How To View MPHS Exhibit Pages (New Format)

screen display

For purposes of showing exhibit pages on our website, we are experimenting with various display technologies beyond the more typical PDF. In particular, we want to be sure that exhibit pages will be accessable using the small screen of a cell phone, as well as on the full computer screen.

Current Layout

When you view the "web" version of the exhibit pages for one of the more recent additions, such as Jerry Miller's German Intervention in China, you should see a grouping of small "thumbnails" of the exhibit pages. See the image at the top of this page for an example.

Each of those images can be clicked, which will display a nearly full-screen version of the exhibit page. For many readers, this version should be quite readable. You should be able to "zoom in" or out to see greater detail and wording of the exhibit text.

However, what you see is not the "best" version we have on the website. If you click on the nearly-full-page, you will be sent to the best page image we can supply on the website. You should also be able to "zoom in" on this larger image and see better detail, particularly of the machine cancellations. Which is the intention of your Society's web master. Enjoy!

More Links

Military Postal History Exhibits

Educational and Research Items

Main MPHS Webpage

Updated 6 December 2024

Page Layout Design Made Possible by: water css

Web pages designed and executed by The Swanson Group