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The Military Postal History Society Bulletin Information for 2003

WINTER 2003 - Vol 42 No 1

Iwo Jima

The first letter mailed home by then-Capt. Dave Severance, who commanded the Iwo Jima flag raisers, after his company landed on Iwo Jima on Feb. 19, 1945.

Articles in this issue are:

  • Austro-Hungarian Naval Aviation on the Adriatic
  • APO/FPO Openings/Closings
  • Bill Maudlin Dies at 81
  • Crockery Fleet and Ice Cream
  • First Airborne Army
  • The Pig War
  • RAF Retreat from Burma
  • Standing into Mines
  • WESPTEX Convention Report
  • Philatelic Militaria

The issue includes a number of news columns, Classified Ads, several book reviews, show reports, and articles of current Society business news.

SPRING 2003 - Vol 42 No 2

Operation Iraqi Freedom

Operation Iraqi Freedom mail from Marine Attack Squadron (VMA) 542 flying from the helicopter carrier USS Bataan.

Articles in this issue are:

  • Addendum to "Prelude to Operation Uphold Democracy"
  • APO/FPO Openings/Closings
  • Auction Sale #173
  • Mail from APOs to Foreign Desinations
  • Somali Coast Air Mail in WW II
  • Stars and Strife -- Fort Missoula Alien Detention Center
  • Unterseeboot U-505
  • The Yunnan Force

The issue includes a number of news columns, Classified Ads, several book reviews, show reports, and articles of current Society business news.

SUMMER 2003 - Vol 42 No 3

mre cover from iraq

Mail from a former business colleague of our President made from MRE (Meal Ready to Eat) pack used in Iraq.

Articles in this issue are:

  • AEF Update
  • APO/FPO Openings/Closings
  • British POW in Malaya
  • The Jewish Brigade Group
  • Late WW II POW Mail to Germany via Switzerland
  • Neutral National Supervisory Commission in Korea
  • Prelude to Operation Uphold Democracy
  • Smaller than Standard
  • V-Mail from USS Texas
  • Stars and Strife - "This is the Army"

The issue includes a number of news columns, Classified Ads, several book reviews, show reports, and articles of current Society business news.

FALL 2003 - Vol 42 No 4

Navy and Marine Post Offices

Details of new book on Post Office Locations

Articles in this issue are:

  • Addendum to "Prelude to Operation Uphold Democracy"
  • APO/FPO Openings/Closings
  • Auction Sale #173
  • Mail from APOs to Foreign Desinations
  • Somali Coast Air Mail in WW II
  • Stars and Strife -- Fort Missoula Alien Detention Center
  • Unterseeboot U-505
  • The Yunnan Force

The issue includes a number of news columns, Classified Ads, several book reviews, show reports, and articles of current Society business news.

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Updated March 7, 2020