Descriptions & Bidding Instructions
1. Cover 3c stp cancel Cazenovia, NY APR 8 (VF) from 1860s to Co. D 76th Regt, N.Y.S.V.(New York State Volunteers), Washington, D.C. F. MS Recd April 11 1862. MB $15.00 (0901)
2. French Occupation of IndoChina (Tonkin).Stampless letter MS "Colonne du Cdt Bonifacy" (Cdt Bonifacy Expedition). Cancel "Thainguyen - Tonkin - 10 NOV (09)" (F). Handstamp "Colonne du Phuc-Yen Tonkin Le Commandant". Addressed to 1er Conseil de Guerre Hanoi (Court martial). Back Canc Hanoi Tonkin 11 NOV (09). VF. MB $15.00 (0901)
3. French Occupation of Madagascar.Stampless letter MS "Troupes d'occupation de Madagascar". Blue cancel "Tananarive - Madagascar 29 DEC 01" (F). Back MS "Vu le Vaguemestre du 13e Colonial" + faint cancel. (VF) MB $12.00 (0901)
4. Italy Papal State. Stampless letter linear postmark " IMOLA " (VF). MS "Servicio Militare I Sanitario" + Handstamp with Papal Seal. Letter text in Italian dateline 18 Sept 1835. VF. MB $20.00 (0901)
5. AEF APO 3. Small cover Canc. US Army Postal Service No 3 SEP 17, 1917 (VF). AEF censor A.5 F. MB $15.00 (1002)
6. AEF APO 727. YMCA Cover canc. US Military Postal Express Service. 727 26 SEP 1918 (Ave).- AEF censor A.373. Sender 116 Field Sig Bat. Ave (Tape repair) (1002)
7. AEF APO 727 (2). YMCA Cover MC US Army M.P.E.S. 727 JAN 1 191. (VF)- AEF censor A.2165 - with letter (F). + 1 PC Rochecorbon no cancel AEF Censor A.39 . VF (0901)
8. AEF APO 728. YMCA cover Canc. US Army Postal Service 728 16 AUG 1918 (F seller says unlisted in Van Dam). AEF censor. Sender 111th F.R. BN. Ave (trimmed, repaired). MB $10.00 (1002)
9. AEF APO 746. cover Canc. US Army Postal Service 746 JUN 22 1918 (Ave). AEF Base censor *7* + GB censor No 6421. F (0900)
10. AEF APO 773. cover Linear Canc. Army Post Office No 773 AUG 19, 1918 (VF). AEF censor. Sender 301st Engr with letter. VF (1208)
11. AEF 2 covers (2). 1 sender APO 796 partial MPES cancel Base Censor 14 + Examined 77 (F). 1 is blue envelope faint cancel censored (Ave). (1002)
12. AEF 3 covers (3). 2 same sender 121st F.A. both cancel U.S. ARMY POSTAL SERVICE 711 1918 (VF) Both Censor A.768 (F/VF). + 1 sender 137 Inf faint cancel 1918 faint censor (F). (0900)
13. AEF 3 covers British Censor (3). 1 is YMCA cancel type A.2001 (# ? - year ?) British Censor 6476 (Ave). 1 is sender 362 INF cancel type A6011 APO 705 JUL 28, 1918 (F) British Censor 4389 (F). 1 sender Inf partial cancel type A1111 - 1918 - # ? (Ave) British Censor ..45 (F). (0900)
14. AEF 3 covers British Censor (3). 1 is YMCA partial cancel type A.2001 (# ? - 1918) British Censor 6454 (F). 1 is cancel type A2011 APO 743 JUN 21, 1918 (Ave) British Censor 6258 (Ave). 1 is front only partial cancel MPES 750 9-17-18 (F) British Censor 6455 (F). (0900)
15. AEF + A.R.C. 2 covers (2). Both Red Cross covers. 1 sender 11 Photo Sect cancel type A4200 APO 703 1918 or 19 (Ave) Censor A.1165 (F). 1 partial cancel APO 762 - 1919 censored (F). (0900)
16. AEF 21 Engr France. Cancel Type A2000 - # ? JAN 30 1918 (Ave). AEF censor A.87. + Handstamp LIEUT. ENGRS. U.S.R. Also handstamp * Soldier's Mail *. (F). (0901)
17. AEF Sanitary Train Co (2). 1 sender Field Hospital Co, 107th Sanitary Train APO 734 cancel Type A2011 APO 734 Aug 5, 1918 (F) - Censor A.51. 1 is cancel Type A4200 - # ? 21 Jun 1919 Censor A.3447(F). (0900)
18. AEF 111 F.S.B. YMCA cover - cancel Type A2011 - # ? JUL 31 19.. (Ave). Handstamp "Passed by Censor". (F). (0900)
19. AEF - 2 covers (2). 1 American E.F. France General Pershing P/C partial cancel type A2101 APO 759 1919 (Ave) faint Censor (VF). 1 YMCA cover eagle cancel (F) Handstamp Military Mail Censor (Ave). (0900)
20. AEF Rest Camp (2). Both 1p GB stamp same sender 147 M.G. Bn AEF England. 1 cancel Morn Hill Camp - Winchester 9 MR 1918 (VF) Censor label 6359 (F). 1 cancel Winchester 23 MR 18(Ave) Censor label 3793 (F). (0900) )
21. AEF Rest Camp. YMCA folded letter cancel Old Swan L.V. 10 JUN 18(F) Censor A.870 (seller says used at Knoth Ash Rest Camp). Tape repair inside stain (Ave). (0900)
22. AEF 58th INF Germany. Cancel Type A5001 THIRD ARMY APO 746 MAR 31 19 (VF). Faint censor. (F). (0901)
23. AEF Paris P/C. Cancel Type A7002 + A4101 APO 713 OCT 1918 (F/VF). Base Censor *5*. (VF). (0900)
24. AEF - 3 YMCA covers (3). All type A2011 cancels. 1 APO 701 1918 (F) Censor A.1748 (Ave). 1 APO 710 - 1918 censored (F). 1 APO 711 1918 (F) Censor A.765 (Ave). (0900)
25. Angola. Angolan Stp (damaged) illegible cancel addressed to Montgomery Ward. French censor label + handstamp "Ouvert par l'autorite militaire 367". (VF). (0901)
26. Army Branch (2). YMCA cover 3c stp MC Hattiesburg, Miss Shelby Br. Aug 16, 1918(VF). + YMCA cover 3c stp MC Jersey City, N.J. Merritt Branch May 31 16, 1918(F). F/VF (0901)
27. Belgium. Registered commercial cover franked with German Occupation Ovpt "Belgien 40 Cent" on 30 pf stp. Cancel Antwerpen Berchem 1917. Censored Antwerpen. VF MB $15.00(0901)
28. Belgium (2). 2 commercial covers franked with German Occupation Ovpt "Belgien" stps with Perfins! 1 with 3 Cent, 1 with 15 Cent. Both censored Brussel + large censor on back. VF MB $10.00 (0901)
29. Belgium (4). 4 commercial covers with advertisement CC franked with German Occupation Ovpt "Belgien" stps. All censored. 1 with 3 Cent, 1 with 2 x 5 Cent, 1 with 10 Cent, 1 with 15 Cent. VF MB $10.00 (0901)
30. Camp Lee, VA (4). 4 covers (Ymca, Knights of Columbus, 10th Training Bn, 3rd Training Bn) 3c stp MC Petersburg Va Lee Branch all 1918(F/VF). F/VF (1208)
31. Camp Cody, NM (4). 4 covers (2 with flag) 2c/3c stp MC Deming, N.Mex Cody Branch 1917/8(F/VF) 2 # types of MC. F/VF (0901)
32. Camp Logan, Tx. 3c stp canc Houston, TX - Logan Branch 1918(F). With long letter (16 pages) on camp stationary. VF MB $10.00 (1002)
33. Camp / Fort (2). Knight of Columbus 3c faint MC Mills Branch 1919 (F). Other YMCA 3c stp MC Fort Slocum Military Branch 1918 (Ave). F (0900)
34. Canada. Cover 2c + 1c T War Tax stamp canc Aylmer 1917 (F). Censor label No 18 - LN. Back London, ONT MC "Help to win the war". Ave (piece missing on back) (0901)
35. GB Field Service card. Free franked "I'm well" PC canc Field Post office H.IO. 12 JAN 17 (VF) to US. Handstamp "T20" + MC New York NY Due 4 cents + 2 x 2c due stps (damaged). VF (0901)
36. GB FPO 20. Free franked PC "Actress Madge Lessing" canc Field Post office 20 - 15 JY 15 (VF). VF (1208)
37. GB FPO W.IO (2). Free franked German PC both canc Field Post office W.IO. Dec 18 (F) and Jan 1919 (VF). Both censored. F/VF (0901)
38. GB FPO 87. Free franked German PC (Koln) canc Field Post office 87 24 MR 19 (VF). Censor No 7317. VF (0901)
39. Germany (4). 4 free franked German PC. 2 with KD Felfpost cancel (1 is Nr 125 - 1916), 1 with faint cancel and 1 no canc. 3 have unit handstamps. F/VF (0901)
40. Ireland. Small cover 1p GB stp canc Belfast 8 Aug 16. US Censor label 3666. VF (0901)
41. Italy. Free franked Italian military card to USA. Italian military cancel Ufficio . 64 Division 1915 (Ave). Italian censor. Handstamp To.10 + MC New York Due 4 cents. F (0901)
42. Luxemburg. Sender Machine Guns USA. Free franked no cancel but 9 pages letter dateline Mullerthal, Luxemburg January 30, 1919. F/VF (1002)
43. Peru. #10 Off. Cover American Embassy Office of the Military attachι Lima, Peru. Bilingual handstamp Diplomatic mail Free. MC Washington, Dc Jan 27, 1930. F (0909)
44. China. 2c stp Canc. U.S.N. Purchasing Office Shanghai, China Oct 9, 1935 with "Our Navy in China" in KB (VF). VF (1208)
45. USS Constitution (2). Both handstamp cachets. 1 Cancel US Frigate Constitution (27 Oct 1932) with "Washington D.C." in KB (VF). 1 Cancel US Frigate Constitution (17 Jun 1933) with "Tacoma Washington." in KB (F). VF (0901)
46. USS Constitution (2). Both handstamp cachet "Welcome". 1 Cancel US Frigate Constitution (26 Apr 1933) with "Vallejo California" in KB (VF). 1 Cancel US Frigate Constitution (7 May 1934) with "Boston MASS." in KB (VF). VF (0901)
47. USS Isherwood. #10 cover 2c stp Canc. Ty 3 U.S.S. Isherwood 31 DEC 1926 (F). VF (0901) 48. USS Richmond - China. #10 cover 2c stp Canc. Ty 6 U.S.S. Richmond 21 JUL 1927 (F). CC with "China Waters". VF (0901)
49. USS V-2 (Sub). Off Business #10 cover CC "U.S.S. V-2" Canc. Ty 9 U.S.S. Argonne 2 Apr 1927 (F). VF MB $12.00 (0901)
50. 4 APO covers (4). Censored 6c air. Sender 72 – APO No # (1945 - with letter), 709 (1943), Sender 716 – faint APO cancel (1945), 7th Base PO (sender APO 923 - 1943). F/VF (1002)
51. APO 3c Army (3). 3 covers franked with 3c Army (Sc 934) canc APO 209 (Nov 45 - VF), 295 (Dec 45 – F), 415 (Nov 45 – VF). VF (0909)
52. Alaska (2). 1 Censored cover to Canada Free franked from APO 939 cancel APO no # 1943 (F). + 1 Free franked cover from Ft Greeley cancel APO no # 1943 (MC - VF) – Forwarded to APO 980 with APO 939 cancel (KB – VF) on back. F/VF (0909)
53. Alaska – APO 942. Sender Band 177th Engrs Rgt APO 942. 6c air canc APO .4. Nov 25 19.. (Ave). Censor “Military Censor 27”. VF (1208)
54. Alaska (2). Both 6c air. 1 x APO 948(KB 1943 – F). 1 x sender APO 942 – APO canc no # (MC 1943 - F).Both Censored. F/VF (1208)
55. Alaska (5). 5 covers. 980 (2 x 6c air), 983 (6c air), 986 (2 free)- 4 censored, 1 Inter Alaska. + 6 censored 6c air covers sender HQ ADC - APO cancel no # (1943). F/VF (0909)
56. Alaska. Sender Parsons Hotel – Anchorage, Alaska. 6c air canc Anchorage, Alaska 1943 (F). Censor Army Examiner 20475 . VF (1208)
57. Algeria (2). 2 unprocessed V-mails.1 x sender APO 528 – APO cancel no # (KB 1943 – Ave). 1 x APO 763 (KB 1943 – VF). F/VF (0909)
58. Algeria (6). 1 x Sender APO 525 - APO cancel no # (MC 1943 – F). 1 x sender APO 528 – Apo canc no # (KB 1942 – VF), 1 sender Apo 761 – APO canc no # (KB 1945 – F), 2 x APO 761 (KB 1943/44 – VF). 1 x APO 767 (KB 1943 – VF). F/VF (0909)
59. Austria – APO 578. 6c stp Canc APO 578 (KB 1945 - VF). VF (0909)
60. Australia – APO 501. 6c stp Canc American Base Forces - APO 501 (KB 1942 - F). Large blue circular Censor 1. VF (0901)
61. Belgium – APO 228 (2). 5c/6c Air Canc APO 228 (MC 1945/46 – F/VF). VF (0909)
62. Belgium – APO 556. 6c Air Canc APO 556 (MC 1945 – VF). VF (0909)
63. Belgium – APO 571. 6c Air Canc APO 571 (KB 1945 – F). VF (0909)
64. Belgium (3). 6c Air Canc APO 562 (KB 1945 –VF), sender APO 562 with faint cancel 1945, APO 598 (MC 1945 – VF). F/VF (0909)
65. Brazil. 6c air cancel APO 676 (KB 1945 – F). Sender APO 676 Unit 1 Miami. VF (SR)
66. Camp Curry, Calif. CC Camp Curry – Yosemite National Park. 6c air MC Camp Curry, Calif – Aug 19, 1945(F). To APO 72. VF (1208)
67. Camp Wallace, Tx. 3c air MC Camp Wallace, Texas – Mar 15, 1941(F). Handstamp “Camp Wallace – First Mail 1941”. F (1208)
68. Army Camps (8). 7 Free franked, 1 6c Air: 1 from Camp Roberts, CA (1944).1 from Camp Rucker, Ala (1944). 1 from Camp Shelby, Miss (1944). 1 from Camp Lee, Va (1944). 1 from Camp Davis, NC (1943). + 3 with camp in CC only: Camp Kohler (2), Camp John T. Knight. F-VF (0909)
69. Canal Zone – APO 826. 6c stp cancel APO 826 (KB 1943 – F). Censored. VF (1208)
70. China – APO 210. Free franked cancel APO 210 (KB 1945 - VF). Sent to APO 493. F/VF MB $6.00 (0901)
71. Fiji – APO 913 (2). 2 covers 6c Air. 1 sender 578 Signal A.W. Bat Apo 913. 1 sender 21st Recon Troops APO 716. Both cancel APO 913 (KB 1943/44 – F). Censored. VF (1020)
72. France – APO 12. Free franked canc. APO 12 M (MC 1944 - VF). Sender APO 12. VF. (1208)
73. France – APO 582. Registered cover 6c Air + 20c mute canc. Back canc. APO 582 (DR 1945 - F). VF. (0909)
74. France – APO 21. Free franked canc. APO 21 / 20th Base P.O. (MC 1945 - VF). Real photo attached with “Wanted in the U.S. at once”. VF (0909) PICT
75. France (2). Both blue envelopes (diff types). 1 is 6c air canc APO 568 (KB 1944 – F). 1 is free franked canc APO 574 (MC 1945 – F). F/VF (0909)
76. France (2). 1 is 6c air canc APO 758 (MC 1945 – F). 1 is free franked canc APO 597 (KB 1944 – F). Both censored. F/VF (0909)
77. France (3). 6c air. 1 is canc APO 561 (MC 1945 – VF). 1 is wrapper canc APO 561 (KB 1945 – F). 1 is 6c + French 1f faint canc 1944 sender APO 562. All censored. F/VF (0909)
78. France (3). 2x 6c air – 1 free. 1 is canc APO 573 (KB 1945 – F). 1 is canc APO 574 (KB 1944 – VF). 1 is canc APO 575 (KB 1945 – F). Two are censored. F/VF (0909)
79. France (3). 6c air. 1 is canc APO 579 (KB 1944 – F). 1 is canc APO 580 (KB 1945 – VF). 1 is canc APO 581 (KB 1944 – VF). All censored. F/VF (0909)
80. France (3). 6c air. 1 is canc APO 583 (KB 1945 – F). 1 is canc APO 588 (KB 1944 – VF). 1 is canc APO 596 (KB 1944 – VF). Two are censored. F/VF (0909)
81. France (4). 2 are canc APO 562 (KB 1944 – F / MC 1944 - Ave). 2 are canc APO 568 (KB 1945 – VF). One is censored. F/VF (0909)
83. GB – APO 556. 5¢ Flag (Greece) + 1c. Canc APO 556 (KB 1943 – F). Censored. VF (0909)
84. GB Patriotic (2). 1 is 3¢ Win the War sender HQ 2nd Base Air Depot patriotic cachet Canc APO 569 (MC 1943 – VF). 1 is PC 1c stp Canc APO 569 (MC 1945 – F)- Also patriotic label 9th Division - Censored. VF (0909)
85. GB Bomb Sqdn (4). All senders Bomb Sqdn. Canc. APO 558 (1943), 559 (1943), 589 (1944), 598 (1944). All censored. VF. (0909)
86. GB Bomb Sqdn (5). All senders Bomb Sqdn. All 1944. Canc. APO 558, 559, 586, 592, 598. All censored. VF. (0909)
87. GB (5). Canc APO 569A (1945), 571 (1943), 578 (1943), 579 (1944), 580 (1944). All censored. F/VF. (0909)
88. GB (5). All 1944. Canc APO 582, 584, 587, 590, 591. All censored. F/VF. (0909)
89. GB (5). Canc APO 592 (1945), 594 (1944), 595 (1944), 597 (1944), 757 (1944). All censored. F/VF. (0909)
90. GB (6). Sender APO 525 Canc APO no # (1942), 526 (1944), 527 (1945), 555 (no year), 557 (1944), 558 (1944). 4 are censored. F/VF. (0909)
91. GB (6). Canc APO 557 (1945), 559 (1944), 560 (1944), 563 (1944), 564 (1944), 568 (1944). 5 are censored. F/VF. (0909)
92. Great Britain - BFPO (3). Same sender. 1 privilege envelope cancel FPO 504 (1945 faint) Censor 11715. + 1 OAS cover cancel FPO 506 (1945 – F) Censor 11715. + 1 privilege envelope cancel FPO ? (1944 partial) Censor 12746. Ave/F (SR)
93. Great Britain (3). 1 censored privilege envelope with mute cancel (fold, tears) + 1 censored 1940 cover (fold, tears). + 1 WWI censored cover (Glasgow 1917) F. (0910)
94. Germany – APO 570. Sender 774th Tank Bn. 6c Air Canc. APO 570 (MC 1945 - F). Censored. VF (0909)
95. Germany – APO 572. 6c Air Canc. APO 572 (KB 1945 - F). VF (0909)
96. Germany – APO 576. 6c Air Canc. APO 572 (KB 1945? - F). F (0909)
97. Germany – APO 599. 6c Air Canc. APO 599 (KB 1945 - F). VF (0909)
98. Germany – APO 655. PC Hilter 12+36 Pf stp Canc. APO 655 (KB 1945 - VF). F (fold) (0909)
99. Germany (3). All 1945. Canc APO 555, 556, 758. F/VF. (0909)
100. Hawaii – APO 40. Registered letter 6c Air + 15c. Back canc. APO 40 (DR Jan 04, 1943 - F). Censored. VF. (1208)
101. Hawaii – Field Hospital (7). 7 covers 6c air same sender 74 Field Hospital. 2 sender APO 17928 canc APO no #. 5 sender APO 956 canc APO 946. All 1945 (1 is 44), all censored. F/VF (1208)
102. India (3). Canc APO 465 (1945), 467 (1943), 629 (1944). 2 are censored. VF (1208)
103. Italy. Sender APO 9372. 6c air cancel APO 372 (KB 1944 – F). Censored. F (0909)
104. Italy – APO 567. Registered letter 6c Air + 20c. Back canc. APO 567 (DR 1944 - VF). Censored. VF. (1208)
105. Italy (2). Both 6c air. 1 is sender 9th Evac Hopsital canc APO 570 (KB 1944 – VF). 1 is canc APO 764 (KB 1944 – F). Both censored. F/VF (0909)
106. Italy (5). Canc APO 525 (1944), 567 (1944), 765 (1944), 766 (2 x 1945). Four are censored. F/VF. (0909)
107. Morocco (2). 1 is free franked sender APO 85A – canc APO 567 (KB 1944 – VF). 1 is 6c air sender 56th Sta. Hosp – canc APO 759 (KB 1943 – Ave). Both double censor + cellophane tape. VF (0909)
108. Morocco (2). 1 is free franked sender 59th Fighter Sq APO 762 – canc APO no # (KB 1942 – VF). 1 is 6c air sender 6th Gen. Hosp – canc APO 764 (KB 1943 – VF). Both censored. F/VF (0909)
109. Morocco (4). All diff. canc APO 524. 2 x 6c air with blue cancel 1943 (1 is double censor + cellophane). 1 is sender 59th Fighter Sq – 1943 - label censor. 1 is 6c air 1944 cellophane tape. F/VF (0909)
110. New Guinea (2). 1 is 6c air cover sender APO 322 – cancel APO no # (MC – 194?). 1 is 6c Prexie cover sender APO 565 – cancel APO no # (part cancel year ?). Both censored. F/VF (1002)
111. P.O.W. Camp Aliceville – Free franked POW form letter. Sender German POW - Camp Aliceville. US Censorship marking. Cancel New York, NY 1945. To Germany. VF (1003)
112. P.O.W. Camp Crossville – Free franked POW form letter. Sender German POW - Camp Crossville. US Censorship marking. Partial Cancel (wavy lines) but letter dated 1943. To NY. VF (1003)
113. P.O.W. Camp Ellis – Free franked POW form letter. Sender German POW - Camp Ellis. US + German Censorship markings. Cancel New York, NY 1944. To Germany. VF (1003)
114. P.O.W. Camp Livingston – Free franked POW form letter. Sender German POW - Camp Livingston. US Censorship marking. Cancel New York, NY 1944. To NY. VF (1003)
115. P.O.W. Camp Maria – Free franked POW Post Card. Sender German POW - Camp Maria, Tx. US Censorship marking. Cancel New York, NY 1943. To Germany. VF (1003)
116. P.O.W. Camp Robinson – Free franked POW Post Card. Sender German POW - Camp Robinson, Ar. US Army Examiner Censorship marking. No Cancel. To N.J. VF (1003)
117. P.O.W. Camp McClellan – Free franked POW Post Card. Sender German POW - Camp McClellan, Al. US Army Examiner Censorship marking. Cancel Fort McClellan, Al 1945. To NY. VF (1003)
118. P.O.W. Camp Brady – Free franked cover from Germany to German POW - Camp Brady, Tx. German Censor + US Cellophane tape censor (small piece missing). Cancel Feldpost 1944. VF (1003)
119. P.O.W. Camp Brady – Free franked cover from Germany to German POW - Camp Brady, Tx. German + US Censor. Cancel Bad Liebenwerda 1944. VF (1003)
120. P.O.W. Camp Brady – Free franked cover from Germany to German POW - Camp Brady, Tx. German + US Censor. Illegible German Cancel 1944. VF (1003)
121. P.O.W. Camp Brady – Free franked cover from Germany to German POW - Camp Brady, Tx. German + US Censor + US cellophane tape. Illegible German Cancel 1945. VF (1003)
122. P.O.W. Camp Brady – Cover from Germany with stamp partially removed (by censor ?) to German POW - Camp Brady, Tx. German + US Censor. Schonebeck Cancel 1945. VF (1003)
123. P.O.W. Camp Brady – Free franked cover from Germany to German POW - Camp Brady, Tx. German + US Censor + US cellophane tape. Cancel Bad Liebenwerda 1944. VF (1003)
124. P.O.W. Camp Livingston – Free franked cover from Germany to German POW - Camp Livingston. German + US Censor + US cellophane tape. Cancel Sachsendorf 1944. VF (1003)
125. P.O.W. Camp Ft McClellan – Free franked cover from Germany to German POW - Camp Ft McClellan, Al. German + US Censor + US cellophane tape. Cancel Aussig 1944. VF (1003)
126. P.O.W. Camp Ft Robinson – Free franked cover from Germany to German POW - Camp Ft Robinson. German + US Censor + US cellophane tape. Cancel Tuttlingen 1944. VF (1003)
127. P.O.W. Camp Ft L. Wood – Free franked cover from Germany to German POW - Camp Ft L. Wood. German + US Censor + US cellophane tape. Cancel Hagen 1943. VF (1003)
128. P.O.W. Camp Ft Meade – Free franked cover from Italy to Italian POW - Camp Ft Meade, Md. US Censor. Cancel Portopalo 1945. VF (1003)
129. Japanese Internment Camp – Printed Env. Heart Mountain, Wyoming. Sender 17-19-B Heart Mt. 3c Stp canc Heart Mountain, Wyo 1943. VF (1003)
130. P.O.W. – Free franked Kriegsgefangenenpost. Sender French prisoner – Oflag VI.A. Mute cancel 1941. Oflag VI.A Censor. To Paris. VF (1003)
131. P.O.W. – Free franked Kriegsgefangenenpost. Sender Belgian prisoner – M-Stammlager XIII A. Mute cancel 1943. Stalag XIII A Censor. To Belgium. VF (1003)
132. Sicily – APO 760. Application for War Ballot P/C. Canc APO 760 (KB 1944 – F). VF (0909)
133. Sicily (3). APO 760 (KB 1943 – VF), 2 x APO 758 (MC 1943 – Ave/F). F/VF (0909)
134. Tunisia (2). 1 Patriotic cover (Pledge)6c stp cancel APO 529 (MC 1944 - VF). 1 unprocessed V-mail canc APO 763 (KB 1943 – VF). Both Censored. VF (0909)
135. Tunisia (4). APO 760 (KB 1943 – VF), 3 x APO 763 (KB 1943/44 – Ave/VF). 1 with letter + 1 with GI Made Xmas card. All censored. F/VF (0909)
136. Philippines – VJ-Day. 2c PI stp Ovpt Victory canc VJ-Day Sep 2, 1945. VF Philatelic (1208)
137. V-Mail – Auxil. Unprocessed V-mail from New York to APO 562. 3c stp MC New York 1945. Auxiliary marking “Not Suitable for filming – V-Mail S.S. EAPO NY “. F (0909)
138. V-Mails (2). 1 NO envelope Sender 155 F.A. Bn - APO 36 - 1943. 1 unprocessed V-mail same Sender – cancel APO 36 (KB 1943 – F). F/VF (1002)
139. V-Mails (2). NO envelopes. 1 x Sender 232 INF - APO 17797. 1 x Sender 242 INF – APO 17798. VF (0909)
140. Wales – APO 64. 6c air canc APO 64 (KB 1944 – VF). Censored. VF (1208)
141. War Dept Change of Address. WD official Business - Notice of Change of Address. Canc. Fort Wayne, Ind (1943). New address APO 4579. VF (1208)
142. War Dept Change of Address. WD official Business - Notice of Change of Address. Canc. Indiantown Gap, Pa (1945). New address APO 11471. VF (1208)
143. War Dept Address Card. WD official Business – Please address me….. CC NY Port of Embarkation – Brooklyn. Canc. New York, NY (1943). Address APO 4579. VF (1208)
144. Admiralties Seabees. Sender Pontoon Assembly Det #1. 6c air canc U.S. Navy (KB 1944 F). Naval Censor. Unit was located at Manus island. VF (1208)
145. Airmailgram. #10 Navy Dept Off Business Airmailgram Expedite US Naval Air Station Corpus Christi, TX cover. 6c canc Corpus Christi, TX 1942. VF (0909)
146. Alaska - Seabees. Sender 26th NCB. 6c air canc U.S. Navy (KB 1945 VF). Naval Censor. Unit was located at Kodiak Isl. VF (1208)
147. Algeria Navy 239. Sender Navy 239. 6c air canc U.S. Navy (KB 1943 VF) with "They fight You write" in KB. Small Naval Censor. VF (1208)
148. Brazil Navy 92. Sender Navy 92. #10 Off business canc U.S. * Navy *(KB 1944 VF). VF (1208)
149. Guam - Seabees. Sender 2nd Spec NCB. 6c air canc U.S. Navy (KB 1945 VF). Naval Censor. Unit was located in Guam. VF (1208)
150. Hawaii Navy 27. Sender NAS Navy 27. Free franked canc U.S. Navy (KB 1943 F). Naval Censor. VF (1208)
151. Morocco Navy 142. Sender Navy 142. 6c air canc U.S. Navy (KB 1944 VF). Naval Censor. VF (1208)
152. Naval Air Station (8). Senders at NAS Widbey Island, Beaufort (with letter), Quonset Point, Newport, Tillamook, Memphis. + 9th NCB Camp Thomas, USNC Training Center Camp Endicott. All canc U.S. Navy (1942-45). F/VF (0909)
153. Navy STA (3). Covers 2c or 3c stps. 1 is U.S. Naval Hospital Annapolis. MD (KB 1934 VF). 1 is Santa Ana. Calif. Naval Air Sta. Br.(DR 1943 - VF). 1 is Boston Mass. Navy Yard Sta.(2 types Duplex 1940 VF). Philatelic VF (0901)
154. Seabees Australia. Sender 55th NCB. 6c air canc U.S. Navy (KB 1944 VF) with "We build and Fight" in KB. Naval Censor. Unit was located in Cairns. VF (0901)
155. Seabees New Georgia. Sender 47th NCB. 6c air canc U.S. Navy (KB 1944 VF) with " . WAR" in KB. Naval Censor. Unit was located in Munda Point. VF (0901)
156. Seabees Leyte Gulf. Sender 88th NCB. 6c air canc U.S. Navy (KB 1945 F). Naval Censor. Unit was at Samar, Bobon Point, building a PT boat base. F (0901)
157. Seabees Calicoan Island. Sender 29th NCB. Free franked canc U.S. Navy (KB 1945 VF). Naval Censor. VF (0901)
158. Seabees Okinawa (4). 4 covers 6c air. Same sender 24th NCB Co.B. Cancel US Navy (KB 1945). Unit was located in Okinawa. Ave/VF (1002)
159. Seabees - Trinidad. Sender 30th US NCB. 6c air cancel US Navy (KB 1943 F) censored. With long letter (7 pages) dateline Trinidad, B.W.I. VF (0901)
160. SS KENTUCKIAN. Cover 25c Niagara stp cancel Los Angeles, Calif (1926 F) to S.S. Kentuckian in New York. Forwarded to Philadelphia This cover was illustrated in MPHS bulletin vol 48, # 3 Summer 2009 "SS Kentuckian: Two Wars, Two Services" page 8/9. Ave (0900)
161. Torpedo Sq 35. Sender VT-35. 6c air canc U.S. Navy (KB no date F). Naval Censor. VF (1002)
162. USAHS Marigold. #10 Off Business from Hospital ship Marigold. Canc APO 503 (KB 1945 F). VF (0909)
163. USS Cumberland Sound Tokyo Bay. 6c air. Canc KB no text AUG 28, 1945 (F). Handstamp "First Mail USS Cumberland Sound Entry of the Third Fleet Tokyo Bay Japan". Naval censor. Letter enclosed. VF (0909)
164. USS Hale (3). Same sender. 1 is 6c air Blue canc US * Navy * (KB Jan 17, 1945 VF). 2 x Special delivery 6c air + 10c canc US * Navy * (KB Dec 1944 Ave/F). All Naval censor all with letters. F/VF (0909)
165. Virgin Islands 507 CBMU. 6’ air cancel US Navy (KB 1943 - VF)- Naval censor. Sender 507 CBMU Navy 38. Roughly opened at left (0909)
166. APO 6. Free franked Sender 160th Inf Rgt, APO 6. Canc APO 6 (MC Mar 6, 52 F). Located Sanyang-ni, Korea. VF (0900)
167. APO 6. Free franked Sender 160th Inf Rgt, APO 6. Canc APO 6 (MC Nov 3, 52 F). Located Sanyang-ni, Korea ea. (trimmed slightly on top) VF (0900)
168. APO 25. #10 Off business Sender 64th Field Artil Bn, APO 25. Canc APO 25 (KB Apr 3, 51 F). 1st Day in Yongdungpo, Korea. VF. MB $7.50 (0900)
169. APO 25. Free franked Sender 89th Tank Bn, APO 25. Canc APO 25 (MC Dec 11, 52 VF). Located Chunchon (K-47), Korea. VF. (0900)
170. APO 25. Free franked Sender 35th Inf Regt, APO 25. Canc APO 25 (MC APR 16, 53 F). Located Chunchon (K-47), Korea. VF (trimmed slightly on top) (0900)
171. APO 25. #10 Free franked Sender 27th Inf Regt, APO 25. Canc APO 25 (KB Jun 8, 53 VF). Located Ohlainmuto, Korea. VF. MB $5.00 (0900)
172. APO 25. Free franked Sender 25th Med Bn, APO 25. Canc APO 25 (KB Jul 18, 54 F). Located Tongduchon-ni, Korea. F (0900)
173. APO 201. # 10 - 6c Air Sender 15th Repl Co, APO 201. Cancel APO 201. (MC Dec 15, 52 F). Located Makonami, Japan. F. (0900)
174. APO 201. 6c Air Sender 15th Q.M. Co, APO 201. Cancel APO 201. (MC Dec 16, 52 F). Located Makonami, Japan. F. (0900)
175. APO 248. Free franked Sender 38th F.A. Bn, APO 248. Cancel APO no number (MC May 18, 52 F) Located Chunchon (K-47), Korea. VF (0900)
176. APO 248. Free franked Sender 2nd Engr Bn. Cancel APO no number (MC Jun 9, 53 F) Located Yongcho, Korea. VF (0900)
177. APO 468. Free franked Sender 3d Medical Bn, APO 468. Cancel APO 468 (MC Jul 22, 1954 Ave). Located Sintan-ni, Korea. F (0900)
178. APO 970. Free franked Sender 2nd Med Bn, APO 248. Cancel APO 970 (KB Jan 25, 51 Ave) Located Taegu, Korea (970) Sanju, North Korea (248). F (fold) MB $10.00 (0900)
179. Navy 3923 Japan (5). All 6c air sender Navy 3923 - Cancel New York, NY 13766 (MC 1951 F/VF). 3 with letters + pictures. F/VF (0909)
180. Navy 3923 Japan. All 6c air sender Navy 3923 - Cancel New York, NY 13766 (MC 1951 VF). With letters + US Fleet Activities "Sea Hawk" news (page 1,2,7,8) "20,000th patient admitted to naval hospital " . VF (0909)
181. SS Seachampion. Sender on board SS Seachampion. 6c air canc US Navy 17025 (KB 1953 VF). With letter " on our way to Inchon ..". VF (0909)
182. USS Philippine Sea. 6c air canc U.S.S. Philippine Sea (CV47) (KB 1951 F). VF (0909)
183. Canada Military Delegation. Special cover (map) Thailand stps Bangkok cancel. Canadian Delegation handstamp. Philatelic VF (0908)
184. Navy Br 17115. Sender C/O Computer Sciences Corp APO SF 963393. 11c air canc US Navy 17115 BR (KB 1973 F). VF (0909)
185. NMCB 74. NMCB 74 CC free franked partial US Navy 3 BR (KB 1967 Ave). With NCMB 74 Da Nang, South Vietnam Xmas card. F (Fold) (0909)
186. USS Bon Homme Richard (3). 3 x Free franked canc USS Bon Homme Richard CVA-31 (MC 1965 F). VF (0909)
188. Vietnam KBC. Special blue cover with map - Vietnam stp. Canc Quan-Buu 1973. Triangular KBC 4600 handstamp. Philatelic VF (0908)
189. Vietnam KBC (3). 3 x Special blue covers with map - Vietnam stp. 2 x Canc Quan-Buu 1973. KBC 3799 handstamp, other KBC 3222. + 1 MS KBC 3827 no cancel. Philatelic VF (0908)
190. Austria (8). APO 174 (1946), 411 (1946), 2x 541 (1947/51), 4 x 777 (1946/47). F/VF (0909)
191. BPO's (6). All US BPO's 1946/47. BPO 7 (2), 24 (2), 25 (2). F/VF (0909)
192. France APO 21. Sender APO 772. 6c air Blue MC US Army 20th Base P.O. 5 Jan 1946 21 (VF).VF (0909)
193. France (8). APO 10, 21, 58 (2), 216 (2), 230, 374. All 50s. F/VF (0909)
194. Germany. 4c + 4c + 3c stps canc APO 123 (1962) + German canc Spangdahlen. To Germany. VF (0909)
195. Germany (10). APO 1, 69, 124, 154, 169, 172, 207, 227, 312, 326. Mostly late 40s. F/VF (0909)
196. Germany (10). APO 28, 35, 39, 124, 139, 154, 175, 209, 225, 227. 40s/50s/60s. F/VF (0909)
197. Germany (10). APO 65, 66, 131, 169, 207 (2), 407A, 633, 757, 758. 40s/50s/60s. F/VF (0909)
198. Italy (12). All same sender 349th Inf Reg. 10 are Free franked. Canc APO 88 (1946-47). All with letters. F/VF (0909)
199. Japan. Sender 19th Inf Postal Section. 5c canc APO 24-2 (KB 1947 VF). VF (0909)
200. Japan - Paratroops. Free franked sender 11 A/B 511 PIR (Parachute Inf Regt) APO 468. Cancel APO 248 (MC 1947 VF).Back handstamp "US Paratroops 11th AB DIV Japan". VF (0901)
201. Japan (9). APO 7-3, 25, 239, 468-3, 919 (3), 925, 929. 40s/50s. F/VF (0909)
202. Langley Field. 2 x 3c Prexies cancel Langley Field (1950 faint). Aux. markings "Returned for Postage Postage Due 3 Cents" + "This envelope for Air mail Only". VF (0909)
203. Libya (3). 3 x APO 231 (2 MC 1 KB) 1955/56/57. VF (0909)
204. United Kingdom FPO in Italy (5). 5 x OAS covers cancel FPO 17 (3x - 1945), 751 (1946), + 1 from same correspondence with hard to read #. F/VF (1021)
205. Saudi Arabia (4). Same sender 1414th M & S Sq to his wife. Canc APO 616 1953 (2 x MC 2 x KB). All with letters. F/VF (0909)
206. Alaska (7). 7 covers 6c/8c air (3 size 10). Cancel US Navy Branch in cancel. Navy 230 BR (1), 13608 BR (3), 13609 BR (2), + 1 from Canada to Navy BR 13609. 50s/60s. F/VF (0909)
207. Atomic Bomb Test. Cacheted Atomic Bomb Test 1946. CC USS Cavalier (APA-37). 2c stp canc US NAVY Aug 13, 1946 (F). VF Philatelic (0909)
208. Atomic Bomb Test. CC USS Cavalier. Typed note "Bikini Atoll "Crossroads". 3c stp canc USS Dixie Jun 4, 1946 (MC - VF). VF Philatelic (0909)
209. Atomic Bomb Test (2). 1 x 2c stp canc US Navy 16054 BR Aug 16, 1946 (KB - VF). 1 x Cacheted Atomic Bomb Test 1946 3c stp canc US NAVY 30 (no month/year). VF Philatelic (0909)
210. Com. Serv. Pac. 6c air canc COM SERV PAC FLT (MC 1946 - F). F (0909)
211. Guam NAS Agana. Sender VPM-1. 5c canc Naval Air Station Agana Guam (KB 1947 F). F (fold) (0909)
212. Guam Navy BR (3). 2 x canc Navy BR 10499 - 1948( 1 x MC 1 x KB). 1 x canc Navy BR 13973 (KB 1947 VF). F/VF (0909)
213. Japan. Sender Navy 1165. 3c stp canc US Navy 13740 DEC 7, 1951 (KB VF). Cacheted. VF (0909)
214. 3rd Marines Navy BR (4). All canc US NAVY 14030 BR (60s). 1 x UNIT 5 (free franked), 2 x UNIT 6, 1 x UNIT 10. 2 with letters. F/VF (0909)
215. Morocco (2). 1 sender USNAS Box 1 Navy 214 canc US Navy (1946 -VF). 1 sender VR 24 Navy 214 canc US Navy 214 (1951 F). VF (0909)
216. US Ships (6). USS Arneb (1961), USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (1960), USS Enterprise (cacheted christening 1960), USS George Clymer (1946), USS Nereus (1949), USS Valley Forge (1958). VF (2 are philatelic) (0909)
217. USS Owachomo. Sender USS Owachomo YTB 401 NOB Kodiak. 5c air canc Seattle. Wash N. Air Sta. Kodiak, Alaska BR (KB 1947 F). VF (0901)
218. Welcome to Norfolk (2). 2 x German ships with "Welcome to Norfolk" cachet. 1 is Frigate Emdem - canc USS Dupont (1978). Other Destroyer Rommel canc USS Blandy (1077. VF Philatelic (0909)
219. US Ships (10). USS Chilton, Oakhill, Edson, Maddox, Cleveland, Shenandoah, Charles P Cecil, Saint Paul, Wexford County, Norris. All 1969/70. F/VF Philatelic (0909)
"220. US Ships (10). USS Charles P Cecil, Cleveland, Guam, Tolovana, Semmes, Mauna Loa, Norris, Milwaukee, Radford, Sarsfield. All 1969/70. F/VF Philatelic (0909)
221. USS Moosbrugger. Sender C.O. (MS CC) canc Charleston (1991). With letter signed by C.O. VF (0900)
222. APO to APO - RTS. Size #10 "MPS" franked cover from sender 6 ATAF - cancel APO 09821 (KB 1992 - F / Izmir, Turkey). Addressed to APO 09875 RTS with back cancel Directory Service Given at APO 09757 (DR 17 SEP 1992) + APO 09852 (DR 18 OCT 1992). F (few wrinkles) (0901)
223. 2nd Bn 44th ADA. MS CC. Free franked Canc APO 09898 (1991 Ave). With letter dateline "Al Salman, Iraq 11 Mar 91" signed by CO. VF (0900)
224. TF 1-32 Armor. MS CC. Free franked Canc APO 09306 (1991 F). With letter Signed by CO. VF (0900)
225. 3-73 Armor. MS CC on # 10 off business. Meter Fort Bragg (1991 VF). With letter Signed. VF (0900)
226. 3-32 Armor. MS CC. Free franked Canc APO 098.. (1991 - F). With letter Signed by CO. + Free franked cover canc APO 0 ? (1991 Ave). VF (0900)
227. 11th Air Defense Artil. Typed CC. #10 Free franked Canc APO 09..6 (1991 F). With letter Signed by CO. VF (0900) PICT
228. HHC Aviation Brigade. MS CC. Free franked Canc APO 09306 (1991 F). With letter Signed by CO. VF (0900)
229. 1st Cavalry Div Maj Gen Tilelli. Off business. Meter Fort Hood (1991 VF). With letter Signed by Co, Maj Gen John Tilelli. VF (0900)
230. 326 Eng Bn. MS CC. Free franked Canc APO # ? (1991 Ave). With letter ( constructing a 110 mile resupply route deep into Iraq. ) Signed by CO. VF (0900)
231. HHC 24 ID. MS CC. Free franked Canc APO 09858 (1991 VF). With letter Signed by Chemical Officer. VF (0900)
232. HQ 2-4 Cav. Op D.S. printed CC. Free franked Canc APO 09897 (1991 Ave). VF (0900)
233. 2d Tank Bn, 2d Marine Div. MS CC. Free franked Canc US Marine Corps FPO (1991 F). VF (0900)
234. Marshall Isl Op DS FDC. Cacheted FDC "To the Heroes of Desert Storm". 1991. VF MB $4.00 (0901)
235. US Ambassador to Bahrain Autograph. Op D.S. FDC autographed by Charles W. Hostler, US Ambassador to Bahrain during Op DS. + Business card. VF (0900)
236. USS Caron. CO handstamp CC. Free franked canc USS Caron (KB 1991 F). VF (0900)
237. USS Curts. CO sticker CC. stps canc USS Curts (KB 1991 F). + letter on ships CO stationary signed by CO. VF (0900)
238. USS J.F. Kennedy. CO MS CC. Free franked canc USS J.F. Kennedy (KB 1991 VF). + letter on ships CO stationary signed by CO. + Pictures signed by CO. VF (0900)
239. USS Newport. CO MS CC. Stps canc USS Newport (KB 1991 F). + letter on ships CO stationary signed by CO. VF (0900)
240. USS Saratoga. CO CC - #10 off Business. Official Meter USS Saratoga (1991 F). + letter. VF (0900)
241. USS Reid. CO handstamp CC. Free franked canc USS Reid (KB 1991 VF). VF (0900)
242. USS Virginia. C.O. Off Business. Official stps canc USS Virginia (KB 1991 F). + letter on ships CO stationary signed by CO. + Pictures signed by CO. VF (0900)
243. US ships (2). Both with CO MS CC. 1 x Stps canc USS Mississippi (KB 1991 F). 1 x 0fficial Stp canc USS T.C. Hart (KB 1991 Ave). VF (0900)
244. Desert Storm unofficial FDC (USS). Patriotic D.S. unaddressed unofficial FDC 29c Desert Storm stamp. Cancel USS Belknap (CG-26) JUL 2, 1991 (KB VF). CO CC handstamp. VF Philatelic - MB $5.00 (0901)
245. ONUC CONGO Sweden (2). 1 x sender MS CC Tpc. Stabs. Coy Swed. BN Kongo. 1 x ONUC #10 stationary (damaged on top left) with "Tjanste Krigsmakten". Both free franked canc "Organisation des Nations Unies au Congo" in 1962 (VF). F/VF MB $8.00 (0901)
246. ONUCA El Salvador - Canada. Official Canadian ONUCA stationary Size 10. Canadian stp cancel CFPO BPFC 5005 (1990 - VF). CC Commanding Officer 89 (CDN) RWAU (Rotary Wing Aviation Unit) - Signed. Unaddressed VF Philatelic MB $5.00 (0901)
247. ONUCA El Salvador. Official ONUCA stationary Size 10 x 6 cover. El Salvador stps cancel Correos El Salvador 1 OCT (no year). VF MB $5.00 (0901)
248. Turkish Cyprus Military. Registered letter franked Turkish stamp cancel "Camlibel G.Magosa-AS-Pos." (military post) 14-7-03. With matching registration label. Addressed to Turkish soldier in ISAF (Afghanistan). VF MB $10.00 (0901)
249. UNAMIC Cambodia. Official UNAMIC stationary Size 10 x 6 cover from the Canadian contingent. Canadian stps canc CFPO BPFC 5050 10 X 1992 (VF) + canc United Nations-Unies UNTAC/APRONUC 1992-10-10 (VF). To US APO. VF MB $8.00 (0901)
250. UNDOF Golan Austria. # 10 Official AUSBATT stationary. Free franked canc Air Force Postal Service APO AE 09830 3 FEB 1993 (VF). Misc Ausbatt (Mt Hermon) handstamps. VF (0901)
251. UNDOF Golan Austria (3). 2 x # 10 (1 is AUSBATT stationary) + 1 x Off P&T Austria (9 x 6). All canc UNDOF AUSBATT (1978/79 2000). Misc Ausbatt handstamps. F/VF (0901)
252. UNEF - Canada. UNEF Air letter. Handstamp "UNEF Air Station El-Arish Jul 2,1963". + Handstamp "Commanding officer 115 ATU CAPO 5049 UNEF". To Officer in Charge - UNEF Pisa, Italy. MB $5.00 (0901)
253. UNEF Welfare Office Gaza. #10 Official UNEF stationary. Meter United Nations New York (1959 F). VF MB $5.00 (0901)
254. UNEF India. Official UNEF stationary intra theater use. Handstamp "Mail room " with #s and signature. + handstamp "Captain Adjutant 4. Kumaon Regt". Addressed to Chief Logistic Officer HQ UNEF - Gaza. VF - MB $10.00 (0901)
255. UNEF Military Police. #10 Official UNEF stationary. Lebanese stps canc Beyrouth RP (1963) + handstamp " UNEF Military Police LAU Detachment 13 NOV 1963". VF MB $7.00 (0901)
256. UNEF PIO (3). 3 x Wrappers from Public Information Officer (handstamp). 1 PIO GAZA Free franked cancel UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FORCE * 12 DEC 1960 (VF). 1 PIO GAZA Lebanese stp cancel Beyrouth 60 (F). 1 PIO CAPO 5049 Free franked cancel UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FORCE 2 8 JUL 1962 (VF). F/VF MB $7.50 (0901)
257. UNEF Poland (2). Both free franked both with unit markings. Both cancel Warszawa 60 (1974/75). Philatelic VF (0901)
258. UNEF II Poland. Free franked with unit markings. Canc Warszawa 60 (1979). Philatelic VF (0901)
259. UNEF Sweden. Official Swedish military cover (9 x 6) Canc Svenska FN-Bataljonen - Egypten *-18-2-62 (F). Boxed Handstamp "Tjanste Krigsmakten Sweska FN-Bat Malmo 1". VF MB $6.00 (0901)
260. UNEF II Sweden. PC Free franked. CC Sender Major with Swedish UN Bataljon 68M. Cancel UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FORCE * 22 FEB 1978 (F).VF MB $5.00 (0901)
261. UNEF Yugoslavia. Cacheted unaddressed free franked cover canc Posta Obdreda JNA 1956-1957 Egipat UNEF. + handstamp Vojna Posta Br 6000 Beograd. VF philatelic (0901)
262. UNFICYP Cyprus - Austria. # 10 official UNIFCYP stationary. Austrian stps cancel UNFICYP AUSCON 1501 1989. + Auscon handstamp. VF MB $4.00 (0901)
263. UNFICYP Cyprus Canada. Official National Defence cover (11 x 5). CC 1 Service Battalion Calgary. Meter Calgary 1980. Sent to CO Canadian Contingent - UNFICYP CFPO 5001. VF MB $5.00 (0901)
264. UNFICYP Cyprus - Sweden. # 10 cover MS CC Stabs Komp Sv FN-Bat Cypern. Swedish stp canc Svenska FN-Bat - Cypern *-7-5-64 (F). F (fold) MB $6.00 (0901)
265. UNIKOM KUWAIT/IRAQ. UNIKOM official stationary (10 x 7). 5 x Kuwaiti stps (incl. 200 Fils) cancel General Post 1996 (ave). Sender Lt Col with CMPO-MPM Safat Kuwait City. VF MB $5.00 (0901)
266. UNMOGIP India/Pakistan. UNMOGIP official stationary (10 x 7). 2 x Pakistani stps no cancel. Sender Major at HQ Rawalpindi. Handstamp "United Nations Field Station RAWALAKOT". F (0901)
267. UNOMIG Georgia. UNOMIG official stationary (9 x 6). 5 x Russian stps Russian canc (all Cyrillic)14-03-97 (VF). Sender CC Major at UNOMIG DCMPO/Pitsunda. VF MB $10.00 (0901)
268. UNPF Croatia. Sender Major at SMPIO, UNPF HQ Zagreb. Free franked canc United Nations Protection Force (1996 - VF). VF MB $4.00 (0901)
269. UNPROFOR France. Handstamp "Bataillon Francais" + "Bataillon Infanterie Sarajevo". Free franked canc United Nations Protection Force (1994 - VF). VF MB $4.00 (0901)
270. UNPROFOR France. French Stp pictorial cancel Medal parade 11e DP Sarajevo BPM 655 21-XII-1995 (Located in Sarajevo Bosnia). VF MB $4.00 (0901)
271. UNPROFOR France (2). 1 x Handstamp "Bataillon de Soutien Logistique 00873 Armees". French Stp cancel Bureau Postal Militaire 651 28-6-94 (Located in Pleso - Croatia). + 1 French Stp cancel Bureau Postal Militaire 654 1-10-92 (Located in Gracac - Croatia). VF MB $6.00 (0901)
272. UNPROFOR France (2). 1 x Handstamp "Colonel Cdt bataillon Francais de Sarajevo". French Stps cancel Bureau Postal Militaire 655 13-5-93 (Located in Sarajevo - Bosnia). + 1 French Stps cancel Bureau Postal Militaire 653 23-9-92 (Located in Belgrade - Serbia). VF MB $6.00 (0901)
273. UNPROFOR French ships (2). 1 x Handstamp "TCD Foudre Balbuzard (Sharp Guard)". French Stp cancel Paris Naval 30-3-93. + 1 x Handstamp "TCD Orage". French Stp cancel Brest Naval 24-11-92. VF (0901)
274. UNPROFOR ECMM (UK). Handstamp "EC Monitor Mission to Yugoslavia". UK Stp cancel Field Post Office 776 25 JY 92 (used by BFPO 545 in Zagreb, Bosnia). VF MB $6.00(0901)
275. UNPROFOR UK (2). 1 x Handstamp "19 Field Regiment Royal Artillery 12 SEP 1995". UK Stp cancel Field Post Office 576 16 SP 92 (Located in Gorni Vakuf - Bosnia). + 1 x Handstamp "HQ LOGBAT OP Grapple". UK Stp cancel Field Post Office 791 15 S. 95 (Located ?). VF MB $6.00 (0901)
276. UNPROFOR RFA Olwen. Handstamp "First Officer RFA Olwen - 1 MAR 1993". UK Stp cancel London Maritime Mail 3 MCH 93. MS "Operation Grapple Adriatic". VF (0901)
277. UNTAG - Namibia. Handstamps "Pollog UNTAG". Free franked canc Warszawa 60 89-10-11. VF MB $5.00 (0901)
278. UNTSO - Canada. Small Official UNTSO stationary. Canadian stp cancel CFPO 32 28 II 67. VF MB $5.00 (0901)
279. Autograph Maj Gen Aviles. Promotion pamphlet autographed by Major General Dionel E. Aviles, US Army. VF (0900)
280. Autograph Col Cottrell. Promotion pamphlet autographed by Colonel Max Cottrell, US Army, 75th USA Maneuver Area Command. + letter also signed. VF (0900)
281. Autograph Pearl Harbor Survivor. 5 x 3 autographed by Edward Gaulrapp. He was Chief Cook on USS Pampano (SS-181) but was at the Submarine Barracks in Pearl Harbor on Dec 7, 1941. VF (0901)
282. Autograph Pearl Harbor Survivor. 5 x 3 autographed by Bob Kinzler. He was a Morse code operator from the 27th Inf Regt at Schofield Barracks in Central Oahu on Dec 7, 1941. VF MB $8.00 (0901)
283. Autograph USS ARIZONA Survivor. 5 x 3 autographed by Donald Straton. He is a USS Arizona survivor. VF MB $15.00 (0901)
284. Autograph USS Oklahoma Survivor. 5 x 3 autographed by Seaman 1st Class James Bounds. He is a USS Oklahoma survivor. VF MB $10.00 (0901)
285. German Navy pamphlet. Small pamphlet about the German Navy. 16 pages incl history, organization, types of planes and ships, flags, ranks and insignia. Color, dated 1978 in German. VF (0901)
286. NATO Exercise Open Road 2000 Booklet. 32 pages on the NATO exercise in Norfolk, VA. Information on the exercise incl the Maritime Dimension and the Combined Joint task Force. NATO unclassified. VF MB $6.00 (0901)
287. NATO Handbook 50th Anniv Edition. 400 pages on all the aspects of NATO (political and military). Everything there is to know about NATO. VF (mint condition) MB $10.00 (0901)
288. NATO Review Commemorative 50th Anniv Edition. 52 pages (magazine size) with lots of pictures reviewing the past 50 years. Page 3 has the US NATO 50th Anniv 33c stamp with First Day Cancel (Brussels APO AE 09724). VF (mint condition) MB $15.00 (0901)
289. NATO Commemorative 50th Anniv booklet US Edition. 21 pages (magazine size) with lots of pictures reviewing the past 50 years. Edited by the US Information Agency. Page 1 has the US NATO 5th Anniv 3c stamp + US NATO 10th Anniv 4c stamp Cancel KB + DR APO AE 09724 4 APR 1999 (the actual date of the 50th anniv). VF MB $15.00 (0901)
290. The Normandy Landings D-Day. Hardcover book about the Invasion of Europe - June 1944. 160 pages (magazine size) with lots of pictures, maps, By Derek Blizard 1993. VF MB $25.00 (0901).
291. Royal Navy Broadsheet 86 booklet. 64 pages (magazine size) about the Royal Navy (report style) incl. ships, subs, planes, misc services, senior officers, . VF MB $6.00 (0901)
292. Royal Navy Presentation team booklet. 16 pages (magazine size) about the Royal Navy team that tours the UK to represent the RN. 1986-87 edition. VF (0901)
293. SHAPE BELGIUM Change of Command booklet. 8 pages color booklet for the Change of Command Ceremony 3 May 2000. Change from US Army General Wesley Clark to US Air Force General Joseph Ralston. VF MB $10.00 (0901)
294. VIP folder USNS Fisher. Folder including Welcome aboard, Military Sealift Command brochure (12 pages), Fact sheets, large stickers, .From 2000. VF MB $6.00 (0901)
295. USS Avenger picture. Large color picture of the USS Avenger MCM-1. VF (0900)
296. Ships named Sacramento booklet. 12 pages edited by the USCS in 1991. Front cover has Desert Storm 29c stp canc USS Sacramento Jul 28, 1991. VF (0901)
297. Welcome Aboard pamphlets. U.S.S Thomas C Hart (FF-1092) 8 pages. F (light fold) (0900)
298. Welcome Aboard pamphlets. U.S.S. Scamp (SSN-588) 8 pages. VF (0901)
299. Welcome Aboard pamphlets. U.S.S. Sculpin (SSN-590) 8 pages. VF (0901)
300. SPECIAL COLLECTION Brigadier General Edwin C. MCNEIL. Correspondence of Br.Gen. McNeil. Gen McNeil was the senior army lawyer in Europe during the trial and execution of Private Eddie Slovic in 1945. The correspondence includes:
- 28 covers + letters to and from Major / Lt Col Mc Neil during WWI. Most with APO 702 and 706 cancels. Censored. - 85 V-Mails from his wife to the General at APO 871 or 877. (no envelopes)
- 79 Covers (all with letters) from the General to his wife. All APO cancels between 1943 and 1945. Canc from APO 871, 887, 892, 11 BPO. Most censored with the General's signature.
- A few additional papers, Western Union Telegram, V-mails from General to his wife, .
A unique and historic collection. F/VF MB $250.00 (0901) PICT
Suggested (SB) or Reserve Bids (RES) are in general provided by the Seller
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Auction Manager.
Envelopes are regular size unless described otherwise (#10 or bigger). Franking: After WWII, all covers stamped unless otherwise stated. Official business covers dont have postage unless otherwise stated. 6c air has either a stamp or is stamped postal stationary. For individual lots, I try to mention the quality of the cancel - in parenthesis (VF) - as well as the condition of the cover in general - at the end of the listing. Abbreviation: MS = Manuscript -- Stp = Stamp PC = Postcard -- Pict = Lot is pictured |
All bids to: |
Updated:3 September 2011