Using PayPal to Pay Membership Dues and/or Purchase MPHS E-Publications

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The Military Postal History Society accepts payment through the PayPal (tm) online payment system for:

PayPal Payments for all of these purchases can now be directed to a single PayPal address:


NOTE: Do NOT use the above address for sending email. It is to be used only for PayPal payments!

When making a PayPal payment, please include a note as to the purpose of the payment, such as "new member", "renewal", or "E-book purchase".

This web page describes some simple "how to" points for successfully using this money transfer system.

Introduction to PayPal

This commercial company was founded to make it easier to transfer money between people and businesses using the Internet. In a way, they are a bank, but a bank that allows transfers world-wide.

PayPal Acceptance Mark

Already Have a Paypal Account?

If you already have an account with PayPal, you can skip the following discussion.

Setting Up a PayPal Account

You need to set up an account with PayPal, before you can send money to the MPHS. It is recommended that you set up only the free Basic "Personal" account.

When you set up an account you need to provide information about your bank account (from which money will be taken) and/or a credit card (from which money will be taken). There is more information at the following very helpful website that takes you through the steps for signing up for PayPal.

You should also read the "help" web pages on the PayPal website, and become familiar with the company's policies. These types of transactions involve money, and should be treated seriously.

As is usual with internet shopping systems, you need to create a user account with a password. In this case it is very important that you create the most secure password setup that you can, since the PayPal system has access to your banking and/or credit card information.

Paying the Society

After you log into your PayPal account, you will see a page much like this:

paypal website

You want to click on one of the "Send Money" icons, or use the "Pay and Get Paid" menu entry near the top. (Wording of the menus may vary.)

NOTE: do not send email to the mphspaymentscjdjfgj666@attxekj3kjekjkj8.netsvhdh3h5u6ttg address. This is to be used only for directing money to MPHS in your PayPal transactions!

When you have completed the purchase, you should print out the confirmation screen from the PayPal website. You will receive a confirming email from PayPal, as well, which should be printed, and saved in a secure place.

More Links

The Join the MPHS! Page

The Military Postal History Society publications web page

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Updated: 13 February 2025