MPHS Collaborative Efforts at PIPEX 2024

The PIPEX leadership team were fully supportive of efforts that organized two collaborative sessions involving all of the convening societies for the May 3-5, 2024 Exhibition held in Clackamas, Oregon. Initial discussions commenced 8 months prior to the show and the first zoom meeting with representatives of the convening societies was held in November of 2023. Society representatives from the Auxiliary Markings Club, The Rhodesia Study Circle, Society for Czechoslovak Philately and the Military Postal History Society discussed numerous useful focal points for the two sessions and eventually directed attention to the following:

The first session was scheduled before the start of the show on the first day as it was intended to be specific to the members of the specific convening societies and to not interfere with access to the show itself. The second session was open to the public. Each session was 90 minutes in length involving extensive discussion, presentations and handouts, such as:

Feedback received on the sessions from the PIPEX team and convening societies was positive and included the following comments:

References were made at each of the sessions to the emerging focus points and directions of the Collaboration Crew. Interest in the work of Collaboration Crew was evident with several questions and one convening society member even asked how he might become part of such an important group.

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Updated 24 June 2024