Mini-Presentations are also available on the MPHS website.
Each of the following longer presentations cover a particular topic among the many possible subjects of military postal history. Most of these presentations were created by members of the Military Postal History Society, and have been given at various stamp shows, symposia, and exhibitions. The Society solicits additional presentations from its members. See the Submittal Guidelines for information on how to submit your articles and material for posting on this website.
These presentations were for the most part created with PowerPoint (tm), but have been converted into files that are readable online and do not depend on the PowerPoint program. In particular, we have provided PDF files of each presentation, as well as a set of web pages with images of the presentation slides.
Some of the recently-posted presentations are available formatted for e-readers. We have created files in both Kindle (tm) and EPUB formats.
(Presentation made by Harold Krische Presented in a Zoom meeting of the Philatelic Specialist Society of Canada, October 18, 2023.) by Harold Krische
(Presented for the New York Collectors' Club 20 September 2023.) by Jan Hofmeyr
(Presented as part of BALPEX, 2021, shared with MPHS in a Zoom seminar) by Dr. Steven J. Berlin
(Presented in a Zoom Seminar for MPHS, September 11, 2021) by Robert Toombs
(Presented at The Smithsonian Postal History Symposium, 1 November 2018) by Harold Krische
(Presented At SMITHSONIAN POStAL HISTORY SYMPOSIUM 1 November 2018) by Ravindra Vora
by Ed Dubin
by Ravindra Vora
by Regis Hoffman and Thomas Richards
by R. Timothy Bartshe
by Sergio Lugo
by Harry K. Charles, Jr., Ph. D.
Members of the Society have created some Mini-Presentations of Military Postal History. These are quick mini-presentations that run entirely in your web browser, with no additional software needed. They are short (5-8 slides), and cover a purposely limited aspect of an area of military postal history. Try one!
For information about electronic document formats, see the following:
the PDF information page,
the EPUB information page , and
the Kindle (tm) information page.
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Updated: 1 January 2025