
Military Postal History Society
Web Sites Of Interest To Collectors

Society Sites

Censored and Military Postal History Postal History

Civil Censorship Study Group

Forces Postal History Society

Swedish Military Postal History Society

Universal Ship Cancellation Society which runs the Naval Cover Museum

South African Military History Society (site includes postal history)

The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin (Bulletins are freely available, and huge)

Military-Related Presentation from the website of the Springfield Stamp Club

Canal Zone Study Group The U. S. military had a major presence in the postal history of this area. See: Exhibit on Postal History of the Canal Zone

West Africa Study Circle

The Egypt Study Circle

The Gibraltar Study Circle (GSC)

The Philatelic Society for Greater Southern Africa

West Indies Philatelic Study Group

Useful handbooks available at low cost from the: Collectors Club of Chicago, including several military-related items.

Related Military and Censorship Sites

Philatelica Digital (Spain) (members of this organization have supplied MPHS articles in the past.)

      Translate Above Site from Spanish

Feldgrau – German Forces Research

French WWI Military Postcards

The Great War Society

Heritage of the Great War (Mainly photos, some quite gruesome)

Listing of Various Military Postal Societies

CCSG & FPHS Examples of Military and Censored Mail

Bob Swanson’s First World War Research

German Postal History of WW I [Flickr site]

Postal Censorship in Dublin, Ireland, 1939

Propaganda postcards of the Great War

Price Guide of WWII U.S. APO’s

PBS: The American Experience – Censorship

Other Interesting Sites

APS Logo
Our Society is Affiliate #19 of The American Philatelic Society

The American Philatelic Research Library (APRL) is a great resource. In particular, they offer over 1,000 online philatelic resource links from their “catalog” website.

National Postal Museum Exhibit on WW I Military Letters (closed late 2018, but still online)

Dick Keiser – Dealer

War Covers – Dealer (UK)

Military Mail (Dealer, UK)

War-Related Postcards

Merchant Marine History, Including POW Camps

United States Antarctic Service Expedition 1939-41

Manchukuo Stamps (includes POW)

U. S. Military Post Offices in New Zealand, WW II

(On the Website of New Zealand Stamp Images)

Some Information on V-Mail

Base Hospitals in the AEF, part of this very helpful website:

Try Modern Postal History, from Linn’s, includes military postal history example.

Military Postal History from the APRL (American Philatelic Research library).

Letters from a Soldier, a personal website.

War-Related Postcards

Association of Philatelic Exhibitors (includes military-related exhibits)
  Example exhibit: Natal Rebellion Exhibit

Turkish Postal History (includes military mail)

Mike White – Postal History Dealer

World War I History Learning (UK)

World War II History Learning (UK)

Battles and Book Reviews (many excellent resource links, too)

War Historian Blog

Military History Blog

Abandoned or Little-Known Airfields (U. S.)

Canadian Postal History (includes military history)

San Diego Stampshow Website Offers Many Online Exhibits (including military-related)

Warfare on Postcards

Postmarks of the Great White Fleet

Tons of military-related information at: The Military Wiki

Search Sites

There are a large number of “search” sites on the web. Some of the following may be of use to collectors.

Links to MPHS Webpages

Society Information

Research and Educational Materials

Society Publications


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