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Please note the address for bids at the bottom of this page


Descriptions & Bidding Instructions

Auction 194

Closing Date: 28 January, 2012



1. Cover 3c stp cancel Constableville, NY – MAR 3 (F) from 1860s to Co. C 50th Regt, N.Y.V.(New York Volunteers) Engrs, Washington, D.C. VF. MB $15.00 (0901)



2. Cover 3c stp MS cancel Jasper, NY – DEC 12 (VF) from 1860s to 161 Reg N.Y.V.Volunteers, (in care of Capt Craig), Jamaica, NY F. MB $15.00 (0901)




3. FRANCE Ministere de la Guerre 1858. Stampless letter cancel "Paris Franchises 5 Juin 58" (F). Front 3 line handstamp Ministere - de la Guerre – (1). Back same but round seal with eagle. (VF) MB $15.00 (0901)


4. Napoleonic Conquered Territory. Stampless letter linear postmark “ 92 – GAND “ (VF)(Dept. de L’Escaut).  Two pages letter dateline 8 Sept 1806. VF. MB $18.00 (0901)



5. Napoleonic Conquered Territory. Stampless letter linear postmark " 87 – GENES " (F)(Dept. de Genes). Partial letter dateline 5 Sept 1810. VF. MB $14.00 (0901)


6. Navy Yard Brooklyn 1911– PC 1c stp cancel BROOKLYN. NY – NAVY YARD STA. OCT 15, 1911 (VF). VF. (0901)


7. Naval. PC 1c stp. cancel Ty 3r USS BOXER – Dec 29, 19(15 or 16)(F) (Training Brigantine). VF. MB $10.00 (0901)


8. Naval. PC 1c stp. cancel USS LOUISIANA – Aug 23, 1909(F) (Battleship). VF. MB $8.00 (0901)


9. Naval. PC 1c stp. cancel USS NEW JERSEY – FEB 20, 1915 – GUANTANAMO – BAY, CUBA (F) (Battleship). VF. MB $8.00 (0901)





10. US AEF. YMCA Cover Canc. US Army Postal Service No 1 – DEC 17, 1917 (F)- AEF censor A.68 - with letter. Top open roughly - Ave/F (0901)


11. US AEF. Cover canc. US Army Post Office M.P.E.S. 7.. – . FEB 191(8). (Ave)- AEF censor. Sender 350 INF APO 795. F (0901)


12. US AEF. YMCA cover canc. Postal Express Service No 953 – 1 MAI 1919 (F). AEF censor A.4295. Sender Univ. School Det – Poitiers AEF FRANCE. F (0901)


13. US AEF. PC (Modane, France) canc. Postal Express Service No 975 – 17 AVR 1919 (F). AEF Base Censor. VF (0901)


14. US AEF. PC (Sentry Moon) MC Military Post Office – Soldiers Mail with eagle(F). Text "… I have arrived safely…". VF (0901)


15. Army Branch. PC 2c stp MC ATLANTA, GA – GORDON BRANCH – JAN 2, 1918(VF). VF (0901)


16. Belgium (4). 4 commercial covers franked with German Occupation Ovpt "Belgien" stps. All censored. 1 with 3 Cent, 1 with 2 x 5 Cent, 1 with 10 Cent, 1 with 15 Cent. F/VF (0901)


17. Belgium (4). 4 commercial covers franked with German Occupation Ovpt "Belgien" stps. All censored. 1 with 3 Cent, 1 with 2 x 5 Cent, 1 with 10 Cent, 1 with 15 Cent. F/VF (0901)



18. Fort Totten. Patriotic cover 3c stp Canc. FORT TOTTEN, N.Y. – MAR 26, 1918(VF). VF (0901)


19. Fortress Monroe. YMCA cover 3c stp MC FORTRESS MONROE, VA. – APR 4, 1918(VF). Sender Auto School. F (0901)


20. France Naval. Free franked PC cancel … – Tunisie - 3-6-19 (Ave). Handstamp "C.E. VERGNIAUD" (Battleship) + "Marine Nationale" with anchor. VF MB $10.00 (0901)


21. #10 official Business from Treasury Department, Bureau of War Risk Insurance. Cancel Washington DC (1918 - VF). F/VF (0910)



22. WAR Department - Laboratory (2). 2 Official Business #10 covers from Laboratory. 1 from Fort Leonard Wood, Md. - cancel Fort Leonard Wood, 1928 (F). 1 from Ft McPherson, Ga. - cancel Atlanta, Ga Sta.B. 1929 (VF). Both addressed to Army medical School Washington DC. F/VF (0901)


23. Hawaii Army Day. Cacheted cover 2c stp cancel Honolulu. Hawaii – FORT SHAFTER STA. – Apr 6, 1939 (VF). VF (0901)





24. Canal Zone Naval. cover 3 x 1/2c stp (+ 4 x Christmas Seal 1932) Canc. US Frigate Constitution – JAN 1, 1933 with "Balboa – Canal Zone" in KB (F).. VF (1108)


25. Canal Zone Naval. cover 2c stp Canc. US Seapost Canal Zone – S.S. Ancon - JAN 27, 1929 SOUTH(F). + 3 line handstamp "Received in – Sea Post Service – under cover". VF (1108)


26. Canal Zone Naval. cover 3c stp (# 856) Canc. U.S.S. Charleston – Canal Zone – AUG 15, 1939 (VF). + CZ 3c Stp (# 122) canc. Balboa Heights – Canal Zone – First Day of Issue – Aug 15, 1939 (VF). VF (1108)


27. Cuba Naval. Cacheted cover 2c stp Canc. U.S.S. Antares – DEC 8, 1933 with "Guantanamo – Bay Cuba" in KB (VF). VF (0901)



28. France Naval. Card 1c stp Canc. Croiseur-Ecole Jeanne D'Arc – 21-1-(35)(Ave-F). With large handstamp "Engagez-vous dans la Marine …). MS Note on back "…Greetings from San Pedro…". VF MB $12.00 (0901)


29. USF Constitution. Cover 2c stp Canc. US Frigate Constitution - 7 JAN 1932 with "Pensacola – FLA." in KB (F). VF (0901)


30. USF Constitution. Cacheted cover 3c stp Canc. US Frigate Constitution – 6 OCT 1933 with "Long Beach – Calif." in KB (VF). VF (0901)


31. USF Constitution. Cacheted cover 3c stp Canc. US Frigate Constitution – 24 MAR 1933 with "San Francisco – Calif." in KB (VF). VF (0901)


32. USF Constitution. Cacheted cover 3c stp Canc. US Frigate Constitution – 22 FEB 1933 with "San Pedro – Calif." in KB (VF). VF (0901)


33. USF Constitution. Cacheted cover 2c stp Canc. US Frigate Constitution – 14 MAY 1934 with "Boston – Mass." in KB (F). VF (0901)


34. USF Constitution. Cacheted cover 2x 2c stp Canc. US Frigate Constitution – 20 MAR 1934 with "San Diego – Calif." in KB (VF). VF (0901)


35. US Naval Station – Pearl Harbor Canc. MAY 14, 1928 (or 1923 - F). Sender 117th Co. Marine. VF (0901)


36. USS Arizona. Cacheted cover 1 1/2c stp Canc. Ty 6 U.S.S. Arizona – 29 MAY 1935 (VF). VF (0901)



37. USS Navy Ships (2). 2 Covers 3c stp. 1 Canc. Ty 6 U.S.S. Omaha – 15 Dec 1932 (F). 1 Canc. Ty 6 U.S.S. New York – 25 Dec 1932 (F). VF (0901)




38. A.A.F.T.T.C. (5). 4 covers + 1 letter (6 pages). All Free franked from Training Center in Miami Beach, FL in 1942/43. 1 is OCS. F/VF (0909)


39. Austria – APO 472. 6c stp Canc. US Army Postal Service (no number - MC 1945 - F). Sender 327 Glider Inf APO 472. VF (0901)


40. Australia – APO 32. Free franked Canc. American Base Forces APO (no number - KB 1942 - F). Sender 127 Inf APO 32. USAFIA 162 Censor + blue "Censored name Lt. Inf.". F (0901)


41. Camp Haan, Calif. Special Delivery cover 2 x 5c stp (Poland + Czechoslovakia) MC Camp Haan, Calif – Sep 25, 1943(F). VF (0909)



42. Army Camps (4). 2 Free franked: 1 from Camp Shanks, NY (1944).1 from SFPO – APO – San Francisco (1942). 2 x 6c Air: 1 from Camp McQuaide, Calif (1942). 1 to Camp Hulen, Tx (1941). F-VF (0909)


43. Canada – APO 865 (2). 2 x 1c PC from Sgt at Sqd C Apo 865. No cancel but censored. Message dateline 1944. F/VF (0909)


44. China – APO 627 (Kunming). 6c Air canc. APO 627 (MC 1945 - F). Censored. F. (0901)


45. Cuba. Assoc. of Army and Navy Stores cover 3c canc. Guantanamo Bay, Cuba – US Naval Sta. (MC 1940 - VF). F. (0901)


46. Desert Maneuver – APO (5). 3 covers APO cancel No numbers – Senders C/O PM Los Angeles APO 8 (1943), APO 189 (1944), APO 254 (1943). + 2 humoristic PC marked Free but no cancel senders APO 79, 104. F/VF. (0909)


47. Domestic APO (5). All with local postmarks – Senders APO 253 (1943), 410 (1943), 627A (1942), 4519 (no date). + Dibble Gen. Hospital to APO 4309 (1945). F/VF. (0909)


48. France – APO 129 (Compiegne). Free franked canc. APO 129 (KB 1945 - F). VF. (0901)


49. France – APO 167 (Reims). 6c Air canc. APO 167 (KB 1945 - VF). Censored. VF. (0901)


50. France (2). 6c Air. 1 canc. APO 311 (MC 1945 - VF). 1 canc. APO 561 (KB 1945 – F). Censored. VF. (0909)


51. France – APO 350 (Le Mans). Feldpost Free franked card canc. APO 350 (KB 1944 - F). Censored. Card damaged on top - Ave. (0901)


52. GB (5). Canc. APO 9 (1944), 21 (1945), 62 (1944), 63 (1944), 519 (1945). 4 are censored. VF. (0901)


53. GB - APO 518 (20). 20 covers all 6c Air, all censored, all canc. APO 518 in 1944. Ave/VF. (0909)


54. GB - APO 582 (Warminster). US Army Soldier's letter Blue Envelope – Free franked canc. APO 582 (KB 1944 – F). Censored. F. (0901)


55. Germany – APO 572 (Munich). Unprocessed V-Mail Free franked Sender 6703 S.S.T.T. Bn APO 572. Canc. APO 5?2 (KB 1945 - F). F. MB $8.00 (0901)


56. German Occ. Alsace. 12 Pf stp Canc. Kolmar (Els) 1 – 07.9.44. To Strassburg. VF. (0901)


57. German Occ. Alsace. 12 Pf stp Canc. Mulhausen (Els) 2 – 21.2.44. To Strassburg. VF. (0901)



58. German Occ. Lorraine. 6 Pf Ovpt Lothringen Pict Canc. METZ – 16.12.40. To Colmar Els. VF. (0901)



59. India - APO 885 (New Delhi). Large (11 x 5) Registered cover 50c prexie mute cancel. Back canc. APO 885 Unit 1 (1945 – F). Sender War Correspondent. Censored. Folds and wrinkles. (0909)


60. Italy – APO 1 (Sperlinga). Free franked canc. APO 1 (KB 1943 – F). Censored. VF (0901)


61. Italy – APO 36 (Caserta - 2). 2 x Capri PC Free franked canc. APO 36 (KB 1943 – F). Censored. F (0901)


62. Italy – APO 464 / FPO 300. Sender APO 464. 6c Air canc. Field Post Office 300 (1944 – F). British Censor. VF (0901)


63. Jamaica – Mar Det. Patriotic cover 3c stp canc. MAR. DET. PORTLAND BIGHT – JAMAICA BR. With British West Indies in KB (1941 – VF). Censored. VF (0901)


64. Japan – APO 301. Free franked canc. APO 301 (KB no year – VF). No censor so probably Japan. VF (0901)


65. Marianas – APO 246 (Guam - 2). 2 covers 6c Air canc. APO 246. One sender 11th Bomb Gp (MC 1945 – VF). One sender 314th Bombardment Wing (KB 1945 – F). Censored. VF (0901)


66. Marianas – APO 247 (Tinian). Free franked canc. APO 247 (KB 1944 – VF). Censored. VF (0901)


67. Misc APO (6). Canc. APO 96 (1945), 531 (1945), 690 (1944).+ 2 x APO cancel No number - sender APO 3 (Unprocessed V-Mail 1943), APO 913 Unit # 1 (194.). + Cacheted cover (Korea) from US to USS Gollett (1951). F/VF. (0909)


68. Newfoundland (2). 2 x Patriotic cachet 3c stp cancel APO 801-A (KB 1941 - VF) + APO 801-B (KB 1941 – F). Philatelic VF (0909)


69. Newfoundland (4). Misc stps. Cancel APO 801-A (1941)+ 801-B (1941) + 801-C (1941 over-inked - Passed by Censor Newfoundland Base Command) + 801-D (1942 – censored). 3 are Philatelic - F/VF (0909)


70. 2c stationary U429 Ovpt Official Business (5). 5 Registered covers from APO 110 to APO 175. No postmarks but either France or Germany. Cover has tape remnant from being attached to large envelope. Unusual. F/VF (0910)


71. Philippines – APO 72 (Base K Tacloban). Sender 1112th TC Port Marine Maint Co APO


72. Philippines – APO 31 / 31-B (Mindanao)(2). 1 Sender APO 31 - 6c Air canc. APO 7 BPO (KB 1945 – F). + 1 Sender APO 31-B - 6c Air canc. APO no number (KB 1944 – F). Both Censored + 6c / 12c Postage Due. F (0901)


73. Philippines - APO 96 (Mindoro). 6c air cancel APO 96 (KB 1945 - F). Censored. F (0910)


73. 6c Air canc. APO no number (MC no year – F). Censored + 6c Postage Due. Ms Notice 4-24-44. F (0901)


74. P.O.W. – Free franked POW form letter (small). Sender German POW - Camp Ruston, LA. US Censorship marking. Cancel New York, NY 1944. To Germany. VF (0901)


75. P.O.W. – Free franked POW form letter. Sender German POW - Camp Ruston, LA. US Censorship marking. Cancel New York, NY 1943. To Germany. VF (0901)


76. Ryukyus - APO 331 (Naha - Okinawa). Sender 29th Gen. Hosp. APO 331. 2 x 3c Corregidor cancel US NAVY (KB 1945 - Ave). Censored. F (0901)


77. Selective Service (2). Size #10 Official Business from Local Board No 14 – Greeley, Colorado. MC Greeley, Colo. 1943. + unused return cover – Selective Service official Business addressed to Local Bard No 14. F (0910)


78. Tunisia - APO 372 (Mateur). Free franked cancel APO 372 (KB 1943 - VF). Censored. F (0901)


79. V-Mail – Packs of Mint (2). 2 packs of Mint V-mail (different outer envelope). 1 is complete (24), 1 has 6 V-mails forms. VF - MB $10.00 (0901)


80. V-Mail – Box of Mint. 1 Box of Mint V-mail - complete (48). Superb condition - MB $25.00 (0901)


81. WAC (5). 3 X sender at APO: Canc. APO 204 (1944), 512 (1945), 7 BPO (194.).+ 2 Domestic: AAF training Center – Miami Beach, Fl + Selfridge Field, Mich (with letter). F/VF. (0909)


82. War Dept Change of Address. Blue card WD official Business - Notice of Change of Address canc. Monahans, Texas – Pyote Air Base Br. (1944). VF. (0909)




83. 22nd Prov. Marine Co sender. Folded X-mas letter 3c Win the War stp cancel U.S. Marine Corps (KB 1944 – Faint). Naval Censor. F (0901)


84. Alaska. Patriotic cover 3c for defense stp cancel Seattle (N. Air Sta.) Kodiak, Alaska Br. – Wash. (KB 1941 – F). Philatelic. VF (0901)


85. Alaska. Patriotic cover 3c for defense stp cancel Seattle, Wash – Nav. Air Sta. Sitka Alaska Br.(KB 1942 – F). Philatelic. VF (0901)



The next three lots were illustrated in MPHS bulletin vol 48, # 4 - Fall 2009 – "CPNY Mail Revisited - Again" – page 18/20.


86. CPNY censor (2). 2 Covers 6c Air cancel Washington, DC, (1945) to S/S H.L. Glucksman. 1 has U.S. Censor marking and 1 has red CPNY marking on back. They are Figure 1 + 2 in the article. F (0900)


87. CPNY censor (2). 2 Covers 6c Air cancel Washington, DC, (1945) to S/S H.L. Glucksman. 1 has "Return to Sender – Unclaimed" marking and 1 has red CPNY marking on back. They are Figure 4 + 5 in the article. F (0900)


88. CPNY censor (84). 84 Covers 6c Air cancel Washington, DC, (1945) to S/S H.L. Glucksman. They are all the remaining covers mentioned in the article including 3 x red CPNY marking on back. Ave/F (0900)


89. Midway. Patriotic cover cancel Midway Det. 3rd Bat Det. Fleet Mar. Force (KB 1941 – F). Philatelic. VF (0901)


90. Misc US navy / Marines (41). 41 covers from Misc units incl 2nd marines, VBF-83, USS ARD5, Fleet Air Wing 3, Nabu #4, NAS 28, CSD 42, CSD 44,….. All censored – 1943/45. Some duplicates. Ave/VF (0909)


91. Naval Hospital (2). 2 Covers 2c /3c stps. 1 is Quantico. VA. – Naval Hospital Br. (1941 – VF). 1 is San Diego, Calif. Naval Hosp. Br.(Ty 6 + MC 1936 - VF). Philatelic VF (0901)


92. Pacific Fleet. 2c stp. Cancel Advanced carrier Tr. Group – Pacific Fleet (KB 1942 - VF). Philatelic VF (0901)


93. Port of Embarkation. Patriotic cover 1c stp. Cancel Oakland, Calif. Port of Embarkation Sta. (DR 1942 - VF). First Day Cancel. Philatelic VF (0901)


94. USS Enterprise. Patriotic cover 3c stp. Cancel U.S.S. Enterprise Air Group Br. (KB 1941 - VF). Philatelic VF (0901)




95. APO 6. 6c Air – Sender 224th Inf Rgt, APO 6. Cancel APO 6 (KB Jan 7, 52 – VF). Located Sendai, Japan. VF (0900)


96. APO 6. Size #10 Dept Army Penalty – Sender HQ, 160th Inf Rgt, APO 6. Cancel APO 6 (KB Nov 29, 52 – F). Located Sanyang-ni, Korea. VF (0900)


97. APO 6. Free franked – Sender 143rd F.A. Bn, APO 6. Cancel APO 6 (MC Jun 11, 53 – F). Located Yachon-ni, Korea. (trimmed slightly on top) VF (0900)


98. APO 24. 6c air size #10 – Sender 24th Inf Div, APO 24. Cancel APO 24 (MC May 19, 53 – F). Located Sendai, Japan. (trimmed slightly on top) F. (0900)


99. APO 25. Free franked – Sender 35th Inf Regt, APO 25. Cancel APO 25 (KB Sep 27, 51 – F). Located Suwon, Korea. VF (0900)


100. APO 25. Free franked – Sender 25th QM Co, APO 25. Cancel APO 25 (MC Jul 2, 52 – VF). Located Chunchon (K-47), Korea. VF. (0900)


101. APO 25. Free franked – Sender 14th Inf Regt, APO 25. Cancel APO 25 (MC Jul 10, 53 – VF). Located Ohlaimuto, Korea. VF MB $5.00(0900)


102. APO 25. Free franked – Sender 27th Inf Regt, APO 25. Cancel APO 25 (MC Jul 29, 54 – VF). Located Tongduchon-ni, Korea. F (0900)


103. APO 86. Size #10 Dept Army Penalty – Sender HQ 179th Inf, APO 86. Cancel APO 86 (MC Aug 15, 51 – F). Located Chitose, Japan. F (0900)


104. APO 201. 6c Air – Sender 7th Cav Regt, APO 201. Cancel APO 201. (KB Sep 22, 52 – F). Located Makonami, Japan. F. (0900)


105. APO 201. Free franked #10 War Dept – Sender HQ 8th Cav. Regt, APO 201. Cancel APO 201 (MC Sep 3, 1951 – Ave faint). Located Sukchon, Korea. F. (0900)


106. APO 201. 6c Air – Sender 13th Signal Co, APO 201. Cancel APO 201. (MC Dec 16, 53 – faint). Located Makonami, Japan. F. (0900)


107. APO 248. Free franked – Sender 38th Inf Regt, APO 248. Cancel APO no number (MC Oct 21, .. – F) Located Yongcho, Korea. Receiving cancel on back 1952. Ave (trimmed on top + tear). (0900)


108. APO 248. Free franked – Sender HQ 37th F.A. Bn. Cancel APO no number (MC Sep 18, 52 – F) Located Yongcho, Korea. (trimmed slightly on top) F. (0900)


109. APO 248. Free franked – Sender HQ Co 2nd Med Bn Apo 248. Cancel APO no number (MC Oct 30, 53 – F) Located Chunkok, Korea. (trimmed slightly on top + cut) F. (0900)


110. APO 301. Free franked # 10– Sender Armor Sect EUSAK, APO 301. Cancel APO 301 (MC Mar 10, 51 – VF) Located Taegu, Korea. F. (0900)


111. APO 468. Free franked #10 – Sender 3d Medical Bn, APO 468. Cancel APO 468 (MC Feb 12, 1954 – F). Located Chonkok, Korea. VF (0900)


112. APO 707. Free franked – Sender 7th Cav Regt, APO 201. Cancel APO 707 (KB Jan 12, 53 – F) Located Pusan, Korea. F (0900)


113. Navy Br 17033. Lockheed Aircraft Corp. #10 6c air cover. Cancel KB US Navy 17033 – year not clear. But only open from 1950-54 in Korea. VF (0909)




114. Canada Military Delegation. Special cover (map) Thailand stps – Bangkok cancel. Canadian Delegation handstamp. Philatelic VF (0908)


115. Canada Military Delegation (2). Both Special cover (map) with Vietnam stamps. 1 with KBC handstamp (faint) - Quan-Buu Viet-Nam 1973 cancels. 1 with KBC 4691 handstamp (faint) - Quan-Buu Viet-Nam 1973 cancels. Both with Canadian Delegation handstamp. Philatelic VF (0908)


116. Vietnam KBC (2). 2 special blue covers with map - Vietnam stps. Both Cancel Quan-Buu 1973. 1 with KBC 3799 handstamp, other KBC 3222. Philatelic VF (0908)




117. APO – Japan (4). 4 large covers (11 X 5, 9 X 6) either War Dept or Dept of Army penalty. Cancel APO 27 (1952), 47 (1954), 50 (1953), 309 (1952). + PCS order 1952. VF (0909)


118. Azores. #10 official Business Azores Air Transport Station – cancel APO 406 (KB 1956 - a bit blurry). VF (0905)


119. Misc + Puerto Rico (5). 1 x Sender CC 72nd FMS - Ramey AFB P.R. - cancel APO 845 (MC 1954 - F). + 3 x base in cancel – Fort Leonard Wood, Camp Shanks, Charleston Air Base. + 1 from Paris Island. F/VF (0906)


120. Dew Line. Cacheted 10,000 Atlantic Barrier Flights – Airborne Early Warning … cover. 7c Air cancel New York NY 10957 Br 1961. With info letter. Philatelic VF (0909)



121. Douglas Missiles Service (2). Both #10 Douglas (aircraft) stationary - 7c air – with mention "Missiles Service". 1 cancel APO 63 (MC 1960 – VF) in Taiwan. 1 cancel APO 58 (MC 1960 – VF) in France. VF (0909)


122. Germany Dew Line? Sender 7811 AU Wing Det, Northern Area Sta Com – KB APO 800 (VF 1955). Seller says DEW line. MPHS book says Germany (but also lists in unknown or classified locations). VF (0909)


123. Spain (8). 8 APO covers cancel APO 282, 283 (2), 284, 285 (2), 286 (2). Late 50s, 60s. F/VF (0909)




124. Alaska. Sender USNS # 10. 6c Air Cancel Seattle Wash - US Navy 230 Br. (MC 1951 - F). VF (0905)


125. Canal Zone. GB stp Cancel Cristobal – Canal Zone – Paquebot (MC 1953 - VF). VF (1108)


126. Canal Zone. 3c stp Cancel Cristobal – Canal Zone – Paquebot (MC 1954 - VF). USNS Anacostia handstamp. VF (1108)


127. Misc Navy Branch. 4 covers 50s/60s. 13606, 14045, 17034, sender Navy 990 (Hawaii cancel). F/VF (0905)


128. Polar. MC So.Pole Br New York NY 10090 (F 1975). VF (0905)


129. USS America. Cacheted cover Commissioning. Cancel USS America (MC 1965 - VF). Philatelic VF (0901)


130. USS Iowa. Cacheted cover Iowa State Centennial. Cancel USS Iowa BB-61 (KB + DR 1946 - VF). Philatelic VF (0901)


MODERN MILITARY (after 1965)


131. USAF Beale AFB (2). 9th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing. Both Cacheted covers. 1 x 9th SRW Change of Command 1990. 1 x 9th SRW redesignated 9th Wing 1991. Both cancel Beale AFB, CA (KB). VF Philatelic (0901)


132. Belgium Official (4). 4 official Service des Estafettes covers. All size 9 x 4. All 80s with Unit Handstamps incl Para-Commando. No cancels. VF (0901)



133. Canal Zone. CZ Meter + Cancel Cristobal – C.Z. – Paquebot (1971 - VF). M/V Ruby handstamp. Philatelic VF (1108)


134. France Military Police (5). 5 official covers Free franked from French National (military) Police. All 70s with Unit Handstamps. VF (0901)


135. France Military in Germany (4). 4 official covers Free franked with Unit Handstamps. Military cancels BPM 507, 510, 526. 1 no cancel. All 1990s. VF. MB $4.00 (0901)


136. France Military Hospital (3). 3 official covers Free franked from French military Hospital. 70s/80s with Military cancels (Armees). VF (0901)


137. France Military Units (3). 3 official covers Free franked from French military units. 70s with Military cancels (Armees). VF (0901)


138. France Military Ships (3). 3 official covers Free franked from French military Ships. Frigate Treville, Frigate Anquetil, Command Ship Var. 1990 with Military cancels (Naval). VF (0901)


139. France Military Court (3). 3 official covers Free franked from French military Courts. 1968/77/82. With Military cancels (Armees). VF (0901)


140. French Forces in Chad . Official #10 Op Epervier cover French stp. Military cancel BPI 617 – 2005 (N'Djamena – Tchad). C.O. handstamp. VF MB $6.00 (0901)


141. Germany – Berlin Airlift 50th Anniversary. 1 cacheted FD cover cancel Berlin Sta. APO AE 09265 – First Day of issue (VF). + 1 Special Luftbrucke Postal card (available from APO only) cancel Malmstrom AFB, MT 59402 – First Day of Issue. Both franked with B.A. 50th Anniv. 32c stamp. VF Philatelic MB $8.00 (0901)



142. Iraq – APO 09325. Sender 175th AG Postal Co APO 09385. Free franked cancel APO AE 09325 (KB 2004 – F) located in Mosul, Iraq. VF MB $5.00 (0901)


143. Iraq – Marine Mobile Unit. Free franked cancel Marine Mobile Unite 2 – FPO AP 96426 (KB 2004 – VF) located in Ar Ramadi, Iraq. VF MB $7.00 (0901)


144. ISAF Afghanistan – APO 09314. Free franked cancel APO AE 09314 (KB 2004 – F) located in Salemo, Afghanistan. VF MB $4.00 (0901)


145. ISAF Afghanistan – APO 09320. Sender JALLC team Kabul APO 09356. Free franked cancel APO AE 09320 (KB 2005 – F) located in Kabul, Afghanistan. Also Deutsche Contingent handstamp (faint). VF MB $5.00 (0901)


146. ISAF Afghanistan – UK ship. UK stps faint cancel. "C.O. HMS Ocean" 5 Jun 2002 handstamp. MS "Op Oracle II Feb-Jun 02 Afghanistan". VF (0901)


147. Korea. Flown cover. 25th Anniv. US Air Force Kwang Ju AB Korea handstamp + Flown on EC-121 Mission in Korea handstamp on back. Cancel APO 96324 (MC 1972 - VF). With letter. VF Philatelic (0906)


148. NATO Accession Ceremony. Cacheted cover 1999 NATO Accession Ceremony (Czech Rep, Hungary, Poland). UK stp cancel FPO 558 – 16 Mr 99. (NATO HQ Brussels). Back Belgian NATO military cancel + US APO 09724. Says 10 made! VF Philatelic MB $6.00 (0901)



149. NATO APO MPP (2). 2 covers (1 cacheted) with APO Mailer's Postmark Permit cancels – Both First Days. 1 is APO AE 09705 Shape Belgium (1999), 1 is APO AE 09724 NATO HQ (1999). Philatelic VF (0901)



150. NATO Portugal. Cacheted cover NATO J.C. Lisbon name change. US stp cancel USNSE-Lisbon FPO AE 09729-0082 – 2004. VF Philatelic MB $4.00 (0901)



151. Official Mail (8). All large (12 x 9 ½) covers. 6 are Dept of the Army in Tennessee franked with misc Official stamps and are Certified mail (1987/1990). 1 is franked meter USS Missouri (1991). 1 is Free franked USS Fletcher (1991). F/VF (0910)


152. NO LOT


153. 22 Returned APO covers (22). All size #10 official business covers franked with a permit imprint (no stamps – no cancels). All returned to sender with RTS handstamps in front and APO cancels on back (Most Directory Service Given) from 12 different APOs. F/VF (0910)


154. Submarine FDC. Handpainted FDC for 33c Los Angeles Class stamp – official FDI Groton CT 2000. Plus USCGC Cowslip cacheted cover 2001. Philatelic VF (0907)


155. SR-71 Blackbird Spy plane retirement cacheted cover. Cancel Beale AFB, CA Jan 26, 1990 (KB – VF). Enclosed copy of base article about the retirement. VF Philatelic MB $10.00(0901)



156. Turkish Cyprus Military. PC franked Turkish stamp cancel "Lefkosa Gazi Magusa-AS-Pos. – 9-7-03. Addressed to Turkish soldier in ISAF (Afghanistan). VF MB $10.00(0901)



157. United Kingdom – Foreign ships' visit (7). All franked with UK stps. 3 x Swedish ships (HSWMS Sodermalland, Kalmar, Ulvon). + 2 x US ships (USS Gonzalez, USCGC Campbell). + 2 x French ships (De Grasse, S-M Le Bihan). 1999/2000. VF (SW)


158. USCGC Op. Deep Freeze (2). 2 covers 1971- Op Deep Freeze with ship's cachet / cancel - USCGC Burton Island - USCGC Staten Island. Philatelic VF (0909)


159. USAF 50th Anniv (2). Cacheted covers 1997 USAF 50th Anniv. Unofficial FDC 32c stamp. 1 x cancel APO AE 09705 (KB - VF) at SHAPE, Belgium. + 1 x cancel APO AE 09724 (KB - VF) in NATO HQ, Belgium. VF Philatelic MB $10.00 (0901)


160. USAF 50th Anniv. Cacheted "M.P.S." (Free APO to APO mail) cover 1997 USAF 50th Anniv. Pictorial APO AE 09123 – Spangdahlem Air Base Station cancel (VF). VF Philatelic MB $4.00 (0901)



161. USAF 50th Anniv. Cacheted (not the same as 160) cover 1997 USAF 50th Anniv. FDC 32c stamp. Unofficial pictorial APO AE 09459 – RAF Mildenhall Station cancel (VF). VF Philatelic MB $4.00 (0901)


162. USAF 50th Anniv. Cacheted (not the same as 160/61) cover 1997 USAF 50th Anniv. FDC 32c stamp. Unofficial pictorial APO AE 09464 – RAF Lakenheath Station cancel (VF – Gold ink !). VF Philatelic MB $5.00 (0901)


163. USAF 50th Anniv. Cacheted (not the same as 160/61) cover 1997 USAF 50th Anniv. FDC 32c stamp. Unofficial pictorial APO AE 09824 – Incirlik Air Base Station cancel (VF). F Philatelic MB $4.00 (0901)


164. Zaire Am. Emb APO 09828. Sender American Embassy, Kinshasa. MPS Free franked cancel APO AE 09828 COPE (DR 1995 – VF). VF (0901)




165. APO 09852. Cacheted Patriotic (Victory). Stp cancel APO 09852 (KB 29 APR 1991 - F). VF Philatelic MB $4.00 (0901)


166. APO 09857. Cacheted Op DS. Free franked cancel APO 09857 (KB 21 FEB 1991 – F light). VF Philatelic MB $4.00 (0901)


167. Autograph CC USMC . Cacheted FDC 25c DD Eisenhower (1990). Autograph General C E Mundy, Jr, Commandant of the United States Marine Corps. VF Philatelic MB $15.00 (0901)



168. UK Op Granby. British Forces Aerogramme. Sender CO 1 Armored Field Ambulance – BFPO 644. No cancel but dated handstamp "4 Armd FD AMB RAMC 13 FEB 1991". VF MB $6.00 (0901)


169. USMC 2nd FSSG . Cacheted Op DS. Free franked cancel USMC 2nd FSSG (Rein) (KB 30 JAN 1991 – F). VF Philatelic MB $7.00 (0901)




170. KFOR - Turkey. Cover Free franked from Military School sent to 28th Mechanized Infantry Brigade - KFOR. Cancel Maltepe Askeri Lisesi {military school} (2000). Unit handstamps. VF - MB $5.00 (0901)


171. KFOR - Turkey. Registered cover size 9 x 6 ½ from Task Force Command / Dragash-Kosovo - stps military cancel K.K.KOMUTANLIGI – BAKANIKLAR 2002 (General Staff HQ). VF - MB $10.00 (0901)


172. KFOR – Turkey (2). 2 covers with unit handstamps. 1 size 12 x 9, other size #10. Both from 28th Mechanized Infantry Brigade – Prizren / Kosova. Both with military cancel 2000/2001 (1 is franked with official mail stps). VF - MB $10.00 (0901)


173. MDF Macedonia – Turkey. Cover from Multinational Disarmament Force in Macedonia. Handstamp Ammunition Team – MDF Skopje. Turkish stp military cancel Genelkurmay Ankara 2001 (Military HQ). VF - MB $7.00 (0901)


174. MINURSO Sahara - Germany. Sender German UN CIVPOL – Minurso – Maroc. Stp cancel Laayoune 1994. VF MB $10.00 (0901)


175. ONUC CONGO – Via Pouch. ONUC cover with ONUC handstamp. MS Via pouch. No cancel but sent to UN with "Received 30 MAR 64 – United Nations" cancel. F – MB $15.00 (0901)


176. ONUCA El Salvador - Canada. Official Canadian ONUCA stationary Size 10. Canadian stp cancel CFPO – BPFC 5005 (1990 - VF). CC Commanding Officer – 89 (CDN) RWAU (Rotary Wing Aviation Unit). Unaddressed VF Philatelic – MB $8.00 (0901)


177. SFOR – Turkey. Covers with unit handstamps from "Turk Taburu – SFOR Zenica". Turkish stp military cancel "Genelkurmay – Ankara" 2001 { Military HQ}.VF - MB $5.00 (0901)


178. SFOR – Turkey. Registered large UNPROFOR cover (15 x 11 – folded in 2). Sender Captain, Turkish Air Force, SFOR Sarajevo. Turkish Meter + stps military cancel "Genelkurmay – Ankara" 1997 {Military HQ}.VF - MB $5.00 (0901)


179. UNEF - Canada. OHMS Certified official cover (11 x 5 – folded). Cancel United Nations Emergency Force (year not clear Jun 29 .0). Ave/F MB $4.00 (0901)


180. UNEF - Canada. Official Dept of Natl Defence size #10 cover. Cancel United Nations Emergency Force 4 (1962 VF). VF MB $10.00 (0901)


181. UNEF – India. # 10 official UNEF stationary intra theater use. Cancel in back FPO No 712 – 1960(faint). Handstamp Signal Section – Indian Contingent UNEF – 4 JAN 1960 + Officer Commanding. Addressed to Chief Logistic Officer – HQ UNEF - Gaza. F (fold) - MB $15.00 (0901)


182. UNEF – PIO (2). 2 x # 10 official UNEF stationary. 1 x Free franked cancel UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FORCE * – 29 DEC 1958 (F). 1 x Lebanese stp cancel Beyrouth RP 5.7.58 (VF). Both handstamp PIO – HQ UNEF GAZA. F/VF MB $10.00 (0901)


183. UNEF – Sweden. Cacheted cover (Swedish battalion) Cancel Svenska FN-Bataljonen - Egypten *-20-3-57 (VF – 1st day in Gaza) Early! VF Philatelic – MB $8.00 (0901)



184. UNFICYP Cyprus - Austria. Cover handstamp Camp Duke Leopold V HQ-Coy. Austrian stps cancel UNFICYP – AUSCON 1501 – 1981. VF Mb $5.00 (0901)


185. UNIFIL Lebanon - France. # 10 official UNIFIL stationary. Sender French captain MD. Cancel United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon – 28 JAN 1982 (F). Letter enclosed. VF- MB $7.00 (0901)



186. UNIIMOG – Iran/Iraq. # 10 official UNIIMOG stationary. Sender Officer New Zealand Air Force. UN Stps cancel United Nations New York 1989. VF – MB $12.00 (0901)


187. UNOSOM - Somalia. # 10 official UNOSOM stationary. Kenyan stps cancel Nairobi 1993 (faint). VF but addressed taped on cover – MB $5.00 (0901)


188. UNPROFOR – France. Handstamp "Bataillon Infanterie 4 – Le Colonel". Free franked cancel United Nations Protection Force (1994 - VF). VF MB $6.00 (0901)


189. UNPROFOR – France. Handstamp "Sector Sarajevo – HQ Coy C.O.". French Stp cancel Bureau Postal Militaire 655 – 24-4-95 (Located in Sarajevo – Bosnia). VF MB $6.00 (0901)


190. UNPROFOR – France. Handstamp "DETAIR - SP 71056 – 00884 Armees". French Stp cancel Bureau Postal Militaire 658 – 02-10-98 (Located in Rajlovac – Bosnia). VF MB $6.00 (0901)


191. UNPROFOR – France. Handstamp "Division Multinationale Sued-Est". French Stp cancel Bureau Postal Militaire 660 – 23-12-97 (Located in Mostar– Bosnia). VF MB $6.00(0901)


192. UNTSO. # 10 official UNTSO HQ stationary. Sender Austrian Captain - UNTSO Damaskus. Austrian stps cancel UNDOF – AUSBATT 1500 – 2002. VF MB $6.00 (0901)




193. Arlington Cemetery booklet. Arlington National Cemetery


194. US Submarine Data Book. 65 pages. Edited 1984 – Published by Submarine Force Libray. Detailed info on all subs from USS Holland SS-1 up to 1984. VF MB $20.00 (0901)


195. US Trust Territory (11). All size #10 (not military).3 x Koror TT, 4 x Ponape, 2 x Yap + 2 x Agana, Guam. 70s/80s. F/VF (0910)


196. Welcome Aboard pamphlets. U.S.C.G.C. Mellon (WHEC-717) 4 pages. VF (0901)


197. Welcome Aboard pamphlets. U.S.S. Midway (CV-41) 16 pages. VF (0901)


198. Welcome Aboard pamphlets. U.S.S. Nimitz (CV-68) 12 pages. VF (0901)


199. Decommissioning Book. U.S.S. Ranger (CV-61) 24 color pages. VF MB $10.00(0901)


200. Welcome Aboard pamphlets (2). U.S.S. Jouett (CG-29)+ U.S.S. Constant (MSO-427). VF (0901)


Suggested (SB) or Reserve Bids (RES) are in general provided by the Seller
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Auction Manager.


Descriptions & Bidding

Envelopes are regular size unless described otherwise (#10 or bigger).
Franking: After WWII, all covers stamped unless otherwise stated. Official business covers don’t have postage unless otherwise stated. “6c air” has either a stamp or is stamped postal stationary.
For individual lots, I try to mention the quality of the cancel - in parenthesis (VF) - as well as the condition of the cover in general - at the end of the listing.

Abbreviation: MS = Manuscript -- Stp = Stamp — PC = Postcard -- Pict = Lot is pictured
Cancels: KB = Killer bar -- MC = Machine cancel — DR = Double ring (all purpose)
APO or Navy Br number is in the cancel unless specified otherwise.
V-Mails have been processed and are with envelopes unless stated otherwise.
MB = Minimum Bid -- SB = Suggested Bid (this is just a suggestion, not a minimum)

All bids to:

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Updated:3 September 2011