 650 and 770 cancels. Censored. F-VF. (755)
130 . Italy. 4 processed V-Mails with envelopes. Sender's addresses give APOs mostly in Algeria but text is clear that sender was in Italy/Sicily. Also letter without envelope APO 780 . F-VF. (755)
131. Italy. 16 APOs 434, 464. 485, 499, 528, 681, 769, 770, 771, 772, 776, 779, 781 (02), 790 (3-2 ARE 2nd BPO), and 792. 2 Italian viewcards used by APOs. Also #10 FIFTH ARMY Press letter APO 464. F-VF. (755)
132. Italy. #20 air mail cover from at APO 464. British 15 BPO16 APR 1945 cancel and Tombstone censor #8697. Some wrinkling and tears of cover. F. (755)
133. Italy. British green envelope with 4 3d stamps tied by APO U.M.P.K. 21 1944 cancels to US and backstamped.
Also Southern Rhodesia. Free stampless cover to Scotland. BULAWAYO 11 NOV 1940 cancel and dated handstamp ofKUMALO AIR STATION with some letters hard to read. Sender with RAF KUMALO. Opening tears on back. Some wrinkles. F. (007)
134. Italy. 8 US APO covers: 1 Official Fifth Army. AVE-F. (836)
135. Italy. 13 APO covers. 2 #10 including 1 Navy 157. AV-F. (008)
136. Italy. Special colored postcard by Tosti provided by Service Clubs Italy. Sender APO 761-R. with weak APO 761 1945 cancel. Vertical crease. AVE-F. (008)
137. Jamaica. Minkus Patriotic with Defense series tied by American Base Forces APO 804 11/17/41 cancel and Censor 102. Plus similar cover with no cachet. F-VF. (007)
138. Japan. 2 FREE post war 1945 covers including APO 445 NOV 1945 and Official #10 with SWPA censor handstamp and SEP 18 1945 cancel. F. (836)
139, Japan. 3 December 1945 cancels of APS 27. 98. and 201. Early Occupation. Slight tears. AVE-F. (008)
140. Korea. 6¢ stamped air mail envelope from Dept. of Investigations. APO 235 DEC 11 1945 machine cancel. Red Cross envelope. AVE-F. (008)
141. Kwajalein Marshal Islands. FREE cover with APO 241 MAR 8 1944 cancel. F. Sender with 11 Inf. Also cover APO 243 AUG 3 1944. F. (836)
142. Libya. 3 covers APOs 498 unit censor, 683* with unit and provisional censor, and 685 from American Legation. Plus processed V-Mail APO 681. F. (755)
143. Morocco. 8 mostly censored covers APOs 541, 600, 621, 668* (2) with text excised by censor, 775, AND 776*. Also Moroco colored photo card with Navy cancel on 1¢ Freedom issue and censor but no sender unit. AVE-F. (755)
144. Morocco. 2 1943-44 covers APOs 524 and 764. AVE. (008)
145. Netherlands. 3 covers APOs 51, 339. and 647. 2 #10 Penalty covers. Plus processed V-Mail with envelope. Sender says Netherlands and that they have been issued winter clothes. Some tears. F. (008)
146. Netherlands West Indies. 6¢ stamped envelope with 1943 cancel and Navy censor. Sender sailor U.S. Naval Camp 154. Wrinkled. AVE. (007)
147. New Foundland. 7 covers. 4 with NOB Argentia cancels 1 #10. Also 4 with 1942 Navy cancels from NOB. All have Navy censor. AVE-F.(755)
148. New Foundland. 2 covers.with 1942-43 Navy cancels anhd censor from NAS Argentia, . VF.(755)
149. New Foundland. Navy Department envelope privately used from Navy 103 with Naval censor. Wrinkles and tears. AVE. (007)
150. New Foundland, Censored cover APO 862 JUN 1942 cancel. Slight edge wrinkling. F. (836)
151. New Foundland. Cover from sender Base Command APO 801 with APR 2 1942 cancel on 3¢ PREXIE. Unit censored. TO Army Navy Register. VF. Also FREE cover with NO 27 1945 APO 677 cancel from Goose Bay with Transit APO 21398. AVE. Plus photo card of Demolition team with 1i942 Montreal cancel.F. (008)
152. New Georgia. Air mail stamped envelope APO 717 OCT 13 1944. Plus processed V-MAIL APO 717. F. (836)
153. New Guinea. 12 covers. Good variety. Plus APO 925 with Official FAREAST AIR FORCES envelope Also Navy 167 1945. Most F. (836)
154. New Guinea. 10 covers APOs 198, 322*(2), 503* (4), 712, 717. 2 are Official Penalty. Plus 1 #10 APO 324* with 2 6¢ Transport issue. Some roughly opened. AVE. (008)
155. New Hebrides. 3 censored APO covers from APOs 27, and 502 (2-1 #10 WAR DEPT. ). AVE-VF. (836)
156. New Hebrides. 3 1943 covers APOs 502, 502*, and 932. Base and Unit censor, 1 not censored. F-VF. (008)
157. Nigeria. FREE cover sent by soldier APO 607 Miami DEC 20 1943 cancel and Unit censor. Wrinkled. F. (755)
158. Peru. Air mail cover sent by soldier APO 817 with SEP 26 1942 cancel and unit censor. F-VF. . (755)
159. Phillipines. 11 mostly censored APO covers from APOs 37, 73*, 235 (2), 248 (2), 500 (2), 707*(2 SWPA), and 925. 3 Official #10. F-VF. (836)
160. Philippines. 3 1945 covers APOs 37, 72*, 73. Some handling. AVE-F. (008)
161. Poland. British card with 1d stamp tied by US APO NO 12 1942 cancel without APO. Postal Seal of 1st British A.C. with inverted overprint and tied by Polish Nr. 1 Nov. 1942 cancel. No mesage. VF. (007)
162. Ryukus. 5¢ PREXIE tied by APO 710 AUG 26 1945 cancel. Unit censor. To England. Wrinkles. F. (755)
163. Senegal. Air mail cover with MAR 25 1943 cancel. Sender APO 621 Miami. Officer censor and civilian censor tape. F. (755)
164. St. Lucia. Air mail cover with APO SEP 7 1942 cancel. Sender APO 867. Unit censor. F-VF. (755)
165. St. Lucia. 2¢ PREXIE tied by APO 805 AUG 28 1941 cancel. Slight bleed through. Naval Cancellation Society. F. (008)
166. Solomon Islands. 6¢ stamped air mail envelope from sender Advanced Base Navy 152. Navy MAY 16 43 cancel with "HITLERS A HEAL/TOJO A BUM" in killer. Also cover with Navy 10/21/42 cancel from USS AMERICAN LEGION. Navy censored. AVE. (007)
167. Solomon Islands. 6. APOS : 706*, 709 (3), and 2 processed V-Mails. F-VF. (836)
168. Solomon Islands. 4 covers APOs 37, 706. 709*. and 716. Mixed. (008)
169. Switzerland. Cover sent air mail to Red Cross Geneva. 30¢ Transport tied by jUL 21 1942 cancel.. Some toning from light. PC 90 tape with i.e. in pencil. AVE. (007)
170. Switzerland. 3 covers sentl to Red Cross Geneva from Belgium, Canada, Great Britain. 2 German, and 1 Canadian censor. F-VF. (007)
171. Trinidad. 2 1¢ Canal Zone and 1 1¢ ¨ß tied by US APO 803 APR 28 1941 cancels. corner card of USAT AMERICAN LEGION with Paquetbot Trinidad, hand stamps. Also army censor. F-VF. (007)
172. Trinidad. WAR DEPT. # 10 envelope Major APO 803-A Suriname with opening tears..AVE. Minkus Patriotic with Defense series tied by American Base Forces APO 803 10/23/41 cancel and Censor711. F-VF. (007)
173. Trinidad. #10 Penalty envelope with corner card of NY Port of Embarkatioin used by Trinidad Base HQ, 15¢ PREXIE tied by APO 803 JAN 3 1941 cancel. Earlier than Carter? Slight wrinkling. F. (008)
174. Trinidad. #10 Penalty envelope APO 806 MAY 5 42. Sender at APO 868. Plus cover APO 868 with JAN 21 1944 cancel. Also #10,Penaltyfrom Navy 117 Slight wear. AVE-F. (008)
175. Tunisia. 5 cover APOs 522 (2), 769, 773, and 786. Mixed. (755)
176. Tunisia. 3 covers APOs 531 (2) and 581. AVE-F. (008)
177. VENEZUELA. Small air mail envelope with 7 Venezuelan stamps with weak civilian cancels. Sender at APO 876 with US ARMY CENSOR 724.Tears on back. AVE. (007)
178. Cover with Dec 2 1941 Springfield MO Postcard meter stamp to Japan. 2 line RETURNED TO SENDER/SERVICE SUSPENDED handstamp and double circle provisional censor with 1641 added in ink. VF. (755)
179. Japanese-American Internmnent. Registered Return Recaipt cover to Seattle from person with Japanese surname Hunt Branch, Twin Falls Idaho. Franked with 7¢ PREXIE, 1¢ and 3 3¢ Win the War, and 6¢ air mail. RES $45.00 (414)
180 #10 air mail envelope from Mexico to US. Less common US censorship handstamp from San antonio. Mayo S.2. 3 20 C stamps and 1 missing from 1941. AVE. . (424)
181. WAACS., 6 items. 1 1943 colored postcard in formation from Des Moine, FREE cover from Fort Des Moine1943, 1943 Fort Knox cover with WAAC silhouette, Camp Atterbury 1944, Fort Robinson 1945, and 1944 Change of Address card to WAC DET Boston . AVE-F. (755)
182. V-Mail. Start and finish sheets for procesing of V-Mail Roll. Backstamped Port of Embarkation 7 DEC 1944and various handling handstamps. Said to be Christmas. VF. (755)
183. V-Mail. Start and finish sheets for procesing of V-Mail Roll. Backstamped Port of Embarkation 5 DEC 1944and various handling handstamps. X_MAS V-Mail. VF. (755)
184. V-MAIL. Special version of overseas edition of JOURNAL HERALD OF APRIL 1 1943 Dayton Ohio. not used. VF. (007)
185. V-MAIL.7 processed letters with envelopes to same . addressee 1944-45. APOs 121, 350 (3), 513 (3). Also home letter. AVE-VF. (007)
186. V-Mail. Processed message with envelope. Special Change of Address form from APO 235 Jily 25 1944 in Philippines. F-VF..(008)
187. V-Mail. Processed message with envelope. Special North Africa Seasons Greetings. Sender APO 512 Nov. 1943 Algeria. F-VF..(008)
188. V-Mail. 2 processed message without envelopes for Christmas in India. 2 types. Sender APO 629 1944. F-VF..(008)
189. V-Mail. Processed message for Valentine's Day.1945. To APO 15640 with envelope.. No cancel.. Tears. F. (008)
190. Cover to Sgt. 19th HQ Bombing Sq. Clark Field Philipines. Letterfrom parents enclosed March 1942 about difficulties getting news. Handstamp "RETURN TO SENDER/Soldier Missing in action/(Verified in War Department)". Also for Directory Service. Back has "LAST REPORTED P.I. etc." 2 , Portion where stamp and cancel would be cut out?1940-41 covers to family from service, and 1¢ Franklin stamped card from March Field 1939.Said to have survived war as POW. Poor to VF. (755)
191. 18 covers from military at home bases. Good variety. AVE-F. (008)
192. 7 post cards from military at home bases. Good variety. 2 military scenes. . F-VF. (008)
193. 11 covers from air bases. 5 have corner cards. 2 post cards. F-VF. (008)
194. 3¢ McKinley post card from soldier Camp Shelby to Iowa . Camp Shelby machine cancel. Cancel slanted on card. F-VF. (008)
195. 18 covers from military at home bases. Good variety. AVE-F. (008)
196. 7 post cards from military at home bases. Good variety. 2 military scenes. . F-VF. (008)
197. 11 covers from air bases. 5 have corner cards. 2 post cards. F-VF. (008)
198. Texas. 3 colored used postcards Camp Barkeley Parade grounds, Cavalry troops on march, and, large convoy. VF. (755)
199. Texas. 20 covers with Army Camp etc. cancels, VF. (755)
200. Texas. 15 Official Penalty coverss with Army Camp etc. cancels, VF. (755)
201. Texas. 16 FREE covers with from Bases with normal cancels. 3 post cards F-VF. (755)
202. Texas. 11 covers with Army Camp etc. corner cards. ,F-VF. (755)
203. Texas. 35 covers with Air Force cancels . VF. (755)
204. Texas. 35 covers from Air Force units with civilian cancels . AVE. (755)
205. Texas. 11 covers with Air Force Field etc. corner cards. AVE. (755)
206. 97 covers from Air Force units with ordinary cancels. Most. F. (755)
207. 13. covers from Air Force units with Base/Field cancels. Most. F. (755)
208. 71 covers with Army , Base etc. in cancels. Most. F. (755)
209. 32 covers with Army and Air Force corner cards. Most F. (755)
210. 78 covers from Army bases with civilian cancels. Most. F. (755)
211. Alaska. 3 provisional censored covers: MILITARY CENSOR with 1 in circle. 18 in circle, and 34 in circle. APOs 942, 948 (2). 1 with letter. AVE-F. (755)
212. Alaska. #10 like air mail cover from APO 942 Blurred OCTY 21 cancel. Provisional MILITARY CENSOR handstamp with 1 in circle. Year not clear. 1 vertical fold. F. (755)
213. Alaska.3 1941-42 military covers before APO's including Fort Richardson (2 types), and ALITAK censored with letter. Plus Fort Richardson with APO 1943 machine cancel to Ketchikan . F. (755)
214. Alaska. APO 937 JUN 15 1942 cancel with EXAMINED BY A.D.C. censor tape. Slight tear on back. F. (755)
215. Alaska. 6¢ stamped envelope with AUG 24 1942 APO cancel with APO# excised. Brown packing tape tied by 2 line PASSED /ASST. ADC. CENSOR. F-VF. (008)
216. Alaska. Sender APO 938 with MAR 4 1943 cancel. Small 1 line censored handstamp. Tears on front. F. (755)
217. Alaska. 46 covers from APO 986 to Alaska locations. . Good variety of senders. Some censored. F-VF. (755)
218. Alaska. 6 Navy censored covers Navy cancelled 1943-44 Different senders including Marine Barracks NOB Kodiak, 85th Batt.and NAS Dutch Harbor, Navy 230 and 12 CB. F-VF. (755)
219. Alaska. Cover from sailor at APO 944 Seattle To pilot trainee. NOV 4 1942 cancel. Various change of address handstamps. Navy censored. F-VF. (755)
220. Alaska. Cover from sailor at Navy 8050. Navy censor and DEC 19 1942 cancel. To Pilot trainee. Various change of address hand stamps. Navy censored. F-VF. (755)
221. Alaska. Cover from sailor at 32nd NCB C-6. Navy censor and JUN 30 1943 cancel. #10 with opening tears. AVE. (755)
222. Alaska. .Unprocessed V-Mail from sender Navy 8115 with Navy censor and Navy JAN 20 1943 cancel. Plus stamped air mail cover from same sender. F-VF. (007)
223. Alaska. 5 covers US APOs 726, 729, 730. 980, and 986. 986 has no cancel. AVE-F. (836)
224. Alaska. 5 COVERS APOS 726 (2), 937, 944 TO 887, 986. Some slight tears. AVE-F. (008)
225. Canal Zone. Air Mail letter from Capt. APO 826 APO cancel JAN 43. Army Unit censor #00090. Slight spots. F-F-VF. (007)
226. Canal Zone. Official #10 with APO 834 1945 cancel and boxed signed official mail handstamp. CB Construction Batt. DET 1012 Navy 1943 cancel. F-VF. (836)
227. Hawaii. 13 6¢ air mail stamped envelopes. Navy censored. Same sender 1944-45 Navy 61-Marine Air Station, 155 How. Bn., Corps Arty V AC. F. (755)228. Hawaii.10 covers APOs 33 (2-1*), 77 ,953 (2*), 968* and Navy 14, 128 (2). 1 official. 2 with letters. (836)
229. Hawaii. 5 1942-43 covers US APOs 25, 25*,952, 956, and 958. 3 early double circle censor. 1 Penalty. Slight opening tears. F-VF. (008)
230. Hawaii. 2 #20 Offficial Penalty covers with corner cards of Navy 128 with Navy 1943-44 cancels. Also cover from CAUS 35 with DEC 20 1943 cancel. F. (008)
231. Puerto Rico. War Department Change of Address card cancelled APO 853 10/28/44 Form# W.D.A.G.O. No. 204 July 2 1942. F-VF. (836)
232. Hawaii. 5 1942-43 covers US APOs 25, 25*,952, 956, and 958. 3 early double circle censor. 1 Penalty. Slight opening tears. F-VF. (008)
233. Hawaii. 2 #20 Offficial Penalty covers with corner cards of Navy 128 with Navy 1943-44 cancels. Also cover from CAUS 35 with DEC 20 1943 cancel. F. (008)
234. Puerto Rico. 3 covers. 1 APO 847 with double circle Sector Censor hand stamp. October 10 1942 cancel. Sender civilian apo 847. Plus 2 #10 Navy Penalty covers Navy 116 AND 1506 with 1944 cancels. F. (008)
235. Rico. 3 covers. 1 APO 847 with double circle Sector Censor hand stamp. October 10 1942 cancel. Sender civilian apo 847. Plus 2 #10 Navy Penalty covers Navy 116 AND 1506 with 1944 cancels. F. (008)
236. Virgin Islands. Airmail cover from APO 852 with JAN 7 1943 cancel. Unit and double circle Sector Censor hand stamp. Back flap damaged. F.(008)
237. FREE postage label by Noory/Babcock on post card sent FREE from 87th Base HQ with Victorville 1943 cancel to PA. with Linn's 1999 article. VF. (755)
238. 3 post cards: Marshall Davis with no cancel, Teich and Co. USA-14, 1941 Pin Up Girl. Plus 2 envelopes Tarson PORTO SERVER 1942, and . M.Fay Andrique?. Most with Camp cancels. AVE-F. (008)
239. D-Day cachet by Czubay, 1944 Fort Benning June 6 1944 cancel. VF.(008)
240. 6 covers with 4 covers with Overrun Nations issues including Greece, Albania, Korea single snd 1 block of 4. 3 unit censored APOs 454,512, and 549. 2 to 600, and 782. Also Minkus Patriotic to APO 650 franked with 1¢ and 2¢ 1936-37 Army series. AVE-F. (755)
241. 3 covers mailed 1943-44 with Overrun Nations stampos of Luxembourg, Netherlands and Poland. 2 to South Africa. 2 U.S. civilian censored and 1 Navy from VS-69. F-VF. (007)
242. Minkus Patriotics. Mostly with civilian cancels. Some duplication. 1 APO 380 Unit censored. F-VF. (755)
243. Crosby "Our Flag / Long May it Wave" cachet. Sent Free from Mather Field. F.VF. (755)
244. USO Post card from APO 21 France with "YOU BUY 'EM/WE'll FLY THEM" label tied by blurred machine cancel. 1946. F.
245. 4 mint colored Art Craft cacheted covers "LET'S GO! /USA" with drawings of Hitler, Mussolini as mosquitos. VF. (755)
246. IDLE GOSSIP SINKS SHIPS envelope sent FREE from soldier Fort Hancock to sailor Receiving Station NYC. Label covers over address 12/23/42 and forwarded to USS NATCHEZ. Enclosed is mimeographed 12 11 44 permit for permision to wear dungarees and a meals pass. F. (755)
247. 20 covers LSTs 166, 780 , PC 1120 (2) and YP 286 Plus COMINPAC, COMSERPAC, COM BAT DIV 3, VPB 17, USS MASS , Navy 129 Samoa and Navy 3247 Tinian. 6 covers Navy bases WWII and 1 1928 Navy yard. 4 are Package Thank Yous. 6 are processed V-Mails. F-VF. (836)
248. 6¢ stamped envelope with APO 761 APR 11 1944 cancel Algeria. To sailor PIER 92 NYC with forwarding handstamp to USS ARLINGTON and Directory Service. F.(008)
249. 4 larger than #10 Penalty envelopes with corner cards. 3 AIR MAILGRAM. ALso Czubay special 1942 cancel. AVE-F. (008)
250. 26 mostly home bases. Several colored domestic postcards. AVE. (008)
251. 3¢ stamped envelope tp USS PC 1125 in April 1945. Dated VE Day Return to Sender handstamp .Back has 2 special Naval seals on proper mail addressing. F.. (008)
252. 5¢ air mail stamped envelope with 3¢ PREXIE and 2 1¢ Franklins tied by USS RANGER MAR 1941 cancel. Trinidad area. F. (008)
253. 9 #10 Penalty covers with mainly corner cards of combat organizations such as Submarine Squadron 3. F. (008)
254. 2 1943 covers from sender 30th NCB with added handstamps "THE BEES THAT STING" and "LEAVE IT TO US". Also 1 110 CB Batt. . Opening tears. F-VF. (008)
255. 3 #10 like Penalty covers 1944 for USS ATRs-2 ,4. and 7. 1 wrinkled. F-VF. (008)
256. 5 #10 like Penalty covers 1944 for USS LSTs 504. 505. 509, 511 and 512. 1 with British type dumb cancel.1 wrinkled. 1 cut short.F-VF. (008)
257. 19 different #10 like Penalty covers 1943-45 from USS PC 470 to 1594. Mixed. Most. F. F. (008)
258. 5 #10 like Penalty covers 1944 for USS SC 697. 705, 707, 711, 712. 3 wrinkled. 1 cut short.F-VF. (008)
259. 5 #10 like Penalty covers 1944-45 for USS YMS 17, 22, 33, 38, and 40 F. . (008)
260. Marines. 4 covers. 1 8th AAA Bn. to USS ARLINGTON, Marine Service Sq. 31 (2-1 roughly opened), and 5th JASCO also to USS ARLINGTON 2 censored. Mixed. (008)
261. Desert Maneuvers via Postmaster Los Angeles. 12 APOs 90 (2-1 in APO cancel), 93 with special stationery, 95, 181, 254 (2), 255, 256, 441, 460. Plus to APO 183. VF. (755)
262. 2 censored covers to APO 450 Camp Livingston LA forwarded with APO 450 Cp Cooke Cal. handstamp. 1 from sender APO 308 5 SEP 44 cancel, other APO 303 DEC 9 1944. Uncommon use. F-VF. (755)
263. 2 covers from Los Angeles Maneuvers APOs 77 and 80. 1 has APO cancel. 7 colored post cards sent FREE by Domestic Military. Canadian MPO 1305. Plus 4 misc. F-VF. (007)
264. 4 covers with APOs used in U.S. including APOs 8- Desert Maneuver Area, , 79, and 257. All P.M. Los Angeles. Plus APO 76 Camp Mccoy. 3 1943. F-VF. (836)
265. Photo card of 40th Div. Encampment 1941 Maneuvers Mailed from Camp San Luis Obispo SEP 9 1941. "Scotch" tape remnants on corners. Plus 1943 card from Fort Benning with message explaining leaving to Tennesee for Div. Maneuvers10 Armd. Div. APO 260. F-VF. (755)
266. 60 mostly FREE covers from 3 digit domestic APOs, Also 6 to domestic APOs. Some duplication but good variety. Some corner cards. AVE-F. (755)
267. 14 covers with 4 or 5 digit APOs in address:1006, 3976. 4010, 4014, 9648, 12557-B (3 with letters). 15228, 15771, , 21325 (2). Plus Change of address card to APO 16517-CQ76. 4 censored without cancels. F-VF. (755)
268. 2 processed V-Mails without envelopesfrom APOs 17797 and 17798. Mass. in a German church. F-VF. (755)
269. 17 post V-J days covers to APOs 11860, 11869 (12) Seattle, and 942(3). Many letters enclosed. Forwarded with handstamps. F-VF. (755)
270. United States. Alaska. 108 APO covers mostly from 1950's to 60's. 26 #10. F-VF. (755)
271. United Nations. Multinational Force. Israeli Occupied Egypt. Cover to Canada with US ARMY 09677 SEP 14 1987 cancel on US 22¢ stamp. Sender's label is Col. Canadian Contingent APO NY USA 09677 . F. (755)
272. United Nations. UNFICYP. CYPRUS. CANCON Canadian Contingent. Cyprus postcard and cover with CFPO 5001 1975 cancels. and unit hand stamps and cachet. VF. (424)
273. United Nations. UNFICYP. CYPRUS. CANCON Canadian Contingent. UN envelope with 3 different Cyprus stamps tied by Cyprus 1982 cancels. Also UN air letter with 1964 Nicosia cancel and backstamped CFPO 111 UN 1964 from Royal Canadian Dragoons. Also unused envelope. VF. (424)
274. United Nations. UNPROFOR. Turkish Forces. Cover with Turkish stamps tied by Bosnia LEFKOSA 31.1.1996 cancel with dove. Miltilingual handstamps of Turkish Batallion. To Ankara. wit BAKANLIKLAR cancel. F-VF. (424)
275. Austria. 2 stamped covers from Vienna 1952 to London with 4 different stamps.. Austrian censor stamps. F-VF. (836)
276. Canada. Airmail cover to Canada with US Navy 17012 AUG 21 1951 cancel of Pearl Harbor. Cachet on backof H.M.C.S. ANTIGONISH. F. (755)
277. China. U.S. Forces . 9 covers including APOS 906, 909 (2), 912, 917 (2-1*), 933. 945*' 971*. 5 have Chinese locations in sender's address. F-VF. (755)
278. China. U.S. Forces. Air mail envelope with corner card of GRACE LINE Used by Captain APO 946 on SS SHARON VICTORY. Army JAN 31 1946 cancel without APO. VF. (755)
279. China. U.S. Forces. 5¢ revalued air mail envelope from Col. APO 909 Hankow. Sent Registered to US with 20¢ PREXIE APO 810 SEP 30 1948 backstamps. VF. (755)
280. China. U.S. Forces. 5¢ revalued air mail envelope from Col. APO 909 Cheuntu. Sent Registered to US with 20¢ PREXIE APO 909 SEP 8 1947 backstamps. F. (755)
281.Germany. US Forces . 9 post VE Day 1945 covers plus 6 mostly 40's. AVE. (755)
282. Germany. 2 air mail covers with British censor tapes. 1 from England to well known industrial family in Germany with British Censor with crown handstamp. Other 1946 to U.S. from Cologne with 4 stamps and earlier Military Censorship handstamp. Cellophane tape repairs?. AVE-F. (424)
283. Germany. 9 Official penalty covers fm US Forces mostly 1947. Plus 2 British Forces 1987-88 with window envelopes. Also 2 from soldiers and postcard APO 807 1951. AVE-F.(836)
284. Greece. 6 1948-63 US APO covers: 206 American Mission and Embassy (3), 223 (2), 291. Also photo card of US Naval ship GENERAL R.E. CALLAHAN on cruise with APO 206 cancel VF. (755)
285. Iran. 3 Shah of Iran stamps from soldier with Militay Attache APO 205 Tehran. Washington D.C. DEC 12 1952 cancels and handstamp "This article originally mailed/in country indicated by postage" VF. (755)
286. Iran. 4 APO 205 covers 1955-62. 2 MAAG. F. (755)
287. Iran. Embasssy Takeover 15¢ stamped envelope tied by US Navy USS PARSONS DEC 11 1979 cancel with large ship jhandstamp cachet. 2 lines IRANIAN CRISES/US EMBASSY TAKE-OVER. F-VF. . (008)
288. New Foundland. Special cacheted cover for 10,000 Atlantic Barrier Flights with Navy 10957 MAR 3 1961 cancel. Extends DEW line. Contents on history and mission of North Atlantic Barrier. VF. (755)
289. Spain. 8 covers APOs 282, 283 (2-1 #10 Official), 284, 285 (2), 286(2). 1959-65. VF. (755)
290. Spain. 6 covers from US APOs 282 (2), 283, 284, 286. Also 283 in R/A with 1964 MAD cancel. F-VF.(836)
291. Turkey. 6 covers APOs 224, 254 (2), 289, 324, 380. F. (755)
292. Yugoslavia. Registered cover from Belgrade with Yugoslavia stamps to civilian in Germany with US APO 633 1951 receipt cancel. F. (755)
293. 10, covers from Navy 131, 3011, 3254, Patsu 1-7, CASU 31, 80th NCB. 16 SPEC NCB, USS COLUSA, USS MURPHY, and USS J.F. DICKMN. F-VF. (007)
294. 2 FREE 1955 APO covers APOs 871 and 970 . VF.Plus 31945-46 . 3 later. AVE. (755)
295. 2 FREE covers APO 24 and 358. Plus APO 59 1946 cover. AVE-F. (836)
296. 2 covers with hand stamp Far East Command/In Action gainst Reds/Off Korea. 2 commemotative stamps witj USS EDMONDS 2/12/52 and USS DEXHAVEN 3/19/52 cancels. F. (008)
297. 2 stamples FREE covers: #10 Offical air mail cover APO 96307 MAR 1965. with sender 96243 CODE 70. Plus cover 96291 1967. Latter has envelope gum blead through. AVE-F. (836)
298. 3 air mail covers showing cachet of map of Vietnam with critical cities. Sender Canadian Major International Commission for Control and Supervision (MCCD-ICCS0). To CFPO 5005. Franked with Scott 433, 446 and 433+Canadian stamp. All with Saigon 31 7 1973 cancels. Last Day of Canadian Commission in Vietnam. VF. (377)
VF. (377)
299. . Similar lot as lot 325. 3 air mail covers showing cachet of map of Vietnam with critical cities. Sender Canadian Major MCCD-ICCS0. To CFPO 5005. Franked with Scott 433 stamp. All with Saigon 31 7 1973 cancels. Last Day of Canadian Commission in . . (377)
300. Air mail cover showing cachet of map of Vietnam with critical cities. To Canadian Major (MCCD-ICCS0) with Vietnamese address. Franked with Scott 428 and Military stamp M2 with Saigon 31 7 1973 cancel. VF. (377)
301. 6 air mail covers showing cachet of map of Vietnam with critical cities. To Canadian Major (MCCD-ICCS0) with Vietnamese address. Franked with Scott Military stamp M2 All with military1973 cancels and and handstamps of KBC 3090. 3222, 3799, 4600-black, 4691, and 6250,. Some numbers hard to read. F. (377)
302. 3 air mail covers showing cachet of map of Vietnam with critical cities. To Canadian Major (MCCD-ICCS0) with Vietnamese address. Franked with Scott Military stamp M2 All with military1973 cancels and less common trianglar KBC handstamps of 4345, 4600, and 4647.Some numbers hard to read. F. (377)
303. 10 air mail covers showing cachet of map of Vietnam with critical cities. To Canadian Captain (MCCD-ICCS0) with Vietnamese address. Franked with pairs of Scott Military stamp M2 All with military1973 cancels and circular KBC handstamps of 3799. Some numbers hard to read. F. (377)
304. 2 special blue and white letter sheets with imprinted stmp with no value. Quan-Buu 1973 cancel with KBC 4777 handstamp. Unadresed. VF. (377)
305. 3 covers showing cachet of map of Vietnam with critical cities. To Canadian Major (MCCD-ICCS0) with Vietnamese address. Franked with Japanese stamps and Tokyo 1973 cancel. Sender CFPO 5005. Vietnam receipt cancel. F. (377)
306. 3 covers showing cachet of map of Vietnam with critical cities. To Canadian Major (MCCD-ICCS0) with Vietnamese address. Franked with 8 Thailand stamps and Bangkok 1973 cancels. Sender CFPO 5005. Vietnam receipt cancel. F. (377)
307. 3 covers same as last. .(377)
308. 15 cacheted covers mostly sent FREE with ship cancels 1966-73. All to Karcher accused of manipulating covers. (008)
309. 6 cacheted covers mostly sent FREE with ship cancels 196671-73. Not obviously Karcher covers. Also Army Official window envelope from APO 96240 with APO 40 1965 cancel. F-VF. (008)
310. covers with 1990-91 ship cancels on stamps.with area maps. F-VF. 1 weak cancel. 1 stain. Most F-VF. (008)
311. 14 covers with 1991 ship cancels on stamps. 8 with area maps. F-VF. (008)
312. 2 covers with ship cachet and 1991 USS JARRRETT 25 JAN 1991 cancels sent FREE. VF. (008)
313. Afghanistan. Italian Forces. Picture postcard with Italian stamp tied by Afrghanistasn 7 12 2006 cancel. Various Italian handstamps for TASK FORCE LINCE. VF.(424)
314. Iraq. Italian Forces. Picture postcard of Mosque Baghdad with 3 Italian stamps tied by Iraq 12.4 2006 cancel. Various Italian handstamps for Iraq including Nasiriya and Babilonia. VF.(424)
315. Kosovo. Italian Forces.Valentine card with 3 Italian stamps tied by Kosovo 7.5.07 Police cancels. Various Italian handstamps for "Joint Enterprise". VF. (424)
316. Lebanon. 2 postcards tied by OPERATION LEONTE LIBANO 13.01.07 cancels on 3 stampswith JTF Lenbanon handstamps. VF. (424)
317. U.S. 19#10 Official Mail covers with Official stamps from 1980's and 90's. Many to military recruiters. F-VF. 4¢ (3), 15¢ (6), 20¢, $1.00, D (6), E (2), F (6) and Offficial meter. F-VF. (755)
318. U.S. 66 81/2 " by 11" envelopes mostly with Official stamps from 1990's. F-VF. Stamped with 234 stamps incuding many high values. F-VF. (755)
319. U.S. 5 colored post card books from Baltimore, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Pennsylvania.and Richmond to same addressees All postally used with 1954-55 2 or 3 cent stamps. VF. (755)
320. U.S. MulticoloredOut House racial card by Curt Teich C-245. Little wear at corners. F. (755)
321. U.S. 3 APO covers to Hollywood movie stars including Bing Crosby APO 523, Linda Darnell APO 671, and Gloria Jean APO 600. Plus civilian British censored cover to Gene Autry. F-VF. (755)
322. US. Air mail cover from APO 317 1952 Japan to Hollywood Star Debra Paget at MGM. 2 line UNCLAIMED FOR ST/ METRO GOLDWYN-MAYER. red handstamp. Corner card of USS HORACE A. BASS. Backstamped Culver City. Slight aging. F. (008)
323. Bermuda, View card with Bermuda stamp tied by NEW YORK AUG 22 1932 PAQUEBOT cancel. Handstamp "POSTED ON BOARD /THE BRITISH/R.M.S. FRANCONIIA...". F-VF. (008)
324. Remnants of estate Includes 6, home bases WWII, 3 WWII no date, 3 postwar. AVE. (836)
Suggested (SB) or Reserve Bids (RES) are in general provided by the Seller
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Auction Manager.
Envelopes are as expected for area: e.g., European size, etc., and will not be described unless unusual (#10, etc.) Books are hardcover unless stated softcover. APO number is in cancel unless stated. * means in Sender's Address Only. Navy numbers in address unless stated to be in cancel. On individual lots U.S. WW II APO covers are on stationery with imprinted stamps unless stated FREE or stamped. Larger lots are mostly mixed. V-Mail has been processed and is with envelope unless stated otherwise. |
Updated: 25 May 2008