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Auction 206

Closing Date: February 7, 2015



1. Cover 3c stp cancel Walton NY FEB 11 to Co I - 144th Regt NYS Vol - Washington DC. F (a bit soiled). MB $14.00 (0901)




2. Naval. PC 1c stp cancel USS COLORADO – JAN 10 11AM, 1913 (F – Ty.2) {Cruiser}. VF. MB $8.00 (0901)


3. Naval. PC 1c stp cancel USS MINNESOTA – FEB 13 A.M., 1915 (VF – Ty.2) { Battleship }. F. MB $8.00 (0901)


4. Naval. PC (Port Said) 1c stp cancel USS PETREL – OCT 7 P.M., 1910 (VF – Ty.1) { Gunboat }. VF (1410)


5. Naval. PC 1c stp cancel USS VIRGINIA – MAY 27 PM, 1911 (VF – Ty.1 / v-12a) { Battleship }. VF. MB $10.00 (0901)


6. Texas - Galveston Military Branch. PC 1c stp cancel Galveston Military Branch - Tex. - Apr 13 1913 (VF – Purple

cancel){Point of embarkation for naval Op in the Caribbean}. VF. MB $20.00 (1410)


Lot 6




7. AEF – APO 702. Sender 103rd Am Train AEF. Cancel Type A4001 US Army Postal Express Service No 702 (6 Aout 1918 - F/VF). AEF Censor A.1450. To FRANCE! VF MB $4.00 (0901)


8. AEF – APO 729 - Sender Brig General Charles Summerall. Canc. Type A2011 US Army Postal Service 729 (# unlisted in catalog) – Jul 16, 1918 (F/VF). Self censored with General's signature AEF censor A.246. To Paris FRANCE! VF MB $25.00 (0901)
Lot 8


9. AEF – APO 739. Sender 30th FA. Cancel Type A2002 US Army Postal Service No 7392 (24 Jan 191? - F). AEF Censor A.1107. To Paris, FRANCE! VF (0901)


10. AEF – APO 746. Sender U.S. Inftry AEF. Canc. Type A2011 US Army Postal Service 746 (Jul 1918 (Ave). AEF censor A.1480. To Paris FRANCE! VF (0901)


11. AEF – APO 755. Sender Bat A 308 F.A. AEF France. Cancel Type A4001 US Army Postal Express Service No 755 (13 Jan 1918 - Ave/F). AEF Censor A.1196. VF (0901)


12. AEF – to APO 796. Cover from Stambaugh, Mich Feb 1919 to Co D 143 Inf AEF 36th Division. Back handstamp "Addressee Ret to U.S.A. with Casuals from Central P.O. AEF - 11 Jun - Redirectory Sect Pier 86 New York N.Y. Via APO 705. + Canc. Type A4101 US Army Post Office MPES * 796 * (22 Feb 1919 - Ave/F. F MB $5.00 (0901)


13. British FPO D.37. O.A.S. (ms) cover Cancel Field Post Office D.37 (27 Oct 17 - F). British Censor No 3141. Forwarded to York - Handstamp Infantry Records - Jan 1918 - York. Back Tape " Officially Sealed in the Return Letter Section - London Postal Service". VF MB $5.00 (1410)


14. British FPO R.48. Cover Cancel Army Post Office R.48 (16 No 18 - VF). Censor # 411. {British 48th Division , Italian Campaign, Occupation in Austria). VF (1410)


15. Hingham Naval Training Camp. P/C "Ship's bells time table) 2c stp Canc. Hingham (U.S. Naval Training Camp) Mass. (Sep 9 191(8) - F). F MB $5.00 (1410)


16. New Zealand Censor. #10 Cover NZ stamp Canc Wellington N.Z. 8 Jl 15 (VF) to USA. Handstamp "Passed by the - Military Censor - N.Z. F (fold) (0901)


17. Naval. Cover 2c stp. cancel USS DELAWARE – JUL 2 1916 with New Port - Rhode Is in KB (F – Ty.3) {Battleship}. F (ragged right side) (1410)


18. Naval. PC (Battery of San Diego - Mexico) 1c stp. cancel USS NEW ORLEANS – JAN 5 P.M., 1915 (VF – Ty.1) {Protected Cruiser}. VF (1410)


19. YMCA - Army Branch (2). YMCA cover 3c stp MC Des Moines, Iowa – Dodge Branch – Jan 20, 1919 (VF). + YMCA cover 3c stp MC Deming, N.Mex. – Cody Branch – May 2, 1918(VF). F some toning (0901)


20. YMCA - Army Branch (2). YMCA cover 3c stp MC Jersey City, NJ – Merritt Branch – Dec 24, 1917 (VF). + YMCA cover 3c stp MC Deming, N.Mex. – Cody Branch – May 9, 1918(VF). F/VF (0901)




21. Fort Riley, Kansas. WD #10 official MC Fort Riley Kans. Dec 18, 1928 (VF). VF (0901)


22. Spanish Civil War. Cover Rep. Espanola stp mute cancel. Tape + Handstamp “Republica Espanola - Censura”. To France. Back cancel Fabregues - 18-7-38 (faint). VF MB $8.00 (0901)


23. Spanish Civil War. Cover Rep. Espanola stps cancel Bilbao (partial). Handstamp “Correos - Censura Militar - Vizgaya”. Back indistinct cancel + handstamp "Ariba Espana!". To France. VF MB $12.00 (0901)


Lot 23


24. Spanish Civil War. Cover Espana stps cancel San Sebastian – 23 Abr 38 (Ave). Handstamp “Censura Militar - San Sebastian”. To France with receiving cancel. VF MB $10.00 (0901)


Lot 24


25. Spanish Civil War - EARLY. Cover Republica Espanola stps cancel ?? – 4 OCT .8 (F). Tape + Handstamp “ Censurada”. To France with receiving cancel Paris 12 . X 1936 (VF). VF MB $14.00 (0901)


Lot 25




26. Asiatic – USS Augusta. Asiatic Fleet Cachet 2ct stp Canc. USS AUGUSTA – 9 MAR 1939 with “CAVITE - P.I.” in KB (VF). Signed. VF MB $6.00 (0901)


27. China – USS Asheville. 2c stp Canc. USS ASHEVILLE – 8 APR 1932 with “TSINGTAO - CHINA” in KB (F). VF MB $8.00 (0901)


28. China – USS Paul Jones. 3c stp Canc. USS PAUL JONES – 8 AUG 1940 with “TSINGTAO - CHINA” in KB (VF). VF MB $8.00 (0901)


29. China – USS Stewart. Cacheted cover Canc. USS STEWART – 23 APR 1936 with “SHANGHAI – CHINA” in KB (F). VF MB $10.00 (0901)


30. Floyd Bennett. In Memoriam Floyd Bennett Cacheted cover Signed "Mrs Floyd Bennett". 2c stp Canc. Brooklyn N.Y. US Receiving Ship – 25 APR 1934 with “FLOYD BENNETT” in KB (VF). VF MB $5.00 (141)


Lot 30


31. Sub USS Sargo. 1st Day Commission Cacheted Cover canc. KB U.S.S. SARGO – 7 FEB 1939 with “NEW LONDON – CT” in KB (VF). VF (0901)


32. Sub USS Shark. Shakedown Cruise Cacheted Cover canc. KB U.S.S. SHARK. – 2 MAR 1936 with “HAMILTON – BERMUDA” in KB (VF). VF MB $4.00 (0901)


33. USS Camden. Cover - KB U.S.S. CAMDEN – 23 NOV 1926 with “PORTSMOUTH – NAVY YARD” in KB (F). To Navy Savings Bank. VF MB $4.00 (0901)


34. USS Hale. Cover signed by Commanding Officer & Navy Mail Clerk – 2c stp canc. KB U.S.S. HALE – 8 APR 1937 with “SAN DIEGO – CALIF” in KB (VF). VF MB $4.00 (1411)


35. USS Mac Leish. Cacheted (handstamp) Cover signed by Commanding Officer. 3c stp canc. KB U.S.S. MAC LEISH – 11 MAR 1938 with “LAST DAY IN – COMMISSION” in KB (VF). VF MB $5.00 (1411)


Lot 35


36. USS Pennsylvania. Fleet Week Tacoma Cacheted (handstamp) Cover signed by Cachet Director. 3c stp canc. KB US FLEET FLAGSHIP – 1 AUG 1933 with “U.S.S. – PENNS.” in KB (VF). VF MB $5.00 (1411)


37. USS Relief. Clara Barton Cacheted Cover signed Chief Nurse. 8c stp canc. KB U.S.S. RELIEF – 25 DEC 1933 with “PEACE – ON EARTH” in KB (VF). VF MB $5.00 (1411)


Lot 37


The following 13 covers are all similar Cacheted US Fleet Week - either Seattle, Tacoma or San Francisco and are all signed by the C.O.


38. USS Buchanan. Seattle Welcomes Cacheted Cover signed Dallas D. Dupre, CO. 2c stp canc. U.S.S. BUCHANAN – 22 JUL 1933 (VF). VF MB $5.00 (1411)


Lot 38


39. USS Altair. Seattle Welcomes Cacheted Cover signed Captain A.J. Beauregard, CO. 2c stp canc. KB U.S.S. ALTAIR – 14 AUG 1933 with “San Diego – California” in KB (VF). VF MB $4.00 (1411)


40. USS Crowninshield. Tacoma Welcomes Cacheted Cover signed. 1 1/2c stps canc. KB U.S.S. CROWNINSHIELD – 3 AUG 1933 with “TACOMA – WASH” in KB (VF). VF MB $5.00 (1411)


41. USS Detroit. Seattle Welcomes Cacheted Cover signed Capt R.M. Brainard, CO USS Detroit. 3c stp MC Seattle - Wash– 22 JUL 1933 (VF). VF MB $5.00 (1411)


42. USS Maryland. Seattle Welcomes Cacheted Cover signed ?. 3c stp MC U.S.S. Maryland – 22 JUL 1933 (F). VF MB $5.00 (1411)


43. USS Milwaukee. San Francisco Welcomes Cacheted Cover signed Capt B H Green. 3c stp canc. KB U.S.S. MILWAUKEE – 17 AUG 1933 with “SAN FRANCISCO – HARBOR DAY” in KB (VF). VF MB $5.00 (1411)


44. USS Omaha. Seattle Welcomes Cacheted Cover signed Capt J S Dowell. 3c stp canc. U.S.S. OMAHA – 22 JUL 1933 (VF). VF MB $5.00 (1411)


45. USS Ortolan. San Francisco Welcomes Cacheted Cover signed Lt F J Eckhoff. 3c stp canc. DR U.S.S. Ortolan – 17 AUG 1933 (VF) + San Francisco MC. VF MB $5.00 (1411)


46. USS Borie. Seattle Welcomes Cacheted Cover signed Capt H. Alen. 3c stp MC Seattle - Wash– 21 JUL 1933 (VF). VF MB $5.00 (1411)


47. USS Rathburne. San Francisco Welcomes Cacheted Cover signed R.W. Gilmore. 1 1/2c stps canc. KB U.S.S. RATHBURNE – 20 AUG 1933 with “SAN FRANCISCO – CALIF” in KB (Ave) + San Francisco MC. F (fold) MB $4.00 (1411)


48. USS Simpson. Seattle Welcomes Cacheted Cover signed Lt Cmdr W. Ziroli, CO. 2c stp canc. KB U.S.S. SIMPSON – 23 JUL 1933 with “Seattle – Wash” in KB (VF). VF MB $5.00 (1411)


49. USS Talbot. San Francisco Welcomes Cacheted Cover signed. 1 1/2c stp canc. KB U.S.S. TALBOT 114 – 17 AUG 1933 (VF). VF MB $5.00 (1411)


50. USS Waters. San Francisco Welcomes Cacheted Cover signed Julian Wheeler, CO. 3c stp canc. KB U.S.S. WATERS – 17 AUG 1933with “SAN FRANCISCO – CALIF” in KB (F). VF MB $5.00 (1411)




51. Alaska L'NDG Field. Cover 2c stp Canc. Ketchikan, Alaska - Annette Isl'D. L'NDG Field Br (DR 15 SEP 1941 – VF). VF (Philatelic) (1410)


52. Alaska - APO 730. Sender Regt Hq Btry 255 AA - APO 939. Cover 6c air canc. APO 730 (KB JAN 194? – Ave). Censored. VF MB $3.50 (1410)


53. Alaska - APO 939. Sender Regt Hq Btry 206 CA (AA) APO 939. Free franked cover canc. APO no # (KB May 1943 – VF). Censored. VF (1410)


54. Alaska - APO 942. Sender A-2, HQ, 11thAir Force - APO 942. Cover 6c air canc. APO no # (MC Aug 1943 – F). Censored. VF (1410)


55. Algeria - APO 34. Cacheted "Win the war". Sender Co E 135th INF APO 34. Free franked canc. APO 34 (KB - 21 AUG 194(3) - F). Censored. VF (1410)


56. Algeria - APO 698. Sender 6508 Rdr Rep't Plat APO 650. 6c Air canc. APO 698 9th BPO (MC - 2 JUL 1944 - VF). Censored. VF (1410)


57. American Red Cross Service Club P/C # C9. Sender Rest Home Office APO 887. Free franked canc. 1 BPO (MC May 1944 – F). VF (1410)


58. Australia - BPO 7. Patriotic cacheted cover Sender 123rd INF APO 33. 6c air Canc. 7 BPO (MC Oct 1943 – VF). Censored. VF (1410)


59. Back the Attack. Cacheted (handstamp) "Back the Attack - Buy Bonds" cover 3 x 1c stps Canc. Army Postal Service - Washington, D.C. with Back the Attack - Sept 9-26, 1943 in KB (21 Sep 1943 - VF). Unaddressed VF (0900)


60. Belgium - APO 2. Patriotic "When the Yanks squeeze - It'll be Jap-on-knees". Sender 23rd INF APO 2. Free franked canc. APO 2 (KB 13 Nov 1944 – F). MS Censor. VF MB $5.00 (1410)


61. Belgium - APO 117. Sender 2963rd Co 6931st Bn APO 117. 5c Belgian Flag + 1c canc. APO 117 (KB 29 May (1945?) – Ave). VF MB $7.50 (1410)


62. Belgium - APO 117. Sender 2963rd Co 6931st Bn APO 117. 5c Belgian Flag + 1c canc. APO 117 (KB 4 Jun 1945 – F). VF MB $7.50 (1410)


63. Belgium - APO 143. Sender 421st ASF Band APO 350. Free franked canc. APO 143 (KB 20 Dec 1944 – VF). MS Censor. F (repaired on top) MB $3.00 (1410)


64. Belgium - APO 571. Sender U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey APO 413. Registered cover 30c + 7c Mute cancel. On back, canc. APO 571 (DR 2 May 1945 – Ave) + canc. 17 BPO (F). MS Censor. VF MB $7.50 (1410)


65. Canada - APO 677. Free franked 5 x 6 cover canc. APO 677 (KB 18 Dec 1944 – F). Censored. F (repaired on top) MB $3.00 (1410)


66. Canada - APO 677. Free franked 4 x 7 cover canc. APO 677 (KB 17 Dec 1944 – VF). Censored. F (repaired on top) MB $3.00 (1410)


67. Canada - APO 691. Free franked cover canc. APO 691 (KB 24 Sep 1944 – VF). Censored. F (repaired on top) MB $10.00(1410)


68. Canada - APO 692. Sender Sta 10 - NAW ATC. Free franked cover canc. APO 692 (KB 20 J.. 1944 – F). MS Censor. VF MB $15.00(1410)


69. Canada - APO 701. Sender 477th QM Trk Co APO 701. Free franked Patriotic (Minkus) cover canc. APO 701 (KB 3 Sep 1943 – VF). Censored. VF MB $5.00(1410)


70. China - APO 276. Sender 12th S. Grp. Free franked cover canc. APO 276 (KB 9 Oct 1945 – Ave/F). Ave (wrinkles, tear) (0909)


71. China - APO 627. Free franked cover canc. APO 627 (KB 31 Oct 1945 – F). VF (0909)


72. Christmas Island (2) - APO 915. 1 cover sender AAF Weather Station 7-47 APO 915. 6c stp canc. APO 915 (KB 10 Dec 1946 – F {spotty}). VF. + 1 cover from Saginaw, Mich (Sep 1946) to 31st Weather Sq - APO 953 corrected to APO 915. Ave (tears). MB $25.00 (1412)


73. Domestic APO (5). All with local postmarks – Senders APO 253 (1943), 410 (1943), 627A (1942), 4519 (no date). + Dibble Gen. Hospital to APO 4309 (1945). F/VF. (0909)


74. Misc. Domestic covers (15). 15 stationary covers (3 #10) with printed CC. Senders at Army Airdrome, Camp Carrabelle, HQ XII Corps, AAFTTC, Naval Ammunition Depot, VR-3 Pilot Training, Naval Training School, Maritime Service Training School,... Most civilian cancels, a few US Navy (1942/45). All free franked. F/VF (0909)


75. England - APO 207. Sender APU # 314 APO 207. Registered cover 20c + 6c (damaged) Mute cancel. On back, canc. APO ??? (DR 27 Sep 1944 – Ave). MS Censor. VF (1410)


76. England - APO 207. Sender APU # 314 APO 207. 6c air canc. APO no # (MC 26 Sep 1944 – VF). 2x 3c DUE stps. Censored. VF (1410)


77. England - APO 314. Sender 314th Army Postal Unit APO 314. Registered cover 20c + 2x 6c Mute cancel. On back, canc. APO 314 (DR 2 Apr 1945 – F). Censored. F (trimmed at Left) MB $5.00 (1410)


78. England - APO 518. Sender Med Det 476th QM Bn APO 350. Patriotic (Who says we can't defeat the so called super race in 1944)cover Free franked cancel APO 518 (MC - 13 Jun 194 - F). MS Censor. VF (1410)


79. England - APO 518. Sender 3161st Arty Co APO 518. Fee franked canc. APO 518 (MC - 19 Feb 1944 - VF) . Base Censor + Tape (missing). F (1410)


80. England - APO 526. Sender 16th General Hospital APO 526. Registered cover 2x 15c + 6c (damaged) Mute cancel. On back, canc. APO 526 Br Unit 1 (DR 3 Mar 1944 – VF). Base Censor. VF MB $7.00 (1410)


81. England - APO 560. Sender 64th Sta. Comp Bn APO 140. Patriotic (Remember Pearl Harbor)cover Free franked cancel APO 560 (KB - 10 May 1944 - F). Censor. VF (1410)


82. England - APO 569. Sender Site 8, Base Air Depot 2 APO 635. Patriotic (Flag - We have not yet begun to fight) cover Free franked cancel APO 569 (KB - 22 May 1945 - VF). MS Censor. VF (1410)


83. England - APO 635. Sender 8, Base Air Depot 2 APO 635. Patriotic (Star Gazers)cover 6c air cancel APO 635 (KB - 16 Jul 1945 - VF). VF (1410)


Lot 83


84. England - APO 635. Sender HQ BADA Engineer Sect APO 635. Patriotic (US Army -Infantry) cover Free franked cancel APO 635 (KB - 20 Oct 1945 - VF). VF (1410)


85. England - APO 635. Sender HQ BADA Engineer Sect APO 635. Patriotic (The Infantry)cover Free franked cancel APO 635 (KB - 11 Nov 1945 - F). VF (1410)


Lot 85


86. England - APO 640. Sender 1st Base Post Office APO 640. Patriotic (We must win - Buy War Bonds) cover Free franked cancel APO 640 (KB - 3 Aug 1943 - VF). Censored. VF (1410)


87. England - APO 652. Sender 6th Convalescent Hospital APO 403. Patriotic (Have a Heart - be a true American) cover Free franked cancel APO 652 (KB - 28 Mar 1944 - VF). Censored. VF (1410)


88. England - APO 672. Sender HQ 2nd Bomb Wing APO 634. Patriotic (We shall fight for Victory) cover Free franked cancel APO 872 (KB - 9 Apr 1943 - F). Censored. VF (1410)


89. France - BPO 11. Sender 543rd Sig. Base Depot Co APO 887. Patriotic (Let them wash up and go home) DCC cover Free franked cancel 11 BPO (MC - 14 Apr 1945 - VF). Censored. VF (1410)


90. France - APO 530. Sender 591st Engr Boat Regt APO 386. Patriotic (then, now, the future) cover 6c air cancel APO 530 (KB - 29 Aug 1944 - F). Censored. VF MB $3.50 (1410)


91. France - APO 583. Sender 4337th US Army Hosp Plant. APO 513. 6c air cancel APO 583 (KB - 14 May 1945 - VF). Censored. VF MB $3.00 (1410)


92. France - APO 647. Sender 57th Chemical Maint. Co APO 339. Patriotic (Oh Boy! A letter from home!) cover Free franked cancel APO 647 (KB - 18 Dec 1944 - F). Censored. VF (1410)


93. France - APO 887. Sender Navy 100 FPO NYC. Patriotic (The Infantry)cover Free franked cancel APO 887 (KB - 14 Jul 1946 - F). VF (1410)


94. German Occup. of Belgium. Belgian PC (1fr) canc Bruxelles 2.V.1941 to New York. German censor mark. VF (1410)


95. German Occup. of Poland. Polish P/C free franked MS Feldpost dated 4 Okt 1940. German handstamp Feldpostnummer .... VF (1410)


96. German Occup. of Poland. Polish P/C free franked MS Feldpost dated 16 Okt 1940. German handstamp Feldpostnummer 00675. VF (1410)


97. Germany - APO 4. Sender 4th Recon Troop, 4th Inf Division APO 4. Patriotic (then, now, the future) cover Free franked cancel APO 4 (KB - 4 Jun 1945 - F). VF MB $3.50 (1410)


98. Germany - APO 79. Sender 314th Inf APO 79. 2 x 3c cancel APO ?? (KB - 5 Apr 1945 - Ave). Censored. VF MB $3.00 (1410)


99. Germany - APO 89. Sender 340th F.A. Bn APO 89. 6c air cancel APO 89 (MC - 28 Apr 1945 - VF). Censored. VF MB $7.50 (1410)


100. Germany - APO 138. Sender 492nd Ftr Sq 48th Ftr Grp APO 595. 6c air cancel APO 138 (KB - 31 Mar 1945 - VF). Censored. VF MB $7.50 (1410)


101. Germany - APO 145. Sender 79th Cmt Co APO 230. 6c air cancel APO 145 (KB - 2 Jun 1945 - F). F (0900)


102. Germany - APO 150. Sender 3254 Signal Service Co APO 403. 6c air cancel APO 150 (KB - 25 Jul 1945 - VF). VF (0900)


103. Germany - APO 179. Sender Hdq XV Corps Postal Sect APO 436. 5c + 1c cancel APO 179 (KB - 23 Nov 1945 - VF). VF MB $7.50 (1410)


104. Germany - APO 268. Sender Beamtz Amer Univ, Transportation Co. APO 772. 6c air cancel APO 268 (KB - 29 Nov 1945 - VF). VF MB $15.00 (1410) 105. Germany - APO 270. Sender 3161st Arty & F.C. APO 270. 6c air cancel APO 270 (KB - 11 Jul 1945 - VF). VF MB $5.00 (1410)


106. Germany - APO 436. Sender Hdqs Co. XV Corps AG-Postal Sect APO 436. 2x 6c air cancel APO 436 (KB - 14 Sep 1945 - VF). VF MB $5.00 (1410)


107. Germany - APO 436. Sender Hdqs Co. XV Corps Post Office APO 436. 6c air + 2 x 3c cancel APO 436 (KB - 13 Jan 1946 - VF). VF MB $5.00 (1410)


108. Germany - APO 647. Cacheted "Attackers of Westwal". Sender 57th Chem Co APO 339. Free franked cancel APO 647 (KB - 2 Jun 1945 - VF). VF MB $3.00 (1410)


109. Guadalcanal - APO 709. Sender Staff Commander Aircraft Navy 145. 6c air cancel APO (709) {# weak} (KB - 2 Sep 1943 - Ave). Naval Censor. VF (1410)


110. Iceland - APO 860. Sender HQ US Army Forces APO 860. 6c air cancel APO 860 (KB - 6 Jul 1942 - F). Base Censor. VF MB $5.00 (1410)


111. Iran - APO 523. Sender Civilian, Millspaugh Mission APO 523. 6c air cancel APO 523 (MC - 12 Feb 1945 - VF). Base Censor + tape. VF (1410)


112. Italy. Special stationary "Biglietto Postale per le Forze Armate. Handstamp "Comando Deposito O.R.E.M. La Spezia". Back cancel Caravate 2-2-42. VF MB $7.50 (0901)


Lot 112


113. Italy - APO 34. Patriotic "Don't let the axis hypnotize you". Sender 135th Inf APO 34. Free franked cancel APO 34 (KB - 5 Dec 1943 - VF). Censor. VF (1410)


114. Italy - APO 528. Patriotic "Gas, flames and bombs..." Carpenter cover. Sender 820 Signal Service Co APO 512. Free franked cancel APO 528 (MC - 5 Jun 1944 - VF). Censor. VF (1410)


115. Italy - APO 539. Patriotic "Work to keep free". Sender Reg HQ Batry, 68th CA (AA) APO 464. Free franked cancel APO 539 (KB - 9 Mar 1944 - F). Censor. VF (1410)


Lot 115


116. Italy - APO 543. Patriotic "Win the war" Fleetwood cover. Sender HQ Btry, 31st AAA S/L Bn APO 464. Free franked cancel APO 543 (KB - 5 Jul 1944 - F). Censor. VF (1410)


117. Japan - Attack on Pearl Harbor & USS Arizona PC. Mint Japanese stamped postal Card. VF MB $25.00 (0901)


Lot 117


118. Korea - APO 712. Sender Postal Officer APO 712. 3x 2c cancel APO 712 (KB - 28 Oct 1945 - F). VF (0909)


119. Morocco - APO 668. Sender 693rd C.A. Btry (AA) A.W. APO 668. 6c air cancel APO no # (KB - 24 Feb 1943 - F). Censored. VF (0900)


120. New Foundland - APO 863. 6c air cancel APO 863 (KB - 23 Apr 1942 - F). Censor. VF (1410)


121. New Foundland - APO 866. Sender APO 86. 9c + 6c air cancel APO no # (KB - 7 Dec 1942 - VF). Censor. VF MB $5.00 (1410)


122. New Hebrides - APO 708. Sender 809 Signal Ser Co APO 708. Illustrated Free franked cancel APO 708 (KB - 26 Jul 1943 - F). Censor. F (staple holes) MB $10.00 (1412)


Lot 122


123. Mariana Isl - APO 237. Sender 882nd B.S. 500th B.G. APO 237. 6c air cancel APO 237 (MC - 16 Feb 1945 - F). Censor. F (1410)


124. Mariana Isl - APO 244. Sender 806th Eng Avn Bn APO 244. 2x 3c cancel APO 244 (MC - 17 Feb 1944 - VF). Censor. VF (1410)


125. New Caledonia - APO 502. Patriotic "Liberation" Minkus cover. Sender 208th M.P. Co APO 502. 6c air cancel APO 502 (MC - 12 Dec 1944 - F). Censor. VF (1410)


126. New Caledonia - APO 502. Patriotic "Let freedom ring" cover. Sender 208th M.P. Co APO 502. 6c air cancel APO 502 (MC - 7 Oct 1944 - VF). Censor. VF (1410)


127. New Caledonia - APO 502. Patriotic "Just a watchin' for that message" Carpenter cover. Sender 208th M.P. Co APO 502. 6c air cancel APO 502 (MC - 30 Oct 1944 - VF). Censor. VF (1410)


128. New Guinea - APO 713. Sender 19th Sq 22nd Bomb Gp APO 713 Unit 1. Free franked cancel APO 713 (KB - 7 Apr 1944 - F). Censor. VF MB $3.00 (1410)


129. New Guinea - APO 322. Sender 1st Plat 639th 2.M Ldry Co APO 322. 6c air cancel APO no # (MC - 3 Dec 19?? - Ave). Censor. VF (1410)


130. Northern Ireland - APO 813. Sender 168th Inf Band APO 813. British 2 1/2d stp cancel American Base Forces 813 (KB - 11 Apr 1942 - VF). Censor. VF (1410)


131. Norway - APO 544. Patriotic cover Sender 495th Med Collecting Co APO 544. Free franked cancel APO 544 (MC - 11 Jul 1945 - VF). VF MB $18.00 (1410)


Lot 131


132. N.W.I. Aruba - APO 811. 6c air cancel American Base Forces 811 (KB - 8 Oct 1943 - VF). Censor. F (trimmed at left) (0900)


133. Patriotic B-29 - APO 564. Patriotic Columbus Dispatch cover Sender APO 557. Free franked cancel APO 564 (MC - 25 May no year - VF). VF MB $5.00 (0901)


Lot 133


134. Patriotic. Patriotic "We all have an "Axis to Grind" cover. 2 x 1c cancel Harrison, Nebr (Flag MC - 24 Aug 1942 - VF). VF MB $4.00 (0901)


Lot 134


135. Patriotic Postcard. Mint Tichnor # MH4 “Camp Snapshots” color postcard. VF (0901)


Lot 135


136. Patriotic (3). Set of 3 different "The Lexington Sails on" cacheted covers. 1x canc Fort Jones, Calif, 1x canc Fort Collins, Colo, 1x canc Fort Harrison, Mont. All 1943 VF. VF MB $4.50 (0901)


Lot 136


137. Philipines - APO 72. Sender Office of Base Censor APO 72. 6c air cancel BPO no # (MC - 18 May 1945 - F). To APO 1331 forwarded. Handstamp "Central Postal Directory APO 460 + APO 460 Canc on back. F MB $5.00 (1410)


138. Philippines - 4 BPO. Sender 24th Inf Div Band APO 24. Free franked canc. 4 BPO (MC 10 Jul 1945 – F). 2x Censor + tape. VF (0909)


139. Philippines - 7 BPO. Sender Excess Officers Co APO 11331. Plate block 1 1/2 Prexie cancel 7 BPO (KB - 12 Apr 1945 - VF). Base censor + tape. VF (1410)


140. Philippines - APO 1004. Sender 126th General Hospital APO 1004. 6c air cancel APO 1004 (KB - 13 Oct 1945 - VF). Handstamp "Official Red Cross Communications". VF MB $4.00 (1410)


141. POW - Belgium. Kriegsgefannenpost letter from Belgian POW at M-Stammlager VI F, Bocholt - Arbeits-Kommando Nr Lager 5A. Canc town ? 28.9.43. Handstamp " 12 Gepruft Stalag VI F. To Belgium. VF (0901)


142. Puerto Rico - APO 851. Sender 7505th Service Unit (Med Lab) APO 851. 10c air cancel APO 851 (MC - 17 Mar 1947 - VF). VF (1410)


143. Solomon - APO 709. Sender Staff Commander Aircraft Navy 145. 6c air cancel APO 709 (KB - 20 Sep 1943 - VF). Naval censor. VF (1410)


144. Tonopah Air Base. USO cover Sender 422 AAF Base Unit Squadron T-3. Free franked cancel Tonopah - Nev. - Air Base Br (MC 1944 - F). VF (0909)


145. Tunisia - APO 763. Sender 223rd QM Co APO 763. 6c air cancel APO 763 (KB - 30 Dec 1943 - VF). Censor with officer's handstamp. VF (0900)


146. Wales - APO 164. Sender 759th Light Tank Bn APO 230. 6c air cancel APO 164 (KB - 21 Apr 1944 - F). Censor. VF MB $7.00 (0901)


147. Wales - APO 515A. Sender Air Corps Air Transport Command APO 515 A. 6c air cancel APO 515 A (KB - 22 Aug 1943 - F). Base censor + tape. VF (1410)


148. WAVES Quarters. Sender WAVE Quarters - West Potomac Park - Washington DC. Free franked cancel Washington DC (16 Apr 1945). With letter about Pres. Roosevelt Death! VF (0909)




149. Alaska - Navy 230. Sender Navy 230 - Commissary Naval Operating Base. Free franked cancel US NAVY (KB - 4 Jan 1945 - VF). Naval censor. VF (1410)


150. Alaska. 5c stp cancel Seattle, Wash - Nav. Air Sta. Sitka Alaska Br. (KB - 1 Jan 1942 - VF). VF (1410)


151. Benicia Arsenal. Sender TSU 8307 - Tank Radio Repair. Free franked cancel Benicia Arsenal Branch - Benicia Calif (KB - 5 Mar 1945 - F). VF (1410)


152. Brazil - Navy 335. Sender NAF Box WW Navy 335. 6c air cancel US NAVY (KB - 24 Dec 1944 - VF). Naval censor. VF (1410)


153. Chicago Naval Armory. Sender Pu.6 G.H. Sec 1. Quickie P/C Free franked cancel Chicago, ILL - NTS Naval Armory Sta. (KB - 26 Apr 1943 - VF). VF MB $5.00 (1410)


154. Glenview Nav Res Aviation. Sender U.S.N.R. Aviation Base. Free franked cancel Glenview, ILL - Nav. Res. Aviation Base Br. (KB - 15 Sep 1942 - VF). VF MB $5.00 (1410)


155. Hawaii - Navy 14. Sender Marine Barracks NAS Navy 14. 6c air cancel US NAVY (KB - 4 Jun 1942 - F). Naval censor. F (1410)


156. Pacific Fleet. Sender Staff Commander Service Force. 6c air cancel US Navy (MC - 16 Dec 1944 - F). Naval Censor. With Xmas card. VF MB $5.00 (1410)


157. Seabees – New Hebrides (4). 4x Hand illustrated covers Sender C.B.D. 1007. All 6c air canc. U.S. Navy (KB Jul 1944 – F/VF). All Naval Censor. F/VF MB $50.00 (1412)


Lot 157


158. Seabees – Alaska. Sender 45th Const Batt C-2. 6c air canc. U.S. Navy (KB 7 May 1943 – VF). Naval Censor. VF (1410)


159. Seabees – Guam. Sender 49th Const Batt A4. 6c air canc. U.S. Navy (KB 7 Jan 1945 – VF). Naval Censor. VF (1410)


160. Seabees – Kwajalein. Sender 109th US NCB Hqrs Co. 6c air canc. U.S. Navy (KB 10 Mar 1944 – VF). Naval Censor. VF (1410)


161. Seabees – Mariana Islands. Sender 121st NCB. 6c air canc. U.S. Navy (KB 19 Mar 1945 – VF). Naval Censor. F (1410)


162. US Navy Bombers P/C. Sender Amphibian Forces - Solomon Br - Washington DC. Free franked canc. Jacksonville, Fla (MC 1943 – VF). VF (0909)


Lot 162


163. USCG – British Guinea. Sender USCG - Naval Air Facilities - Essequibo River Detail - British Guinea. 6c air canc. U.S. Navy (KB 23 Dec 1944 – Ave). Naval Censor. VF MB $5.00 (1410)


164. USNTS WAVES P/C. Sender US Naval Training School - Cedar Falls, Iowa. Free franked canc. US Navy (MC 12 Mar 1943 – VF). VF (0909)


Lot 164


165. USMC Marine Barracks. # 10 stationary USMC Post Exchange. 3c stp cancel Hingham, Mass. - Naval Ammunition Depot Sta (DPO - 19 Aug 1941 - F). F (0909)


166. USS Cleveland. Sender USS Cleveland. Special Delivery 16c stp canc. US Navy (KB 10 Aug 1943 – VF). Naval Censor. VF MB $5.00 (1410)


167. USS Texas. Sender USS Texas Div N. Free franked canc. US Navy (KB 25 Jun 1943 – VF). Naval Censor. VF (0900)




168. APO 901. Free franked – Sender HQ Co 931st E.A.B. APO 901. Cancel APO 901 (MC 9 May 55 – VF). Located Taegu ?, Korea. VF (0909) 169. APO 971. Free franked – Sender HQ 7th INF Div APO 7. Cancel APO (971) (MC 12 Aug 53 – # faint). Located Pusan, Korea. VF (0900)


169. APO 971. Free franked – Sender HQ 7th INF Div APO 7. Cancel APO (971) (MC 12 Aug 53 – # faint). Located Pusan, Korea. VF (0900)




170. APO 96240. Sender HHC 5th SF (AGN) 1st SF. Free Franked Canc. APO 96240 (MC 13 Dec 66 – F). Located Nha Trang, Vietnam. Ave (fold) (0909)


171. APO 96243. Sender 309th Air Commando Sqdn APO 96307. Free Franked Canc. APO 96243 (MC 8 Mar 68 – VF). Located Saigon, Vietnam. Ave (0909)


172. APO 96370. Free Franked Canc. Directory Service Given APO 96370 (17 Jun 69 – F). Located Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. F (fold) (0909)


173. APO 96602. Sender 1st Marine Div (Rein) FMF - R & R Center Freedom Hill - APO SF 96602. No postmark but letter dated 12 Nov 1969. Located Mobile Unit. F (0909)




174. Austria (6). 6 covers APO 58, 174 (2), 411, 541, 777. Late 40s. F/VF (0909)


175. Belgium (7). 7 covers APO 228 (2), 516, 562 (2), 776 (2). Post war 40s. F/VF (0909)


176. Brazil (3). 3 covers APO 676 (3). Late 40s. F/VF (0909)


177. Canada – CFPO 27. Forces Air letter Canadian stps canc. CFPO-27 (1964 – F/VF) in Nicosia, Cyprus. To CAPO 5047. VF (1411)


178. Canada – CFPO 42. P/C (Soest) Canadian stp canc. CFPO-42 (1965 – F) in Soest, Germany. VF (1411)


179. Canada – CFPO 42. Cover Canadian stp canc. CFPO-42 (1967 – Ave/F) in Soest, Germany. VF (1411)


180. Canada – CFPO 43. Cover Canadian stp canc. CFPO-43 (1977 – VF) in Lahr, Germany. VF (1411)


181. Canada – CFPO 44. Cover Canadian stp canc. CFPO-44 (19?? – Ave) in Lahr, Germany. VF (1411)


182. Canada – CFPO 105. P/C (Paris) Canadian stp canc. CFPO-105 (1953 – Ave/F) in France. To RCAF Portage la Prairie. F (1411)


183. Canada – CFPO 109. Cover from St Catharines ONT (1962) to CAPO 5052. Back boxed canc. CFPO 109 – General Delivery (Ave). In Metz, France. VF (1411)


184. Canada – CFPO 107. # 10 OHMS Cover Canadian stp canc. CFPO-107 (1961 – VF) in Bade Sollingen, Germany. VF (1411)


185. Canada – CFPO 108. # 10 OHMS Cover Canadian stp canc. CFPO-108 (1960 – F/VF) in Marville, France. VF (1411)


186. Canada – CFPO 108. #10 Cover Canadian stp canc. CFPO-108 (1976 – F) in Lahr, Germany. VF (1411)


187. Canada – CFPO 111. Forces Air letter Canadian stps canc. CFPO-111 (1963 – VF) in Decimomannu, Italy. To CAPO 5047. VF (1411)


188. Canada – CFPO 5000. Cover Canadian stp canc. CFPO-5000 (1972 – VF) in Lahr, Germany. VF (1411)


189. Canada – CFPO 5053. #10 Cover Canadian stp canc. CFPO-5053 (1956 – VF) in Paris, France. VF (1411)


190. Canada – CFPO 5055. Cover Canadian stp canc. CFPO-5055 {or 5056?}(1967 – Ave) in Zweibrucken, Germany. VF (1411)


191. Canada – CAPO 5055. Forces Air letter free franked NO cancel but handstamp “R CAPO 5055”. To CAPO 5052. Misc handstamps on back. In Zweibrucken, Germany. VF Philatelic (1411)


192. Canada – CFPO 5056. Cover Canadian stp canc. CFPO-5056 (1965 – Ave) in Baden Soellingen, Germany. VF (1411)


193. Canada – CFPO 5056. Cover Canadian stp canc. CFPO-5056 (197? – Ave) in Baden, Germany. VF (1411)


194. Canada – CFPO 5056. P/C (London) Canadian stp canc. CFPO-5056 (1976 – VF) in Baden, Germany. VF (1411)


195. Canada – RCAF Langar. Cover British meter RCAF Langar Notts England 1962 (F/VF). Handstamp of both RCAF Langar and RAF Ballykelly but no address? VF MB $5.00 (1411) PICT


196. France (12). 12 covers. APO 21, 6, 118, 129, 165, 167, 469, 507, 568, 655, 887, 891. All Post War. late 40s. Ave/VF (0909)


197. Germany – APO 755. Sender ISCB, OMG Berlin APO 755. 3c stp Canc. APO 755 (MC 1946 – VF). VF (0909)


198. Germany – APO 757-A. Sender Infor. Div. - HICOG - APO 757-A. 6c air Canc. APO 757 (MC 1952 – F). With letter. VF (0909)


199. Germany (15). 15 covers misc APOs from 40s/50s. Ave/VF (0909)


200. Germany (15). 15 covers misc APOs from 40s/50s. Ave/VF (0909)


201. Germany (15). 15 covers misc APOs from 40s/50s. Ave/VF (0909)


202. India (9). 9 covers APO 355, 389, 429, 465 (2), 466, 493 (2), 690. From Post War 40s. Ave/VF (0909)


203. Japan (15). 15 covers (3 #10) misc APOs from 40s/50s. Ave/VF (0909)


204. Japan (15). 15 covers (3 #10) misc APOs from 40s/50s. Ave/VF (0909)


205. Morocco (5). 5 covers APO 30, 118 (3) + Navy 214. All 50s. Ave/VF (0909)




206. Guantanamo Bay - Cuba. MS "Last day of Operation" + CC Navy Mail Clerk (signed). 2c stp canc. Miami, Fla - Naval Operating Base, Guantanamo, Cuba Br (KB 15 Oct 1947 – VF). Philatelic. VF (1410)


207. USMC Edenton SC. #10 commercial cover sender MGCIS-7 MAG-15. 3c canc. US Navy 12005 BR. (KB 1949 – VF) in Edenton, SC. F (0901)


MODERN MILITARY (after 1965)


208. Argentina – Official. #10+ Official “Armada Argentina” with military label “Serv. Correo Naval – M.P.” canc. Estafeta Central – Mar Del Plata – 29 JUL 2002. Handstamp “Armada Argentina – Submarino A.R.A. Suboficial Castillo”. VF MB $5.00 (0901)


209. KFOR Kosovo - APO 09340. Sender 313th AG Postal Co Det 2 - Camp Bondsteel, APO AE 09340. Free franked canc APO 09340 (KB - 13 Oct 2004 - F). VF (0901)


210. Op Iraqi Freedom - APO 09309. Free franked canc APO 09309 (KB - 7 Dec 2003 - VF). Located Al Udeid AB, Qatar. VF (0901)


211. Op Iraqi Freedom - APO 09325. Sender 23 D AG Co - FOB Kalsu, Iraq - APO 09312. Free franked canc APO 09325 (KB - 15 Nov 2005 - VF). Located in FOB Lima, South of Baghdad, Iraq. VF MB $5.00 (0901)


212. USS Aylwin / USS Forrestal. Cover 8c stp canc USS Aylwin addressed to US Forrestal. Forwarded to Tenn with back handstamp "Directory Service - USS Forrestal CVA-59". Philatelic VF (0909)




213. Patriotic Victory. Cacheted Patriotic (Victory). Sender 1st MAB APO 09502. Free franked cancel APO 09052 (KB - 27 Feb 1992 - F). VF Philatelic (0901)


214. Patriotic - USS America. Cacheted Patriotic (Victory). Free franked cancel US America (CV-66) (KB - 19 Mar 1992 - VF). VF Philatelic MB $5.00 (0901)


Lot 214




215. IFOR - Austria. Handstamp Fieldpostmaster - Beluga-Camp - 1502 Auslog. Austrian stp canc. Auslog IFOR 1502 - 30.8.96 (F). VF (0901)


216. IFOR - Germany. Handstamp Feldpost + GeConUNPF / GeConIFOR with map. German stp canc. Feldpost 7321 - 9.1.96 (VF) located in TROGIR (Croatia). VF MB $3.50 (0901)


217. IFOR - Norway. CC NORMEDCOY / IFOR - Feldpost 241 + Handstamp Normedcoy - Nordpolbde/IFOR. Norwegian stp canc. Feldpost IFOR III - 7.12.96 (VF). VF MB $6.00 (0901)


Lot 217


218. ISAF - Turkey. Handstamp ISAF TUA Peace Brigade. Turkish stp canc. Pasaport Izmir - 3.4.02 (VF). VF (0901)


219. SFOR Op Echo - Canada. Sender 43 (TF) Squadron - Op Echo - Aviano Italy. Signed by Pilot. Free franked canc UNITED NATIONS - UNIES - 02.12.98 (VF). VF (1412)


Lot 219


220. SFOR Op Echo - Canada. Sender 423 (TF) Squadron - Op Echo - Aviano Italy. Free franked canc UNITED NATIONS - UNIES - 03.11.98 (VF). VF (1412)


221. SFOR - Canada. Sender (handstamp) 3rd Battalion - Princes Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Signed. Free franked canc UNITED NATIONS - NATIONS UNIES - 22.03.1997 (VF). VF (1412)


222. SFOR - Germany. MS CC + Handstamp GeConSFOR (L) Feldpost 730 - Rajlovac . German stp canc. Feldpost 730 - 14.5.99 (VF) located in Rajlovac - BH. VF MB $3.00 (0901)


223. SFOR - Poland. Handstamp NORDIC Support SFOR Field Post. Polish Meter Warszawz 60 - 02.10.02. VF (0901)


224. UNAMIR - Canada. Cacheted "Canada salutes the R.C.M.P. on UN Operations (Walsh) cover. Free franked canc. UNITED NATIONS - UNIES - UNAMIR - 1995-09-6 (VF). Unaddressed. VF (1412)


225. UNDOF (Golan) - Austria. Handstamp Medical Officer UNDOF - AUSBATT. Austrian stp canc. UNDOF AUSBATT 1500 - 17.9.91 (F). VF (0901)


226. UNDOF (Golan) - Austria. Austrian stp canc. UNDOF AUSBATT 1500 - 8.6.(82?). + canc. United Nations Disengagement Observer Force - JUN 08 P.M. (VF - No year - PM instead?). VF MB $4.00 (0901)


227. UNDOF (Golan) - Canada. Sender Canadian Contingent UNDOF. Signed by Postmaster. Free franked canc. United Nations Disengagement Observer Force - 14-04-1997 (VF). VF (1412)


228. UNDOF (Golan) - Canada. Cacheted "Canadian Armed Forces honour the Canadian Posties on UN Operations" (Walsh) cover. Free franked canc. United Nations Disengagement Observer Force - 28-08-1995 (VF). Unaddressed. VF (1412)


229. UNEF - Denmark. UNEF Air Letter sender HQ Coy DANOR Bn. Handstamp STKMP/DFNK, hold XIV. Free franked canc. United Nations - Emergency Force 6 - 10 Sep 1963 (VF). Gaines # 200(h)6 in Gaza. VF MB $8.00 (0901)


230. UNEF - HQ Gaza. UNEF # 10 cover. Handstamps "Certified Official" + "P.I.O. HQ UNEF, GAZA". Free franked canc. United Nations * Emergency Force * - 2 DEC 1958 (VF - Early!). Gaines # 200(c). VF MB $8.00 (0901)


231. UNEF - Sweden. Swedish Aerogram canc. Svenska FN-Bataljonen * Egypten - 28.12.57 (VF - Early!). Gaines # 133(a) located in Gaza. VF MB $6.00 (0901)


232. UNEF II. #10 UNEF stationary. UN Stp canc United Nations New York - 10 Jun 1974 (VF). With UNEF letterhead dateline HQ Cairo. VF MB $6.00 (0901)


233. UNFICYP - Canada. Forces Air letter Canadian stp canc. CFPO-5001 (1965 – VF) in Cyprus. VF (1411)


234. UNIKOM - Canada. Sender Postmaster CANCON UNIKOM CFPO 5006. Canadian stp canc. CFPO-BPFC 5006 KPOK 3R0 (1991 – F) in Cyprus. F (fold) (1412)


235. UNMIH - Canada. Cacheted "Canada salutes the R.C.M.P. on UN Operations" (Walsh) cover. Free franked canc. UNITED NATIONS - UNIES - UNMIH - 1995-11-10 (VF). Unaddressed. VF (1412)


236. UNOSOM - Canada. Cacheted "HMCS PRESERVER - Op Deliverance - UN OP Somalia " cover. Canadian stp canc Fleet Mail Office - Halifax - 7 Apr 1993 (F). Unaddressed. VF (1412)


237. UNPROFOR – Belgium. Sender CC "UNPROFOR / BELBAT VI - HQ Coy - Det Jud - Osijek - Croatia. Free franked canc. UNITED NATIONS PROTECTION FORCE - 13 Jul 1994 (VF). VF MB $7.00 (0901)


Lot 237


238. UNPROFOR - Canada. Free franked canc. CFPO-BPFC 5003 - 6VII 1994 + UNITED NATIONS PROTECTION FORCE - 06-07-1994 (VF). Pasted label. F (1412)


239. UNPROFOR - Canada. Cacheted "In Memory of Canadian Forces Personnel who lost their lives on UN Operations" cover. Free franked canc. UNITED NATIONS PROTECTION FORCE - 09-08-1994 (VF). Unaddressed. VF (1412)


Lot 239


240. UNPROFOR - Canada. Handstamp "HMCS PRESERVER - FMO Halifax " cover. Signed by CO. Canadian stp canc Fleet Mail Office - Halifax - 16 Mar 1994 (VF). VF (1412)




241. Autograph Early Test Pilot Bob Downey. Cover Pict. canc. Kill Devil Hills 1978. Autograph Bob Downey. He was an early air racing pilot as well as a test pilot for Lockheed. Comes with certificate of authenticity. VF MB $10.00 (0901)


242. Autograph USS ARIZONA Survivor. 5 x 3 autographed by Donald G. Stratton. He was a Seaman 1/C and survived the attack. VF MB $15.00 (0901)


Lot 242


243. Juarez Pass (2). 2 small “Juarez Pass” from 4012th Maintenance Sq - 97th M & S Group, Biggs AFB, El Paso, TX. F (0900)


244. Sub Mint P/C (3). 3 mint P/C. USS Pollack SSN-603, USS Nautilus SSN-571 + USS Cincinnati SSN-693 info card. VF (0901)


245. U.S.S. Anchorage LSD-36 (4). Lot of 3 covers (1976 + 2x 1995) + 1 mint P/C. VF MB $4.00 (0901)


246. U.S.S. BENFOLD – Commissioning book 1996. U.S.S. Benfold (DDG-65) 88 pages letter size. VF MB $10.00 (0901)


247. U.S.S. Decatur DDG-31 – Welcome aboard. 8 pages. VF MB $4.00 (0901)


248. U.S.S. Sand Lance SsN-660 – Welcome aboard. 12 pages. VF MB $4.00 (0901)


249. U.S.S. Sterett CG-31 – Decommissioning Program. 24 pages. VF MB $6.00 (0901


250. U.S.S. Tinosa SSN-606 – Deactivation Ceremony Program. 16 pages. VF MB $5.00 (0901



Suggested (SB) or Reserve Bids (RES) are in general provided by the Seller
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Auction Manager.


Descriptions & Bidding

Envelopes are regular size unless described otherwise (#10 or bigger).
Franking: After WWII, all covers stamped unless otherwise stated. Official business covers don’t have postage unless otherwise stated. “6c air” has either a stamp or is stamped postal stationary.
For individual lots, I try to mention the quality of the cancel - in parenthesis (VF) - as well as the condition of the cover in general - at the end of the listing.

Abbreviation: MS = Manuscript -- Stp = Stamp — PC = Postcard -- Pict = Lot is pictured
Cancels: KB = Killer bar -- MC = Machine cancel — DR = Double ring (all purpose)
APO or Navy Br number is in the cancel unless specified otherwise.
V-Mails have been processed and are with envelopes unless stated otherwise.
MB = Minimum Bid -- SB = Suggested Bid (this is just a suggestion, not a minimum)

All bids to:

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Updated:March 10, 2014