Prices Realized List for MPHS Auction 215

This auction closed on June 10, 2020.

The auction listing information (containing these lot numbers) is located at:

Contact The Military Postal History Society at:

All prices realized are in US Dollars

1 $8

41 $11

101 $6

125 $4

221 $26

268 $8

2 $10

45 $4

102 $5

126 $20

222 $10

269 $14

5 $7.5

47 $6

103 $10

128 $7

223 $4

270 $14

7 $10

51 $6

104 $8

130 $7

227 $3

271 NB

8 $25

52 $2.5

105 $4

131- 200 NL

228 $6

272 $4

12 $8

56 $4

106 $4

201 $110

232 $8

273 $5

13 $9

57a $6*

107 $4

202 $15

233 $12

274 $4

14 $14

62 $3

108 $5

203 $15

238 $6

275 $4

15 $5

64 $6

109 $3

205 $45

241 $6

276 $4

18 $16

72 $6

110 $4

206 $19

246 $4

277 $10

20-25 NL

73 $4

111 $7.5

207 $11

247 $5

278 $8

26 $4

80 $8

112 $2.5

208 $15

248 NB

279 $4

28 $4

84 $14

113 $3

209 NB

249 $30

280 $4

29 $5

85 $22

114 $11

210 $16

250 $5

281 $4

30 $4

86 $8

115 $6

212 $12

252 $12

282 $4

31 $5

87 $8

116 $6

213 $20

255 $10

283 $4

32 $2.5

88 $5

117 $6

214 $9

256 $60

284 $8

33 $5

90 $4

118 $5

215 $20

257 $55

285 $4

34a $4

93 $2.5

119 $7.5

216 NB

258 $40

286 $4

35a $12

97 $4

120 $6

217 $17

260 $40

38 $15

*59 $3

121 $6

218 NB

39 $10

122 $6

219 $14

NL: no lot NB: no bid Lots not listed above are unsold and are available at one half the suggested/estimated bid (available lots include 34b, 35b, and 57b). Please contact the auction manager if you have an interest.

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