More and more public philatelic events are taking place as we return to “normal life”. The Military Postal History Society plans to have presence at the following:
2025 Chicagopex, November 21-23 (MPHS is a Convening Society), we hope to fill 80-100 exhibit frames. Our members will also give in-person presentations.
2026 FIP General World Stamp Exhibition will be held at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Centre on Boston’s waterfront May 23-30, 2026. The Military Postal History Society has supported Boston 2026 with a $1500 financial contribution and will be attending the show. We hope that you will be able to make plans to join us. Further information on the show is available at: the Boston 2026 website.
Past Meeting Reports
PIPEX, Portland OR – 2024, specifically our involvement with the Collaboration Crew.