Exhibit -- Allied Plebiscite Activity in the Saar Territory, 1935

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Saar:Allied Plebiscite Activity in the Saar Territory, 1935 [Author: Alfred F. Kugel]. This exhibit illustrates mail sent by plebiscite personnel assigned to the Saar Territory in the mid-1930s to determine whether the inhabitants wished to be reunited with Germany, continue to be administered by the League of Nations, or be annexed to France. The number of people involved in these polling processes was relatively small, and their assignment time-wise was relatively short.

Electronic Content

There are three sets of files, each file representing the single frame of this exhibit. The first set is a searchable PDF file, which can be read by the Adobe Acrobat Reader (tm). You should be able to read the file on any computer that can handle larger files and images. For more information about PDF files, please review the MPHS description page for PDF files.

The second set contains the same single frame, made available for direct viewing on the Military Postal History Society website. To view the exhibit pages, simply click on the HTML link below.

The third set contains the same exhibit content, but as a web page with only the text from the exhibit.

Searchable PDF File

Single Frame Set  [6.2 Megabytes]

HTML for Online Viewing

Single Frame Set

Webpage of Frame Text

Single Frame Set

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