
President’s Message for 2022

Thank you for renewing your membership. This is an election year. All four officer positions, presidentvice president secretary and treasurer and seven directorsneed to be chosen. Per our Bylaws nominations will bemade by the Nominating Ballot Committee but are alsoopen to the membership at large. If you wish to serve, ornominate another contact me or …

New Propaganda-Related Articles Added to MPHS Website

The author of these articles, Herbert A. Friedman, has given the MPHS permission to reproduce their content on the MPHS website. We hope to add more of his articles in the future. The Operation Cornflakes article can be accessed at The British Black Propaganda article can be accessed at The OSS Black Propaganda …

MPHS Zoom Presentation, February 19, 2022

Your Society held a special Zoom presentation by MPHS member Kurt Stauffer on February 19, 2022. A very good international group of attendees was present. Several attendees provided useful feedback. Kurt’s presentation is entitled: “World War II Postal History of American Pow’s in Stalag 17B”. The original announcement text is available at:

MPHS Member Presented at APS “Stamp Chat” Video Seminar

The Military Postal History Society is Affiliate #19 of the American Philatelic Society and as such does have connections with the APS. The APS supports the sale of MPHS publications and hosted a Stamp Chat on December 14th that featured our Vice President Harold Krische. He presented on the subject of Christmas postcards from the …

MPHS Zoom Presentation, September 11, 2021

We enjoyed a special Zoom presentation by Robert Toombs on September 11, 2021. At least 18 people joined this MPHS Zoom session, many from outside the U. S. Robert’s presentation slides are available at: Ferry Command Presentation as a PDF File (21 megabytes) The original announcement text is available at: The description of this seminar …

BALPEX 2021: MPHS Presence and Zoom Presentation (updated)

BALPEX opened on Friday September 3rd, 2021. The Military Postal History Society hosted a Zoom meeting as part of the BALPEX presence. Topic: Presentation by Steve Berlin on Mail Robberies in Military Conflicts 1745-1945. This presentation is now over,  but Dr. Berlin’s slides are available on the MPHS website at: In addition to the online …

First MPHS Zoom Seminar, June 5, 2021

We are pleased to announce that the Military Postal History Society hosted its very first “Zoom” online seminar on June 5th 2021. This presentation featured Harold Kirsche’s exhibit on the Ninoshima Prison Camp in WW I. For members unfamiliar with Zoom, we have provided a PDF document with helpful information. It is located at: …

Military Postal History Exhibits provided by the Association of British Philatelic Societies

While looking over the exhibits on Virtual Stampex, I noticed two exhibits of military postal history: WWI Influence on Austro-Hungarian Postal Operations and, Field Post Systems on Czechoslovak Territory October 1918 to February 1919 by Mr Lubor Kunc Exhibits courtesy of: Association of British Philatelic Societies Welcome to the ABPS – the …