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Auction 197

Closing Date: September 29, 2012



1. Cover 3c stp cancel ??? – SEP ??, 1864 (? faint) to Company H 8th Mass Vol, Camp Bradford, Baltimore, MD. F (rough at right). MB $12.00 (0901)


2. Cover Soldiers Letter cancel ?? (Faint) Circular DUE 3c 1860s. Sender Colonel H Boughton, Commanding Reg 143 NYSV (New York State Volunteers). To Lieut Dwight Divine (?) - Albany Barracks, Albany NY. Rough at right. MB $15.00 (0901)


3. Cover 3c stp cancel Lebanon, OH – JAN ?? (F) to Dr George Courtright, Surgeon 9th Division, Camp Dennison, Ohio. MS Ar. Feb 6th 1863. (VF). MB $15.00 (0901)




4. Italy – Papal State. Stampless letter postmark " FORLI ". Handstamp "Comando di Piazza in Forli". Letter text in Italian dateline 11 Genn (January) 1820. To Faenza with receiving postmark. VF. MB $20.00 (0901)


5. Italy – Papal State. Stampless letter text in Italian dateline Faenza 18 Dicembre 1833. Handstamp with Papal Seal "VOLONTARI PONcl LEGe DI RAVENA - Ten Colonnelo Ispettore Provinciale". VF. MB $20.00 (0901)

Lot 005


6. Napoleonic Conquered Territory. Stampless letter linear postmark "86 – ATH" (VF). Back red postmark " 5 Septembre 1806 ". No text. VF. MB $15.00 (0901)

Lot 006


7. Napoleonic Conquered Territory. Stampless letter linear postmark " 112 - FLORENCE " (F - bit smudged). Letter in French dated Sep. 1810. VF. MB $16.00 (0901)


8. Napoleonic Conquered Territory. Stampless letter linear postmark " Bologne " (VF - B and E bit smudged). Letter in Italian dated 13 Lu. (June) 1808. VF. MB $16.00 (0901)


9. Naval. 2c stp. cancel Baltimore, MD Jun 19, 1898 (VF). To Apothecary, U.S.S. Dixie, Key West Fla. With letter. VF. MB $15.00 (0901)

Lot 009


10. Naval. 2c stp. cancel Baltimore, MD May 8, 1898 (VF). To Apothecary, U.S.R.S Frankin, Norfolk, VA. (screw frigate) With letter. VF bit tone. MB $15.00 (0901)




11. AEF – Brig Gen Malone. #10 WD Official Business. Sender Brig. Gen. Paul B. Malone, U.S.A, HQ 10th Inf. Brigade, AEF. Endorsed /Signed by him. Cancel US Army Post Office *745* - ? DEC 1918 (F). AEF censor A.1010. (VF). (0901)

Lot 011


12. AEF – 21 Engr France. Cancel Type A2000 - # ? – JAN 30 1918 (Ave). AEF censor A.87. + Handstamp LIEUT. ENGRS. U.S.R. + signature. Also handstamp * Soldier's Mail *. (F). (0901)


13. AEF – 111 F.S.B. YMCA cover - cancel Type A2011 - # ? – JUL 31 19.. (Ave). Linear handstamp "Passed by Censor". (F).MB $6.00 (0900)


14. AEF – Med Detch 342nd F.A.. Cover canc. Ty A2101 US Army Post Office M.P.E.S. 761 – 11 JAN 1919 (F). AEF censor A.2444. With letter. VF (1226)


15. AEF – Photo Sec. 22 - APO 725. P/C partial APO Canc. (illegible). AEF censor A.3263. Addressed to Alaska Treadwell Mining Co. - Canc. Treadwell, Alaska - FEB 10 (Ave). F (0900)


16. AEF – Sig. Corps. Cover canc. Field Post Office - HK - (or AK) 21 OC 18 (F). GB censor No 6265. To St Louis, MO. VF (1226)


17. AEF – APO 713. Cover canc Type A4101 US Army Post Office * 713 * – 11 OCT 1918. (VF)- AEF censor A.3017 + handstamp "Censored by Captain Inf US. F (0900)

Lot 017


18. AEF – APO 780. P/C Paris Canc. Type A2101 US Army Po(st Office) M.P.E.S. 780 – MA. 11 1919. (Ave)- Handstamp "OK - (MS signature) LT - U.S.A. Sender Co B 109 US Engr. VF (0900)


19. Belgium (2). 2 covers (diff senders) franked Belgian Stps canc. bilingual "POSTES MILITAIRES BELGIQUE" - 1 is 5 XI 16 (F),1 is date not clear (F). 1 has handstamp "C.F.". Both addressed to Holland. F/VF MB $5.00 (0901)


20. Belgium (2). 2 covers (diff senders) franked Belgian Stps canc. bilingual "POSTES MILITAIRES BELGIQUE" - 1 is 7 XI 16 (F), 1 is date not clear (F). Both have censor tape "Censure Militaire 10 / 24". Both addressed to Holland. Both receiving cancel. F/VF MB $6.00 (0901)


21. Camp Lee, VA (4). 4 covers (printed CC Ymca, Knights of Columbus, 10th Training Bn, 3rd Training Bn) 3c stp MC Petersburg Va– Lee Branch – all 1918(F/VF). F/VF (1208)

22. Camp Logan, Tx. 3c stp canc. Houston, TX - Logan Branch – 1918(F). With long letter (16 pages) on camp stationary. VF MB $10.00 (1002)


23. Canada. Cover 2c + 1c T War Tax stamp canc. Aylmer 1917 (F). Censor label + handstamp "No 18 - LN". Back London, ONT MC "Help to win the war". F (but piece missing on back) (0901)


24. Censor - France (2). 2 covers franked French stps faint canc. "... Belfort" (1918 ??). Both censor tape "Controle Postal Militaire" + handstamp "Ouvert par l'autorite militaire - 111 / 113". 1 has red "star in a circle" handstamp. VF (1226)

Lot 024


25. Censor - Norway. Cover franked Norwegian stp MC Kristiania 21.III.17 (VF). Censor tape "Opened by Censor - 4301". To New York, NY. F (small tears on top) (1226)


26. GB - FPO 20. Free franked PC "Actress Madge Lessing" canc. Field Post office 20 - 15 JY 15 (F). VF (1208)


27. GB - FPO (2). 2 Free franked covers. 1 is canc. Field Post office 17 - 23 MY 15 (VF) - Censor No 532. Other is canc. Field Post office 21 - 24 MY 15 (F) - Censor No 408. F/VF (0901)


28. GB - FPO (2). 2 Free franked covers. 1 is canc. Field Post office 43 - 7 OC 15 (VF) - Censor No 172. Other is canc. Field Post office 51 - 10 SP 15 (VF) - Censor No 1796. VF (0901)


29. GB - FPO (2). 2 Free franked covers. 1 is canc. Field Post office C.6 - 14 JY 15 (VF) - Censor No 593. Other is OAS blue env. canc. Field Post office D.C.1 - 9 MR 16 (F). F/VF (0901)


30. GB - FPO A.1. Free franked Field Service Post Card "I'm well,...." canc. Field Post office A.1 - 10 MR 15 (VF). VF (0900)


31. GB - H.M. Ships. Free franked cover canc. London - JUL 10. 15 - RECEIVED FROM H.M.SHIPS - NO CHARGE TO BE RAISED (VF). VF (0901)

Lot 031


32. GB - O.H.M.S. Free franked OHMS cover red canc. Southampton PAID - 27 JUL 15 (F). Boxed handstamp "Embarkation .... - Southampton - 27 JUL 1915. To War Office London. F (0900)


33. Germany. Registered free franked cover (front only). Canc. KD Feldpoststation Nr 22 - 10.3.17 (F). Handstamps with eagle Kriegslazarett-Abteilung with MS 54B. Seller says located in Uskub - Yugoslavia. F (0901)


34. Germany. Registered free franked cover (front only). Canc. Deutsche Feldpost * 757 a - 24.3.18 (F). Handstamp Feldlazarett 177. F (0901)


35. Germany. Free franked PC with red label "Feldpost" Canc. Deutsche Feldpost * * * - 6.6.18 (F). Sender Feldpost 294. VF (0901)


36. Germany Feldpostbrief (2). 2 Free franked. 1 is Canc. Deutsche Feldpost - -7.JUN 18 (VF) VF. Other canc. Flensburg 24.3.15 (F) addressed to military unit. Ave (torn open Left) (0901)


37. Germany Feldpostkarte (2). 2 Free franked. Both civilian canc. (Cottbus 1915 - Pondorf 1916) addressed to military unit. F/VF (0901)


38. Germany Feldpostkarte (3). 3 mint Feldpostkarte with flags (red and black). VF (0901)


39. Ireland. Cover 1p GB stp canc. Belfast 8 Aug 16. Censor tape "opened by Censor 3666". VF (0901)


40. Malta. Cover franked on back with 2 1/1d Malta stp canc Valletta Malta 11 SP 14 (F). Handstamp "Passed by Censor". To New York. VF (0900)


41. Navy Yard (2). 2 P/C (New York) both 1c stp canc Brooklyn, NY - Navy Yard Sta. (1 is 1914 VF - 1 year not clear F). VF (0901)


42. USS Receiving Ship. 3c stp canc. U.S.S. Receiving Ship at Puget Sound - JUN 11, 1918 (ave). Handstamp "Passed by Censor". 2 page letter enclosed. VF (0901)




43. Treasury Department – Health Service (2). 2 Official Business #10 covers. Both from US Public Health Service. 1 from Marine Hospital No 3 - Buffalo, NY - Canc. Buffalo N.Y. Sta. H (1928 - F). 1 from Chicago, IL - Canc. Chicago, ILL (1928 VF). Both addressed to Army medical School Washington DC. F/VF (0901)

44. WAR Department – Medical. Official Business #10 covers from Medical Supply Officer - Fort Benning, Georgia - cancel Fort Benning, GA (1928 -VF). Addressed to Army medical School Washington DC. VF (0901)


45. WAR Department – Medical. Official Business #10 covers from Medical Supply Officer - Fort Eustis, VA - cancel Fort Eustis, VA (1928 - F). Addressed to Army medical School Washington DC. VF (0901)




46. USMC - HAITI. 2c stp Canc. U.S.M.C. Port au Prince Haiti - JUL 2, 1939 (F). CC handstamp "Headquarters First Brigade - Port au Prince ". VF (0900)


47. USF Constitution 1931 (4). 4 covers (no cachet). All Cancel US Frigate Constitution 1931: 22 OCT "Yorktown, VA."; 24 OCT "Baltimore, MD."; 9 NOV " Washington, D.C."; 17 DEC "Jacksonville, FLA." All VF – MB $8.00 (0901)


48. USF Constitution 1932 (4). 4 covers (no cachet). All Cancel US Frigate Constitution 1932: 16 JAN "Mobile, ALA."; 12 MAR "Port Arthur, Texas"; 2 x 16 APR "Washington, D.C.". All VF – MB $5.00 (0901)


49. USF Constitution 1933 (5). 5 cacheted covers. All Cancel US Frigate Constitution 1933: 24 MAR "San Francisco, Calif."; 16 APR "Oakland, California"; 16 JUN "Tacoma, Washington"; 26 AUG "Longview, Washington"; 9 OCT "Long Beach, Calif." All VF – MB $10.00 (0901)


50. USF Constitution 1934 (5). 5 cacheted covers. All Cancel US Frigate Constitution 1934: 20 MAR "San Diego, Calif."; 15 APR "St Petersburg, Fla."; 27 APR "Charleston, S.C."; 7 MAY "Boston, Mass.; 12 MAY "Boston, Mass." All VF – MB $10.00 (0901)


51. USS Navy ships (3). 3x 1c PC UX27/28. Back of PC are for San Diego Stamp Club meeting. 1 is Canc. U.S.S. Sirius – 24 JUN 1932 with San Diego Calif in KB (VF). 1 is Canc. U.S.S. Wasmuth – 9 JAN 1933 (VF). 1 is Canc. U.S.S. Arkansas – 8 OCT 2 with San Diego Calif in KB (F). VF (0901)


52. USS Arizona. Cacheted cover for Christening USS Cushing + Perkins - MC U.S.S. Arizona – 31 DEC 1935 (VF). VF MB $8.00(0901)


53. USS ISHERWOOD. #10 Cover 2c stp Canc. U.S.S. Isherwood – 31 DEC 1926 (F). VF MB $4.00(0901)


54. USS PENNSYLVANIA. #10 Official business Canc. U.S.S. Pennsylvania – 9 APR 1932 with "U.S. FLEET - CONCENTRATION" in KB (VF).VF(0901)


55. USS Richmond - China. #10 cover 2c stp Canc. Ty 6 U.S.S. Richmond – 21 JUL 1927 (F). CC with "China Waters". VF (0901)


56. USS RICHMOND Type F. 3c stp Canc. Ty F U.S.S. Richmond - The RAMBLER – 7 AUG 1934 with "First Day New Cancel" in KB (VF).VF(0901)

Lot 056


57. USS TARPON SS-175. Cacheted (Peejay)"Commissioned Today" cover Canc. U.S.S. Tarpon – 12 MAR 1936 with "First Day in Commission" in KB (VF).VF MB $5.00 (0901)

Lot 057




58. Alaska - APO 939. Sender Harbor Defenses. Free franked canc. APO 939 - 12 JAN 1945 (VF). Censored. VF (1226)


59. Alaska – APO 940. Sender 250th C.A. APO 940. 2x 3c stps canc. APO no number - 18 NOV 1942 (VF). Censor "Military Censor 8". F (few little tears) (1226)


60. Alaska – APO 942. Band 177th Engrs Rgt APO 942. 6c air canc APO .4. Nov 25 19.. (Ave). Censor "Military Censor 27". VF (1208)

Lot 060


61. Alaska (2). Both 6c air. 1 x APO 948(KB 1943 – F). 1 x sender APO 942 – APO canc no # (MC 1943 - F).Both Censored. F/VF (1208)


62. Alaska – APO 948. Sender 503 C.A. APO 948. 2x 3c stps canc. APO no number - 21 SEP 1942 (F). Censor "Passed - ASST. ADC. Censor". F (1226)


63. Alaska – APO 972. Sender 1465 AAF APO 972. Free franked canc. APO 972 - 13 SEP 1944 (VF). VF (1226)


64. Alaska. Sender at Parsons Hotel – Anchorage, Alaska. 6c air canc Anchorage, Alaska 1943 (F). Censor Army Examiner 20475 . VF (1208)


65. APO (2) + V-Mails (2). 1 is 6c air cover sender APO 322 – cancel APO no # (MC – 194?). 1 is 6c Prexie cover sender APO 565 – cancel APO no # (part cancel year ?). Both censored. + 1 V-Mail NO envelope Sender 155 F.A. Bn - APO 36 - 1943. + 1 unprocessed V-mail same Sender – cancel APO 36 (KB 1943 – F). F/VF (1002)


66. Arizona. Sender 489th Bomb Gp, 846 Bomb Sqdn - Davis-Monthan Field, Tucson. Free franked canc. Tucson, Ariz. 27 APR 1945 (VF). Long interesting letter. VF (0909)


67. Belgium (5). All 6c (1 x 5c) Air. 2 x Canc APO 228 (MC 1945/46 – F/VF). 1 x Canc APO 562 (KB 1945 –VF). 1 x sender APO 562 with faint cancel 1945. 1 x APO 598 (MC 1945 – VF). F/VF (0909)


68. Bermuda. 6c stp Canc APO no number (MC MAY 1943 - VF). Sender Bermuda Base Contractor. Censor + censor tape. VF (1226)


69. Army Camps (8). 7 Free franked, 1 6c Air: 1 from Camp Roberts, CA (1944).1 from Camp Rucker, Ala (1944). 1 from Camp Shelby, Miss (1944). 1 from Camp Lee, Va (1944). 1 from Camp Davis, NC (1943). + 3 with camp in CC only: Camp Kohler (2), Camp John T. Knight. F-VF (0909)


70. Canada - Ireland. Free franked Canadian YMCA / Salvation Army cover with MS C.A.O.S. Canc Post Office Maritime Mail. To Ireland with Censor tape (with crown) + Irish bilingual censor "Released by censor". F (tear at bottom) MB $10.00 (0901)

Lot 070


71. Canal Zone – APO 831. 6c air canc. APO 831 - 6 AUG 1944 (F). Censored. VF (1226)


72. Censor - Australia. Cover to US. Australian Stps canc. Sydney 8 - 19 DEC 1942 (VF). Censor tape + handstamp "2 Passed by Censor 1631". VF (1226)


73. Censor - Australia. Cover to US. Australian Stp canc. town / date illegible. Handstamp "3 NOT Opened by Censor". Sender in Surabaya, Java. VF (1226)


74. Censor - Brazil. Cover to US. Brazilian Stps canc. town / date illegible. Handstamp "Censura Postal - Sao Paulo". F (a few pin holes) (1226)


75. Censor - Bulgaria. Cover to US. Bulgaria Stps canc. Sofia 17-3-45. US Censor cellophane tape + French FFL handstamp "Lorraine cross - C P 4". VF (small tear on top)(1226)

Lot 075


76. Censor - Canada. Registered cover to US. Canadian Stps canc. Lacombe Alberta 5 DE 44. Foreign Exchange Control tape + handstamp "Calgary Examiner + date". Also "Passed for export". VF (1226)


77. Censor - Ceylon. PC to US. Ceylon Stps canc. Colombo 12 MR 40. Handstamp "Passed Censor - K - Colombo". VF (1226)


78. Censor - Colombia. Cover Colombian Stps canc. Bogota 11 XIII 1942. US Censor tape + handstamp "Via Cristobal - Canal Zone". VF (1226)


79. Censor - Cuba. Cover to US. Cuban Stp canc. Habana Cuba 15 APR 1942. US Censor tape "Examined by 4309". VF (1226)


80. Censor - Egypt. Cover to US. Egyptian Stps canc. Alexandria 21 NO 44. US Censor Cellophane tape 6548 + bilingual handstamp "Censorship Dept. M". F (1226)

81. Censor - Greece. Cover to US. Greek Stps canc. illegible. Greek Censor tape + censor handstamp. F (back flap missing - trimmed on top) (1226)


82. Censor - Ireland. Cover to US. Irish Stp canc. illegible. Irish bilingual Censor tape 131. VF (1226)


83. Censor - Netherlands Indies. Cover to US. Neder. Indie Stps canc. Malang 1-7-40. Bilingual Dutch Censor tape + handstamp "Censuur Geasseerd 6". VF (1226)


84. Censor - Japanese Occupied Philippines. Cacheted cover 1st Anniv of invasion. Philippine stp Japanese Ovpt canc. Manila DEC 8, 1942. Handstamp "Passed by Censor - Japanese Military Police". VF (1226)

Lot 084


85. Censor - Mexico. PC to US. Mexican Stp canc. ??? .. MAR 43. Handstamp "U.S. Censorship OOOO - Examined by (MS) 12752" (Mayo C12.1). VF (1226)


86. Censor - Mexico. PC to US. Mexican Stp canc. ??? 3 JUL 43. Handstamp "U.S. Censorship OOO - Examined by (MS) 2161" (Mayo C11.2). VF (1226)

Lot 086

87. Censor - Singapore. Cover to US. Neder. Indie Stp canc. ??? 20-1-4?. Dutch Censor tape + handstamp "Gecensureerd 35" + "Ned. IND... Censuur Soerabaja 4". Sender in Singapore. VF (1226)

Lot 087


88. Censor - Spain. Cover to US. Spanish Stp canc. Ceuta 26 ABR 45. US Censor cellophane tape + handstamp "Censura ???? - Ceuta ". F (pin holes - small tear) (1226)


89. Censor - Uruguay. Registered Front only to US. Uruguay Stp canc. illegible. Handstamp "U.S. Censorship ** - Examined by (MS) 3393" (Mayo C5.1,2). New York canc. 10-15-1943. Ave (1226)


90. China – APO 210. Free franked cancel APO 210 (KB 1945 - VF). Sent to APO 493. F/VF MB $6.00 (0901)


91. Fiji – APO 37. Sender 71st Station Hospital. 6c air canc. APO 37 - 12 SEP 1942 (F). Censor tape + 2 censor handstamp (1405-1410). VF (1226)


92. France (2). 1 is 6c air canc. APO 758 (MC 1945 – F). 1 is free franked canc. APO 597 (KB 1944 – F). Both censored. F/VF (0909)


93. France (4). 2 are canc. APO 562 (KB 1944 – F / MC 1944 - Ave). 2 are canc. APO 568 (KB 1945 – VF). One is censored. F/VF (0909)


94. Germany – APO 262 (7). 7 covers Front only. 5x 6c air / 2 x free canc. APO 262 - Jan to Jun 1945 (F). 4 Censored. Ave (1226)


95. GB – APO 508. Free franked PC canc. APO 508 - 23 JUN 1943 (VF). Censored. VF (1226)

96. GB (3). 1 censored privilege envelope with mute cancel (fold, tears) + 1 censored 1940 cover (fold, tears). + 1 WWI censored cover (Glasgow 1917) F. (0910)


97. GB (6). All 1944. Canc. APO 582, 584, 587, 590, 591. All censored. + 1’ Martha Washington Reply card – cancel APO 119 (KB 1945 – Ave). Back cancel APO 546 (KB 1945 – VF). Slight wrinkles. F/VF (0909)


98. GB (8). Sender APO 525 Canc. APO no # (1942), 526 (1944), 527 (1945), 555 (no year), 557 (1944), 558 (1944), 597 (1944), 757 (1944). 6 are censored. F/VF. (0909)


99. GB (9). Canc. APO 557 (1945), 559 (1944), 560 (1944), 563 (1944), 564 (1944), 568 (1944), APO 592 (1945 - letter), 594 (1944), 595 (1944). 8 are censored. F/VF. (0909)


100. Hawaii – APO 950 (3). All 6c air canc. APO 950 (all 1944 - F/VF). Censored. VF (1226)


101. India – APO 465. Sender 82nd Air Depot. Free franked blue canc. APO 465 - 10 JUN 1943 (VF). Censored. VF (1226)


102. India (3). Canc. APO 465 (1945), 467 (1943), 629 (1944). 2 are censored. VF (1208)


103. Indonesia – APO 926. Sender 931 H.S. Eng Avn Reg APO 926. 6c air canc. APO ?BFPO - 4 NOV 1944 (Ave). Censored. F (fold) (1226)


104. Kenya. K.U.T stp canc. ... Kenya - 8 JA 41 (Ave). To Sgt - E.A.M.2.S. Redirected to No 3 - Canc. E.A. Army Postal Service No 2 - 20 JA 41 (Ave). F but soiled (0900)


105. Military Ballot. Sender US Naval Radio Station, Jupiter, FLA . Free franked canc. Jupiter, FLA 1943 (F). VF (0909)


106. POW. Kriegsgefangenenpost form dated 29 Aug 1944. Sender French soldier at M.-Stammlager IA, Stablack. Handstamp "Kgf. B.P. 12 Gepruft". VF MB $6.00 (0901)


107. Return to States (6). 6 covers 6c air from Dekalb Junction NY (1945) to SGT at APO 562. All MS "Return to States". 2 also handstamp "Returning to United States". Ave/F (Rough at right)(0900)


108. US Veterans Admin. Sender US Vet Adm Facility Palo Alto, CA. 3c (damaged) cancel Palo Alto, Calif. - Veterans Bureau Hosp Br. - 1940 (VF). F (0909)

Lot 108


109. V-Mails - Belgium (2). 2 V-mails (5 pages) with envelopes (2) sender 663 Air Material Sq APO 559. Jul/Aug 1945. VF (0901)


110. V-Mails (9). 9 V-mails with envelopes (9). All same sender APO 262. From Nov 44 to Apr 45 (8 in France - 1 in Germany). F/VF (1226)


111. Wales – APO 64. 6c air canc. APO 64 (KB 1944 – VF). Censored. VF (1208)


112. War Dept Change of Address. WD official Business - Notice of Change of Address. Canc. Fort Wayne, Ind (1943). New address APO 4579. VF (1208)

Lot 112


113. War Dept Change of Address. WD official Business - Notice of Change of Address. Canc. Indiantown Gap, Pa (1945). New address APO 11471. VF (1208)


114. War Dept Address Card. WD official Business – Please address me….. CC NY Port of Embarkation – Brooklyn. Canc. New York, NY (1943). Address APO 4579. VF (1208)




115. Alaska - Seabees. Sender 26th NCB. 6c air canc. U.S. Navy (KB 1945 – VF). Naval Censor. Unit was located at Kodiak Isl. VF (1208)


116. Brazil – Navy 92. Sender Navy 92. #10 Off business canc. U.S. * Navy *(KB 1944 – VF). VF (1208)


117. Brazil – Navy 119. Registered #10 Official business cover. Sender Naval Air Facility - Navy 119. 20c Prexie. Back Canc. Navy 10942 BR (DR 1944 – VF). F (small tears at left) (0900)


118. Iceland - USMC. Cacheted cover 2c stp canc. FIRST MARINE BRIGADE - Provisional - 5 AUG 1941 (F) with U.S. Marines * Iceland in KB. Naval Censor. VF (0901)

Lot 118


119. Guadalcanal - USMC. #10 Official Business sender 1st MT Trans BN, 1st Mar Div FMF. Canc. US Navy 5 DEC 1944 (VF). VF (1220)


120. Guadalcanal - USMC. #10 cover sender 1st Service BN, 1st Mar Div FMF. 6c air canc. US Navy 22 NOV 1944 (VF). Naval Censor. VF (1220)


121. Guadalcanal - USMC. #10 Official Business sender HQ 2d Avn Engr Bn, IMAC. Canc. US Navy 30 MAR 1943 (VF). F (3 staples) (1220)


122. Guadalcanal - USMC. #10 Official Business sender 2nd Avn Engr Bn. Canc. US Navy 4 MAY 1943 (F). Naval Censor. VF (1220)


123. Guadalcanal - USMC. #10 Cover Sender F Co, 2nd Bn, 4th Marines. Canc. US Navy 19 APR 1944 (F). Naval Censor. VF (1220)


124. Guadalcanal - USMC. #10 Official Business sender Marine Air Base Sq One, Marine Aircraft South Pacific. Canc. US Navy . MAY DEC .44 (Ave). F (1220)


125. Guadalcanal - USMC. #10 Official Business sender Unt # 745. Canc. US Navy 21(OCT) 1942 (F). Naval Censor. VF (1220)


126. Guadalcanal - USMC. #10 Official Business sender 11th Defense Bn, FMF. Canc. US Navy 25 MAR 1943 (F). VF (1220)


127. Guadalcanal - USMC. #10 Official Business sender 9th Defense Bn, FMF. Canc. US Navy 1 JUN 1943 with TOO YOU CAN'T WIN in KB (F). F (fold - back flap missing) (1220)


128. Guadalcanal - USMC. Sender A.S.A. Navy 145. 6c air Canc. US Navy 26 OCT 1943 (F). Naval Censor. F (Rough at right) (1220)


129. Guadalcanal - USMC. Sender Hdqrs III Amphibious Corps, FMF. 6c air Canc. US Navy 23 MAY P.M. no year(F). Naval Censor. VF (1220)


130. Guadalcanal - USMC (2). Diff. senders Hdqrs Co, 3rd Bn, 29th Marines. Both 6c air Canc. US Navy 13/28 FEB 1945 (F). Naval Censor. F (1220)


131. Guadalcanal - USMC. Sender Co K, 3rd Bn, 4th Marines, 6th Marine Div. 6c air Canc. US Navy 29 SEP 1944 (VF). Naval Censor. VF (1220)


132. Guadalcanal - USMC. Sender S.M.S. 25, MAG 25, MASP. 6c air Canc. US Navy 16 JUN 1944 (F). Naval Censor. VF (1220)


133. Guadalcanal - USMC (3). Same sender G-2-3 (2nd Bn, 3rd Mar). All 6c air Canc. US Navy 3/6/16 JAN 1944 (F). Naval Censor. F/VF (1220)


134. Guadalcanal - USMC (3). Same sender G-2-3 (2nd Bn, 3rd Mar). All 6c air Canc. US Navy 20 SEP / 5 OCT 1943 / 1 JAN 1944 (F). Naval Censor. Ave/VF (1220)


135. Guadalcanal - USMC (2). Same sender G-2-3 (2nd Bn, 3rd Mar). Both 6c air Canc. US Navy 14/20 SEP 1943 (Ave/F). Naval Censor. VF (1220)


136. Hawaii – Navy 27. Sender NAS Navy 27. Free franked canc U.S. Navy (KB 1943 – F). Naval Censor. VF (1208)


137. Marine Barracks. Cacheted (Crosby ?) General MacArthur. 6c air canc. Norfolk, VA - Marine Brks Naval Oper. Base - 8 JAN 1943 (F). F (0901)


138. Navy 926 - Guam. Sender N.O.B. Navy 926. 8c air canc. US Navy - 20 DEC 1944 (VF). Naval Censor. VF (1226)


139. Russell Islands. #10 Official Business sender Marine Aircraft Group 21. Canc. US Navy 9 JUN 1943 (VF). Cellophane censor tape. VF (1220)


140. Seabees - Guam. Sender 2nd Spec NCB. 6c air canc. U.S. Navy (KB 1945 – VF). Naval Censor. Unit was located in Guam. VF (1208)


141. Seabees - Camp Rousseau. Sender 5th Naval Cost Bn Camp Rousseau. Free franked MC U.S. Navy - 16 JUN 1944 (VF). VF (0909)


142. Torpedo Sq 35. Sender VT-35. 6c air canc. U.S. Navy (KB no date – F). Naval Censor. VF (1002)


143. U.S.C.G. Sender printed CC USCG Training Station, Curtis Bay, Maryland. Free franked MC U.S. Navy - 23 AUG 1943 (F). F (0909)


144. U.S.C.G. (3). All with civil canc. Sender: 1 is Pistol River, OR (1943), 1 is Battle Creek, Mich (1943), 1 is New York, NY (1944). Ave/VF (1 open rough at right) (0909)


145. U.S.C.G. - SPAR. #10 Cover sender C.G. Barracks - SPAR (USCG Women's Reserve), San Francisco, Ca. Free franked canc. San Francisco, Calif 1944. F (fold) (0909)


146. USS Arizona. Cacheted (Bureau of Navigation) cover. 6c air MC USS Arizona - 3 JUN 1941 (VF). F (1226)

Lot 146


147. USS Meade. Sender USS Meade. 2 x 3c canc. U.S. Navy - 3 OCT 1942 (VF). Naval censor. VF (1226)


148. USS Excel. Sender USS Excel. Free franked canc. U.S. Navy - 24 JUL 1943 (F). Naval censor. VF (1226)


149. USS Rainier. Sender USS Rainier. 6c air canc. U.S. Navy - 7 DEC 1944 (VF). Naval censor. VF (1226)




150. APO 71. Sender Co B, Sg Ser Det 3, APO 71. 6c air canc. APO 71 (MC NOV 7, 53 – F). Located Wonju (K2), Korea. VF (0909)


151. APO 248. Sender Band, APO 248. Free franked canc. APO no number (MC MAR 9, 53 – VF). Located Yongcho, Korea. VF (0909)


152. APO 264. Sender MAG 8202 AU-TC, APO 301. Free franked canc. APO 264 (MC APR 25, 52 – VF). Located Chunchon, Korea. VF (0909)


153. APO 301. Sender Sig Reg Team "C", APO 301. Free franked canc. APO 301 (MC AUG 2, 51 – VF). Located Taegu, Korea. With letter. VF (0909)


154. APO 358. Sender Co A, 14th Engr BN, APO 358. Free franked canc. APO no number (MC AR 18, 54 – VF). Located Uijongbu, Korea. VF (0909)


155. APO 468. Sender Sig Reg Team "C", APO 301. Free franked canc. APO 468 (KB OCT 18, 51 – VF). Located Song-Jong, Korea. With letter. VF (0909)


156. APO 468. Sender Counterfire Hq & HQ Co,7th Regt, 3rd Div, APO 468. Free franked canc. APO 468 (MC FEB 8, 52 – VF). Located Wacho-Ri (K-16), Korea. With letter. VF (0909)


157. APO 612. Sender MAG 8202 AU-TC, APO 301. Free franked canc. APO 612 (KB APR 26, 52 – F). Located Koje-Do, Korea. VF (0909)


158. APO 612. Sender Co K, 38 INF, APO 248. Free franked canc. APO 612 (KB APR 23, 52 – VF). Located Koje-Do, Korea. With letter. VF (0909)


159. APO 707. Sender 61st Counterfire Platoon, APO 660. Free franked canc. APO 707 (MC AUG 30, 51 – F). Located Pusan, Korea. With letter. VF (0909)


160. APO 929. Registered #10 Official Business. Sender 6160th Air Base Group, APO 929. 3 x 10c Prexies mute canc. Back canc. APO 929 (DR SEP 23, 52 – Ave). Located Fukuota, Japan. VF (0909)


161. APO 970. Sender Hq + HQ Sq 5th Air Force (Rear), APO 970. 6c air canc. APO illegible number (KB APR 12, 52 – F). Located Taegu, Korea. VF (1226)


162. Navy 12867 Br. Free franked sender Maint Co 1st Ord Bn 1st MAR Div FMF. Canc US Navy 12867 Br (MC May 29, 53 – F). VF (0909)


163. Navy 12867 Br Unit 6. Free franked sender USMC "G" Co, 3rd Bn, 1st MAR, FMF. Canc US Navy 12867 Unit 4 (KB May 26, 51 – F light). With letter. F (fold) (0909)


164. Navy 14009 Br. Free franked sender 1st Marine Air Wing. Canc US Navy BR. 14009 (MC Oct 22, 52 – VF). VF (0909)


165. Navy 14009 Unit 2. Sender 1951st AACS Sq APO 317. 6c air Canc US Navy 14009 Unit 2 (KB May 30, 5 – F). VF (0909)


166. Navy 14011 Br. Free franked sender Det 1 1st C.S.G - SC - FMF. Canc US Navy 14011 (KB Jan 16, 54 – VF). F (fold) (0909)


167. Navy 17000 Br. MS "Free Korea" sender USS Symbol AM-123. Canc US Navy BR. 17000 (MC May 24 no year – F). VF (0909)


168. USS Duncan. Free franked Canc. USS Duncan (KB Jun 1, 53 – VF). F (0909)


169. USS Jenkins. #10 cover Free franked Canc. USS Jenkins (KB Dec 20, 53 – VF). VF (0909)


170. USS Menard. Free franked Sender 1st Marines, 1st MAR Div. Canc. USS Menard (KB May 6, 51 – VF). With letter. F (0909)


171. USS Hopewell. Free franked Canc. USS Hopewell (KB Sep 26, 52 – VF). With letter. VF (0909)




172. Dong Tam Post Card. PC made from top of ration box. Free franked. Sender 3rd Surgical Hospital, APO SF 96372. Illegible MC Nov . 1967 (Ave). F (wrinkles) (1226)

Lot 172




173. France – APO 21. Sender APO 772. 6c air Blue MC US Army – 20th Base P.O. – 5 Jan 1946 – 21 (VF).VF (0909)


174. Hawaii – APO 953. Registered cover. Sender Amer. Red Cross, APO 953. 30c + 1c prexie mute canc. Back Canc. APO 953 (DR 1949 – Ave). VF (0909)


175. Japan – APO 929 (2). 2 Registered #10 cover. 1 is Official Business - handstamp Postage and fees paid. 1 is 30c + 20c prexie + 3x 2c Jefferson. Both back canc. APO 929 Br + APO 226 (DR

1957/58). F/VF (0909)


176. Japan – APO 959 (3). 3 covers (2 x #10). All 6c air – canc. APO 959 (MC/KB 1953/54/58). F/VF (0909)


177. Japan – APO 994 (6). 6 covers (3 x #10 official business). 3 x 5c/6c air – 5 diff canc. APO 994 (MC/KB 1947 to 1953). Ave/VF (0909)


178. Japan – APO 1005 (2). 2 covers. 5c - 6c air. Canc. APO 1005 (KB 1948/49 - F/VF). VF (0909)


179. Japan – APO 1007 (3). 3 covers. 6c air. 3 diff. Canc. APO 1007 (KB/MC 1945/50/51 - F/VF). F/VF (0909)


180. Japan – APO 1051 (3). 3 covers (1 # 10). 6c air. 3 diff. Canc. APO 1051 (KB 1949/50/51 - F/VF). F/VF (0909)


181. Japan – APO 1052 (3). 3 covers (2 # 10 official Business). 5c air. 3 diff. Canc. APO 1052 (KB/DR 1947 - F/VF). 1 is unaddressed. F/VF (0909)


182. Japan – APO 1055 (3). 3 covers (1 # 10 Official Business). 5c/6c air. 3 diff. Canc. APO 1007 (KB/MC 1948/49/54 - F/VF). F/VF (0909)


183. Libya (3). 3 x APO 231 (2 MC – 1 KB) 1955/56/57. VF (0909)


184. United Kingdom – FPO in Italy (5). 5 x OAS covers cancel FPO 17 (3x - 1945), 751 (1946), + 1 from same correspondence with hard to read #. F/VF (1021)


185. Yugoslavia – APO 633. Registered cover. Yugoslavia stps canc. Beograd 1951 mailed to 495th Med. Group, APO 633. Back Canc. APO 633 - 8 DEC 1951 (F). F (0900)




186. Guam – NAS Agana. Sender VPM-1. 5c canc Naval Air Station – Agana Guam (KB 1947 – F). F (fold) (0909)


187. Guam – Navy BR (3). 2 x canc Navy BR 10499 - 1948( 1 x MC – 1 x KB). 1 x canc. Navy BR 13973 (KB 1947 – VF). F/VF (0909)


188. USNS Maquoketa. Ship's handstamp " MSTS Arctic Operation 1956" Signed. 3c stp canc. Alameda, Calif 1956. Philatelic VF (0901)


189. USS Owachomo. Sender USS Owachomo YTB 401 – NOB Kodiak. 5c air canc. Seattle. Wash – N. Air Sta. Kodiak, Alaska BR (KB 1947 – F). VF (0901)


MODERN MILITARY (after 1965)


190. 50th Anniv Liberation of Holland from Nazi Occupation by Canadian Forces - 1945-1995. Cacheted cover Dutch stp canc. Amersfoort-Emiclaer 8.V.95. VF Philatelic (0900)


191. France - Naval. Official cover Free franked from French Navy Ship BSL Rhin (supply ship). Canc. Croiseur Colbert (1967). F (trimmed at right) MB $4.00 (0901) PICT


192. France - Naval (2). 2 covers from Patrouilleur Albatros with ship's handstamp "Mission TAAF". 1 is French stp canc. Kerguelen TAAF (1991) + Paquebot. 1 is FSAT stp canc. St Paul-Ams TAAF

(1990). VF Philatelic (0901)


193. France - Official. Official cover handstamps Etablissement Cinematographique et Photographique des Armees (Military movies and photos archive center). Canc. Metz Armees 1976. VF (0901)


194. France - Hospital (3). 3 official covers Free franked from French Military Hospitals: Metz, Lyon, Bordeaux. 1976/87. With Military cancels (Armees). VF (0901)


195. HMS Endurance. Ship's handstamp (C.O. + Antarctica). South Georgia Stp canc. Falkland Islands Dependency 1977. VF Philatelic MB $4.00 (0901)


196. Mali – APO 09777. Sender Dept of State - Bamako (ID). Canc. APO 09777 (MC 1984 – VF). VF (1226)


197. Official Mail (3). 3 size #10 22c official stationary U074 + 17c official stp. 2 are AFROTC, 1 is USAF Officer Placement. All California canc. 1987. F/VF (1 tear on top right)(0900)


198. Op. Iraqi Freedom (2). Both # 10. 1 is Free franked sender LSA Adder canc. APO AE 09331 (KB 2003 – F) located in Tallil, Iraq. 1 is official business canc. APO AE 09822 (B 2003 - F) located in Ankara, Turkey. F/VF MB $6.00 (0901)


199. Panama - APO 34002. # 10 CC Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute - APO Miami 34002. MC APO 34002 with slogan - 1980 (F). VF (1226)


200. UK in Germany. #10 certified official Meter BFPO 34 (3p local rate) 1987 (VF). Handstamp "British Field Post - Ermassigte Gebuhr". F (fold) (0900)




201. 2nd Bn 44th ADA. MS CC. Free franked Canc. APO 09898 (1991 Ave). With letter dateline "Al Salman, Iraq – 11 Mar 91" signed by CO. VF (0900)


202. TF 1-32 Armor. MS CC. Free franked Canc. APO 09306 (1991 F). With letter Signed by CO. VF (0900)


203. 3-73 Armor. MS CC on # 10 off business. Meter Fort Bragg (1991 VF). With letter Signed. VF (0900)


204. 3-32 Armor. MS CC. Free franked Canc. APO 098.. (1991 - F). With letter Signed by CO. + Free franked cover canc. APO 0…? (1991 – Ave). VF (0900)


205. USS Caron. CO handstamp CC. Free franked canc. USS Caron (KB 1991 – F). VF (0900)


206. USS Curts. CO sticker CC. stps canc. USS Curts (KB 1991 – F). + letter on ships CO stationary signed by CO. VF (0900)


207. USS Reid. CO handstamp CC. Free franked canc. USS Reid (KB 1991 – VF). VF (0900)


208. US ships (2). Both with CO MS CC. 1 x Stps canc. USS Mississippi (KB 1991 – F). 1 x 0fficial "F" Stp canc. USS T.C. Hart (KB 1991 – Ave). VF (0900)


209. Desert Storm unofficial FDC (USS). Patriotic D.S. unaddressed unofficial FDC 29c Desert Storm stamp. Cancel USS Belknap (CG-26) – JUL 2, 1991 (KB – VF). CO CC handstamp. VF Philatelic - MB $5.00 (0901)




210. AMISON - Somalia. #9 cover from US to Ugandan Contingent - Amison HQ, Mogadishu, Somalia from 2009. Handstamp Return to Sender + MS "No service to Somalia". VF – MB $7.00 (0901)


211. ONUC CONGO – Denmark. Official ONUC stationary (small) - Handstamp "Danish ONUC Command – Leopoldville – Congo". Danish stp canc. Copenhaven Omk. 1963 (? light cancel). VF – MB $8.00 (0901)

Lot 211


212. ONUC CONGO – India. Cacheted FDC for 6 Indian stps Ovpt "U.N. Force (India) Congo". Canc. F.P.O. No 771 - 15-1-62(F). VF – MB $7.00 (0901)


213. ONUCI Ivory Coast - France. #10 cover handstamp "Aumonerie Protestante - Operation Licorne". French stp cancel Bureau Postal Interarmee 627 - 2-6-2003 (VF) located in Port Bouet, Ivory Coast. VF Philatelic – MB $6.00 (0901)


214. UNRWA - PALESTINE. Official UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees stationary Size #10 cover. Sender DUO/G (Director of UNRWA Operations, Gaza). Sent to Ministry of Defence, Tel Aviv. Mailed intra-theater so no cancels but date stamp 24-05-1990. F (open a bit rough) – MB $10.00 (0901)


215. UNEF – Welfare Office Gaza. #10 Official UNEF stationary. Meter United Nations New York (1959 F). VF MB $5.00 (0901)


216. UNEF – India. Official UNEF stationary intra theater use. Handstamp "Mail room …" with #s and signature. + handstamp "Captain – Adjutant 4. Kumaon Regt". Addressed to Chief Logistic Officer – HQ UNEF - Gaza. VF - MB $10.00 (0901)


217. UNIIMOG Iran-Iraq - Sweden. Official UNIIMOG stationary. Kuwaiti stps faint canc. Al Salem Post. Letter enclosed from Senior Swedish Military Observer dateline "In the demilitarized zone between Iraq and Kuwait 10 April 1996". VF MB $12.00 (0901)


218. UNIKOM – KUWAIT/IRAQ. UNIKOM official stationary (10 x 7). 5 x Kuwaiti stps (incl. 200 Fils) cancel … General Post – 1996 (ave). Sender Lt Col with CMPO-MPM – Safat – Kuwait City. VF – MB $5.00 (0901)


219. UNMOGIP India-Pakistan. Handstamp "United Nations Military Observer Group in India & Pakistan". UN stp canc. Genθve - Nations Unies - 2003 (F). VF MB $5.00 (0901)


220. UNOMIG – Georgia. UNOMIG official stationary (9 x 6). 5 x Russian stps Russian canc. all Cyrillic 14-03-97 (VF). Sender CC Major at UNOMIG – DCMPO/Pitsunda. VF MB $10.00 (0901)


221. UNPF – Croatia. Sender Major at SMPIO, UNPF HQ – Zagreb. Free franked canc. United Nations Protection Force (1996 - VF). VF MB $4.00 (0901)


222. UNPROFOR – France. Handstamp "DETAIR - Sarajevo - Le Commandant". MS "Fermeture du DETAIR Sarajevo - 31-12-02" (Last Day of DETAIR) with CO signature. French stp canc. Bureau Postal Militaire 658 - 31-12-2002 (VF) located in Rajlovac, Bosnia. VF MB $5.00 (0901) PICT


223. UNPROFOR – France (2). Both free franked. 1 x Handstamp "Commandement du Contingent Francais 00870 Armees". Other no CC. Both cancel United Nations - Nations Unies (large single ring with UN logo) 7 AUG / 20 NOV 1995 (VF). VF (1 back flap missing) MB $6.00 (0901)


224. UNPROFOR – France (2). Both free franked. 1 x Handstamp "Bataillon de soutien logistique 00873 Armees". Other "Capt Barrera - CO 2eme Cie du BIB 3". Both cancel United Nations - Protection Force (double ring with UN logo) 9 FEV / 11 JUIL 1994 (VF). VF MB $6.00 (0901)


225. UNPROFOR – France (2). 1 x Handstamp "Bataillon Francais No 2 - 0887 Armees". French Stp MC Bureau Postal Militaire 655 – 22.07.96 (Located in Sarajevo - Bosnia). + 1 Handstamp "Regiment d'Infanterie". French Stp MC Bureau Postal Militaire 658 – 07.08.9 (Located in Rajlovac - Bosnia). VF MB $6.00 (0901)


226. UNTAG - Namibia. UNTAG #10 official stationary CC UNTAG AUSCIVPOL (Australia Civil Police)- Grootfontein - Namibia SWA. SWA stps canc. Grootfontein – 12 V 89. VF MB $10.00 (0901)

Lot 226


227. UNTSO. Small official UNTSO stationary. Canadian stp canc. CFPO 32 - 28 II 67 9VF). VF MB $5.00 (0901)




228. Autograph test Pilot Bob Hall. Cover pict. canc. Dayton Air Fair 80. Autograph Bob Hall. He was designer/pilot Gee Bee Racer and test pilot F-4F, G-21, XP-50, F-6F, F-7F, F-8F,...+ Grumman's Chief Engineer. Comes with certificate of authenticity. VF MB $15.00 (0901)


229. Autograph Early Bird George Grundy. Cover Pict. canc. cover 75th anniv 1st aeroplane 1978. Autograph George Grundy. He was a pioneer of aviation and member of the Early Birds. His first solo flight was on Sept. 17, 1916. Comes with certificate of authenticity. VF MB $20.00 (0901)

Lot 229


230. Autograph Pearl Harbor Survivor. 5 x 3 autographed by Edward Gaulrapp. He was Chief Cook on USS Pampano (SS-181) but was at the Submarine Barracks in Pearl Harbor on Dec 7, 1941. VF MB $10.00 (0901)


231. Autograph test Pilot Frank Davis. Cover pict. canc. Wright Flyer Sta. 1978. Autograph Frank Davis. He was designer/test pilot for BT-13, BT-15, XP-18, XP-54, P-66, XP-81,.... Comes with certificate of authenticity. VF MB $15.00


232. Autograph test Pilot Tony Levier. Cover pict. canc. Civil Air Patrol 1991. Autograph Tony Levier. He was an air racer and test pilot for the P-38, P-80, F-94, XF-90, XF-104, U-2,.... Comes with certificate of authenticity. VF MB $15.00


233. Autograph USS Indianapolis Survivor (2). FDC 44c John McCloy (Sc 4442) 2010. Autographed by TWO Indianapolis survivors: Donald Beaty and Cletus Lebow. The ship was sank by a Japanese Sub on Jul 30, 45. Comes with certificate of authenticity. VF MB $12.00 (0901)


234. Christening Program. U.S.S. Nevada (SSBN-733) 16 full size high quality pages (color). VF MB $10.00(0901)


235. Launching Program. U.S.S. Halyburton (FFG-40) 4 full size pages. VF MB $6.00(0901)


236. NATO Commemorative 50th Anniv booklet – US Edition. 21 pages (magazine size) with lots of pictures reviewing the past 50 years. Edited by the US Information Agency. Page 1 has the US NATO 5th Anniv 3c stamp + US NATO 10th Anniv 4c stamp Cancel KB + DR APO AE 09724 – 4 APR 1999 (the actual date of the 50th anniv). VF MB $15.00 (0901)


237. Shipboard Orientation Booklet. U.S.S Tuscaloosa (LST-1187) 32 pages. VF MB $10.00(0901)


238. Welcome Aboard pamphlets. U.S.S. Barbel (SS-580) 12 pages. Dedicated to USS Barbel SS-316. VF MB $8.00 (0901)


239. Welcome Aboard pamphlets (2). U.S.S. Flecher (DD-992) 8 pages. U.S.S. John Young (DD-973) 8 pages. VF MB $8.00 (0901)


240. Welcome Aboard pamphlets (2). U.S.S. Ford (FFG-54) 4 pages. U.S.S. Reuben James (FFG-57) 4 pages. VF MB $8.00 (0901)




Suggested (SB) or Reserve Bids (RES) are in general provided by the Seller
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Auction Manager.


Descriptions & Bidding

Envelopes are regular size unless described otherwise (#10 or bigger).
Franking: After WWII, all covers stamped unless otherwise stated. Official business covers don’t have postage unless otherwise stated. “6c air” has either a stamp or is stamped postal stationary.
For individual lots, I try to mention the quality of the cancel - in parenthesis (VF) - as well as the condition of the cover in general - at the end of the listing.

Abbreviation: MS = Manuscript -- Stp = Stamp — PC = Postcard -- Pict = Lot is pictured
Cancels: KB = Killer bar -- MC = Machine cancel — DR = Double ring (all purpose)
APO or Navy Br number is in the cancel unless specified otherwise.
V-Mails have been processed and are with envelopes unless stated otherwise.
MB = Minimum Bid -- SB = Suggested Bid (this is just a suggestion, not a minimum)

All bids to:

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Updated:3 September 2011