American Flag Machine Cancel Usage at the Great Lakes Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Illinois
First World War Period, 1917-1919
by Bob Swanson
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About This Presentation
- Examples of the American flag canceling machine have been seen used from the Great Lakes Naval Training Station during the First World War (1917-1919)
- Each cancel type (per Langford) will be illustrated with dates of known usage
- There is a major mystery
regarding dates of usage for these flags vs the "Great Lakes" handstamp
- Collector input is vitally important and always requested
'Great Lakes Receiving Ship' in Flag (Type A-38)
American Flag Machine (Langford Type A-38) with 'Great Lakes Receiving Ship' in Flag
'Great Lakes Receiving Ship' in Flag (Type A-38)
- The flag contains the lettering "Great Lakes Receiving Ship"
- Seen used from 5/4/18 to 9/30/18
- Unverified reports of an item dated 1/26/18
- This flag re-appears on mail in the period 1920-22
'U. S. Receiving Ship' in Flag (Type A-38)
American Flag Machine (Langford Type A-38) with 'U. S. Receiving Ship' in Flag
'U. S. Receiving Ship' in Flag (Type A-38)
- The flag contains the lettering "U. S. Receiving Ship"
- Seen used from 10/15/18 to 12/30/19
- Note that Great Lakes returned to using the "Great Lakes Receiving Ship" cancel
in 1920
Plain (No Die Space) Flag (Langford Type A-14)
American Flag Machine (Langford Type A-14) with Simple No-Diespace flag
Plain (No Die Space) Flag (Langford Type A-14)
- The flag cancel is the simple design with no die-space
- Seen only from 10/1/18 to 10/14/18
- Due to 14-day use, it is highly sought-after by collectors
Hand Cancel Mystery
Duplex Handstamp of Great Lakes, Illinois
Hand Cancel Mystery
- A duplex handstamp was used before the American flag cancel
- Seen or reported from (EKU) 5/4/17, through May, then July, August, and December, 1917
- See the next slide
regarding a major time gap in usages!
Conclusion, Mysteries, and a Challenge to Collectors
- Mystery: A Great Lakes, Illinois, handstamp
was used before the American flag cancel
- Based on the usages seen or reported, there is a major gap in dates of mail from Great Lakes between the handstamp and American flag machine, roughly from August 1917 to May, 1918.
- Tens of thousands of sailors were training there during this time.
- Where is that mail, and how was it handled?
Flag types designated by the late Frederick Langford in his Flag Cancel Encyclopedia
Cancelation examples from the collection of Bob Swanson
Mini-Presentation updated 11 March 2020
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