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The articles have recently been organized under topic headings.
First of all, NOTE this extensive 33-page article, originally published by the American Philatelic Society. The authors are MPHS members Ed Dubin and Al Kugel, with the title being America's involvement in the First World War.
Also by Al Kugel, The disintegration of the Hohenzollern Empire 1918–1923 (Article is at the National Postal Museum Website. Look for page 7 of this 200+ page PDF file.)
Lesser Known American WWI Postal History 1914 to 1920 - by Ed Dubin
WWI Volunteer Ambulance Drivers - by Ed Dubin
Princess Matoika and the Doors She Can Open - by Dave Kent
Austria-Hungarian Naval Aviation on the Adriatic during World War 1 - by Alfred F. Kugel
Austria-Hungary's Vistula Flotilla in World War 1 - by Alfred F. Kugel
We are proud to host the Roster of U. S. Army Soldiers in North Russia, 1918-1919 by Howard L. Weinert, who has generously provided the roster to the Society.
American Friends Service Committee World War I European Relief Work by Ed Dubin (Published by the APS, April 2012)
The First Marine Defense Battalion at Pearl Harbor - by Alfred F. Kugel (Published by the APS, April 2012)
How Another WWII Undercover Address in Lisbon is 'Uncovered' - by Ed Fraser
Chronicle of a Dangerous Time: William J. Batura's Event Covers, September-November 1941 by Lawrence Sherman (Published by the APS, April 2012)
SGM Herbert A. Friedman (Ret.) has given the MPHS
permission to reprint his articles on propaganda mail
(and mail-like) material. Three articles follow:
Poison Cornflakes for Breakfast (WW II)
The World War II OSS Black Propaganda Postcards
British Black Propaganda Postcards of WWII
The U.S. Civil War in Contemporary Illustrated Material by Eliot Landau (Published by the APS, April 2012)
United Nations - UNIFIL - Lebanon
Counterfeit Christmas Cards by SGM Herbert A. Friedman
Two similar articles about Guam Mail by Al Kugel follow:
Guam Island Mail 1899-1904 the Overprinted Stamps - by Alfred F. Kugel
Guam Island Mail, 1899–1904 by Al Kugel
(Published by the APS, April 2012)
The MPHS provided feature articles for the American Philatelist issue for April 2012. (Those articles are also linked from this page. See also: The Introduction written by President Tony Brooks)
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Updated 12 February 2025