First off, all back issues of the Bulletin (now Journal) stored on our website as PDF files, are NOW INDIVIDUALLY SEARCHABLE. To search for, and view, back issues, go to the Master Index information page.
Editor Wanted
MPHS is looking for an Editor for our newsletter. Please contact President Dann Mayo
Board Member Needed
The MPHS Board of Directors has an opening. You can help your Society move into the future by joining us. Please contact President Dann Mayo
Recruiting New Members
Like most special-interest Societies, we need to attract new members! Your help is needed. Your action could be as simple as placing Bulletin issues in your local library. You do NOT need to be a Board member, you do not have to hold office or attend meetings, in order to help.
One of the ideas suggested to attract new members is the creation of YouTube videos on military-postal-history-related topics. Your Society needs immediate help with the “nuts and bolts” of video creation. Please contact President Dann Mayo
While the show will take place Nov 21-23, it is time NOW to plan for the event. Please contact Louis Fiset ( for more information or check for details in our Journal.
For the CHICAGOPEX meeting we desired to have a major showing of military postal history exhibits by MPHS members. To help that happen, MPHS will pay the frame fees for each member to enter either or both of:
- One Multi-frame exhibit (up to 10 frames)
- One Single-frame exhibit
The show organizers told us that they could accommodate as many as 80-100 frames of
our material, and we are happy to report now that we have filled them all! Thank you, members, for following up and providing exhibits to this major show.
We also thank the members who have stepped up and offered to make presentations during the event weekend.