Book Cover
This new book, published by the Military Postal History Society in America is a collection of articles by Kevin Lowther, which have previously appeared in major philatelic journals in the USA.
Kevin Lowther is one of America’s leading philatelic writers and a published historian. The book does not dwell on battles or military strategy but focuses on Americans who were caught up in the war in a variety of roles.
Each article gives an insight into how they and their families at home were affected by the war.
It is illustrated by philatelic material and ephemera and tells how the mail was essential to communicate between the AEF in France and those at home. It includes those Americans who joined the Canadian forces early in the war and doctors and nurses with the British army.
It is a very easy read for anyone interested in the subject and the human element. It is available in soft cover form only from the American Philatelic Society, US$60 (for non-members of APS, $54 for members) plus shipping.
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Ordering Information at the MPHS Publications Page
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