Table of Contents (click to open/close)

Table of Contents

All Document IndexesNumbered Army & Air Force Post Office Locations -- Volume 1 BPOs, PRSs, & Regular Post Offices 1941-1964
IntroductionNumbered Army & Air Force Post Office Locations - 7th Edition Volume 2: Temporary APOs, 1941-1947
We Build, We Fight: SeabeesNumbered Navy & Marine Corps Post Office Locations - Seventh Edition - Volume 3
The AEF in the BEFWorld War II U.S. Censor Enclosure Slips and Return-to-Sender Labels
US Air Service in the British Isles 1917-1919Greetings: Postal History of the Selective Service and the Draft 1917 to 1976
The Postal History of the AEF, 1917 - 1923, Second editionWar Ballots: Military Voting from the Civil War to WWII
Combat and Special Assignments of US Navy PT Boats During World War Two

Numbered Army & Air Force Post Office Locations -- Volume 1 BPOs, PRSs, & Regular Post Offices 1941-1964

by Russ Carter

[Numbered Army & Air Force Post Office Locations -- Volume 1]

Book Cover

The 7th Edition of the Military Postal History Society's listings of military post offices is now available. Due to the amount of new information since the last edition, the book has been split into several volumes. This, the first of these volumes, deals only with the numbered permanent Army post offices from World War II until the start of the ZIP era. Many corrections have been made in this edition. The large number of additions is the result of extensive research in the National Archives and the Center For Military History along with the input from Society members.

Besides many new dates and locations, there are entries for APOs previously not known along with previously many unrecorded branches.

Some examples are: the previous edition had 34 Base Post Office entries while the new edition has 88 entries plus information on BPO detachments; the 1st BPO which had 2 lines now lists 25 lines and now known to be 3 different units; APO 196, which was on a ship, was listed with 5 locations and now lists 12 locations; APO 999, which previously had 4 sub unit entries now has 16 entries Changes and additions to Canadian, Alaskan, and Central American APOs is especially strong.

Many new APOs in India and post war Germany have been added. The section on APOs % PM Los Angeles is the most comprehensive and detailed listing ever published.

The book opens with an introductory chapter on the history of the Army Postal System, and how it worked with such things as listings of APOs used in US maneuvers, lists to help identify covers, and a description of the relationships between the pans of the Post Office Department and the Army. Next are chapters on the Base Post offices and Postal Regulating Stations with their histories, workings, and listings. The main body of work, over 240 pages, is the chapter on APOs with their listings And finally a country index of numbers listed.

The book is 321 numbered pages with 23 illustrations and 7 charts. It is 8.5 by 11 inches loose leaf and 3 hole punched.

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