Al Kugel Exhibits, Grouped by Country


Ottoman Forerunner Postmarks of the 20th Century

Aegean Islands

Ottoman Forerunner Postmarks of the 20th Century


European Boundary Commission Activity on the Aftermath of World War I.
The Expansion of Italy Following World War I 1918-1926
The Expansion of Serbia 1876 to 1921
Ottoman Forerunner Postmarks of the 20th Century
The Postal History of Montenegro 1874 -- 1922


The Expansion of Serbia 1876 to 1921


United States International Registration Labels


Ottoman Forerunner Postmarks of the 20th Century
United States Intervention in South Russia After the First World War, 1919-1922


Australian Forces in the Boxer Uprising
The 'Prexies' Go To War


The Break-Up of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1918-1923
British Empire Intervention in the Central Powers During World War I and Its Aftermath
European Boundary Commission Activity on the Aftermath of World War I.
The Expansion of Italy Following World War I 1918-1926
German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory
The Postal History of Montenegro 1874 -- 1922

Austro-Hungarian Empire

The Break-Up of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1918-1923


Ottoman Forerunner Postmarks of the 20th Century


The Expansion of Serbia 1876 to 1921
Polish Forces in Exile During and Following World War II


German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory


European Boundary Commission Activity on the Aftermath of World War I.
German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory
Mail of the Congress of Versailles, 1919 (re-scanned)
U.S. Naval Shore Bases in Europe 1917-1919


British Empire Intervention in the Central Powers During World War I and Its Aftermath
European Boundary Commission Activity on the Aftermath of World War I.
The Expansion of Serbia 1876 to 1921
German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory
Ottoman Forerunner Postmarks of the 20th Century


$2.00 to $5.00 Postage Stamps of the United States & Its Possessions 1893 - 1938
The ALCan Highway Project
Panama Canal Zone Registered Mail, The Early Years 1905-1922
Polish Forces in Exile During and Following World War II

Canal Zone

Panama Canal Zone Registered Mail, The Early Years 1905-1922

Caroline Islands

The Germans in the Pacific Postmarks and Unusual Items
The Rising Sun -- Japanese Expansion from 1894 to 1941


$2.00 to $5.00 Postage Stamps of the United States & Its Possessions 1893 - 1938
Australian Forces in the Boxer Uprising
The Germans in the Pacific Postmarks and Unusual Items
Mail of the Congress of Versailles, 1919 (re-scanned)
Postal History of the American Forces in China 1900-1941
The Rising Sun -- Japanese Expansion from 1894 to 1941
United States Intervention in Siberia During and After the First World War
United States Postal Agencies in the Far East 1867 - 1899


British Empire Intervention in the Central Powers During World War I and Its Aftermath


American Mail Agencies in Latin America 1922 - 1942


United States International Registration Labels


The French in the Levant 1915 - 1944


The Expansion of Italy Following World War I 1918-1926
The Expansion of Serbia 1876 to 1921


The Expansion of Serbia 1876 to 1921


United States Intervention in South Russia After the First World War, 1919-1922


American Mail Agencies in Latin America 1922 - 1942
Remember the Maine! America's War with Spain and its Aftermath
United States International Registration Labels


The Break-Up of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1918-1923
European Boundary Commission Activity on the Aftermath of World War I.


British Empire Intervention in the Central Powers During World War I and Its Aftermath
The French in the Levant 1915 - 1944


Allied Plebiscite Activities in Germany, 1920-1921

East Africa

German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory


British Empire Intervention in the Central Powers During World War I and Its Aftermath
The French in the Levant 1915 - 1944
Ottoman Forerunner Postmarks of the 20th Century
Polish Forces in Exile During and Following World War II


Allied Forces in the Baltic Area in the Aftermath of World War I
German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory


The 'Prexies' Go To War


Allied Forces in the Baltic Area in the Aftermath of World War I
German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory
Mail of the Congress of Versailles, 1919 (re-scanned)


The Expansion of Italy Following World War I 1918-1926


Allied Forces in the Baltic Area in the Aftermath of World War I
Allied Plebiscite Activities in Germany, 1920-1921
The British Main Line Military Railway Post Office in Europe in 1919
European Boundary Commission Activity on the Aftermath of World War I.
The Expansion of Serbia 1876 to 1921
The French in the Levant 1915 - 1944
German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory
Mail of the Congress of Versailles, 1919 (re-scanned)
Over There, U.S. Forces Abroad in WWI and its Aftermath
Panama Canal Zone Registered Mail, The Early Years 1905-1922
Polish Forces in Exile During and Following World War II
The Postal History of Montenegro 1874 -- 1922
U.S. Naval Shore Bases in Europe 1917-1919


The French in the Levant 1915 - 1944


German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory
Ottoman Forerunner Postmarks of the 20th Century
United States Intervention in South Russia After the First World War, 1919-1922


$2.00 to $5.00 Postage Stamps of the United States & Its Possessions 1893 - 1938
Allied Forces in the Baltic Area in the Aftermath of World War I
Allied Plebiscite Activities in Germany, 1920-1921
Allied Plebiscite Activity in the Saar Territory, 1935
British Empire Intervention in the Central Powers During World War I and Its Aftermath
The British Main Line Military Railway Post Office in Europe in 1919
German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory
The Germans in the Pacific Postmarks and Unusual Items
Mail of the Congress of Versailles, 1919 (re-scanned)
Over There, U.S. Forces Abroad in WWI and its Aftermath
Panama Canal Zone Registered Mail, The Early Years 1905-1922
The Rising Sun -- Japanese Expansion from 1894 to 1941
The U. S. Intervention in Northern Mexico
U.S. Naval Shore Bases in Europe 1917-1919
United States International Registration Labels

Great Britain

British Empire Intervention in the Central Powers During World War I and Its Aftermath
The French in the Levant 1915 - 1944


European Boundary Commission Activity on the Aftermath of World War I.
The Expansion of Serbia 1876 to 1921
Mail of the Congress of Versailles, 1919 (re-scanned)
Ottoman Forerunner Postmarks of the 20th Century


Remember the Maine! America's War with Spain and its Aftermath


$2.00 to $5.00 Postage Stamps of the United States & Its Possessions 1893 - 1938
Remember the Maine! America's War with Spain and its Aftermath


British Empire Intervention in the Central Powers During World War I and Its Aftermath
Mail of the Congress of Versailles, 1919 (re-scanned)
Ottoman Forerunner Postmarks of the 20th Century

Hong Kong

Remember the Maine! America's War with Spain and its Aftermath


The Break-Up of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1918-1923
British Empire Intervention in the Central Powers During World War I and Its Aftermath
European Boundary Commission Activity on the Aftermath of World War I.
The Expansion of Serbia 1876 to 1921
German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory
Polish Forces in Exile During and Following World War II


Polish Forces in Exile During and Following World War II


Polish Forces in Exile During and Following World War II


British Empire Intervention in the Central Powers During World War I and Its Aftermath
German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory
Ottoman Forerunner Postmarks of the 20th Century
Polish Forces in Exile During and Following World War II


U.S. Naval Shore Bases in Europe 1917-1919


Allied Plebiscite Activities in Germany, 1920-1921
Allied Plebiscite Activity in the Saar Territory, 1935
The Break-Up of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1918-1923
European Boundary Commission Activity on the Aftermath of World War I.
The Expansion of Italy Following World War I 1918-1926
The Expansion of Serbia 1876 to 1921
German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory
Mail of the Congress of Versailles, 1919 (re-scanned)
Polish Forces in Exile During and Following World War II
The Postal History of Montenegro 1874 -- 1922


Allied Plebiscite Activities in Germany, 1920-1921
European Boundary Commission Activity on the Aftermath of World War I.
Mail of the Congress of Versailles, 1919 (re-scanned)
The 'Prexies' Go To War
Remember the Maine! America's War with Spain and its Aftermath
The Rising Sun -- Japanese Expansion from 1894 to 1941
United States Intervention in Siberia During and After the First World War
United States Postal Agencies in the Far East 1867 - 1899
Wake Island Mail 1933 - 1945


The Germans in the Pacific Postmarks and Unusual Items
The Rising Sun -- Japanese Expansion from 1894 to 1941


The 'Prexies' Go To War
The Rising Sun -- Japanese Expansion from 1894 to 1941


British Empire Intervention in the Central Powers During World War I and Its Aftermath

Kurile Islands

The Rising Sun -- Japanese Expansion from 1894 to 1941


Allied Forces in the Baltic Area in the Aftermath of World War I
German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory


British Empire Intervention in the Central Powers During World War I and Its Aftermath
The French in the Levant 1915 - 1944
Ottoman Forerunner Postmarks of the 20th Century


British Empire Intervention in the Central Powers During World War I and Its Aftermath
The French in the Levant 1915 - 1944
Polish Forces in Exile During and Following World War II


Ottoman Forerunner Postmarks of the 20th Century


Allied Forces in the Baltic Area in the Aftermath of World War I
German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory

Luxembourg Romania

German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory


The Rising Sun -- Japanese Expansion from 1894 to 1941

Mariana Islands

The Germans in the Pacific Postmarks and Unusual Items

Marshall Islands

The Germans in the Pacific Postmarks and Unusual Items


The U. S. Intervention in Northern Mexico
U. S. Intervention in Vera Cruz, 1914
United States International Registration Labels


The Expansion of Serbia 1876 to 1921


The Expansion of Italy Following World War I 1918-1926
Ottoman Forerunner Postmarks of the 20th Century
The Postal History of Montenegro 1874 -- 1922

New Caledonia

The 'Prexies' Go To War

New Guinea

The Germans in the Pacific Postmarks and Unusual Items

New Hebrides

The 'Prexies' Go To War

New Zealand

United States International Registration Labels


The 'Prexies' Go To War

Oltre Giuba

The Expansion of Italy Following World War I 1918-1926

Ottoman Empire

British Empire Intervention in the Central Powers During World War I and Its Aftermath
The Expansion of Italy Following World War I 1918-1926
The French in the Levant 1915 - 1944


British Empire Intervention in the Central Powers During World War I and Its Aftermath
The Expansion of Italy Following World War I 1918-1926
The French in the Levant 1915 - 1944
German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory
Ottoman Forerunner Postmarks of the 20th Century


German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory
Ottoman Forerunner Postmarks of the 20th Century


$2.00 to $5.00 Postage Stamps of the United States & Its Possessions 1893 - 1938
Remember the Maine! America's War with Spain and its Aftermath
Spanish-American War, 1898
United States International Registration Labels


Allied Forces in the Baltic Area in the Aftermath of World War I
Allied Plebiscite Activities in Germany, 1920-1921
The Break-Up of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1918-1923
German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory
Mail of the Congress of Versailles, 1919 (re-scanned)
U.S. Naval Shore Bases in Europe 1917-1919


$2.00 to $5.00 Postage Stamps of the United States & Its Possessions 1893 - 1938
Mail of the Congress of Versailles, 1919 (re-scanned)
U.S. Naval Shore Bases in Europe 1917-1919

Puerto Rico

Remember the Maine! America's War with Spain and its Aftermath


The Break-Up of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1918-1923
The Expansion of Serbia 1876 to 1921
German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory
Mail of the Congress of Versailles, 1919 (re-scanned)
Ottoman Forerunner Postmarks of the 20th Century
Polish Forces in Exile During and Following World War II


The Expansion of Serbia 1876 to 1921
German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory
Over There, U.S. Forces Abroad in WWI and its Aftermath
The Rising Sun -- Japanese Expansion from 1894 to 1941
United States Intervention in North Russia During and After the First World War
United States Intervention in Siberia During and After the First World War
United States Intervention in South Russia After the First World War, 1919-1922


The Germans in the Pacific Postmarks and Unusual Items


The Break-Up of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1918-1923
European Boundary Commission Activity on the Aftermath of World War I.
The Expansion of Serbia 1876 to 1921
German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory
Mail of the Congress of Versailles, 1919 (re-scanned)
Ottoman Forerunner Postmarks of the 20th Century


The Rising Sun -- Japanese Expansion from 1894 to 1941
United States Intervention in Siberia During and After the First World War


The Break-Up of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1918-1923


United States International Registration Labels

Soviet Union

Polish Forces in Exile During and Following World War II


U.S. Naval Shore Bases in Europe 1917-1919


Allied Plebiscite Activity in the Saar Territory, 1935
Polish Forces in Exile During and Following World War II


Polish Forces in Exile During and Following World War II
The Postal History of Montenegro 1874 -- 1922


British Empire Intervention in the Central Powers During World War I and Its Aftermath
The French in the Levant 1915 - 1944
German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory
Ottoman Forerunner Postmarks of the 20th Century

The Netherlands

Allied Plebiscite Activity in the Saar Territory, 1935


British Empire Intervention in the Central Powers During World War I and Its Aftermath
German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory
Ottoman Forerunner Postmarks of the 20th Century


The Expansion of Italy Following World War I 1918-1926


The Expansion of Serbia 1876 to 1921


British Empire Intervention in the Central Powers During World War I and Its Aftermath
The Expansion of Italy Following World War I 1918-1926
The Expansion of Serbia 1876 to 1921
The French in the Levant 1915 - 1944
German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory
Ottoman Forerunner Postmarks of the 20th Century
United States Intervention in South Russia After the First World War, 1919-1922


$2.00 to $5.00 Postage Stamps of the United States & Its Possessions 1893 - 1938
Allied Forces in the Baltic Area in the Aftermath of World War I
Allied Plebiscite Activities in Germany, 1920-1921
Allied Plebiscite Activity in the Saar Territory, 1935
British Empire Intervention in the Central Powers During World War I and Its Aftermath
The British Main Line Military Railway Post Office in Europe in 1919
European Boundary Commission Activity on the Aftermath of World War I.
The Expansion of Serbia 1876 to 1921
The French in the Levant 1915 - 1944
Mail of the Congress of Versailles, 1919 (re-scanned)
Panama Canal Zone Registered Mail, The Early Years 1905-1922
Polish Forces in Exile During and Following World War II
The Postal History of Montenegro 1874 -- 1922
The 'Prexies' Go To War
U.S. Naval Shore Bases in Europe 1917-1919
United States Intervention in North Russia During and After the First World War


$2.00 to $5.00 Postage Stamps of the United States & Its Possessions 1893 - 1938
The ALCan Highway Project
Allied Forces in the Baltic Area in the Aftermath of World War I
Allied Plebiscite Activities in Germany, 1920-1921
Mail of the Congress of Versailles, 1919 (re-scanned)
Panama Canal Zone Registered Mail, The Early Years 1905-1922
Postal History of the American Forces in China 1900-1941
The 'Prexies' Go To War
Remember the Maine! America's War with Spain and its Aftermath
Spanish-American War, 1898
The U. S. Intervention in Northern Mexico
U. S. Intervention in Vera Cruz, 1914
U.S. Naval Shore Bases in Europe 1917-1919
United States International Registration Labels
United States Intervention in North Russia During and After the First World War
United States Intervention in Siberia During and After the First World War
United States Intervention in South Russia After the First World War, 1919-1922
United States Postal Agencies in the Far East 1867 - 1899
The US Army and Its Postal Service Abroad During World War 2 (APO)
Wake Island Mail 1933 - 1945


The Break-Up of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1918-1923
German World War I Military and Occupation Mail from Allied and Enemy Territory

Wake Island

Wake Island Mail 1933 - 1945


British Empire Intervention in the Central Powers During World War I and Its Aftermath
Ottoman Forerunner Postmarks of the 20th Century


Over There, U.S. Forces Abroad in WWI and its Aftermath

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