Military Mail: Korean War (Frame 7)
This web page, published by the Military Postal History Society, contains images of Frame 7 of the Korean War exhibit pages created by Bob Collins. They are reproduced and distributed to the public with his permission.
To view the text within these images, see: web page containing the text content of exhibit frame 7.
Updated 1/22/2018
POW Camp 4 Mail -- POW Camp 4 Mail Small Dove Propaganda Lettersheet -- POW Camp # 5 Mail Large Dove Propaganda Lettersheet -- POW Camp # 5 Mail -- POW Camp # 5 Mail Turned Cover -- POW Camp # 5 Mail -- POW Camp # 5 Mail -- POW Camp # 5 Mail -- POW Camp # 6 mail - Major General Dean mail -- POW Camp People's Republic of China for downed U.S. Airmen -- POW Camp People's Republic of China for downed U.S. Airmen -- POW Camp People's Republic of China for downed U.S. Airmen -- POW Camp People's Republic of China for downed U.S. Airmen -- POW Camp People's Republic of China for downed U.S. Airmen -- POW Camp People's Republic of China for downed U.S. Airmen -- POW Camp People's Republic of China for downed U.S. Airmen